Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What Makes You Feel Like a Writer?

Acknowledging your writerliness is a process nearly as long and convoluted as finishing a novel. There are many ups and downs, and undoubtedly a bleak moment (or ten), not to mention false starts, and at least two of the five stages of grief. 

This journey to becoming a writer starts out with an unexpected urge, when you set the book you're reading on your lap and think, "I wish I could do this". Then it somehow turns into, "I think I can do this". Later, in the midst of writing your first book, it turns into, "Holy crap, how did I delude myself into believing I could do this?!" 

It's just like when your characters are smack dab in the middle of a hopeless scenario: you have to keep moving forward, because it's impossible to go back. You've changed. You've become a writer. You can try to deny it, or quit writing, or even take a sabbatical for weeks or years. But it's like you're a sleeper cell that's finally been called to action. Writing is what you were meant to do, and you need to acknowledge that fact, no matter how unnatural it feels at first.

There are obvious moments when you experience that "I'm a writer" feeling:  receiving your first rejection letter, attending a conference, or maybe sending in a contest entry. I've definitely felt like a writer then.

But there are other times, less momentous to the outside world, when I inched even closer to "I feel like a writer". These are individual, personal milestones, so each one of us will give significance to different events. We may not even recognize them at the time, but when we look back, we see they were signposts on our trail to writerhood.

I knew I was a writer when.  . .

  • I purchased my first laser printer so I could submit my manuscripts

  • I got heart palpitations every time I printed my manuscript and the stack of pages got taller

  • I put down "Writer" as my occupation on my tax return, even though I was working a crappy job I hated

  • I could finally say out loud, "I'm a writer", without feeling like I had to qualify it, or apologize, or blush

  • I quit putting everything else in life first, trying to find a substitute for what I really wanted to do, which is write

On those days when I upgraded my publishing chances from "impossible" to "slim-to-none", and my heart was breaking because I couldn't figure out how to get further along in the process, and it made more sense to quit trying to join a club that didn't want me as a member.  .  .even then I realized I can't do anything else BUT write. It's deeply embedded in my DNA. It's how I see myself. Writing is the viewfinder I use to interpret the rest of the world, and the way I express my participation in it.

I have no doubt there will be many more defining moments – some good, some not-so-good. But I'm fine with that, because they contribute to making me feel like a writer, and that's cause for celebration.

So now it's your turn. What moments make you feel like a writer? What kinds of things or events make you feel that way? When did you know you wanted to write?


Quantum said...

It feels strange to be opening the batting for the pirates! But of course Chance is off, gadding about at a writers conference, experiencing 'being a writer'. So I'd better play with a straight bat, just to show the absentees that we CAN sail without em. *grin*

I think of the emergence of writer-hood as rather like a seed germinating. When that bit of green emerges from the soil, one never knows whether its going to be a weed, a self seeded geranium, a gigantic oak tree whose acorn has lain dormant for decades or the lovely rose that one lovingly planted the previous year but which seemed to have perished.

I think you can see from my mixed metaphors that I am probably a weed trying to be an oak. However, being tolerated on the revenge makes me feel like a bona fide fiction writer. I can at least experience the thrill of being a creative writer, even if I don't bear much fruit.

As a scientist I stand on the shoulders of giants every day, and here on the revenge I can watch seedling writers grow, watch the giant oak of Helli dropping acorns for me to grab, watch the awesome talent of Marnee burst into bloom, experience the fearsome magic of Chance aka Miranda, admire the fledgling shoots of Terri exploring new magazine compost...... and all the visiting writers, sharing their experiences.

For me Donna, you are that rare perfumed rose that excites all of the senses, a one stop flower with exquisite petals offering dreams of untold delight. If only I could get hold of your books!

Its a gorgeous day here in the UK.
I have to do some gardening!

Fabulous blog Donna :D

Quantum said...

Oh my God .... I forgot Sin! :?

Sin, you know I adore your writing. It totally defies description. Carries me to worlds beyond my imagination.

Yep, that must be why I forgot.

Enjoy your conf.

I'll miss you!

Bosun said...

Chance here... I really should unpack my laptop, but Ter's is just sitting here, so open and willing to be plundered...

