Monday, August 9, 2010

Caution: Whining Ahead

It’s well after ten o’clock on Monday night and I’m trying to figure out what to blog about. I could try being witty and original, but that would require energy and effort, two things I’m short of at the moment. And since I never manage to be witty or original any other time, why rock the boat now.

Here’s my problem – I’m a planner. Hellie would use the term “control freak”, but that’s such a negative way to put it. So we’ll stick with planner. I don’t have to plan everything. I don’t make lists, I don’t keep a calendar in my purse I must consult every time something comes up. I can drop everything for a last minute road trip. Sometimes.

But when it comes to the big stuff, like, say, where we’re going to live? I need to know that. I need to plan ahead for that and right now planning is officially impossible. Every week there’s a new development with the house buying thing. I knew this would be bumpy, goodness knows enough people warned me about the pitfalls and sleepless nights ahead of me. Still, this seriously sucks donkey balls.

Last week we were trolling along just fine. Then Friday, the shit hit the poop deck and it was all up in the air again. By ten Monday morning, we were back to smooth sailing. By eight Monday night, the wind died completely and we are officially dead in the water.

What does any of this have to do with writing? A LOT. I have two stories to revise and submit. I have requests I need to fulfill. I have stories bouncing around in my head and characters chomping at the bit to get their lives on the page. But my brain is too distracted. We could be moving, we might not. We could be buying, we could not. We might be staying put, we might not.

How am I supposed to maintain the juggling act that is my life if people keep throwing battle axes and flaming Twinkies into the fray?!

*taps toe, waiting*

Well? I’m asking you pirates for an answer. You didn’t think I was going to answer my own question, did you? Come on, you know better than that. Seriously, we all have distractions. Successful, even prolific writers have distractions. This is not the Nora thing where it’s embrace the hard, eat the hard for breakfast, and just put your ass in the chair.

This is NO MORE HOURS IN THE DAY kind of stuff. So, who has the damn time machine and who do I have to pay (or stab) to use it?


2nd Chance said...

Q? You're the quantum physicist...traveling time the scientific way is your bailiwick.

Now, if it were up to Miranda...well, Bo'sun, she can't just wave her hooha and make more time appear, despite all the wonderful pent up sexual magic flowing through her bod!

Ivy's world had time fall out of place, but I don't think that would help either. Granted, there would be no loan difficulties or banks to concern yourself with. 'Course, not a whole lot of houses still standing...


Have a rum, Bo'sun, and try ta let 'er go... Or scream and feed all yer frustrations ta the Kraken, it be what he's there fer!

Marnee Jo said...

Well, first of all, I wish I lived closer so I could help you out. It's tough to help with packing, etc two (three?) states away.

So, I'll just offer up something my mommy says (and mom's know shit).

"Sometimes your greatest blessings are also your greatest trials."

I always remember this when my little loves are making me a little nuts. Or when my DH is less a DH and more just an H.

These are amazing things in your life. Requests. Buying your first home. Writing more and feeling like you're getting closer to your goals. It'd be too easy if it were, well, easy.

That all said, take a deep breath. We can only do what we can physically do. Make sure you get enough sleep. Try not to focus on more than one thing at a time. Sometimes it helps me if I try to compartmentalize a little, try to schedule my day. It's amazing what I can do in 10 mins.

When all else fails, turn to liquor. That's what I do.... :)

Good luck with it all. You're going to do great. And let us know if you need anything.

Bosun said...

I certainly wasn't thinking waving my hooha around was going to help. LOL! But then again, you never know. No apocalypse, but thanks for the offer.

Here's the thing. This is NOT my dream house I'm buying. It's just a step in that direction. So if this falls through, then it wasn't meant to be and I'm good with that. But I'm not good at hanging in limbo. (You'd think being raised a Catholic that I would be.)

If it's not happening, fine. If it is happening, fine. I just need to know one way or the other! LOL!

Marn - I didn't turn to liquor, I turned to brownies. Awesome mini fudge brownie bites. Gah! These things are so freaking good.

