Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dear Hero

Just a little hate mail between my two main characters. They have a little pent up frustration between them.


To: hero @ W S S LLC. com
From: heroine @ M C S LLC. com
Subject: Being a hero doesn’t suit you.

Dear Hero,

Your pathetic excuse of a spy doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. A tip from one boss to another, employ people who have their tongues cut out, lips sewn shut, loyal to a fault or- this might be the best advice of all- do your own dirty work.

Just a suggestion, dear.

It is high time I set you straight. I’ve spent the past five years pretending you (and what you’ve done) don’t exist. I now realize I can keep on denying your existence in the world (trust me, I’m tempted) or we can just talk like civilized people and find a reasonable solution to this little problem. Though, I’ve been advised that a reasonable solution is not blowing out the tires on your Mustang at 100 mph and watch you careen over the edge of a bluff.


The world is a two way street of good and evil, Hero. I am a thief. I steal because I want to, because I’m good at it. Just like you kill people to keep others safe from harm, to keep the balance of power between you and the bad guys. I know what you’re doing. Your attempts at blackmailing me into getting what you want aren’t lost on me. And in my grayscale world, there is no room for you constantly watching and waiting in the wings for me to screw up. It’s not in my nature to screw up and I can’t afford it in my line of work. And frankly, the thought of it pisses me off.

I know you’ve kept tabs on me for the past five years. On my business and the people I associate with. I can’t begin to understand why you do this. As far as I know, what I do in my own life is none of your concern. So maybe you could remember that the next time you send two inconspicuous giants to tail me in an expensive black SUV with heavily tinted windows. I’m not sorry about that. You can forward me the medical bills and I’ll have my accountant take care of them. But next time, I can’t be held accountable for what happens.  They are big boys. They can take care of themselves, I’m sure.

What I’m trying to say, Hero, is five years may not be eternity in the grand scheme of things; I’m a different person now. These eyes have seen the world, memorized every little detail and burned it into my memory. You changed me in ways I can’t comprehend, can’t control, and can’t fathom. And I have no desire to more thought into it. As for your favor, your asking price is too high and I can’t go back and be who you want me to be. There is too much history between us to forgive and forget. So give me what I want and do what you’re good at, Hero.

Walk away before this gets ugly.

Your Heroine

My heroine and “hero” are at odds in my RS. (Light on the R- unless you count love affairs of guns, mayhem and violence, then it’s definitely filled with R.) What is your favorite way to get the “hero” and “heroine” at odds with each other? Anyone want to write a passive aggressive note to one of your characters from another?

I had a good time writing mine.



2nd Chance said...

Hmmmm...just starting my second volume... but I think I can go there...

Dear Hero,

Yes, we've been lovers for 15 years. Yes, watching Emily and Silvestri exchange vows gave me food for thought. But I still can't say it. You make my blood boil and my body melt, dear Mick.

But I can't tell you my story, my past. I just can't and I won't. It's a burden that is mine alone.

Stop trying to climb the inner walls, Mick. It's the road to disaster, to a shipwreck our paring cannot survive.

Stop watching me, there is future, no past. There is only now. And that is all I can give you.

Captain Jezebel

Donna said...

Wow, you guys are awesome with your letters! I may have to stand to this side of the ship and just watch today. :)

*takes a sip of coffee*

Okay, I'm gonna think for a little bit.

Sin said...

Well, I also had two hours to write mine yesterday. LOL

Sin said...


Sin said...

I love that letter Chanceroo. Capt'n Jezebel sounds interesting (and my type of heroine). You know how I like strong independent females in fiction. Can you give some background?

Donna said...

LOL, Sin. There's no whining on a pirate ship!

*goes back to thinking*

Bosun said...

Awesome job, both of you. Sin, I felt like I was reading a script from Burn Notice. And I don't even watch that show. :)

Now that I wrote the HEA, I don't think I can write a litter like this. I could write my own real life letter. Oh, that would get a little too bitter. And personal. And violent, I'm afraid.

Maybe I can think of one for my new story. The black moment, or at least the details of it, aren't clear yet. This could help me figure it out.

I'll think about it. *joins Donna on the side and sips her tea*

Sin said...

I'm well schooled in the art of the whine. Don't tempt me, DRD.

