Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Week's Influence: Cookies and candy brought in by patients, Point of Grace's Christmas CD and my hair looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket- courtesy of running out of Christmas shopping time due to snow, sleet and ice at in opportune times and 3-ring binders filled with notes and depositions just waiting to be reviewed and underlined and highlighted.

I'm at a loss what to write.

Don't get me wrong. I'm never at a loss what to write creatively. It seems just as I think up one thing, a plot bunny rears it's mohawked head, fangs dripping with plot blood and stares at me with plot bunny beady fire red eyes. Poison sprays from the plot bunny hiss. Paper disintegrates, asphalt oozes. I slip my hand into my boot and wrap my fingers around the cold metal of my trusty ice pick.

Nothing stares at me and hisses and lives to tell about it.

I did NaNo in the month of November. I haven't written that much in one month since I first started writing. I won't lie. It felt great to be that creative. I wrote one thing and the next came to me. It was like old times with my trusty new laptop. Then I had one plot bunny. “Oh, this is great! It totally fills in the gap I was wondering how to fix.”

Two plot bunnies: “Oh! Excellent! This would make a great segue for Tory's character! Wouldn't it be great if there was another smaller plot underneath this behemoth one I've got going on! I will just weave it RIGHT here.”

Three plot bunnies: “Oooh. But where to put this? Hm.” Ponder. Ponder. Ponder. “Oh yeah! I can just add in another three scenes to accommodate this and a smaller black moment.”

Four: “Sweet jesus! This book will be 200k by the time I finish if I don't stop now.”

Five: “I swear! I'm getting out the custom made ice picks and hunting you down!” Waving ice picks manically and assuming evil ninja stance. “Evil plot bunnies!! BE GONE!”

I easily succumb to tangents. I'm a puppy with three new shiny toys. I don't know which one to go to first. Once upon a time I thought taking notes might help me stave off the plot bunnies. I think it only makes it worse. My brain needs freedom. My plot needs bunnies to grow.

I've taken the month of December off from writing/authoring. You can disagree with this if you want. Whatever. I need December to work on other things creatively. Like getting the house ready for Christmas guests. And gato (cat) proofing the decorations. The Christmas tree has submitted to the Dos Los Gatos gang and had to be taken down. Next, I will find them swinging by their fangs from the garland wrapped around the banister and I will lose it. We'll have gatos for Christmas dinner. You won't tell on me... will you?

Alright, so let's talk plot bunnies. Anyone else have this issue? Favorite plot bunny look? Do you have a reoccuring plot bunny episode in your head as you write? (Can plot bunnies cause a reoccurring theme throughout your writing? Hm.)

I'll be back next week with my Pirate rendition of "Do You Hear What I Hear."  Sure to be horrible and a good laugh.


2nd Chance said...

Plot krakens...many tentacles, each with a different idea...and as I wrestle with each, I am covered with slime. He means to be helpful...and before you know it, I'm in a tangle. Knots and all...

I totally understand taking Dec off after so many words in November. You may just need a break to let the words sort themselves out!

We should really draft Julie in on the carols so she can show us each how to record them...
Bwah ha ha!

Donna said...

I'm still shivering at the description of your plot bunnies in the first part of this post! Seems like you should use THEM to guard the Christmas tree against the gatos. LOL

I don't know that I have any "plot animals". It's like I have a movie constantly playing in my head, which may be why I'm not big on watching movies that much, or having the TV on--too much cacophony if I did. :)

I do miss NaNo though, because even on the days when I didn't feel like there was anything creative to draw on (i.e., my internal drive-in movie theatre was on the fritz!), I still managed to come up with something. I feel like I need to get back into that daily groove again so I don't get all rusty.

Bosun said...

My tree is currently held to the stair railing by a shoelace and some black thread. So far, so good. They bat at the ornaments around the bottom, but nothing too bad. I'm not crazy enough to attempt garland, that's asking for a trip to the vet.

I think I have plot chameleons. They're in the room, but they blend in with my surroundings so I can't see them. Every now and then, one will take a step to the left and it's AHA! But they are masters at blending into the background and keeping my plots as mysterious and elusive as possible.

Bosun said...

Oh, and I'd say good idea about taking December off. I said I was going to edit edit edit, but who was I kidding? Presents to buy, stuff to decorate, shows to watch, cookies to bake. (So I bought the ready made dough ones, I still have to bake them.)

