Friday, January 1, 2010

Back in the Driver's Seat

It's a New Year and I have another 364 days to form new crushes. It's inevitable. Every year, I develop a crush on someone new. For a couple years, it was George Clooney; and there's my on-again, off-again crush on Johnny Depp (my love for Jack, however, is real).

Right now my current crush is a TV show called Top Gear: America. You know how it is. The Brits do something awesome on TV and the Americans have to immediately copycat it. One of the guys on the show is a funny, dark-haired, handsome fellow who has a rebel soul. I decided this during the first episode I watched, when he eventually lost the challenge, but totally went out in style. You gotta give cred to a man who gives it a 100% even if he knows he's not going to come out of it.

The next episode I watched I was intrigued by the shorter good-looking guy. He was a bit too clean cut and serious for me, but then I saw him behind the wheel of the car. They gave him a sports car and had him drive it down a ski slope. With skiers on it. That's when I decided he was pretty crush worthy too. I do love boys who can drive.

So here are my Hotties for the Week. A New Year is upon us and it's going to go fast--so you might as well be with a rebel who will take the year out in style or a professional who will drive as fast as this year is going to fly. Cheers!

I'm adding this picture because we couldn't have a group of hotties without having one without his shirt. I hear he drives fast too, so he's cool.

And this is the ski slope driver: Tanner. So...we all know this year is going to go by fast. If you could have any driver in the driver seat, who would you have?'d probably have to be John Schneider (Bo Duke) or Ricky least it would be a hell of a good time. And what shows do you watch that are clearly guilty pleasures?