Saturday, October 3, 2009

For old times sake

Clark GableWhen I was a little girl, listening to records was common place. The old record player would spin music and the tunes played statically through the air as the wood stove cracked and smoked and kept us warm. Sunlight streamed through the window beside the record player as we thumbed through the records.

Patsy Cline. Benny Goodman. Glenn Miller Orchestra. Those are the ones I remember the most.

Cary GrantToday, I've been assigned the hotties blog and I'm taking it old school. We may have need for carpenters and plumbers, and well oiled machine's of men to take care of business, but I think we need some old school class to church up the ship a bit.

October the fourth was my grandpa's birthday. I dedicate this hottie day to my grandpa who was the original gentleman. Who wore his best of anything when we went to town. Who drove like a maniac in his Cadillac and danced like his feet never touched the ground. Cary Grant. Marlon Brando. Clark Gable. *sigh* Oh to be alive during that time period.

Marlon Brando


Marnee Jo said...

Yum. :) That generation of fellows is dreamy. And definitely had a lot of flair.

Great choices Sin!

Melissa said...

I love old movies and probably Cary Grant most of all. Definitely old school class, whether in a comedy, like "Arsenic and Old Lace" or a serious role like "Penny Serendade," which needs a box of tissues warning. I still remember watching that movie as a teen. Every day after school there would be a classic movie on tv, usually Abbott and Costello, but then, without warning, they'd throw in something like Penny Serenade. That scene where he pleads with the judge to keep his foster child was hard on my emotional teenage self! And, after winning the battle, the child died. OMG.

I hope they don't remake that movie. I can't imagine a modern hottie doing any better than Cary Grant. :) I also agree, great choices for the old school hotties.

2nd Chance said...

Sigh. Let's add in a cheer for Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum.

Nice choices, Sin.

Quantum said...

Wonderful Sin!

I just knew you would bring some class to the hottie spot, and like you, I love the 'Golden Oldies'.

Now if you could have squeezed Marilyn Monroe in somehow, it would have been perfection.

A man in a suit wearing a tie with Marilyn playing with it (the tie that is!) sends me straight for the scotch bottle. :lol:

Irisheyes said...

Awesome, Sin! I'd like to add Paul Newman and Gary Cooper! Although, I think Cary will always be tops for me.

Maggie Robinson/Margaret Rowe said...

There's nothing like a black and white photograph. These are gorgeous. Well done, Old School Sin!

Sin said...

Hey pirates and wenches! I'm so glad you're enjoying the old school eye candy today! I'm not going to be around, but feel free to get handsy and drool. *grin*

I grew up watching old movies. I love the black and white films, all the drama and romance. *sigh*

Q, I meant to put up some Rita Hayworth, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe up, but it slipped my mind. Sorry dear. I'll make it up to you. Promise.

terrio said...

These guys may be old school, but they'll always be timeless. Wonderful choices, Sin.

Beth said...

Those men really knew how to dress. I have a few favorites too - Humphrey Bogart, not classically handsome but boy did he have sex appeal. Gary Cooper and Burt Lancaster looked like big teddy bears except when they were playing psychopaths and there was no one prettier than Tyrone Power

Hellie said...

Who are you and what has happened to Sin? *LOL*

I love, love, love Cary Grant. It doesn't get better than him--though I do love Clark Gable staring up the stairwell with that wide, wicked grin on his face. *sighs*

You forgot Frank Sinatra in his younger years--oh, he was never bad, but I prefer him in his early movie years; and most especially: Gene Kelly. That man was divine! He could dance, he could sing, and he looked divine. I was also a fan of Howard Keel, Rock Hudson (though, yes, I know we didn't bat for the same team, he was still hot), and Paul Newman. I have a wild crush on Jimmy Stewart...and did someone say Gregory Peck? (I liked him in How the West Was Won--he played a sort of scalawag.)

Oh, I also had a thing for James Coburn--no matter his age, he was hot young and "old" and I adore James Garner. He was cute young and he's adorable now.

And let's not forget the original hottie oldie: Rudolph Valentino!

2nd Chance said...

Yeah, Jame Coburn. the Ballad of Cat Balleau!

Hellie said...

James Coburn was not in the Ballad of Cat Balleau. That was Lee Marvin; and I don't know what the good looking dark haired rogue was called.

James Coburn was in a "musical" called Waterhole #3. I remember being so horrified at a movie that featured a "forced seduction/rape" scene. And it worked out in the end! Crazy!

I remember one of the song lyrics going something like, "Treat a girl gentle and she'll preen like a bride, but take her for granted and she'll come for your hide..."

Santa said...

I know. A day late and a dollar short but I was just popping in to comment on Terri's blog - while I polish off my own - and saw this.

Le sigh. I love these old guys. Toss in Paul Newman and I'm yours for life!