Ain't Q just the gentleman ya want ta start yer day wit? :-)

What makes me see myself as a writer? No longer feeling like I'm sneeking away to go to conference as an excuse to play. I'm doing it for professional reasons. Play is just a bonus...

We're off to Epcot and the Hollywood park today. Saw many marvelous people last night. I got to hug Anna Campbell! Who knows what adventures lurk today!

Marnee Jo said...

There wasn't a specific event that started me feeling like a writer. A few years ago, I started writing a story. Then I found couldn't go a day without thinking about it. It's been years now and I still can't go a day without thinking about it. Nothing makes me feel more like a writer than that.

Bo'sun and Chance - Have fun! Hope you guys are taking pictures!!

Donna said...

Q, I think you took my breath away with those lovely descriptions! And I cannot let you describe yourself as a weed trying to be an oak -- not with the poetic soul you possess! I hope my books make it out into the world one of these days, because I'd love for you to be able to read them. :)

As for gardening today, don't forget you've got to keep the ship on course too! LOL (We're relentless taskmistresses here -- part of why we're so sought after! LOL)

Donna said...

Chance-who-masquerades-as-Bosun: yes, indeed, Q is the best way to start the day. :) I haven't even had my coffee yet, but his lovely words perked me right up!

You're right about the conference being for professional reasons, but it's great that there's so much room for play -- because we all know how much that stimulates the writer's mind. (Of course, today I could write a chapter on envy, since I wish I was there meeting everyone, having more than my share of fun. LOL)

Give us another update whenever you can! And make sure Terri has enough bail money to spring you guys if necessary! LOL

Donna said...

Marn, it's funny but the first item I put on my list, and then later took off, was exactly what you said: constantly thinking about my story.

I think sometimes people brand me as antisocial when I sit and stare out the window, thinking about my story, or when I turn down gatherings because I'd rather sit and stare out the window, thinking about my story. LOL

It makes me feel like a writer too. :)

Hellie said...

Things that make me feel like a writer:

1.) Emails back from strangers (I have to email students about stuff) and out of something I have told them in the email, they'll say, "You should be a writer."

2.) Thinking about my story. Even when I'm not writing on it. Even if I haven't been writing on it for months--my characters are like my children, I can't not think about them.

3.) My notebooks scattered all over my house and pens--with bits of dialogue, scenes, characters. Post-its with details. My corkboard to help me plot.

When did I know I wanted to write? In 5th grade, I think. I had a great teacher--and she read us stories that I loved and I realized someone had written that and thought it would be great to have a job like that. And we had a whole writing section and I was GOOD at it. One of those things I could do without having to work hard at; it was just like a gift. And the addiction only got worse from there.

Hellie said...

BTW, I really love the image that I'm a mighty oak handing out acorns to people. *LOL* It makes me sound like a wise badass, which is really all I aspire to be.

Don't worry, Q, you're an oak (or acorn) and not a weed.

Donna said...

Hellie, those are great! It's awesome when somebody can feel your writing, in an email, AND they actually go to the trouble to tell you how they feel about what you've written.

I have "writer paraphernalia" everywhere too. I don't have Post-its at home, but OMG, when I was at work, I had one clutched in my fist at all times! I get inordinately excited when it's time to buy school supplies every year (even though I'm not in school anymore!)

And I know exactly what you mean about being GOOD at writing without having to work at it -- I couldn't understand why everyone around me would moan and groan about having to write something. LOL Now writing a SONG -- that seems hard! But a story -- that's fun!

Donna said...

Oh, and 5th grade -- it almost killed off my writing instincts. LOL We had to write a story based on this magazine picture, that had lots of kids playing in the snow. The teacher said, "Make sure you DESCRIBE things." So I described what each kid was wearing, in detail. I had to read the story aloud, and everyone was groaning.

I thought I would never write another word again. LOL

Then a couple weeks later we got to write whatever we wanted, and I wrote a story that was funny and kinda kooky -- and the class LOVED it.

So I learned then "the rules" can mess you up creatively, and I still struggle with description (yeah, it left scars! LOL)

Hellie said...

I get inordinately excited when it’s time to buy school supplies every year

I bought notebooks and pens already this year because they were .15 cents apiece and the pens were cheap too. Cheapest they'll be all year. Doesn't matter I have half-used notebooks, oh, no.