I'll still get some editing done, since I'll have the week after Christmas to myself, but this month is for fun, once-a-year stuff.

Marnee said...

The plot bunnies completely terrified me. LOL!

Both my gatos are gone now but I remember the Christmas battles.

How do I deal with tangents? In honesty, not well. When something happens that throws off my original idea, I generally react as if someone pissed in my MS. "Oh, God. What is this!? Look what you've done! Why would you do that?! Now I have to clean that all up."

It's not pretty.

Bosun said...


Hellion said...

I am completely disturbed by the plot bunnies in the first paragraph, but enjoyed the multiplying bunnies below that. *LOL* And as always I enjoyed the Tales of the Gatos. Though I know you'd never turn them in Kung Pao Chicken or anything. You love the little terrorists.

What do I do about tangents? I'm not sure, but there was this time I went camping....

Seriously I don't know. My plot bunnies don't multiply. Mine are serial killers--I'll be working with one or two plot bunnies and think I've got it under control, and boom, a third plot bunny comes, murders my other plot bunnies, and I have to start over. It's not an efficient way of writing.

I'm so cracking up at Marn's description. A little too close to reality.

Hal said...

Sooooo funny! I've never thought of those plot tangents as bunnies, but now I have an image in my head...and I'm a little scared :)

I feel like I have the opposite problem. I'll sit down to write, and the bunnies are off pillaging somewhere else, and I have no plot ideas. Next time they're bothering you, tell them to come see me!

Hal said...

I’ve got it under control, and boom, a third plot bunny comes, murders my other plot bunnies, and I have to start over.

hahahahaha. I can so see this.

Julie said...

We should really draft Julie in on the carols so she can show us each how to record them…
Bwah ha ha!

Ooooohhh my Chance, I must admit that I laughed ... quite wickedly ... when I read this.
The last time I recorded a song someone threatened to blackmail me ... The PiRAT.
And I try not to sing in public either.
The last time I did that my DD approached me and said “ Mom so&so heard you was wondering if you would be interested in singing with their parents choir?”
I was horrified. Its not that I can’t sing … I just … have this habit of improvising the lyrics. “ Do you really think that that is a good idea?” I asked my daughter. “We’ll be singing all serious and dignified until I hear a note that sends me off into some raspberries.
Literally. The Raspberries. “Yes,” I went on to say, “I could just see it. I’d be singing. Then? I’d hear that note and all of a sudden I’d be wailing “OhBabyPleaseGoooo all the way ….” Right in the middle of a Requiem Mass. Sung. At … Carnegie Hall.”
*wicked-wicked laughter*
The DD told her friend. “No.”
No. No. no.
I don’t sing.
Nor do I run.
Or write.
Or … dance or …oh jeez? Have I inadvertently stumbled upon a Plot Bunny? Gosh my reoccurring Plot Bunny Theme seems to be The Things Julie Won’t Do But does.
My Plot Bunny is cute & sweet & charming and laughs in the face of danger. Oh. And it smiles quite fetchingly … right before it bites.

Melissa said...

Speaking of cats, my cat Penelope is about to have kittens any day now! I've been in denial for weeks and told myself she was just getting fat, but I think I have to accept her slutty behavior in October has consequences. LOL

On tangents, sometimes I think it's best to think "if I can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em." Like Hal says, it's better than the opposite problem of no ideas. I finished my last final of the semester yesterday and I'm in that strange transition land between deadlines and no plans. Everything is too darn peaceful now when I've become used to chaos. Usually I'd say, hey, I need a break to do nothing, but might as well let those bunnies loose even if they make a mess. Marnee's description is hilarious!

Quantum said...

I think English cats can be quite refined and discriminating.

I remember when one of our two family cats had kittens, many moons ago. We lived in the country and the cats were workers, keeping the mice and rats at bay. Anyway, Tibs carried her kittens into the living room, went straight to me sitting in an arm chair sipping something nice, and dumped the kittens one after another into my lap. She then disappeared for a while, hunting for food I assumed.

I felt quite moved that an animal would trust me with her young in that way. Sort of crossing the genetic divide.

We kept one kitten for her and the little devil turned into a dust bunny, just like Sin describes, until he matured into a gent. He always favored my lap to sleep on though. Perhaps it was a bonding during that first encounter with humans!?