Sometimes its just better to put your fingertips on the keyboard and start typing. Something wild could come of it.

Bosun said...

That should be "letter" not "litter". I'm not having any litters anytime soon, of that I'm damn sure.

Sin said...

That's something I wouldn't want... a litter of myself running around destroying the world as we know it.

Sin said...

If I wrote one about my personal life the sarcasm would literally drip from it. Not to mention it would be dirtier and WAY more violent.

Kiki is fairly reserved. Dex just knows how to push her buttons and she's had enough. In my head, as the story progresses, she allows him to blackmail her only because she has plans to get what she wants and fix her life, but Dex has his own plans. So as you can imagine, shit hits the fan and no one wins. That's how life works. At least in my stories.

I've seen a couple of episodes of Burn Notice last year when I was away at a conference. I like it. Just don't have cable to watch it.

Hellion said...

Bo'sun, write a letter for the love triangle group. From the hero to the heroine...he's the one torn, after all. Like a secret admirer letter.

Bosun said...

Awesome letter, Hellie. I love the strikethru stuff. LOL! And the PS is the perfect touch.

Bosun said...

I don't know, so far Joe doesn't seem like the letter writing type. He'd have to put feelings in there and he's a bottle it up kind of guy. Broody even. LOL!

But he's going to piss her off and I think I know why so I'll work on a letter from her. Oh, a letter to the both of them. This could be good.

Sin said...

I do love the PS. I think my favorite (okay one of my favorite parts about your letter) is the strike through "You are an asshole." LMFAO

Sin said...

Though, the "I realize with your limited emotional intelligence" is pretty flippin' good too.

Donna said...

That’s something I wouldn’t want… a litter of myself running around destroying the world as we know it.


None of us do, Sin. LOL

Hellie, loved that letter (especially the subliminal messages -- LOL)

I'm having a hard time coming up with something -- maybe because I'm thinking of the book I just finished revising -- and they're all happy with each other because of the HEA. LOL

*sits on a Hottie's lap to get inspired for another book*

Julie said...

“WTHOooohhhh … Sin!”
I just realized that its Wednesday.
Thanks for reminding me. Because …
Wednesday is “Julie, take the Garbage Out Day.”
Which is Secret Agent code for “Julie, take the Garbage Out toDay.” Being the Tidy Happy Little Housewife* that I am, I am most particular about having any garbage lying around. That being said …
“Has Anyone see my Glock?” **

* Passive
** Aggressive

Donna said...

Sorry -- my keyboard is sticking -- I typed Julie, but the l decided to disappear at the last minute. Aaaugh.

Donna said...

Juie, today is usually trash day here, but it's off one day because of the holiday. Just thought I'd mention it in case it's the same where you are. :)

*sits on another Hottie's lap for more inspiration*

Julie said...

TMI! Donna I don't even want to know why your keyboard is sticky!

Sin said...

That's what she gets for eating marshmallow fluff.

Among other things.

At her keyboard.

Sin said...

I do love the aggressive approach of things. You know, Jules, garbage cans are great for target practice. Even better if the garbage men are there.

Sin said...

Dear DRD,

I do not like your tone when regarding my litter of misfits. Just for that, you will babysit my litter every Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you.


Evil Twin

Sin said...

And I love that I remind you about the trash. I feel REALLY loved Jules.

*stomping off to my closet*

Watch out. I'm about to start looking for my feather boa and cigarettes. I'm not responsible for flying objects beaming you upside the head if you don't duck fast enough.

Donna said...

Dear Evil Twin,

Thank you for the warning. I am out of town every Tuesday and Thursday through eternity, so will be unable to babysit your demons, er, litter.

Very truly yours,


Hellion said...

It's worth showing up Wednesdays, just to see the Twin Letters in the comments section....

Donna said...

TMI! Donna I don’t even want to know why your keyboard is sticky!

Julie -- you naughty girl! LOL I think the keyboard is STICKING because I type at such blazing speeds, I'm melting the keys. Hah! LOL

Bosun said...

Okay, my brain went there with the sticky comment too. You can't drop something like that around here without expecting us to pick it up.

Just got back from buying these ingrates sodas and chocolate. My work is never done. Back to thinking.

