Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm Not Superstitious, I'm Just OCD

I’m sure it’ll come as a real shocker to you pirates if I confess I’m a little OCD. For instance, if I’m leaving my apartment in the morning and if I cooked breakfast on the stove (I rarely do and you’ll see why), I have to check the stove at least three times before I allow myself to leave the house. Three times I’ll check to make sure the light is off, the stove is cold (or growing colder), that I’ve done everything in my power to keep my house from burning down while I am gone. I also double check to make sure the lights are off; the fan is unplugged; and my AC has been turned off for the day. Only then can I go to work with a clear head of concentration, my anxiety tamed.

The rituals performed in order to write are no less important. If anything, they’re more important. One of my favorite scenes from Shakespeare in Love is when Shakespeare sits down to write the daily pages of his new play, he does some complicated little bit of re-arranging of his desk, turns around a few times, pulls up his stool, withdraws his quill from a tomato (since back then you didn’t eat the poisonous things), and then sits down to write. He writes like the wind.

My ritual is no less complicated. I have to have just the right movie playing in the background, either a Harry Potter or Twilight series movie. I have 300+ DVDs at my disposal, more if I bother my friends, but if I put on anything else, I find myself too distracted to write. (The Scarlet Letter is particularly distracting. I don’t care how badly panned it was in 1995; it’s hot. Gary Oldman is hawwwwt.) This is only if I’m in the living room. If I’m at the library, I have to have on my Twilight song set (stored on the computer); and if I’m in bed writing, this works too. In the living room, I’m sprawled on my couch, my pirate lapdesk in my lap, and I'm comfortably clothed in sleepwear. In bed, I’m sprawled much the same way. At the library, I have to wear different clothes, but my position in a chair is interesting. My butt is balanced on the edge, and my feet are at 90 degree angles, pressed into the guard rail in front of me, as if I’m getting my yearly woman’s wellness exam. As if writing my pages was as difficult as giving birth—and maybe it is.

Some rituals involve moving items on one’s desk over and over until you’re satisfied with how they look and you can proceed. Some rituals require dead silence, an empty house, or at least a room of one’s own (and a lock on the door.) If I write by longhand, I must do so with a blue ink pen. I hate writing in black. You know the saying: Write in black, they’ll think you’re a hack; write in blue, your stories are always true.

If it has been a while since you’ve written, the rituals get more and more twitchy. Any writing you do gets more and more twitchy. You stop talking about writing because you don’t want to have to answer: I haven’t written anything since the Founding Fathers won the war, and I’m afraid I’m never going to write again. Hell, even J.K. Rowling was twitchy. She wouldn’t talk about her stories at all while she was writing them. She didn’t want to jinx them by talking too much.

One can see the wisdom of this, I guess. If you’re too busy talking, you’re not writing. And also if you’re talking-talking-talking, you run the risks of 1) someone writing your story while you’re still talking about it; 2) diluting your story with too many helpful suggestions from those you’re talking to; and 3) killing the desire to actually finish writing it because you’ve solved the mystery of your story by talking.

It doesn’t really matter what ritual you do. What matters is getting the words on the page—and if rearranging post-its on your desk helps, great. If you need to kill a chicken, I’m not judging. Whatever tames the anxiety and sets the fear at bay.

So this week you don’t have to talk about how many pages you’ve written or not written. I respect your superstitious asses not to ask—but I will ask if you have any rituals you have to perform before you can start writing. Or do you know any famous author’s rituals that are particularly fascinating?

P.S. Book I’m reading right now that’s awesome: Syrie James’ Dracula, My Love, which is based off the secret journals of Mina Harker. It’s like Twilight for adults who loved the movie Dracula. I loved the movie Dracula—it was a Gary Oldman weekend for me, between Dracula and The Scarlet Letter.


2nd Chance said...

Rituals to write...walk the dog, get her settled in the van, go into Starbucks, claim a table, order my drink, fix my drink... To the right of my laptop, breakfast item eaten while checking news, blogs, etc. the doc and write.

Generally whatever music is playing at the cafe is fine, some things need their own soundtrack, but usually not until I'm really working in a deep direction.

I need to sit very straight. Can't begin until I've wiped the keyboard free of lint and assorted hair bits. I also wipe the screen...

But honestly, none of this is written in stone. I've sat on the couch with the television on and written, plugged in headphones and written with nothing on...

I wonder if it's part of my pantser stuff...write where you are placed!

Donna said...