Hellie said...

*LOL* I love the 5th grade story!

I remember having to write something for first grade, and I was horse mad then, and I was carefully writing a story about me riding a horse and jumping over a creek. Except I didn't know how to spell horse, so I asked my dad to spell horse and he did. I carefully spelled it out.

At the next parent-teacher conference, the teacher showed my parents the assignment: I had spelled horse correctly but "jumped" wrong. (I used a "g".) So much for hooked on phonics.

I don't think Dad saw anything wrong with this. He loves this story. And he likes to quote Andrew Jackson who said he never had a use for any man who could only spell a word one way.

Donna said...

LOL -- I have a ton of notebooks and can never figure out which one I should use -- so I just grab another one! There's probably a whole book in one of them and I don't even know it!

Hellie said...

I used to write poems a lot too. I loved to rhyme. I hate poetry without rhyme to this day--it's why I adore Hallmark and hate Walt Whitman.

Donna said...

I find poetry to be difficult, because there aren't enough words. LOL I remember reading about a poet who decided to write fiction and she said something along the lines of, "It takes too many words to get somebody to the other side of a room!" LOL

Every once in a while a poem will bubble to the surface, so I write it down. But it always feels like one of those 24-hour virus things. LOL It just has to work its way out of my system.

Donna said...

I like your dad's Andrew Jackson philosophy. LOL And I get all riled up when people focus on "the rules" (i.e., spelling) and miss the beauty right in front of them (the story).

Why aren't I in charge of everything in the whole wide world? LOL Oh yeah -- it's too much work!

I think Capt. Cha is repeating codes today. Either that or I'm having deja vu. LOL

Sin said...

My God, I've been snubbed by my one true love... Q. I shall never get over this injustice.

*dramatic swoon*

Donna said...

A dramatic swoon is all he gets? The rest of us would be dodging ice picks! LOL

Sin said...

*batting patients away* Damned patients. Don't they see I'm busy here?

I'm only kidding, Q. I adore you. You remembered me. I feel honored that you think my writing is memorable.

I'm looking forward to the day when I can put on my taxes "Writer". Most days I feel like it's never going to happen. I've been on a writing Sabbatical for so long I'm not even sure I remember how to write. Or can find my voice. Or even muster up any enthusiasm for putting my fingers on the keys. But the journey to become the writer is what makes the writer.

Sin said...

Dear DRD,

I canna ice pick my love. He is a true gentleman. He loves his wonderful wife and reads romance. That would be a tragedy and therefore, if I caused him bodily harm, my ice picking days would come to an end. I'd be kicked out of the Evil league.


Evil Twin

Sin said...

I actually love poetry. There is something romantic about poetry form and calls forward hundreds of years of unrequited love and heartache with just a few lines of prose.

Donna said...

I definitely ADMIRE poetry -- it's just when I try to write it, it feels like I've got an ice pick lodged in my frontal lobe. :)

Donna said...

Dear Evil Twin,

As you are a founding member of the Evil League, it is hard to imagine you being kicked out. I guess we can only hope.

Very truly yours,

P.S. The graphic artist is asking me if you still want to go with the ice pick logo.

Melissa said...

I can at least experience the thrill of being a creative writer, even if I don’t bear much fruit.

Ditto! Q says it best with his metaphors. :)

I guess I can't remember when I didn't feel like a writer. My earliest memory of writing is probably when I was very young. I would write these long apology notes to slip under my mom's door when she retreated to her room to escape my sister and I. We were usually fighting like banshees. LOL But I felt like I had to write and explain my side of the story!

I agree it's in my DNA, and I can't hardly think of when I'm not feeling like a writer. Like Q's comment, Donna says it best:

Writing is the viewfinder I use to interpret the rest of the world, and the way I express my participation in it.

Sin said...

Dear DRD,

Definitely going with the ice pick logo. It is my signature.


Evil Twin

PS. You're right. The Evil League tried to off me a few years ago so I assassinated them all. Now it's just me and a poser group the Evil Group. *snort*

Sin said...

Kim Harrison has the Burning Bunny. I'm going to have an Ice Pick League.

Donna said...

Sin, put your ice picks away for a bit. I've invited company. LOL

And no, you can't give away ice picks as party favors. :)

Donna said...