Melissa said...

The liquor advice seems to be popular. LOL However, stay AWAY from the bar. Nine years ago, the exact day when my first house closing fell through...(yes, it happens, but then you get work out the kinks and try again)...I lost my sanity. Yes, I did have my sanity at that time. Really. But I lost it and went out to a bar to forget what I thought was the worst day. Seven months later...I had a premie baby. So, the moral of the story is drink your cares away, but drink alone. LOL That's all the advice I've got. :)

Bosun said...

OMG! Melissa, I can assure you there will be no drinking resulting in babies in my future. Not. At. All. Holy Tortuga!

Thankfully, I'm old enough to really hate how sick I am after having even one beer. The brownies? I'm not old enough to avoid that sickness yet...

Donna said...

Terri, you're sure getting a lot of crap thrown at you at once. You have my sympathy, as well as my admiration. :)

I will confess the best advice is something I've resisted most of my life, and it used to piss me off royally. BUT (you knew it was coming, right? LOL)--it's true that the only thing you can control is your reaction.

Whenever things seem to be unbearable, I remind myself, "it's not as bad as when such-and-such happened, and you survived that". I don't freak out as much as I used to as a result.

I agree with Marn about what you can get done in 10 minutes -- and I would use those ten minutes to work on writing, as an escape from the other stuff driving you nuts.

And we'll fill the hot tub here with rum and Hotties, for when you need a break. :)

Donna said...

Wow, I took so long typing my comment I missed a bunch of good stuff. LOL

Melissa, you lived a romance novel plot! Wow.

And Terri, I understand wanting to know which direction things are going. It's like telling the dog, "In or out, pick one". LOL

Bluestocking said...

We closed on a house June 30th and spent the month of July unpacking and getting settled. Now we've shifted into the home improvement phase -- think contractors on the doorstep every day with schedules so erratic you can't plan to go to the grocery store let alone eek out time to write. Grr. It doesn't help that whenever I look around the new place I see what needs to be done even though we don't have the time/resources/expertise to get to it right away. Planning to move, the actual move, and the fallout killed my productivity, I won't lie. But there is a light at the end of tunnel, and I think I can see it now. Sort of. Best of luck!!

Melissa said...

Well, when all is said and done, good things do come from what seem like disasters at the time. This is life. Everything happens at once. And Terri, when you look back on the craziness it is a time when you will have accomplished the most...some how, some way.

Bosun said...

Donna - Oddly enough, I'm really not freaking out. I just get frustrating because I'm not sure what to do first. I could pack up these books, but then I might have to unpack them without even moving. I could ignore the packing for now and work on the writing, and then if something happens in a hurry I'm screwed.

It's that not knowing whether to grab your ass or you elbow thing. LOL!

Bosun said...

Bluestocking - We just went through renovations here at the office and that was bad enough. I can't imagine living with that insanity. You have my sympathy for sure. Thankfully, this little condo won't need anything right now but a coat of paint. That is, if I ever get the key. LOL!

Focus on that light! The light at the end, no matter how distant, is what keeps me going. I've spent MONTHS staring at that dim glow, waiting for it to get closer. The good thing is, it's always does.

Bosun said...

Melissa - This does remind me of the school stuff and the conference planning stuff and then a couple years ago when I decided to move within two weeks. But all that stuff had definite dates. I knew when it was happening, at least. This open ended stuff is for the birds.

Marnee Jo said...

Awesome mini fudge brownie bites.

Entemanns? (sp?) If so, those things do rock.

Bosun said...

Nope, not Entemanns. There's a wholesale store here called BJ's (no snickering!) and I got these brownies there last night. I don't know what brand they are, but they have this creamy fudge in the center, as if all the batter didn't totally cook through. Oh. My. Bob. They are sooooo good.

Janga said...

