Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Useless Information

"The Only One" Evanescence - The Open Door

I'm not going to lie. I'm feeling totally uninspired to write this Wednesday blog. I've gone off the reservation with my writing and into left field. I know how publishers feel about "unnecessary" background inserted into the story. And I hate unnecessary writing, but sometimes I can't get around it. Lately, I've been writing short stories about my characters. Don't know why, probably couldn't explain it even if I had to, but sometimes, characters just have to unload emotional and physical baggage before you get down to the nitty-gritty science of constructing a manuscript. The best way for me to do that is to just listen and record it journal style.

Now, I'm not talking about getting the skinny from the characters while you're writing the scene. You know, when you're writing and all of a sudden something becomes so clear about this character that you had really no idea about and they light bulb finally came on and everything makes sense. Not that. I'm talking about what makes your character YOUR character. The backlog of everything that's happened in their past that makes up their present. (Ter, don't you DARE say that's plotting. In fact, I'm putting my blinders on now.)

I need to know what makes my characters emotionally tick so I can write them to the best of my ability. So I have conversations with them and since we've visited my road rage issues of driving while conversing with characters, I don't need to rehash that.

My latest short story was written about Kiki.

It was sort of random. A lot of our conversations come from our mutual habits. I was washing dishes and she said so deathly calm, "Just because I'm a cold-hearted bitch, doesn't mean I don't have a heart or feelings. It means you're not worth it."  There was some silence, and I know I must have looked rather odd standing at the sink while the water was running unwilling to move in case I lost my reception on the Kiki show.

"I'll never forgive you." I could tell she was about to lose it. The "you" wobbled as if she struggled for air. That it was painful for her to even think about it, let alone say it aloud. It was as if my heart were the one breaking as her voice cracked over the last words she spoke.

"No. Goodbye."

Then it was eerily silent.

I contemplated this. Goodbye is such a sad word. Goodbye means forever in my world. I'll never see you again. I'll never talk to you. I'll not even allow myself to think about you when I'm scared and alone. For a girl who trusts very few, this was a very telling moment about Kiki's inner psyche. Could this be one of the most influential moments in Kiki's past coming to light for me? She felt so lost. So insecure. And numb. The scariest part of it all, she was just numb and knew she'd have to stay that way for the rest of her life.

I had to get this all down.

Matty seems to know when I'm on a mission. He followed behind me as I barely took enough time to turn the faucet off and dry my hands and skittered right into the living room to pull out my notebook.

"What are you doing?"

I didn't look up as I searched for a pen. Why is it when you need a pen, you can't find one but when you don't need one, you've got them running out of your ears? "I have to write something down."

"Right now?" I could tell he was confused. He often is when dealing with me and my odd moments of writing clarity. Especially when I hop out of the shower like a mad woman and dash into the bedroom for my journal.

"I can't explain. Somehow, I tuned into my character and I can't lose this thought. This is THE moment!"

He sighed. I found a pen and squealed happily as I wrote down everything that happened in my head. He turned the TV louder as if he could hear my thoughts and didn't like it.

Too bad. If he stayed long enough he might have heard the real good stuff that might interest him.

So, I've been working on this emotional clarity with Kiki (because Sadie is a mess mentally and making me a basketcase); and I'm wondering if there is anyone else out there that writes short stories about their manuscript characters to get to know them better? What little weird extra steps do you take to get to know your characters better? If you're a reader, do you prefer stand alones or series? And what turns you on and off to the main characters in a book?

Sorry, I totally didn't have a point today. I'll try harder next week. Maybe.


2nd Chance said...

Sin-ster, this is what will make you the awesome success you deserve. The deep thought and careful background exploration will shine through when the writing opens up again for you.

As it is already. These little vignettes definetely aren't just about the writing, they are the writing. They do count.

I recently came to the conclusion that I really could throw away the first 20-30 pages of most of my stuff and it would work out great. It is all part of the same background you are excavating, save mine is foreground?

I don't actually writes short stories. I do run off with characters now and then. And I go with them to such fun and interesting places! These places usually turn into books...


Marnee Jo said...

Sin, I'm so glad you had an epiphany! Those are such fun! :)

I don't write short stories or anything. I've taken a lot of time this year to mess with the "world" around my characters. I don't think I ever thought that a character's world includes that characters interactions with people and the surroundings as well as all the usual world-building things.

I had a similar epiphany last night. Not a short story inducing one, but a character's emotion related one. I hope it makes this story better. I've been in a lull.


Chance - figuring out where to start the story is the hardest. I totally agree.

Sin said...

We hit 600 blog posts today. I just saw it when I logged in.

Good mornin' y'all.

Hellie said...