There I have written a totally irrelevant story! He must have been a plot bunny! LOL

Bosun said...

Q has the right idea.

Melissa - Do you think she'll have them under the tree? LOL! And I'm sure many woman have tried to deny pregnancy saying they were just getting fat. Slutty behavior always has consequences. Or so I'm told.

Hal - Did you read the blog? Are you sure you want those things coming after you?!

Melissa said...

Q - that's a wonderful story! I hope my cat doesn't have any crazy ideas of transferring parenting duties on to me! LOL

Terri - I have no idea where she's planning to have her kittens -- and that is worrisome! I can tell she is "nesting" and looking for odd places. I made a bed for her but doubt it will be that easy to get her to go along with MY choice. LOL

Hellion said...

Speaking of cats, my cat Penelope is about to have kittens any day now!

Poor kitty, sucks to be preggers. (Well, I think Bo'sun liked it, but she's odd that way.) You should have her spay so when she cats around she doesn't have to be punished...

Plus all those poor kittens.

Congrats on finishing your last final of the semester and enjoy your much needed break.

Melissa said...

Yep, she will get spay...and the kittens too before I turn into the cat lady. LOL I do plan to keep them though -- if she doesn't have too many that is!

Thanks for the congrats on finishing my semester. I'm definitely enjoying my break from school! :)

Janga said...

I was so excited to read that Sin was listening to music by a group I listen to that I almost forgot the rest of the blog.

My plot bunnies are an anemic species; they frequently expire from lack of nourishment, not remotely like Sin's fierce creatures. I don't have to worry about tangents. I just coax the heartiest of my lot to eat enough to last through the novel.

2nd Chance said...

I like that, Hel has hitbunnies. Is Leslie around somewhere to comment on all this? Someone should alert her we have plot killing hitbunnies on the loose.

Q? Somehow I have no doubt the cat knew exactly who to trust with her kitties. ;-)

Think the plot bunnies are holding Sin at fang point somewhere?

2nd Chance said...

I just coax the heartiest of my lot to eat enough to last through the novel.

I read this and for just a moment...a fast moment...I envisioned Janga encouraging her plot bunnies to go cannabalistic to survive.

*shakes head

I got to get some coffee.

Sin said...

Ugh, today is hell. Evil plot bunnies are better than this day.

Gimme a second to catch up and then I have to fly out of the office.

Sin said...

Also, I want to say after reading Q's comment- I think I fell a little more in love with you than I already was. You wicked English gent. Mrs. Q is a lucky lucky woman.

Sin said...

I knew you'd have plot Krakens, Chanceroo. No such thing as evil fluffy plot bunnies in your world. Not really in mine either but I need something cute to ice pick to get me through the day.

Sin said...

Dear DRD,

Dos Los Gatos gang is bad ass. Plot bunnies are no match for the Incomparable Mina Jade and Don Juan Tank. Ninja skills and ice picks are child's play. I hide in fear of my life while they patrol the hallways of the house.

I sic the Undead Monkey on them. Serves him right.


Evil Twin

PS. I have a couple of gatos you could babysit to get rid of your pesky bunny problem. Ring the Crow's Nest bell if you're interested.

Sin said...

Janga, I love Point of Grace's OLD Christmas CD. I've had it forever. They sing Carol of the Bells/What Child is this? faded together. SO beautiful. I know they have a new one out (2010) but I haven't bought it because it looked to have some repeats on it. Have you heard it?

Sin said...

My plot bunnies are well fed. I think they feed on the blood of the many murdered in my books. Maybe I should slow the rate I kill characters off.

Sin said...

Melissa! Congrats on finishing up your semester but brutal about the sluttish kitty cat. Damn gato go out onto the corner and selling her tail to any Tom cat unlucky enough to look her way. I bet she batted her long eye lashes and meowed in her most seductive tone.

*shakes head sadly* What is this gato world coming to?

Sin said...

Ter, when I was a child my parents (by the time I was the age of 12) allowed me to have a cat. Not inside but it ended up being that this monster cat was allowed to stay indoors. The first Christmas my mother decorated the tree (as she always did) with all her old ornaments and icicles. The Christmas tree was always SO pretty. Until late one night when the monster cat attacked the tree (obviously the tree attacked him first) and brought it down in triumph to show the Gato dominance. Much to my mother's dismay. The next day my dad fashioned up these hooks on either side of the window sill and used binder twine to tie the tree to the wall.