I'm not sure I have any superstitious rituals either. BUT I have been writing some notes on this very topic for a future post/article. LOL So you're right about other people doing it while you're thinking about it. :)

I've got to run some errands, but I'll be back. I'll be thinking if I have any rituals.

Marnee Jo said...

I generally write in two spots: family room couch while being a bad parent and on my bed late at night.

I don't have much of a ritual. Butt in chair. Fingers on keyboard. Something to drink (coffee or water). That's the extent of it. Maybe some day I'll have more of a ritual.

Bosun said...

I had never heard that saying about the color of ink. Huh.

No real ritual except the room/house has to be silent. Can't have the television or music playing as I'm the most easily distracted person ever. This summer I've had the computer on the coffee table instead of on the desk in the office/dining room, and I've gotten less done. So I do think I need the formal setting of being at the desk.

I've heard of people burning a scented candle, using the scent to send them back into the story. Sort of a Pavlov's dog sort of thing. Haven't tried that but it's not a bad idea.

Hellion said...

2nd, I would accept what is the primary ritual, even though I think all of us write during "non-ritual" moments too. When we haven't walked the dog, gone to Starbucks, settled in a chair, and started tapping at the keyboard. I do think all of us have a place where we primarily write best. Music (or non-music) we write primarily best to. Snacks and/or situation similar to the time before.

Hellion said...

Don't worry, Donna, the article/blog will be unique in your voice so it doesn't matter what I say. Let me know if you come up with a ritual. Though I think the HOA is a sort of ritual--you go through all the possible things you COULD be doing instead of writing and when you're tired of those, then you write.

Hellion said...

P.S. I also imagine you try to do most of your writing when they're down for a nap (if they ever do sleep) because that would be the quietest time.

Hellion said...

Marn, you are not a bad parent. *eye roll* Stop. You do make sure you have something to drink so you don't have to interrupt your writing. You ARE providing for all the possibilities that might interrupt your writing. (Undoubtedly because you have control over the water, location, et al, and can't control the interruptions of "Mommy, can I..." over and over.)

Sin said...

I have all sorts of "rituals" for writing. The house has to be quiet. All of my errands have to be ran, done, and attempted. The house has to be in order. I have to have paper and pens ready at my disposal. Laptop charged. Water to drink. Headphones plugged into my ears and gum to chew.

I'm actually not going out of town on Labor day weekend for the simple fact of I NEED my office put together. I miss my own space. Somewhere where I can close the door to the world and open up my own. Which means now I'm on the hunt for the perfect writing desk. Anyone have any website suggestions to browse? Keep in mind I'm a cheapskate.

Hellion said...

Bo'sun, yeah, that saying about the ink, that was in an obscure source.

I've been wanting to try the scented candle thing! Problem is I burn cheap candles so the scent goes away quickly. I need a Yankee candle...only I'm not willing to give a car payment to get one.

Hellion said...

Sorry, Sin, I don't have anything cheap. I do like the desks at Ashley Furniture though. I've been dying for one from there.

Sin said...

You gotta find them on sale Hells. What scents do you like?

I need to go furniture shopping in the worst way.

Hellion said...

I like that Night one, the one that smells like a good-smelling man crawled in bed with you. It's a black candle.

I also like lilac, lavender, sea scents, rain scents, linen/sunshine/cotton, and buttercream. Though buttercream will make me want to cook something rather than write.

I do not like anything with cinnamon in it, so apple pie and pumpkin pie and anything with harvest in the title is pretty much out for me.

I do like the Christmas wintery smells too--like snow and cranberries. Those are nice.

Bosun said...

Google Yankee Candle coupons and see what you got. I found one that is spend $25 and get a $10 discount. Two good candles for $15 isn't bad for YC.

Of course, the first one that came up was the Apple Pie. LOL! But they have a Beach one that sounds perfect for you.

Hal said...

I don't have rituals I don't think, but I've also been unable to write, so maybe that's what is missing :) I do tend to get comfy on the couch with coffee. The hubs bought me a lap desk with integrated speakers so that I could have surround sound while writing...isn't that the sweetest thing ever?

I hadn't heard of using scented candles, but I love the idea. Someone at school suggested finding a painting or piece of art that evokes the primary emotion you're trying to convey, and using that to get "in the mood". I adore that idea, though I haven't found a particular painting that works for me. Mostly because I have no idea where to look I guess a museum would be the obvious Or a college like Jenny Crusie does on her blog. They're always so evocative, but again, I have no idea where she finds all those pictures!

Hal said...

Sin, Target's website has lots of cheap furniture

Hellion said...