Melissa, I love the apology notes! I hope they are still in existence somewhere. :) (I also love that you were explaining your side of the story -- that's a good strategy! LOL)

It IS hard to not feel like a writer, isn't it? Which is why I'm sure when they do DNA analysis, they're going to find a "writing gene" in there somewhere!

Sin said...

*heavy sigh* I do enjoy company.

*shoving ice picks under the lounge pillows, hammocks, trap doors, and behind the bar.*

See, I've cleaned the place up a bit.

Donna said...

Except they are all sticking UP.

We might want to see about increasing the liability insurance around here. . . LOL

Melissa said...

It would be nice if they were in existence. I'd love to have proof to drag out and show my sister I was the good one. Sibling rivalry never dies. LOL

Donna said...

Melissa -- LOL -- my sister and I used to fight constantly when we were younger (we're only 11 months apart). But I guess now we're too old to expend that kind of energy! LOL

It would be nice to have proof though!

Melissa said...

Should I be careful where I sit? LOL

Donna said...

Sit, stand, walk -- it's a minefield when Sin cleans up her weapons stash! LOL So be berry berry careful!

Pirates, I have to run to the bank for a few minutes. (To count my millions and millions -- hah!) Don't run the ship aground before I get back!

Hellie said...

Definitely don't be flopping onto any couches at Sin's house. No telling what you'll be stabbed with.

Sin, my good woman, are we EVER meeting again for a meeting? I need my weekly dosing of cheese dip.

Sin said...

Yes, yes. I was thinking about the meetings. And I know where to get the cheese to make the fabulous dip again and I can get the homemade chips at Hyvee.

Can't this weekend. I'm going to be at my conference. But first weekend in August?

Sin said...

Honestly, you should probably even watch where you walk when you're anywhere I've been.

Hellie said...

What conference?

Sin said...

I have a work conference starting tomorrow AM and running through the weekend.

Renee said...

I've always had words in my head. Always created stories in some shape. I remember trying to write before I had a computer. I had no idea what I was doing but I had to get the words out on paper. I even had a name picked up Reni Renee (with those little marks added).

It wasn't until four years ago that I really, really knew I was a writer. I remember how ashamed I was to share it with my mother, but she surprised me by saying, "it's about time you realized you were a writer." *WHAT?!*

Anyway, I don't know about the little things. I love when dialogue comes together, or a scene is just right, or when that one perfect word inserts into the entire chapter and completes it. What I love the most is encouraging other writers. That's when I really feel like a writer. When I feel at home. At peace.

Julie said...

“it’s about time you realized you were a writer.” *WHAT?!*

Ooooh Jeez, Hellion! You know that you've been Completely Delusional when your mother tells you “Its about time that you admitted that you’re a Writer!”

Hellie said...

That was Renee, Dear Jules. My mother always knew I had aspirations to be a writer, though she thought I should have a day job like teaching or well, anything but writing. My father thought the same thing though he doesn't understand why I'd want to spend my life spinning lies for profit and fun. He's not much on fiction.

Julie said...

Sorry, Renee!
Sorry, Hellion!
Tell yah what im gonna do to make it fair.
Your both Delusional!
All better. ;)

Donna said...

I'm baaaack! What a gorgeous day again.

Renee, I love that your mother was waiting for YOU to figure out that you're a writer! And that's incredibly generous of you, encouraging other writers. I think even a small amount of encouragement is enough to keep us writers going for a very long time (we're very fuel efficient -- LOL)

Irisheyes said...

I think mine probably come from keeping a journal. Always feeling I could get my thoughts and feeings down more truthfully on paper than through talking.

Dysfunctional Family Syndrome. LOL I had a lot of anger and fear and nowhere to put it so I put it down on paper. Probably would have been committed if anyone ever got their hands on it. Now, although I'm a whole lot healthier, whenever I'm dealing with strong emotions (good or bad), my first instinct is to write about it.

Count me among those who live with the stories in their heads day and night. They are my closest companions!

Donna said...

Julie, be on the lookout for all the weapons Sin has managed to put away during a recent cleaning blitz. (I just thought I'd help you out since you got a little confused a minute ago! LOL)

Donna said...

