Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hottie Crew Member of the Week - Oldies but Goodies

I am attempting to write thirty pages in the WIP this weekend, which means my brain is beyond fried. It would seem I used up all of my Hottie blog creativity last week. So, when in doubt, fall back on the old reliable hotties, that’s what I say.

These boys haven’t gotten any spotlight attention in a while. Which is a shame, really. Look how sad he looks?

And in this part of my WIP, I’ve brought in another man. Which means I now have two hot men to describe. (Don’t bother getting all excited, there will be no threesomes.) This is going to take added inspiration and who better to turn to for sex-inducing, hard-body inspiration than our loyal hottie crewmembers?

It’s been a long, cold winter. Time to step into the sun, throw off the long-johns, and what the hell, throw off everything. These young men have the right idea if you ask me.

Have a great day, darlings. And wish me luck!


Donna said...

Good luck with the writing! I'll be right there with you today, since I have a lot of word count to accomplish too.

LOVE the oldies-but-goodies, since they're new to me. :)

Hottie #3 seems to be enjoying the view as much as I am! LOL

Marnee Jo said...

Seriously, why haven't we been paying attention to these guys? We can be such slackers when it comes to our hotties. :)

Good luck with finishing your 30 pages, Ter. I'm going to sit and see if I can crank out a few pages myself.

Go us go!

2nd Chance said...

Ah, what a nice thing to greet a weary traveler after hours and hours and hours and hours on the road yesterday, and about 90 mintues on the road today...

Hope the guys contending for Mr. Romance are as hot! (Doubtful)

Bosun said...

Donna - Lucky you experiencing that first time again. LOL! And he does look like he's waiting for something to pop out of there, huh? Wonder what it might be? Who's willing to handle this investigation?

*ducks the pirate stampede*

Bosun said...

Pictures, Chance. PICTURES! And if any of those Mr. Romances want to join our Hottie crew, you just bring 'em home with you. We'll make room. :)

Bosun said...

Marn - Such slacking in the hottie area really isn't like us, is it? Where have our priorities gone? *shakes head*

Good luck on your pages. I haven't even gotten started yet. My bathrooms could qualify on the nastiest ever list so we're in quick cleaning mode. (This could be that avoidance thing Donna talks about.)

But I'll get going soon! Go us go!

Donna said...

Oooh! Ooooh! *waves hand wildly to get Bo'sun's attention* I'll "handle" the investigation! :)

I got my word count done early, and I'm not sure how it happened. Wait -- it was right after I stopped by here. . .which means the HOTTIES inspired me! In fact, I'm still inspired, so I'm gonna go write some more! (Yep -- I'm avoiding housework! LOL)

Definitely need pics, Chance. For inspiration. :)

Hellion said...


Bosun said...

Always the overachiever, that's our Donna. LOL!

Hellie - That is the first thing that comes to mind. Well, maybe not the first, but it's in the top five.

Donna said...

I'm more of an "overavoider" today. LOL

Gotta go look and see if H3 has figured out what's what. . .nope, he still looks puzzled! (Maybe it wasn't there yesterday. That's why he's surprised!)

Bosun said...

Maybe it's talking to him or something. You know, a little "Let me outta here."

Donna said...

LOL -- OMG. That's gotta be it!

Bosun said...

Okay, I did it. THIRTY pages done. I am back on pace to finish by the end of May. Holy bejesus, I can't believe it!

2nd Chance said...

Starting a day with a blog of such beauty is simply inspirational, Bo'sun! You picked up, so they were blessin' ya today...