Got sucked into the candle site. The candle I like was buy 1 get one half off, but it was stuck on the $25 deal and was messing up my promotions savings. (I think I would have gotten a better savings deal with buy one get one half off than the $10 off.)

Midsummer's Night is the boy smelling one; and there was another I thought was good, but got so aggravated with the pricing, I've already forgotten.

Sin said...

Hal, I've looked at Target's website. I'm a big review reader. It seems like all their desks are shipped damaged. :(

I thought about Ebaying for a desk, but I think I'd run into the same problem.

Hellion said...

Hal, I try to do the collage--though it looks like crap compared to the works of art that Jenny Crusie shares with her readers--and I have it pinned to my cork board in the living room where I mostly sit with my laptop. I don't find my particular collage inspiring though. In fact, I was staring at it yesterday and thinking, "Big Love. What a stupid thing to have at the top of the posterboard. She doesn't even want to be in love. If I could have a collage less representative of my story, I don't know what it could be!"

I do have some Pre-Raphelite prints I like that I need to hang in my living room--still, after 2 years--but they're both representations of Lady Without Mercy, so that might be too damning in the end. My Muse is also without mercy.

I think I might stick with the candles myself.

I am jealous of the sweet husband who provides the surround sound. Very darling!

Hellion said...

Now I'm distracted by the furniture at Target. I want the Adams desk with matching chair!

Must stop looking at crap. Cannot afford to buy furniture right now!

Bosun said...

I almost went to Target but knew I'd get totally distracted over there. LOL!

Irisheyes said...

I have to be sitting at my desk in my office. I've tried to write on a laptop in other areas of the house or outside and I just don't type as fast and it's distracting. Especially if I'm trying to type of the laptop on my lap in bed. That is really awkward for me.

I need quiet too cause I can get way too distracted. If I put music on I just sing along to the song playing and can't focus.

I like the idea of the candles, though. I like some of the same scents you do, Hellie. Although I have to admit I've never tried the Midsummer's Night boy smelling one. I do love lilac, spring rain or the beach. I also have an apple pie one that I've used in the past but I couldn't use that for writing - I'd just want to eat.

I do a lot better when I have an empty house too. No concern that someone is going to sneak up behind me and say "Whatcha writing?"

Marnee Jo said...

I haven't got a desk. I don't think I'd know what to do with a desk. :)

And I do write when they're napping. Though it's been hard because they've been taking turns napping. I swear they tag team, like in WWE. One wakes up, high fives the other, and the second passes out. To complicate matter further, the oldest has been skipping the naps. (He's almost four. I've had a good run.) If that's the case, the little cherubs are going to have to go to bed earlier so I can write at night. Or I'll have to just drag my backside out of bed to write early. (I hate early, though I've heard it works for a lot of writers.)

I'm off to the candle site.

Hellion said...

*LOL* Poor Irish, nothing could be less conducive to writing a love scene than people sneaking up and asking what's up. Nothing now! Thanks! *LOL*

I'm enjoying the image of Irish singing along with the music though, aren't you?

Hellion said...

I haven’t got a desk. I don’t think I’d know what to do with a desk.

Same thing I will if I get one: pile crap on it and continue writing on my couch.

Hellion said...

*snickering at imagine of WWE tag teaming*

What's the cherub going to do when he's in kindergarten and they have nap time? They still DO nap time in kindergarten, right?

Donna said...

I'm back -- finally.

Sin, as for desks, what I'm planning on doing is getting a solid core door and putting it on top of sawhorses. The previous tenant here had that kind of worktable/desk and it's AWESOME. It's also inexpensive. I need lots of space and I won't have to worry about wrecking it.

When you guys come out to MA for a pirate field trip, we can go to the Yankee Candle factory place. It's like a Disneyland of candles. Seriously. Your nose gets worn out from smelling all the flavors. (Looks like they have one in Williamsburg now too, acc. to the website.)

Donna said...

I'm giggling about the tag teaming too. Especially two little ones high-fiving. LOL

Bosun said...

It's pretty bad when Marn already sees them ganging up on her. LOL! Though I think the INFANT might not be the mastermind behind this.

Here Kindergarten is half day, so no naps. What you do with them once you get them home for the other half of the day is up to you. ;)

Donna - That desk things sounds like an excellent idea. My desk is one of those cheap Walmart ones and I lament that it's so small. I could really spread out on a giant door! And I can't walk into a Yankee Candle store. There's one at my local mall and just walking past it makes me nauseus. Way too sensitive to smells.

Bosun said...