It sounds like pre-writing. Nothing weird or wrong with that. Your stories are very character driven, so it only makes sense you'd write little shorts or glimmers of these people's lives separate from the story. Maybe this information will be shared later; maybe it won't.

J.K. Rowling sold a postcard with a bit of pre-writing about Sirius and James Potter. Whom the books aren't really focused about--and it was a scene in their POV. Clearly it was information she never used in the books directly, but it gave her insight to these characters to share in the books later.

I say, if it works for J.K. Rowling....

Sin said...

MM, I hope eventually I write something so that I have a chance to be the awesome success you keep telling me I'm going to have. *hug*

The beginning is so hard for me and I have the same issue. I have about 40 pages in the beginning that have to be scrapped because it's mostly background in the past that could easily be worked in with less details but it's the details that I love. How do you determine where to start and what to leave out? Thinking about writing gives me a damned headache.

If I have half of the writing adventures you have, I'll feel lucky. Somehow I'm gonna have to spit out this first one.

Sin said...

Marn, you always have the best epiphanies! I hope you get out of your lull soon. I know you will and you'll be back to rocking out the rest of that WIP in no time.

Sin said...

Hellie, hey, I can't fault that logic. If it works for JK Rowling it can't be all that wrong.

We'll see I suppose.

Sabrina said...

Sin - think of all the uses you'll have for those short stories when your millions of fans are clamoring for more, more, more in between your bestsellign books!

Think of all the anthologies that authors like Kim Harrison put out with short stories of their characters. These stories you are writing can be used for marketing...anthologies, in-between book ebooks, on your website or blog to introduce new readers to your writing style...

The possibilities are endless! I'd call these your golden nuggets of opportunity! LOL.

For me, I try to writing a character sketch for my h/h and villian. Want to know a little about them before I start writing - but I don't go too into them. I want to see how they develop in my mind and on paper before committing to anything.

Marnee Jo said...

I don't feel like my epiphanies are that great. LOL! Most days I wish my brain would just spit out the point in one bit lump some. These little bits and pieces of important are just slow torture.

And I agree. If it works for JK....

Marnee Jo said...

that would be lump SUM. *eye roll at self*

terrio said...

You're too cute, Marn.

Sin - I can't see any way this could be a bad thing. In fact, I worry about the time when I get to the next project. (Fingers crossed that'll be before my 50s!) After living with Bryan and Celi for so long, what's it going to be like to start from scratch again?!

And this isn't plotting, this is courting. You know, the "getting to know you" stage. :)

terrio said...

Forgot to mention that I cut somewhere between 60 and 80 pages off the front of my WIP somewhere around a year ago. But all the info in those pages fits somewhere, just not dumped at the front. It served a purpose. It all serves a purpose.

I love Sabrina's enthusiasm. Those are all great ideas. Golden Nuggets of Opportunity! (Could that be a drink?"

Sin said...

Sabrina, love that positive attitude. :)

I usually don't sketch out my character's too much before I start writing. It's after I get into the thick of things that I start realizing there are pasts that I need to know about (I'm extremely nosy) and I have to take time to pause and reflect on the past with my character to learn how to write them properly. I mostly do it when I'm stalled out to keep me at least writing something.

It's good to leave some mystery. It will work out good for you.

Sin said...

I agree with Ter, Marn. You're too cute.

If I'm going to be tortured slowly I atleast want some options. LOL

Sin said...

Courting my characters?

I'm going to turn myself into a character so I can make out with Ash and Ruiz.

Marnee Jo said...


Marnee Jo said...

Ter says: "this isn’t plotting, this is courting."

Sin said...

Then we're moving on to the second one.

Sin said...

Ter, come hell or high water we are finishing our first WIP this year.

terrio said...

Marn - I have to spin it or she gets all uppity and contrary.

Sin said...

Who? Me? Sure you don't say I'm contrary. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black, dear?

Marnee Jo said...

Ter, I bow to your masterful spinning.


Hellie said...

I don't like "courting"--it sounds like the legal system. I prefer to WOO my characters.

Sin said...

Marn, don't encourage her. LOL

Sin said...

LMAO. I prefer flirting.

terrio said...

Just call me Kettle for the rest of the day.

I almost went with Wooing. It was close, but I kind of like courtin'. Works better if you drop the "g". If he comes a courtin', he better be doin' some wooin'.

Sin said...

I'm actually likin' courtin'. A real hot cowboy with mud on his boots and a beat up pick up with a country drawl... *swoon*

Sabrina said...

I'm a courting kinda girl - It's what I called my dating hubby. He and his family got a huge kick out of that.

Wooing though sounds much more romantic!

Sin said...