Sin said...

LOL. I have no idea how the twin letters even got started. LMFAO

Sin said...

Dear DRD,

I know what you do on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Evil Twin

Donna said...

Dear Evil Twin,

Hah! You only wish you knew what I do on Tuesday and Thursdays (and all the other days of the week ending in "y").

Very truly yours,


Julie said...

And I love that I remind you about the trash. I feel REALLY loved Jules.

I <3 you! What's wrong with trash? Some of my favorite people are white tra---BASH! Crash!

My Real Scope for today: The Big Picture
Saturn Trine Saturn
Apr 25, 2010 to Jul 4, 2010

The concerns of daily life just aren't important now. You're far more focused on the future -- and that's totally understandable. Just don't forget to do the laundry and take out the garbage while you're at it. The future may be coming, but in the meantime, the present is right here.

Donna said...

Okay, I won't mention the keyboard again -- I just didn't want Julie to think I was mangling her name. LOL

And Sin, I think you're the one who started the Twin letters. LOL Which means you get the credit/blame for them!

Bosun said...

What the hell astro sign runs from Apr 25 to Jul 4?!


Sin said...

And if the phone next door to my office doesn't stop ringing I'm going over there and using the receiver to bash someone's head in.

Sin said...

I know what started them. It's because I wish I could pass out emails like that all day long to everyone I come into contact. This is what I get for being some sort of district wide contact about insurance payer shit.

Donna said...

And if the phone next door to my office doesn’t stop ringing I’m going over there and using the receiver to bash someone’s head in.

You wear a camera at all times, right? I'd hate to miss out on good stuff like this. LOL

Sin said...

Trust me, the mass chaos I will cause would not be fun to watch.

Well, the office next door to ours has set empty for three years and they recently relocated the instrument shop that was in the corner office to the office beside ours to make room for the expansion on the hair salon two doors down.

Not only do I have to listen to someone's phone ring who never picks the fucking thing up, I have to listen to horrible music lessons. Kids with instruments are cute, but this is pushing my patience level.

Donna said...

Good Lord, Sin. You've just described hell.

If I didn't believe in it before, I do now. You have my permission to unleash your minions (the ones I was supposed to babysit Tuesday/Thursday). :)

Sin said...

And like usual I've gone horribly off topic. I dunno why I'm still allowed to blog. I think it's because Hells sits in her office plotting to take over the world while I distract everyone.

Julie said...

Saturn will Trine Saturn from Apr 25, 2010 to Jul 4, 2010, Terri. So I will be doing laundry & taking out gargage for monthsssssss.

Donna said...

Sin, I thought the topics were more like "guidelines" than rules. LOL

Julie, yikes -- thank goodness we're in June already. That's a lot of trash and laundry!

Sin said...

I do believe it is karma getting me back.

Sin said...

And I'm pretty sure if one more person remarks on how tall I am or how short my pants are today (I'm wearing pedal pushers) I'm going to shove my pencil in their eye.

Hello, my name is Sin and I'm feeling very violent today.

And yes, that is EVERY DAY.

2nd Chance said...

Dear Twins,

Can't you two just get along?

Evil, I'll be happy to watch the hoard. Keep in ming those days coincide with the Kraken's feeing of inner critics. Does the hoard whine a lot? I give no guarantees they won't drop - accidentally - to the Kraken's maw.

Sincerely, Chance

Sin said...

Dear Chance,

The litter never whines. It is not in their DNA. I engineered them to destroy first, ask questions later.


Evil Twin

PS. I don't get along with anyone. Deal with it.

2nd Chance said...

OK, fine, I'll break out the new crate of Shamwows for all those sticky keyboards out there...

Sin - Background? She's from an uber capitalistic steampunk world, trained as a maker from the age of seven... Emotionally, physically and sexually abused. She escaped into the world of Emily's topsy turvy Tortuga when she was 15, taking along several of her more brilliant creations. Thirty years later, she captains a pirate ship, commands a ship of women from other times and places, and keeps watch constantly, for zepellins. Her world has always wanted her back. Well, they want her creations back. Especially the light bending goggles... And Mick tries to love her. He thinks he loves her. He's not sure...


Donna said...