I don't have much to add to the advice others have given except to say be good to yourself. I sympathize with you. Waiting without knowing the outcome is torture for me too. Maybe that's why I read the end of the book first. :)

Chocolate is always an excellent choice for self-indulgence, but sometimes what I do is to give myself permission to curse, to yell, to throw things for X number of minutes. It gets rid of much of my anger and frustration. Then I try to get back to work on things I can control. If I can get immersed in something else, it redirects my focus and I stop fuming and fretting--or at least relegate those activities to the back of my mind. Whatever you do, hugs to you and hope that either way things are settled soon.

Hellie said...

I don't know what to tell a planner. My dad--a fellow capricorn who probably also liked to have his ducks lined up--frequently said, "We'll see." For a conservative, no frills Christian, Dad is remarkably Zen.

Occasionally you'll get him excited about "plans", a steam-engine show will get him planning; however, his true plans do not come until the day before or day of. It doesn't do any good--in his experience--to worry or plan for things far in advance when you don't even know if that day will ever come. (Dad's cheerful that way.)

He'd probably make sure his lease was still valid as if he weren't leaving, but stock up on boxes in case the fluke should happen and these people get their acts together and do what they promised. (Not that he'll be holding his breath.)

So the advice would be: BREATHE. Do some pilates. Do some yoga. BREATHE. Take a break, get some sleep. You're one person; and no one is requiring you do every single thing all at the same time. Not even Nora.

Bosun said...

Sorry, Janga, I still can't read the endings first. I don't know how that doesn't ruin the book for you. LOL!

I'd take that ranting advice, only I'm not sure I can fit that into the schedule. I was at work last night until 7:30 then had to shop for something for the office on the way home, so didn't get to my house to actually have dinner until almost 9. *sigh* That's not usual, but it's the unplanned crap like last night that keeps making things worse. LOL!

I did get the personal blog updated and even changed the look of it, so that's something.

Hellie said...

sometimes what I do is to give myself permission to curse, to yell, to throw things for X number of minutes.

I would pay to see this.

Bosun said...

I'm usually more like your dad, Hellie. I hate when someone comes to me in April and askes what I'm doing in October. How the hell should I know? LOL! It's these big things that make me nuts. I've figured out (mostly) how not to sweat the small stuff.

The lease stuff is a bit more complicated. I've given notice, because my mortgage people told me everything looked fine. Now, if they don't rent my apartment by the time I find out I need to stay, I can revoke the notice and stay put. But if they do rent it before then, which is highly possible, then I'm out no matter what.

Right now, I have no fears of being homeless. If I have to rent elsewhere, I'll do that. But then I get locked into another lease and the house hunting timing gets all squiggly. But it could be done. There's no such thing as month-to-month here unless you're willing to pay way higher rent than normal. Well, normal for here.

Bosun said...

I love the X number of minutes part. LOL! And you call me a control freak!

Donna said...

You really ARE in a limbo position there. Yikes.

Melissa said...

Looks like you better just pack like it's a go in definance of limbo. :) The worst that can happen is unpacking. Good news there is you've sorted things and it's like a house cleaning/organization. I know I should have a 'fake' move yearly! LOL But if you go, you're ready, which would help with the peace of mind. :)

Bosun said...

Donna - I know, right?! LOL!

Melissa - I have a ton of stuff going to charity and it's going whether I move or not. So I've started on that. Cleaned out my closet and dressers which resulted in three large garbage bags of stuff to go. Next up is the hall closet, which will be mostly old bedding sets kiddo has grown out of. Then onto her room. That's the real challenge.

The sad thing is, we purge every few months, and still have way to much stuff.

Just talked to the lady at the bank. Right now, everything hinges on these third parties. The answer we need could come out of a meeting being held next Monday night, or it could not. Either way, there's nothing we can do before then. So, at least I have a point of reference.

I'd rather know I'm waiting a week than this changing every three hour stuff! This week will be revising the short (which I added 1K words to over the weekend) and then the weekend (when the heat wave finally breaks) will be trips to the charity store.

I realize this sounds like a plan, but I don't want to jinx it by calling it a plan. LOL! So let's just pretend there is no plan...

Quantum said...

If you want practical advice, the last person you should talk to is a theoretician!