Well wooing is out of the equation for me. I don't do romantic. LOL

I didn't court the hubby. I stalked him. LOL

Hellie said...

Courtin' makes me think of 7 Brides for 7 Brothers--which I love and I suddenly have an image of Gideon leaping back into the mix and whisking Millie around the room--but I'm like Sabrina--I think wooing sounds more romantic, sexier.

You could go really old school and call it, "Pitchin' and wooin'"--no idea whatsoever what pitchin' means.

Hellie said...

Sorry, sorry, it's Pitching THE woo, not pitching and wooing (which sounds like something in baseball.)

Seriously, where do these idioms come from?

Sin said...

You could wiki it.

hal said...

Sin - tanding at the sink while the water was running unwilling to move in case I lost my reception on the Kiki show.

I totally cracked up when I read that, because I've done that too. Held my head at this awkward, painful angle because I could hear voices and didn't want to lose them (wow, that seemed less nutso at the time than it does when I write it down *g*).

I haven't tried pre-writing, but it sounds like an excellent system. I usually lay on the bed with my eyes closed and wait until something conjures up and try to capture the emotion. Or until I fall asleep *g*

Sin said...

I'm a little odd. I suppose you know that by now. LOL

Hal, I like to lay on the bed for quiet time as well because usually that will bring on the conversations and odd emotional moments but quiet time doesn't happen often for me. So I take my inspiration while I'm standing at the sink, with my headphones in. I think Skullz should give me an endorsement bonus. LOL

It's almost like we're puppy like when we hold our heads at weird angles. It's even funnier if you have your hands up at different angles to get better reception. LOL

Hellie said...

If I lie on the bed with my eyes closed, I just fall asleep. That is not a good system for listening to the voices.

Driving. That's when they like to talk. Man, they're rowdy when you're driving.

Janga said...

Sin, I think sometimes we have to write things that may not be part of our main story in order to find where the main story wants to go.

My H/H in TLWH have been divorced for five years when the story starts, but I reached a point when I HAD to write their break-up scene. It has no place in the book, but I had to know what happened in order to understand what was driving the main story. Call such writings scenes, vignettes, or short stories, I think they play an important part in leading us to "The End."

And I'm with Terri. My extra scenes and cut sections go in my button box. I never know when they may be useful.

Sin said...

I know, Hellie. Sadie and Kiki get particularly vicious while I'm driving.

Sin said...

I'm with you Janga. I keep everything that I cut and it goes into a holding folder I call, "DO NOT TOUCH". I can't imagine deleting anything permanently and not being able to read over it again regardless if it will fit into the main story or not.

Was it a nasty break up?

Lisa said...

Squee! I actually have some breathing time today. I've missed you guys:)

I've written several short stories about my characters, mostly to get to know them. It's so hard for me to get a grip on characters of my own after writing fanfiction.

I used to love reading series, but after becoming a writer I don't know what I would prefer to write. I've been so disappointed in some fav authors and their chosen outcomes or lack of outcomes in different series. I know it's hard to please every reader, but most series I've read have disappointed me with inconsistancies, and story direction.

terrio said...

Yay for Lisa breathing time! We miss you when you're not around too.

Janga - Your readers are going to be clamoring for that scene when your book hits the shelves. The problem I have now with my button box, as you so smartly call it, is that mine is now trapped in my other laptop. The one I can't get to turn on. The files are fine and safe, but the power button doesn't work. *sigh* I'll have to get in there eventually.

My characters love to jabber while I'm trying to fall asleep, but Hellie is right, they go on a tear while I'm driving. Then, yesterday, while I was getting my hair cut, my hero of this short little story I'm writing, Jack the Hot Handy-man, tells me he's a recovering alcoholic. I can't write that into a 5000 word story? Gah!

Marnee Jo said...

*Big sloppy hug at Lisa!* We missed you too!


Sin said...


Okay, so I know the whole issue of fan fiction is totally taboo, but someone found my oneshot of my Twilight fic and totally wrote a blog about me.



kellykrysten said...

I always know it's a Sin Blog if I see a music recommendation.*g*

Okay, I've never written a short story about a character to get to know them better, but I'm totally intrigued by the concept and do want to try it. Although, I am a panster so this may not work for me at all. But I will try it out.:) I think to some extent I compose short stories in my head about the characters. I definitely know more about my characters than will ever make the cut in the actual book. But it takes me a few drafts before I figure out what exactly my characters are like. They start off wooden and one dimensional, then they usually go whiney, and at some point they show their true colors.Weird.

Great blog!!

Sin said...

Lisa!! Babe! *squee!*

I agree. I know some series that I'm seriously disappointed in and I have series that have only grown stronger with each book. It's hard to decide what to write.