That reminds me, I can't walk past Abercrombie & Fitch either. WHY does that store smell like eucalyptus???

2nd Chance said...

Coffee. Scent of coffee can get me writing.

Probably because when I first dug in and began to write, it was at Starbucks...

Ya think?

Can't handle candles. The scent is too artificial. If you want non-chemical smells, find a good natural health store and get some essential oils. Last longer without the scent ending up in the mouth. Blech!

Donna said...

I'm not sure I can handle the candle smells anymore either -- it's been a while since I've been to Yankee Candle, so maybe it won't work for me anymore.

And I haven't noticed any smells from A&F -- I'm always staring at the pics or the young men they have hanging at the entrance. LOL (Um, can I consider that a ritual? LOL)

Marnee Jo said...

Same thing I will if I get one: pile crap on it and continue writing on my couch. Yup, that sounds about right. Just one more thing for me to dust in the house, I say.

They still DO nap time in kindergarten, right? half day kindergarten. So, nope. :(

Marnee Jo said...

Though I think the INFANT might not be the mastermind behind this.


I forget that he's an infant sometimes. He weighs as much as a 6 month old (little darling topped out at a wopping 16 lbs last week. I go to the docs today for the official 2 month weigh in today. :)

Bosun said...

Ah, he's small. My cat weight 14lbs. LOL!

Donna - That's a ritual only if it leads to doing something productive. And please do not share with us what that something productive is.

So your store doesn't smell? I have to walk on the other side of the corridor to get past ours, all the while holding my breath.

Donna said...

Terri, I've never noticed a smell. Mmm. Now I may have to go find out if it's a regional thing. :)

And it would be inspiration for writing! Just like watching all those colonial soldiers yesterday walking around in their tall boots and skin-tight breeches. (Hang on, I feel another swoon coming on. LOL)

Quantum said...

Like most others, I don't really have a preparatory procedure that I would dignify with the word ritual, though perhaps I should.

I have seen some pretty impressive sports rituals. For example the New Zealand Allblacks rugby team undergo a ritual Maori war dance on the pitch before a match. Its designed to frighten the shit out of the opposition, and lesser teams than the British Lions might well shake in their boots. The finale that I once watched was particularly impressive as the giant Jomo Lomo leaped high into the air with a face to scare the gods as he emitted a blood curdling scream.

I always start with a clear uncluttered table and tend to keep the lights low, so that there is just me and the computer. Thinking about it, in future I might bring my statue of the Minoan Snake Goddess to stand by the computer to inspire me. Yes, that would be a nice ritual!

Marnee Jo said...

A&F stinks here too. I caught some girl spraying their cologne all over the corridor once. They do it on purpose. Really.

Bosun said...

Q said:
Its designed to frighten the shit out of the opposition...

I'm sorry but I'm hearing this in a very posh, professor Brit accent and the sound in my head is brightening my day. LOL! That finale sounds like it would scare the shit out of the fans as well!

Bosun said...

Ha! So you've caught them at it, Marn. Does it smell like eucalyptus up there too? This one smells like they BURN it or something. Awful, awful smell. And it's right down from one of those places that roast peanuts, and not far from the pretzel place. It's like a battling cacophony of smells and it's NOT good.

Marnee Jo said...

Ours just smells like a middle school boy who got carried away. I try not to breath as I run by, honestly. Eucalyptus? No clue. More like cocky guido at a dance club.

Hellion said...

The finale that I once watched was particularly impressive as the giant Jomo Lomo leaped high into the air with a face to scare the gods as he emitted a blood curdling scream.

I so need to add this to my ritual routine; however, I think engaging in blood curdling screams might make my neighbors call the police.

(Enjoying the posh British accent I hear when "frighten the shit out of the competition" is spoken in my head. Totally second that.)

Hellion said...

Did Bo'sun compare her CAT to an infant? Or am I suffering a sugar shock from too much cake?

Hellion said...

A&F--it always smells like that unisex cologne. Would it have the eucalyptus in it?

Donna said...

Q, yesterday when I was at this colonial "Redcoats and Rebels" re-enactment thing, the guy who was giving a demonstration on using muskets said the whole point of the battles was to "scare the sh*t out of the other side". LOL Winning and losing was harder to decide in actuality, so if you could scare them into retreating, you "won".

But I agree, it does sound better with a British accent than a Massachusetts one. :)

2nd Chance said...

Man, I usually glance at the pics in the A&F window and just shiver. Look like kids...way too young to inspire lust. Or should be too young to inspire lust! Save in other very young adults.