You don't know where the time goes? ..... join the club!

Generations of philosophers have puzzled over the true nature of time, and even now there is some doubt. It seems to be linked to thermodynamics in that the direction of time ( ie time flows from past to future), is connected with the increase of entropy (ie disorder).

So the more disordered you get the faster you probably age.

Course Einstein thought about it a lot as well. He discovered that the faster you move, the slower time passes (Time dilation effect).

Putting that together I would suggest that you keep things as tidy as possible and move as fast as you can. Thats the best that science can offer. :lol:

Best of luck!

Bosun said...

On some strange level, that makes total sense, Q. When I'm bored at work, the day drags on. When I'm really busy, it's over in a blink.

Wait, that's the reverse of what you said, isn't it? Damn, science gets me every time.

What I need to do is making a solid list of action, then stick to it. No more "but it was a long day" bull crap. So what, there's work to do. And I must do it! LOL!

I like the idea of getting things in order. There have been lovely times in my life where everything is calm and balanced. Much like Bluestockings light at the end of the tunnel, I know those days will return to me. Being patient and waiting for them to get here is going to be the hard part.

Janga said...

Did I call you a control freak, Ter? Or is that remark aimed at Hellie?

I'm much too disorderly to be a true control freak. When we moved two years ago, my sister had all her books packed--by genre, labeled, with packing lists so that she knew where each book was. Meanwhile, I sat among scattered books, with one half-filled box, happily reading one I came across that I had forgotten about. I think the shout my reading then provoked shattered one eardrum.

Bosun said...

Sorry, Janga, that remark was definitely aimed at Hellie. :)

I've done that. It's so easy to get sidetracked like that.

hal said...

I'm a planner/control freak as well. Limbo drives me absolutely nuts. I want plans made, firm dates, etc. Not so much for little stuff -- I can go out with no notice or do a spur of the minute road trip. But big stuff like housing and career and family I want planned out.

So, uh, I really have no advice, as I'd be majorly stressing in your position. Though I will definitely second Melissa's advice of drinking alone. Yikes!!!

Good luck on the revisions/submissions Ter! Hopefully while waiting for the housing thing you can distract yourself with the revisions. Maybe -- neither of those things actually sounds like fun :)

hal said...

Meanwhile, I sat among scattered books, with one half-filled box, happily reading one I came across that I had forgotten about.

lmao!! I would totally do that too

Bosun said...

Hal - I do think this might be a tad good for the writing/revising. I told myself last weekend was all about clearing out the stuff for charity. But after doing my closet and dressers, I went into avoidance mode and wrote 1K words on the novella. Again, that HOA rules.

hal said...

I went into avoidance mode and wrote 1K words on the novella. Again, that HOA rules.

I adore HOA. And 1k -- NICE!! Yep, HOA works perfectly! lol

Bosun said...

BTW - I'm so glad I'm not the only one with this planning quirk. It's just the big stuff. But I'm not nearly the freak out mess I've been in the past. I think that's a good sign of progress. The issue now is the timing.

The timing of this mess really sucks. LOL!

Donna said...

*wipes away tears*

I love how HOA has transformed everyone's lives. LOL It's a proud moment for me.

2nd Chance said...

I'm so impressed with the purging you've already done. Like, wow. If you don't end up with the condo, your apartment will feel larger because you've done so much de-cluttering.

*looks around the house, takes notes of clutter everywhere

If I had to move right now...I might grab a few really important things and toss a match into the rest.

Donna said...

If I had to move right now. . .most of my stuff is still packed in boxes from when I moved in here last November. LOL

Hey, it's on my HOA to unpack them. It's just farther down the chart. LOL

Bosun said...

My place is going to be freaking empty by the time I get rid of all this stuff. LOL! But with a child on the cusp of her teen years, I'm pretty sure all the open space will fill up in no time!

2nd Chance said...

I have boxes under the house I never touched. I'm sure the rats and mice have made happy little homes in them... I should hire one of those dumpsters, park it in the driveway and then a few guys to crawl under the house and clear it all away...