Dear Chance,

Evil Twin and I have a deep an abiding love for one another. It's like we're two halves of one whole--wait a minute, that's what twins are! Unfortunately Evil is the only one who get to do the eye/pencil/shoving maneuver (I'm still in training).

Please let me know when you are scheduling a Kraken's maw drop. I want to drop everything in order to witness something that spectacular.

Very truly yours,

DRD (aka The Good Twin)

2nd Chance said...

Dear Evil - Will you warn the hoard that the Kraken's reach is extensive and since I'm his regular feeder, he does tend to be quite protective...

At Your Service, Chance

Sin said...

Wow, Chance. That background is twisted.

Sin said...

Dear Chance,

I would warn the litter, but they love a challenge.


Evil Twin

2nd Chance said...

Yeah, this one is gonna be fun!

Hell, they're all fun!

2nd Chance said...

Donna - Maw droppings are basically a per-need sort of thing. You got a inner critic been pestering you, the Kraken is there to eat 'em. I do like schedule the big ones and will let you know in advance... ;)

Sin said...

Jules and DRD, trash as in trash or as in "trash"?

Sin said...

DRD, there are no rules on the ship. Well, no rules that apply to me. hahahahaha


Hells, stop trying to take my head off with your stapler.

Sin said...

I have some "trash" to get rid of. Jules, get the Glock ready.

Sin said...

The concerns of daily life just aren’t important now. You’re far more focused on the future — and that’s totally understandable. Just don’t forget to do the laundry and take out the garbage while you’re at it. The future may be coming, but in the meantime, the present is right here.

As far as I'm concerned, if something big is going to happen in the future, screw taking out the "trash" and doing the laundry. Use the laundry to start the bonfire and put the "trash" in it.

Julie said...

Wow, Chance that Is quite a backstory. No wonder you ended up writing an Epic.

Hellie said...

Please let me know when you are scheduling a Kraken’s maw drop. I want to drop everything in order to witness something that spectacular.

It's so heartwarming to see Donna discovering new things to add to her HOA list!

2nd Chance said...

Hee, hee. Thanks, Julie! And that isn't even the epic storyline!

There's a Kraken in this book, too. He's a matchmaker. ;) He'll be helping out Jezzie and Mick to reach the HEA...probably. He's also going to come to the rescue at the end and take a zepellin... BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Julie said...

Donna doesn't fool Me. when she says " I want to drop everything..." What she really means is she wants to Literally drop everything annoying into that Kraken’s maw!

Bosun said...

I feel like I should have a pen pal too.

Still thinking. Just ate a hot dog fresh off the grill and have yet to cut the chocolate cake. (Girardeli milk chocolate cake!) I'm a bit distracted. But I WILL write this little note.


Julie - Get one of Sin's minions to take out the garbage for you. Delegate, dear. Delegate.

Julie said...

Chance, soooo many exotic tales in your head. And so many zepellin stories. I'm going to start calling you the writer of The Thousand & One Flights.

Julie said...

You're Right, Terri!

I want goggles.
Just sayin'.

Quantum said...

Inspiring as always, Sin!

Loved Helli's letter from Eve to Adam.
Gives a whole new meaning to reading between the lines! :lol:

As a variant on your 'pathetic spy' I thought an email to a third party friend might do the trick. She is asked to forward the message to Hero, indicating that as a friend she thought he ought to know.

Darling TP (third party)
Regret to say my hero is no longer keeping me happy. I suggested Viagra but he still thinks he's a fantastic male specimen. I know he spends hours body building at the gym. His rippling muscles ARE attractive. But that counts for nothing if the important member remains minuscule and he has the brain of an amoeba. You gotta help me TP. I want to let him down lightly, the poor dear, but can't think of a way.
Yrs in hope.

Donna said...

It’s so heartwarming to see Donna discovering new things to add to her HOA list!

Yeesh, this HOA list is overwhelming! I've had to delegate a lot of it to the Hotties!

Donna doesn’t fool Me. when she says ” I want to drop everything…” What she really means is she wants to Literally drop everything annoying into that Kraken’s maw!

LOL -- actually right now I'm pretty good -- nothing pissing me off. Of course, it's early yet!