I keep hurting my head! Too many strange thoughts...and I'm going to the movies to see "Inception" ... At this rate, my brain will catch fire before it's done.

I've seen that Maori stuff...watched that movie about S. Africa winning the world cup in rugby and they showed the pre-game ritual. Gulp.

Bosun said...

An infant is the size of a cat. LOL! It was a size comparison, that's all.

I only know the eucalyptus smell because when I got married I had to keep the flower arrangements in my house for about a week before the actual ceremony. The place wreaked of eucalyptus so the scent is branded on my olfactory nerves. LOL!

Chance - I've heard Inception is a total mind warp. Be careful!

Hellion said...

I only know the eucalyptus smell because when I got married I had to keep the flower arrangements in my house for about a week before the actual ceremony.

No wonder you hate the scent if it reminds you of your first marriage.

Bosun said...

Only marriage, thankyouverymuch. LOL! But yes, that's not something I recall with fondness.

Donna said...

Exactly. Marriage = Vicks Vaporub.

No wonder I never got married. LOL

Hellion said...

Yes, but I'm still hopeful you'll marry two or three more times.

*snorts* Vaporub. Though I rather like the smell of vaporub...since by the time I'm using it, the fact I can smell it is a victory!

Bosun said...

That's what I was thinking. At least vaporub makes you feel better!

Why would want to curse me like that?

Bosun said...

YOU. Why would YOU want to curse me like that?

Damn brain working faster than the fingers.

Hellion said...

You know me. I hope to be a bridesmaid a few more time and wear really obnoxious dresses and make out with best men.

Donna said...

Oooh, Hellie. I wanna do that too! It sounds WAY more fun than getting married. Where's the signup sheet? :)

Hellion said...

I know, right? If you're the BRIDE, you never get to do the fun stuff like make out with the best men. It's always frowned upon.

Bosun said...

I've never been a bridesmaid. You've been one lots of times. I say YOU be the bride and Donna and I will make out with the hottie groomsmen.

Donna said...

LOL -- what a great reality show: "No, YOU be the bride".

I've been a bridesmaid/maid of honor several times. Not that I'd put it on my resume or anything. LOL But clearly I have more skills in that arena than for the job title of BRIDE. :)

Bosun said...

See, Donna can show me the ropes. That settles it, I want my turn!

Big, poofy, passion-pink dress, here I come. LOL!

Hellion said...

Oh, I could probably be a bride. Don't you have to be a primadonna and then burst into tears at a crucial point because there are only 11 roses per bouquet instead of 12 like you specifically requested? (Even though you can't tell the difference.)

I can so do that. Tantrums are like second nature to me.

Hellion said...

And I was a TAME bride.

Spoken by all brides.

Hellion said...

Passion pink? No. I don't want to look like I'm standing next to a bunch of flamingos.

Bosun said...

You have to look at everyone at least once and say, "It's my day so suck it up and just do it."

Yes, I did say this. More than once. And I was a TAME bride.

Bosun said...

No, really, I wasn't bad. Not compared to those crazy chicks on the Bridezilla shows. I just stuffed a wad of cash in the bra and spent the day paying everyone from the priest to the DJ.

Donna said...

Mmmm, maybe I oughta try that "cash in the bra" trick. It's gotta be hard to be unpopular that way. LOL

I think you've just completed your bridesmaid training, Terri!

Bosun said...

You know, it's not like the dress had pockets. LOL! But being a bridesmaid better not include pulling any money out of the bar. I'm just a garnishment, damn it, I'm not paying for anything!

Donna said...

LOL -- I don't recall having to pay for anything -- well, except for the goofy-looking dress! After that, you ought to get free drinks, right?

2nd Chance said...

Back from the movies! Anyone miss me!?

Like, uber strange movie. Really long and I kept waiting for it to drag, but nope. Just kept motoring along.

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream...

Save for bridesmaid dresses. I pulled one out of the closet recently and found a huge wine stain down the front of it... Funny, I don't remember that!

Janga said...

I'm late, and reading all the posts makes me want to watch 27 Dresses again rather than write tonight, my best writing time. Night writing and long-hand drafts are my rituals.

And on writing rituals: Victor Hugo wrote in the nude, and he was quite prolific. I'm just sayin' . . .

2nd Chance said...

He live in a warm climate? ;-)

Bosun said...

He was French! Of course he wrote in the nude. LOL! Must have made those revolutionary battle scenes interesting to act out....

2nd Chance said...

AH! My eyes! My eyes!

Bosun said...

Zut Alors! LOL!

No idea if I spelled that right....