Yeah, with my first six figure advance! *snort!

Hellie said...

Meanwhile, I sat among scattered books, with one half-filled box, happily reading one I came across that I had forgotten about. I think the shout my reading then provoked shattered one eardrum.

*ROTF* This is so me!! *LOL*

And yes, the remark was directed at me. I snorted when I saw it. Because Terri is a control freak. (Takes one to know one.)

Bosun said...

I'll tell you the same thing I told Chance.

You say that like it's a bad thing...

Chance - We need to give you some motivation. No more festivals until you get the clutter gone. Would that help? No pirate festival. No steampunk conference. No sci-fi conventions until you DE-CLUTTER!

Hellie said...

Saying you "can't" go until you've done it is worded negatively. You shouldn't word "motivating" things in a negative way--because I looked at that and all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed and sleep from the wave of depression that I couldn't go anywhere until I got rid of my clutter. It's like not being able to date until I've lost 20 pounds.

You need to reword it.

Like: As soon as you de-clutter the living room (think small goals, baby steps), you can go to the store to buy some steampunk books (for inspiration). Then once your work room is decluttered, you can go to the festival.

Or something like that. You know my brain doesn't think non-negatively, so I'm probably still wording it incorrectly...

Bosun said...

Okay, that might have been negative. (But that was only aimed at Chance, how did you get caught in that? LOL!)

De-clutter one room = take in a movie
De-clutter another room = eat at favorite restaurant
De-clutter the office = trip to Bermuda

I figure the reward should equal the amount of work involved.

Hellie said...

I don't read just my comments. I read ALL the comments. In case you're talking about me.

Bosun said...

I didn't say don't read it, I'm just saying the threat wasn't for you. Besides, what do you have to de-clutter?! Other than books, DVDs and those pictures lingering around the bottom of your walls.

Hellie said...

I was just speaking on Chance's behalf, in case she read your negatively spoken demand and had to crawl in bed rather than go declutter her rooms.

You should SEE the 2nd bedroom. It's getting bad. And don't start me on the closet where the christmas stuff is. It's piled neatly in boxes, but still...

2nd Chance said...

My clutter has reached proportions where the reward isn't big enough...ever.

But I appreciate the attempt to motivate me!

I mean, I'm not bad that I should star in my own episode of I'm good!

Main problem involves one step forward, two steps back... I don't know, the husband is off today after working two shifts in a row...maybe we could tackle the clothing stuff. Thrill a Goodwill worker with a van full of barely used clothing...

Bosun said...

I knew Chance was walking the dog. :)

Neatly piled boxes you use once a year do not count as clutter. Let's make that clear now.

Chance - think of how good you'll feel when those clothes are hanging in the Goodwill store instead of lingering in your house. And the good thing about clothes is you can stuff them in a garbage bag and be done with it. I love getting rid of clothes.

2nd Chance said...

Yeah, and then I can finish the laundry and actually have somewhere to put the clean clothes!

Janga said...

But with a child on the cusp of her teen years, I’m pretty sure all the open space will fill up in no time!

Ter, when the 11-year-old grand comes for a week-end visit now, she brings two suitcases plus her netbook, her ipod, and her cell phone. If it gets worse, I may not survive it.

Bosun said...

Kiddo has been 11 for less than a month and has the iPod Touch and the cell phone. No Netbook yet. If anyone gets one of those, it'll be me. ;)

She informed me we're getting rid of all her "boyish" looking clothes and she bought two jean skirts to wear to school. And so it begins...

2nd Chance said...

Well, you could move and disappear...miss the whole next phase...

Julie said...

How does one handle “the could-bes-should-bes-might-bes-or-not” maddening distractions of life?
Want my honest answer?
In my most serious Crisis Committee Charwoman voice…
“Don’t take it personal.”
Realize that “the could-bes-should-bes-might-bes-or-not” maddening distractions of life are normal experiences that normal people all experience.