I do like schedule the big ones and will let you know in advance…

This is what I wanted to hear! I don't want to fill up my calendar with other stuff and miss out on the Kraken stuff!

Quantum said...

I posted tis a while ago but it seems to have disappeared into the digital aether .... proof of the event horizon on the pirate ship!

Inspiring as always, Sin!

Loved Helli's letter from Eve to Adam.
Gives a whole new meaning to reading between the lines! :lol:

As a variant on your 'pathetic spy' I thought an email to a third party friend might do the trick. She is asked to forward the message to Hero, indicating that as a friend she thought he ought to know.

Darling TP (third party)
Regret to say my hero is no longer keeping me happy. I suggested Viagra but he still thinks he's a fantastic male specimen. I know he spends hours body building at the gym. His rippling muscles ARE attractive. But that counts for nothing if the important member remains miniscule and he has the brain of an amoeba. You gotta help me TP. I want to let him down lightly, the poor dear, but can't think of a way.
Yrs in hope.

Donna said...

Mmm. Looks like everyone went to lunch. I think I'll just do some rearranging here.

*takes all the stuff out of the quarters next to mine and throws it overboard*

There, that oughta do it. Okay, Hotties, move your stuff in. No, don't worry. I got it all approved ahead of time *wink* Oh, and drag that mini-bar down here. I don't want to have to get up every time my glass needs refilling. :)

Bosun said...

Wow, Hellie is really going to be pissed...

You didn't chuck her Captain Jack bobble head too, did you? Man, I hope you have good running shoes. Or rather, you're a good swimmer.

Donna said...

*whispers to Hottie right before pushing him overboard*

No, Bo'sun, the Captain Jack bobblehead is just out getting uh, laundered. Freshened up.

*swim faster!*

Hellie said...

Dear Bo'sun,

What do you think we should do about Donna? I think that Good Twin thing is just an act, considering what she did to my Captain Jack Bobblehead, which was so horrific I can't even write it here.

How do you feel about keelhauling?



Julie said...

Its that Saturn Trine Saturn.
Garbage. And laundry!

Sin said...

Dear DRD,

They are planning a revolt against you and your removing of the bobble head known as Capt'n Jack. I know just what to do. Meet me in the mast.


Evil Twin

Donna said...

Dear Hellie,

I apologize for intercepting your letter to Bo'sun, but I felt it necessary to explain that Sin occasionally requires me to take her place as "Evil Twin", so that she might be free to wreak havoc on the world as needed.

Also, your Captain Jack Bobblehead was never in any danger, and I believe he quite enjoyed the chance to escape your quarters. At least, that's how I'm interpreting the smile on his face.

I would strongly advise against keelhauling. It wouldn't be prudent. Not at this juncture.

Very truly yours,


Donna said...

Dear ET - c u right there. Texting is faster than letter. TTYS

Sin said...


DRD, watch out 4 flying banana peels.

Sin said...

LMAO. That letter cracks me up. DRD, you are awesome.

Donna said...

LOL -- from the Undead Monkey?

Sin said...

No. Ninja stars are from the monkey. I'm trying to clean out a place for you to sit.

Bosun said...

Dear Hellie,

I'm all for it.

Bo'sun out.

Julie said...

Dear Captain,
I am shocked. Shocked at Donna’s behavior. I would never throw out your bobble head. Sell it on Ebay? Yes. Throw it out? No. Might I suggest? When my father was a little boy his Mother would make him wear "short pants" to school when he misbehaved. So I‘m thinking … SIN! Take off yor pants. Its for the good of the Ship!


Bosun said...

And we wonder why we don't get a lot of new commenters. LOL! HOW would they follow along?!?

Bosun said...

I'm gonna need one of those shamwows. The demand for Sin to take off her pants was too much for me.

Sin said...


Did Jules just ask me to take off my pants?

Dear Jules,

Thank you for your inquiry about my pants. I must inform you that I require at least a half attempt at taking me for a little B&E fun before you get my pants.


Evil Twin

Bosun said...

To The Revenge Crew,

As supply officer, I must inform you we are running short of parchment thanks to your new penchant for writing letters to the person sitting RIGHT BESIDE YOU.

Since we did not budget in funds for excessive parchment aquisitions, I must gratiously request that you KNOCK THE SHIT OFF.