Irish, I was always afraid to keep a journal. Maybe because I'm always losing Post-it notepads because I set them down. Of course, if anyone can still read my handwriting, I suppose they're welcome to whatever secrets they can decipher! LOL

I feel like I figure out a lot of things by writing about it, even if it's something I don't realize I'm figuring out at the time!

Donna said...

Hellie, I think it's funny that people would only want to read non-fiction. To me that's like being in school 24/7. LOL Plus, I've learned a lot of cool things from fiction. Um, not that I can remember anything right now, but still!

Quantum said...

Donna: As for gardening today, don’t forget you’ve got to keep the ship on course too! LOL

Seems to be steaming along quite nicely. You're doing a great job Donna.

Donna: And I cannot let you describe yourself as a weed trying to be an oak — not with the poetic soul you possess!

Helli: Don’t worry, Q, you’re an oak (or acorn) and not a weed.

You both just made a fan for life! ... I sometimes dream of being a poet. I guess it's the things that one is hopeless at that focus one's ambition. Its the perverse way of the world. If I could swap maths for poetry in the holls, in order to join the romantic poets for a while, I would do it like a shot! :D

Sin: I’m only kidding, Q. I adore you.

Sin loves me. *swoon*
Perhaps I should strengthen my defenses .... exocets must be old technology now. :wink:

Melissa: Q says it best with his metaphors. :)
*Smile* I did think they were quite appropriate. I'm really enjoying this blog! * Head starting to swell * I'll crash land tomorrow! :lol:

Donna said...

Careful, Q -- Sin was in a hurry when she was hiding her ice picks. We don't want you puncturing yourself! (Even though we'd blame Sin. Of course.)

Hellie said...

Don't worry, Q, we're a ship of wayward women. We know how to handle men with swollen parts. *LOL*

Julie said...

I’m not confused, Donna. I’m TIRED! Yawn … Which of course can lead to confusion, but that’s another type of confusion altogether.
Maybe I should go back to bed? My DH woke me up at 3:11 this morning … talking about how much better our son looks. Then … THEN … he said "like well fed Midwestern Beef!" My eyes flew open. I sat up, and elbowed the man in his side. "Really?” I sputtered as I whacked him with a pillow. “You woke me up in the middle of the night to talk about beef? You're MAD!" Instead of being quiet like any Normal crazy person … my DH kept on talking … about how he had to get up in two hours blah-blah-blah.
That’s when it hit me. No. Not his pillow.
I mean … The What I Like About Writing It. Quite simply … Writing clarifies your thoughts.

That’s it. My Eureka-I’ve-discovered-My reason for writing moment! I was writing to attain Clarity of thought?! To Increase my communication skills! And as an invaluable aide in plotting out a water tight defense for when one must deal efficiently and effectively with an offensive person!
Who knew?
Donna, I cannot say When I knew I wanted to write. But, I can tell that at 3:14 AM I was glad … GLAD I tell you! … that I had taken the time to write down my thoughts. Because at 3:14 AM this morning I looked at my dear husband … smiled and said … “Did I tell you about this bit of wisdom that I posted last night? …”

To see what I am referring to, please proceed to Hellion’s “I Write Like” blog from yesterday. Scroll down to comment 118. It begins with “I’ll second that both of you Bo’suns should have a great time! …”
And it ends? With my theory about why wise people should avoid reffering to beef. Especially at 3 in the morning.

Sin said...

And of course. I get blamed for EVERYTHING.

Sin said...

Hellie... LMFAO.

Donna said...

Because you are RESPONSIBLE for everything. At least the stuff related to mayhem. LOL

Sin said...

I know. It feels great.

Donna said...

Julie, I think clarity of thought is an excellent reason for writing! And I'm amazed you had such clarity of thought that early in the morning, which is really the middle of the night (at least when you get woken up like that).

So are you guys having beef for dinner tonight? (I just wondered, since I'm wondering if he has a beef deficiency. LOL)

P.S. You're SO right about the acquittal. LOL

Julie said...

And of course. I get blamed for EVERYTHING.

That's because you DO EVERYTHING!

What you need SIN is a Good Theory! And a good lawyer!

Julie said...

"So are you guys having beef for dinner tonight?"

Pork. which I suppose could be Inferred to mean “You’re A Pig for waking me up at 3:11 to talk about beef!” LOL!