I still laugh about the tree tied to the wall. But it is necessary in the war between the Gato and the Christmas tree.

Sin said...

F*ck I gotta get out of here. I'll be back. *Terminator voice*

Marn, your description of the plot havoc-ers cracked me up. Probably the closest adaptation to what really happens than I'd ever get. So hilarious. And visual. Which makes it more hilarious.

Bosun said...

Last year was Bumbles first Christmas and I knew there was no way to win the tree battle. So I bought the cheapest pre-lit tree I could find, then filled it with some cheap plastic bulbs. The tree was flat on the floor more than it was upright, and there might have been one bulb left on it by the end, but at least I didn't lose any ornaments I couldn't replace. :)

This year, I'm nervous.

2nd Chance said...

Those trees are tricky, it probably did attack the gato first!

Well, not Bumbles... ;-)

Sin said...

I've seen the pics of Bumblezilla over the Nativity scene...

Hilarious. I'd say if anything, Bumbles attacks the tree. Not the other way around. Bumbles can't be bothered with Tree nonsense.

Sin said...

I attempted to do that as well last year when the gatos were still little kittens. It didn't go well. The tree was taken down well before Christmas. This year, I only put the 6' tree up so that they wouldn't bug my main decoration of the fireplace.

Sin said...

Hal, I suppose it is true that if we didn't have plot bunnies we may get stuck.

I have too many plot bunnies. I will sell them for 5 cents each.

Sin said...

Okay, where was I in the comments...

Hm. *pondering*

Oh yeah, Hells and her serial killer plot bunnies. I like these bunnies. I think I'd like to get together with you Hells and write up a plan to get our plot bunnies to procreate.

That would be awesome.

2nd Chance said...

My cat never attacked the tree. She did eat pine needles and then get sick all over the place. After that we eliminated any real green trees...

I'm having this vision of mutant plot bunnies and it isn't pleasant!

Sin said...

Jules, this improvising the lyrics sounds like something the DH does and it's never pretty.

Sin said...

Mutant Ninja Plot Bunnies!!

Best idea EVER.

Sin said...

Did I miss saying anything to anyone?

*looking over the Crow's Nest edge*

Sin said...

Ooh, I know. I can feed my multiples to Janga's plot bunnies. This will solve many energy problems. And maybe elude to World Peace.

Bosun said...

Last I heard, bunnies do not need a plan or any help at all to reproduce.

Why do I have a feeling these Mutant Ninja Plot Bunnies will not be on the side of good?

Bosun said...

Now I'm hearing Elmer Fudd in my head.

"Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit..."

Bosun said...

Wait, why did you take the tree down? LOL! Just keep putting it upright and let them have at it. Makes the holiday more interesting.

Sin said...

Oh no. They don't knock it down. They launch themselves into the tree from the kitchen table, fly like Gato squirrels, land in the tree and bend the metal branches down until they are flat against the center pole. Truly, hideous. Much easier to get rid of it. Next year I will attempt a real tree.

Bosun said...

Okay, my gato do not do this. That's nuts. What are you feeding those animals?!

2nd Chance said...

I want a camera set up to catch this...post it on FB and get a million hits! Flying cats and a tree with bending branches... They really are practicing their mad ninja skills!

2nd Chance said...

Are they flashing swords at each other as they do this? Or holding up signs scoring the jumps? Are there neat-o 'wooshing' sounds as they jump?


Sin said...

Mina is the worst. She has NO fear. She jumped from the island to the top of the refrigerator the other night. That's where I hid her Christmas present but by the time she got there I'd already hid it somewhere else.

They get special Gato ninja food. The blood of plot bunnies and Chanceroo's secret rum stash.

Sin said...

Ooh, that would be quite awesome. Must figure out how to get Gatos to hold swords.

Bosun said...

Bumbles goes from the bookshelf to the fridge to the counter and to the floor again. Caelen hasn't gotten that brave, but she looks to be working on her nerve.

I can so see this scene with the two ninja gato doing those acrobatic moves with a lot of MEYAWs. Crouching Gato, Hidden Present.

2nd Chance said...

"Crouching Gato, Hidden Present"


I love having a cat who is afraid of heights. Or maybe she is just aware that a cat of her bulk and short legs should stay closer to the ground!