Sincerely and with all due respect (which would be none),

Quantum said...

This is my third attempt to post this. If the moderator's axe falls again I'm going to play somewhere else! *humph*

I posted tis a while ago but it seems to have disappeared into the digital aether …. proof of the event horizon on the pirate ship!

Inspiring as always, Sin!

Loved Helli’s letter from Eve to Adam.
Gives a whole new meaning to reading between the lines! :lol:

As a variant on your ‘pathetic spy’ I thought an email to a third party friend might do the trick. She is asked to forward the message to Hero, indicating that as a friend she thought he ought to know.

Darling TP (third party)
Regret to say my hero is no longer keeping me happy. I suggested Viagra but he still thinks he’s a fantastic male specimen. I know he spends hours body building at the gym. His rippling muscles ARE attractive. But that counts for nothing if the important member remains miniscule and he has the brain of an amoeba. You gotta help me TP. I want to let him down lightly, the poor dear, but can’t think of a way.
Yrs in hope.

Julie said...

Are those real lederhosen, BTW? You’ll have to let me borrow them sometime. They’ll look quite lovely with my Glock!


You can wear my spandex biking shorts, SIN. That will give you a little B&E fun.
B&E as in Biking and Erotica!

Sin said...

Yes, well there will be days we beg for new commenters (Please don't be shy, new commenters. You can ask me to take off my pants too. I don't get upset about it. You just have to give me something for doing it.) Today we are just having a little RWR fun. Come join us. I don't bite.

Okay, I do. But you'll like it.

Sin said...

Dear Bo'Sun (AKA: Paper Nazi)

I am writing you in concern of your recent letter to the crew regarding our penchant for writing letters. Didn't you know I'm trying to bring it back? Like MySpace.



Julie said...

Paper Nazi?
Eeewwwww! SIN is wear real lederhosen!

Sin said...

*in dire need of a Shamwow*

Jesus, Jules. I had to pour my ass into those things. What did you do, shrink them with the laundry?

Donna said...

As supply officer, I must inform you we are running short of parchment thanks to your new penchant for writing letters to the person sitting RIGHT BESIDE YOU

LOL Maybe we should save the parchment for the new commenters? So they won't be afraid to jump into these snark-infested waters? LOL

Julie said...


Sin said...

LMFAO, *I* am not the paper nazi.

Donna said...

*closes door to quarters, locking fourteen deadbolts, and then wrapping heavy chains around the doorway*

Whew! Okay, I've got to run a few errands. (Bo'sun, should I stop by the Tortuga Staples and get a ream of parchment while I'm out?) I'll catch up to you pirates later!

Julie said...

I had to pour my ass into those things. What did you do, shrink them with the laundry?

To Whom it may Concern: please note. If I were not the well behaved Lady that I am , I would answer Ms SIN’s query with a remark that contained words such as shrinkage, moist, wet, Alan Alda.

Julie said...

Paper Nazi.
Parchment Pirate.

Hellie said...

Dear Bo'sun,

As CAPTAIN of this ship, I'm entitled to as much parchment as I....

Letter incompleted due to lack of parchment.

And might I add, DRD, you are not HELPING your case by FIRST running off with my bobblehead Jack doll and doing God knows what, but then also STATING he was happy to be in your care because *I* was somehow less than worthy to be spending time with.

Watch yourself, or I'm going to make you take off your pants too and stand over by Sin.

Donna said...

*salutes Hellie with a trembling hand*

Aye, aye, Captain!

*wraps 14 chains around my waist to keep my pants on*

Shh, Bobblehead -- if I repeat that, I'm going to get in even MORE trouble!

Sin said...

Why am *I* always the one who gets an example made of? I didn't do anything. I didn't even nibble on our guests. *looks around*

Oh. Well. I guess I did and forgot.

*doing the potty dance in the corner, sans pants.*

2nd Chance said...

Dear Donna,

You might consider using something other than chains to keep the pants up. For one thing, they weigh a lot and should you *accidentally* trip and fall overboard, those chains will sink you faster than Bobble-headed Jack.

You can pay me later for getting the Kraken to retrieve him.

Sorry about the slime.

Love and kisses, Chance.

2nd Chance said...