Hellie said...

I hope it's SHREDDED pork, which can also be inferred to mean, "If you wake me up in the middle of the night with your hare-brained insults again, twerp, this pork isn't the only thing that's going to find itself shredded and served."

Donna said...

Oooh, Sin's been giving seminars again, hasn't she? LOL (Put me on the mailing list for next time, okay? I must have missed this session.)

Julie said...

Maybe you could write my retorts for me, Hellion? i could print them out on to little cards and just hand them to him!

Hellie said...

You don't want to be putting down my little quips on cards. It's always inferred I'm a "man hater"--and that's not true. I find them very delicious. I just have no patience for them. Or the fact I'm smarter than most of them.

Julie said...

Hare-brained insults indeed. The thing is Hellion, I think that my DH thought that he was giving me a compliment.

It gets worse.
HE said it in front of his brothers! And his mother . And then... yes it gets worse ...He got this funny look on his face … one that reminded me of the time our dog ate an entire pan of brownies! And then? He laughed.
My jaw dropped. I tried to think of something , anything to say. But for once in my life I had absolutely nothing. Nada. I was left speachless.

Janga said...

I may sue Word Press for ageism. Clearly it hates me. This is the second day I’ve had to try and try and try to post.

I was in such a good mood before the WP problem too. I just returned from Wal-Mart where I bought 20 spiral-bound notebooks, a dozen packs of index cards, several cute little polka-dot card holders, three packs of multi-colored Pilot pens, and a pretty new monthly planner with lots of room for notes. I feel like a writer now. LOL!

Seriously, I can’t remember when I didn’t think of myself as a writer. I wrote my first poem in first grade, and I made up stories to entertain my brother and sister before I learned to print. I’ve been writing something ever since. Even so, there have definitely been moments when I’ve felt most like a writer—the first time I received an acceptance letter, the first time I saw something in print with my name attached, the first time I opened an envelope containing a check for something I’d written. But perhaps the moment when I feel most fully a writer is when I finish something and can hold it in my hands and say, “I wrote this.”

I should note that at different times the noun "writer," as it applies to me, may be modified by a wide range of adjectives from abominable to zealous. :)

Donna said...

Janga, so sorry WP is giving you a hard time. We'll have to blame Sin. (Today is "Blame Sin Day", so make good use of it. LOL)

I am SO envious of all your cool supplies! (Truly, this is my fave time of year -- back-to-school -- although I love it more now that I don't have to go back to school. LOL) That would indeed make a person feel like a writer. :)

I like all your writer milestones. I found out this weekend I won some money in a writing contest, and it was thrilling that one of my books actually EARNED something. LOL I still think your "I wrote this" milestone is probably the sweetest one of all though. The "A to Z" descriptors -- well, we all go through that, right? LOL

Sin said...

Well, (and I know this reasoning is going to offend someone today)I did upgrade our old CAPTCHA code to the newest install. I thought about turning it off for anyone who wasn't signed in (I was thinking of all us who've been having problems with it) and then thought, what if some random spammer comes through talking about penile implants and they don't have to fill out the CAPTCHA code. The ship will be filled with penile implants before any of us have time to abandon ship (or get out the gasoline and set them all on fire).

Renee said...

I'll take dysfunctional any day.

Julie, at least your husband wakes you up to have a lucid conversation. I've had to tell my mother and my friends that if I don't wake up, dh didn't mean to kill me, seriously, he was just dreaming about putting someone in a choke hold. I am do glad dh doesn't teach MMA any more, but that doesn't mean I sleep any better at nights. Always on guard against the surprise leg bar. :)

Renee said...

Janga, I got one of those fancy, flowing pens, so nice. Well, I had it. I actually bought it for the boy. Go figure, he likes to collect writing utensils (if only I could get him to use them). But I used the pen for something and decided I wanted to keep it. Wouldn't you know it, I handed it to the girl during church and she refuses to give it back to me.

Renee said...

Sin, I'll have you know I did not fill the ship with penile implants. If anyone is to blame for all and any comments concering penile parts, well that keg can be rolled at your feet. :)

Donna said...

Renee, I've had this lovely fountain pen for a long time, but I had the hardest time finding the ink cartridges for it. I finally came across them the other day and now I've got to find a good excuse to use it.