Accept that there is only so much you can do to make events turn out the way you want them to.
The only real “thing” that you have power over is your reaction to events.
Do what you can.
Accept what you cannot do.
Let go of your anger or frustration.
“Don’t take it personal.”

2nd Chance said...

Oh, I don't think she's taking it personal...just going crazy at not knowing one way or the other. Bo'suns too practical to take it personal.

Now me? I'd be certain they were jerking us around just to jerk us around. ;-)

But yeah, pay attention to what you can control...your actions and reactions.

Julie said...

Oh, I don’t think she’s taking it personal…just going crazy at not knowing one way or the other.

Chance, IMO Not knowing which way your life is going does feel like a personal affront!

Julie said...

That said ...
Keep packing. Store stuff in a storage unit or at a friends. be prepared for whatever ...
When my DH & I sold our last house someone made an offer the first weekend that it was on the market.
Full price.
We could be out of there in 2 weeks.
We had most of our good stuff already in storage. So we pulled it off ... of course we had no where to liveked out.

Bosun said...

Nope, not taking it personal. In fact, after the phone call I had today, I think this is going to save me from buying a place I shouldn't buy.

Julie - Luckily, I'm a renter so there isn't that "sell this one to buy that one" thing going on. I can't even imagine the hassle in that, especially in these crazy times. The stars would almost have to line up perfectly!

So where did you end up living?!

Julie said...

of course we had no where to live. But it all worked out.


I want-my-headset!

2nd Chance said...

Well, yeah. I can see that. But it's a personal thing without a target, usually. Anymore, having no control over aspects of my life has just become the norm.

In a cosmic scope, I have no power over it, so I just fight to not take it personal.

So many other things to take personal out there!

Bosun said...

I come from a long line of people who believe the world is conspiring against them everytime something tough gets in their way. I gave that thinking up nearly ten years ago. You just can't live that way and stay sane. Life is too random, you'd never be happy if you take everything personal.

2nd Chance said...

Life is much easier when you give up the conspiracy feelings.

Unless they involve aliens, those can be fun to ponder...

Julie said...

Life is too random, Terri.
But I have to admit ... sometimes I wondered.
"But it’s a personal thing without a target, usually."

I'm laughing at the usually, Chance.
Usually ... but not always. Ask me sometime about what was going on in my life during the time period when I bought that house( the one I mentioned above) . At one point I got so tired of things going wrong I
Painted a target on the rear end of my car. Then under the target i wrote ...
"hit me".

Bosun said...

I've had times like that. My parents lives are like that 24/7. But when I switched to the power of positive thinking (no, I did not read The Secret) it got better. Once you stop waiting for that other shoe to fall, the shoes stop falling.

Bosun said...

I should qualify this. LOL! Clearly shit happens in my life. Still! It's just in how you process it, I guess. I don't get nearly as stressed and freaked out and angry as I used to get.

Hellie said...

Clearly shit happens in my life. Still! It’s just in how you process it, I guess.

It's more Zen. You deal only the moment's falling shoes instead of wasting energy looking for shoes that don't yet exist.

Julie said...

Stop waiting for that other shoe to fall, the shoes stop falling.
Very true , Terri.
Though I must tell you sometimes the whole closet has to fall over before the shoes stop falling. Things got so outrageously “bad” that we had to have security keep the reporters away.

Aaaahhhh ... the good ol' daze!

Julie said...

"Still! It’s just in how you process it, I guess."

Hey. It makes for a great story.

"I don’t get nearly as stressed and freaked out and angry as I used to get."
Which makes me very happy for you. Plus? It makes for a great story.

Bosun said...

That's very true, Hellie. If I exert less energy looking for the bad stuff, I have more energy to deal with the bit that does show up. Never thought of it that way.

Julie - Sometimes the shit is just bigger than you. That's the time to call out security. Fo sure.

Irisheyes said...

Oh, Ter! I'm so sorry... I know how you feel about just wanting to know one way or the other. I'm like that. Indecision drives me insane.