Dear Bo'sun,

I use my own recycled paper.

BTW, sent off signed contract today. Am I officially agented now? Or when she gets it? ;)


Sin said...



*doing contract dance sans pants*

MM!! Holy crapazilla!

2nd Chance said...


Specifically, an e-agent. Something new on the horizon but I'm pretty excited, too! She's with the Lori Perkins Literary Agency...one of my magical shoe pitches at RT...

Bar is open, pants or not!

I did manage to retrieve the stash Donna tried to squirrel away...so we be fully stocked and ready to rock and roll!

Bosun said...

Drinks all around. A toast to Chance and her magically lucky shoes!!!

Here's to the coolest hippy-chick and her romantic adventures! Let the games begin!!!!

Sin said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you Chanceroo! It's been a long time coming!

Julie said...

Oooh I’m so Very Excited for you too Chanceroo! Congratulations!

2nd Chance said...

Julie - I may steal that motto. Writer of a Thousand and One ... Voyages... Since I tend toward more sailing than flying... ;)

Julie said...

Hey Chance, I said 'flights" cuz I was doing a take on Zepplins and the book A Thousand and One Nights.

Writer of a Thousand and One … Voyages sounds like you, Chance. Take it fit pleases you. Think of it as my Bon Voyage present to you as you set of on your voyage to getting published.

Julie said...

Make that
Take it if it pleases you.

2nd Chance said...

Well, it fits, too!

Anyone else write a character letter? Isn't that where this blog started? LOL!

Bosun said...

I'm going to have to write the letter at home. Gotta get this mail together so I can get out of here!

Sin said...

LOL, I'm pretty sure that's where the blog started but on my days you can never tell where the blog starts and where it ends. LOL

Hellion said...

Poor Q! He posted eons ago and was awaiting moderation! (I wonder why it didn't tell me...unless...Sin? Were you given a moderation notice? If so, then I can tell Q it wasn't me.)

Sin said...

Nope, and I'm not signed in so I have no idea. Or maybe I got notice and I didn't notice it (which is quite the case and I do apologize Q).

2nd Chance said...

Poor Q! Geez, can't we get the gods of wordpress to just give him a pass?

Sin said...

"You gotta help me TP."

My red slushy came out of my nose. Oh Q. You crack me up.

Hellion said...

Well, usually Q doesn't NEED to be moderated. *LOL* So I wonder if he used a different email address. If we didn't recognize him in disguise....

Sin said...

Q is spying on us. I must spy back. First I have to find my pants.

Bosun said...

Quit with the pants shit! I can't take anything else flying out my nose.

Bosun said...

This absolutely sums it all up.

But that counts for nothing if the important member remains minuscule and he has the brain of an amoeba.

THAT is what I've been trying to say for eons and couldn't find the right words. Thank you, Q!

Now, to work on this letter.

2nd Chance said...

Aren't those panst flying from the mainmast? ;)

Donna said...

Chance! Woo hoo! Congrats! I can't wait to e-read these. :)

Oh, and thanks for the hint about the pant chains. I wasn't thinking clearly! LOL

Since there were so many letters today -- which were SANCTIONED because of Sin's post. . .I bought a case of parchment, so we oughta be good for a couple days! LOL

Bosun said...

My letter. This would be for my next WIP which is barely plotted. This exercise seriously helped so thanks!

Joe & Lucas,

By the time you read this, I’ll be half way back to Richmond. I would say don’t come after me, but since that’s highly unlikely anyway, I won’t bother. It is not up to the two of you to decide who “gets me”. I am not a toy you fight over and then pass off when I no longer appeal.

Lucas – I do not want what you want and I never have. It is not your fault that I’ve not told you sooner, however, if you ever took the time to really get to know me, you would have caught on long ago. Joe knew within a week. Joe saw me when you only looked right through me.

Joe – I didn’t make this trip knowing I was going to fall for someone new. I didn’t even realize I was falling until it was too late. But until you can see I’m not the girl from you past, we can have no future. I’d rather be alone than spend my life trying to amend for someone else’s sins. I might have stayed, if you’d asked. I guess now we’ll never know.

I never meant to hurt either of you. Please give your parents my regrets and thank them for my their generosity, laughter, and acceptance. If only the two of you were more like your parents, maybe things would be different.