Mmm. Maybe I'll practice my autograph. LOL

Sin said...

Dear DRD,

I am impressed with your usage of bullets in your blog post today. Great job. Very professional. I left you a gift of appreciation in your hammock.

Evil Twin

Hellie said...

Bo'sun checked in today. I'm guessing if she answered this blog, she'd say (aside from getting that contract last week that said she'd be PAID for her short story) that she feels like a writer when she attends writer conferences with other writers. And possibly she feels writerly when she's PITCHING her FINISHED MANUSCRIPT (which incidentally is another time she probably felt like a writer).

Donna said...

Dear Evil Twin,

Thank you for the compliments. I treasure them, but there is no need to also leave a gift "of appreciation". I have instructed the HazMat team they are welcome to keep whatever they find.

Also, the bullets I used were the ones I couldn't fit into the clip. I knew you would like that.

Very truly yours,

Donna said...

Hellie, I know Terri's appt. with Christine is on Friday, but I can't remember when the other one is. I hope Chance doesn't wear her out before then! LOL

Sin said...

Also, the bullets I used were the ones I couldn’t fit into the clip. I knew you would like that.

Where is my facebook "LIKE" button when I need it?

Julie said...

On a more serious note:

Speaking of waking up and finding a man who can carry on a lucid conversation …
Q, what a lovely post to stumble upon first thing in the morning!

I think you can see from my mixed metaphors that I am probably a weed trying to be an oak

A few years ago I asked one of my uncles … a very wise and worldly man … a very difficult question about a very difficult problem. His first response was to shrug his shoulders. But upon see my dismay at his inability to answer my question he smiled … just a little … and he told me a story. A story about a weed.
Trust me Q when I say “Sometimes? There is nothing more beautiful then a humble weed.” You see yourself as a weed. I see you as an oak. Oak or weed? It doesn’t matter how you see yourself. What matters is that You are a planter of seeds, a writer of words that take root in a readers imagination.

Hmm Q, maybe you are A Weed. And like the weed, the thing that sets you apart from the rest of the garden isn’t your beauty …
Its the beauty of your humility.

Renee said...

D, I say that is a good use, especially since humorous contemporaries are making a comeback.

And Terri acts very writerly while at conferences. Wishing her all the best. Did she get her revisions done?

Hellie said...

I always love the DRD and ET love letters. Best part of my Wednesdays.

Donna said...

Renee, I also write humorous historicals, but switched to contemps when the historical market was oversaturated. Now it's the contemps. Hey, you don't think I'm a "genre assassin", do you? LOL

Julie, that's a lovely comment about Q (aka Mr. Weed) :)

Renee said...

Julie, love the weed/oak.

Donna, I often feel like I'm a conversation assassin. But if you want to know what I think, I think you should write in both. Work them both. I put aside my Scottish historicals, because they are supposedly dead. I'm working Westerns, which are supposedly dead. I'm revising my Biblical Inspy, which, no don't tell me they are dead too! And, I've just plotted my first Inspy suspense, which I'm dying to get started on!

Surely they can't all be dead at the same time. ;)

Janga said...

Just remember they used to say paranormals were dead. All it takes is for one book in a subgenre to be a raging success and lo the dead type is resurrected.

Donna said...

Renee, I'm like you, I just keep trying different things, partly because they interest me, and partly because the story dictates what it will be. I think you've got a great assortment of things there, so my fingers are crossed that one of them will knock the door down, so the rest can follow. :)

Janga, you're exactly right. Once they find something that "works", then they'll look for more of those types of things.

Kate Diamond said...

I was recently on vacation in Greece, and scrambling to write in my travel journal at every opportunity.

A waiter asked me if I was a writer, and for the first time in my life I replied automatically, "yes."

Felt good.

Julie said...

Greetings, Kate!

Quite impressed that you got college credit for reading Harry Potter.
And I vote for …
#1: Gratuitous Posing!

Yes, I cannot help but click upon any thingidybob that is clickable … So of course I was snooping around on your site. Lovely … fun … and does that fight club take new members?
I know these twins ...

Donna said...

Kate, that is an awesome writer moment! Definitely one that is worth celebrating. :)