No advice either. My younger paranoid Catholic girl would have told you to not pack and then you'd have to move cause I lived in that negative thinking world you were talking about (The DH laughs - he calls it my feeble attempt at always trying to use reverse psychology on GOD!). But now I'd say do what is most likely to keep you sane over the next week or so. If it's revising - do that. If it's packing - do that. Try to take care of you.

Irisheyes said...

Meanwhile, I sat among scattered books, with one half-filled box, happily reading one I came across that I had forgotten about. I think the shout my reading then provoked shattered one eardrum.

ROTFLOL! That would totally be me, too!

Hellie said...

Janga's quote has been quoted by pretty much every crew member. I think it should be Hall of Famed. *LOL*

Irisheyes said...

I do have a moving story that I thought at the time was negative and turned out positive. Kind of along Marnee's mom's “Sometimes your greatest blessings are also your greatest trials.”

When we moved in here about 8 years ago I was obsessed with getting the kids settled before school started. We started the whole selling/moving process so this would happen the way I wanted. Put our house up (by owner to save $$) and started looking about a year ahead of time. Found a buyer for our house and then found a big beautiful dream house that we bought on contingency.

Our buyer pulled out and I lost my big beautiful dream house the first weekend in July. We had to hire an agent, sell our house and find a new house before the end of August to get my kids settled. It was touch and go, kind of like you're going through now, towards the end but we moved in the day before school started.

I was a basket case, but the DH made it fun for the kids. They got to sleep in sleeping bags on the floor of their new bedrooms that night. The next morning we saw Moms and kids gather right in front of our house. We went out to investigate (actually the DH went out and I lagged behind being the introvert that I am). The school bus picked up right in front of our house and we met all of our new neighbors. My 6 year old daughter asked if she could ride the bus with the other kids and that was that.

A couple of positives - the house I live in now is a lot bigger and more user friendly than the one I almost got; I never had to leave my house in the morning - could watch my kids out my front window as they got on the bus; our neighbors really rock - I've made some lifelong friends here; I found out a few years ago the subdivision we almost moved into isn't very well liked - I spoke with a friend who lives on the block our "almost" house was located and said she's miserable there.

Irisheyes said...

Janga’s quote has been quoted by pretty much every crew member. I think it should be Hall of Famed. *LOL*

I agree!

I've also been thinking it over and have decided that it would also be a great way to test someone's personality - kind of like those questionnaires you fill out at team building seminars. Place a pile of books next to someone and see how quickly they can pack them. Will the box be packed or will you come back an hour later and with them sitting on the floor next to the empty box with a book half read?

Julie said...

Great story, Irisheyes.

Terri you asked " So where did you end up living?!"

Like Irish , we had to find a place quickly because school was starting soon. So we rented a house in the town that we thought that we wanted to live in. That way we could take our time while we looked for a home. After a few months we realized that we didn't like the area as much as we thought we would.
It was an nice area … but the people were … well lets just say I don’t agree with an eight year old getting a dye job. Or a sixteen year old being handed the keys to an expensive luxury car that they never worked for. In the end we decided to move from the suburbs to a rural community. A place where people were judged on the content of their character. Not their wallet. Best thing we ever did.

Julie said...

Hang in there, Terri.
Things worked out for me. They will work out for you too.

Bosun said...

Janga's comment is very Hall of Fame worthy, but it's also taught me never to pack with you people!

Irish - I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason. And I'm starting to feel like this not coming through might be what is best for us. If this isn't where we land, then we'll land where we're meant to be.

I love the story about your new house, but I totally understand that last minute panic. Fortunately, kiddo will attend the same school whether we stay here or get the new place. The tough part will be if it falls through and we still have to move, finding a rental place in this area that I can afford.

Bosun said...

Julie - That's another example of the things happening for a reason. I moved half way across the country back in 2004 due to an invite from an old friend. In the ensuing years, our friendship fell apart and we no longer speak. But she was still the instrument that got us here and I have to believe there's a reason for that.

The quality of our lives from before we got here to now is so drastically better, it's impossible not to believe moving here is what we needed to do. No matter how or why we got here.