Donna said...

Wait -- Terri, she doesn't end up with either one of them? Sniff. There better be something even more spectacular behind Door #3.

2nd Chance said...

What do ya think? One a' them must chase her. Or both and make it really interesting!

Bosun said...

Like I said, it's still being plotted! LOL! But I promise, it DOES have a HEA. :)

Which one would you want to be the hero?

Donna said...

I'm leaning towards Joe, because Lucas didn't seem to know her, or try to know here.

Although I really like the name Lucas. LOL

I'm trying to write a letter, but it seems the only ones I can write are to The Evil Twin. :)

Bosun said...

Donna - You win the prize. Joe is the hero. :)

What is your next WIP? I couldn't write one after I'd already written the HEA. You need one you haven't resolved yet. What's lined up down the pipe we can pick from?

Donna said...

Yay! What's the prize? :)

I've got a couple things in mind for the next WIP. I hadn't thought about working on something that hasn't been resolved yet. Mmm. Maybe I should work on the pirate one. . .

Bosun said...

But of course! *spoken in best Lumiere voice*

2nd Chance said...

Well, I believe in pirate ones. Even when I toss in an alien...

*note to self, rewrite alien to alude to pirates...

Hellion said...

*clapping* I love Joe! Poor idiot, short bus Joe who doesn't realize a great thing when he has it... SIGN. ME. UP.

Bo'sun, you better be writing this soon.

Which reminds me I need to mail you something. And with my history of mailing shit, you'll get it in 6-8 months.

Donna said...

Hellion, I'm confused -- you like Joe? Or you don't? LOL I read it both ways.

Chance, thanks for the blog comment -- it was much appreciated!

Bo'sun, I love your Lumiere voice. I'm stealing it now--thank you. :)

Bosun said...

Zut Alor!

Had to get that out.

So glad you like Joe, Hellie. He's totally up our alley. Stubborn and pig-headed with a dash of brooding. His saving grace is that he has a really cool dog. And the big boat and the motorcycle are kind of cool too. :)

Give me a man in workboots any day.

2nd Chance said...

Donna? You writing me another check?

"I'm gonna be rich! I'm gonna be rich!"


2nd Chance said...

A real cool dog!? Go, Joe!

Bosun said...

Chance - He's pretty much my old dog. Every dog I write is Dozer. LOL! I used him in a short story I wrote last year and still haven't done anything with. Very short, like 1000 words or a little more. I love that story, I should dig that out.

Hellion said...

Donna, I can see where that was confusing. Just because I think Joe is currently driving the short bus, doesn't mean I don't adore him. Stubborn, pig-headed men are my favorite men to read. It's so much fun to watch them crumple and fall into the clutches of love.

*sighs* He's got a dog? He's so dreamy. Ooooh, he's Josh Lucas! This is Sweet Home Alabama!!!!

Bosun said...

Well, Joe and Lucas are brothers, so not exactly Sweet Home Alabama. But similar!

Joe is maybe 6', short dark hair, constant 5 o'clock shadow, lots of jeans and boots. Crinkle around the eyes from spending his life on the water. Beer drinker.

Lucas looks like him only sleeker and cleaning. He's a lawyer, real fancy pants. Wine drinker.

Hellion said...

Ick. Wine drinkers.

Beer drinkers--now those guys I adore. You and your crinkle-eyed men.

Bosun said...

son = sun.


Bosun said...

Both my guys work in the son. When I get to Andrew's story, he won't have crinkled eyes. He's a cop, not so much in the sun. :)

2nd Chance said...


I like sunbaked faces...well, not too baked. But enough to see some signs of it. And crinkles around the eyes...sigh.

Sin said...

I loathe not having internet at home. I feel like Hellie living in the Amish times.

*le sigh*

I vote for a new guy. Joe sounds like someone who needs a good punch in the eye socket and well, the lawyer... lawyers can't be trusted. Like theives and murderers. Especially if he's a pinky-up wine drinker.

But I'm with Chanceroo. I think everyone should come a-courtin'.

Bosun said...

I'm sorry, you gals must have me confuzzled with Dee. LOL! There will be NO THREESOMES in the making of this book. *gives evil eye*