Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hottie Crewmember of the Week: Cartoon Hotties

Maybe I'm feeling nostalgic.  Maybe I'm frustrated I still haven't seen GI Joe yet.  Or maybe I just couldn't think of any new and fresh real life hotties.  Whatever the reason, I figured I could hit up some old standbys:  the hotties my pre-adolescent heart swooned over.  I had an older brother and he loved these guys.  I don't think I ever minded watching, though.  My first crush?  Duke from GI Joe, followed closely by Lion-O from the Thundercats.  And, well, He-man?  I mean, check out those muscles.  What's not to love?




In later years, I developed a crush on Fred Savage and then another on Zach Morris before finally devoting myself to the boys in my school.  Honestly, my schoolmates weren't quite as hunky as these fellows or as adorable as Fred Savage or Zach Morris.  They didn't turn out that bad, though, so maybe there was some potential I missed. 

So who made your adolescent (or pre-adolescent) heart flutter?


2nd Chance said...

Cartoon hotties!? Race Bannon from Johnny Quest. There was no competition! Boy hotties? Haj from Johnny Quest!

Best cartoon ever!

Marnee Jo said...

Johnny Quest, huh? I'm not sure we got that one (only a couple channels in the boonies where I grew up and no cable). I'll check it out online though. :)

Bosun said...

Animated men? Really? LOL!

I almost forgot about this after driving for two days. I'm guessing lots of girls had a crush on Fred from Scooby Doo.

I'm trying to think of who I crushed on. Pretty much from the age of 10 or so, I was in love with singers. First it was Loverboy, first concert when I was 11, and then I moved onto Bon Jovi and the be all, end all Def Leppard.

2nd Chance said...

Ah, Marn...ya may be too young for Johnny Quest... But aye, check it out online...

Bo'sun, ya poor thing. Munchkin all home and safe! Ya had a real marathon of a week!

Saw 2012 taday. Needed more destruction, less people stories...


Hellie said...

I don't really have the hots for any cartoon hotties (unless you count Beast), but my adolescent heart beat for: Bo Duke and the Kid from The Young Riders. (Wild Bill Hickok was also pretty...and still is today--it was Josh Brolin.)

Hellie said...

2nd: how can you not expect people stories from a John Cusack movie? He's BETA! You want more destruction, you need Will Smith or Bruce Willis saving the world.

Sabrina said...

Oh, I loved Lion-O!

Marnee Jo said...

Chance - I think I saw Johnny Quest in rerun. I do remember the dog. There was a dog, right?

Ter - Fred from Scooby Doo?! *sigh* LOL!!

Though I'm with you on the Bon Jovi crush. I lusted on them. But I never got into Def Leppard. I did, however, crush all over Nikki Sixx and Axl Rose. :)

Hells - Bo Duke. Yumm.... :)

And Sabrina! Great taste, girl!