Sin said...

Squeezing a recovering alcoholic into 5000 words is gonna be tough, Ter, but you can do it. Edit, edit, edit!

terrio said...

Holy shit! That's not just a blog about you, that's a review of your work. A freaking awesome review!

Would you please write your dang book now?! LOL! JeeminyChristmas, you're going to smoke us all.

Sin said...

*blinking* I think I'm still a little stunned.

Hellie said...

Damn, that's an awesome review! And I had to read the clip...though we know I'm not a particular fan of Romeo & Juliet Vampire Style--but damn, if we'd had a few scenes like this in the book...

I agree with Terr (Hell just froze over)--WRITE YOUR OWN DANG BOOK NOW!

Sin said...

Kelly, I'm just a tad bit obsessed with my music aren't I? LOL

What I like about writing shorts of my characters is that it's completely pantsed. Really random pieces of things they think about or what's happened that just come to me briefly. They aren't planned. I'm still of the frame of mind that my story needs to unfold itself while I'm writing it, but my characters and I need to be completely in tune with one another to flow. I think you'd like it. Try it one time, just sometime when you hear something that doesn't fit but you'd like to explore it. Let me know how it works out for you.

Sin said...

Every time I read something of mine that's been posted all I can think about is how I could've made it cleaner and better.

I'm going to write my book and dominate. That's my new goal.

Janga said...

Wow, Sin! That's a fabulous review. Now get busy and finish that book. The world's waiting.

2nd Chance said...

Dominate! Dominate! Dominate!

2nd Chance said...

Ah, Sin-ister! That was great! Sweet little review to link to your author website... *wink, wink.

Sabrina is so right about the marketing aspect, and it is never too early to give that consideration!

How do you determine where to start and what to leave out? Thinking about writing gives me a damned headache. I don't know where to start so I just start. Usually, at some point in I find myself thinking of an alternate way to start. A way that dives in a bit more directly, using all the pages I find myself needing to discard in a less intrusive manner. But it isn't wasted, it's more like stuff for the compost pile. Reuse, recycle, reclaim, baby!

Sin said...

I'm going to work very hard Janga to deserve that praise. :)

Sin said...

MM, I have it saved in case I doubt that I can write. LOL

I never think about the marketing side of writing. I guess I just always focus on trying to actually get something written. And that's not really working for me lately either. I just need to take a deep breath and realize that everything comes in time.

We're all going to dominate in 2010!

Janga said...

Total tangent, but y'all need to go to Romance University and read this article on the man hug. I can't syp laughing.


2nd Chance said...

Janga, that made my day. ;) The "Shrug" ... isn't that a dance? And it should be the American Shrug, since we're the country that gets totally freaked out about such simple things...

Sin said...

*snickering* hahahahahaha That's hilarious!

terrio said...

That is funny. Though I'm surprised no one mentioned the number one rule - two male pelvises shall never meet. Which is the point of the amended hug in the first place.

Re: Alcoholic in 5000 words. I already have around 3K and really only need one more scene to finish it off. I'll have to see how it goes. I guess if this turns into something longer, then I'll have to go with it.

2nd Chance said...

Does it really matter, Terrio? Alcoholism is something pretty much understood. You don't have to go into depth with it, can just sprinkle a comment now and then...see if it flies that way...

Not saying it isn't important, but one well written phrase can blend it into the background of who he is and why he does things without treating it as the defining moment. Unless it is... Sigh.

Good luck!

terrio said...

Well, the way it came to me was that THIS is the reason he thinks he doesn't really deserve the smart, sweet heroine. That's too deep to explore in so few words.

5K doesn't seem like much when you're trying to write 85K, but it goes by pretty damn quick when you're trying to ONLY write 5K. LOL!

Sin said...

In fact, I think I write blogs that are close to that limit. LOL

Sin said...

I'm WAY too long winded for 5k.

terrio said...

I love writing short, which is odd since I'm so long winded. As we determined yesterday. *rolls eyes*

I think I can go as high as 8K. I need to check on that.

Hellie said...

Though I’m surprised no one mentioned the number one rule - two male pelvises shall never meet.

You know that is IRONIC. Being if two male pelvises MET, it's not like there is a place one could slide into the other from that postion of front to front, at least not that I can account for by lining up my Ken dolls and all.

Now a front to back hug--sure, I can see getting a little high strung about that--but really then, shouldn't women be a bit more concerned about hugs from men? I mean, far more concern about things sliding into spots where you didn't want them.

terrio said...

It's not the "sliding into" that is the issues. I do believe it's that the appendages shall not touch. No crossing swords, as it were.

And men do the full frontal just to get the booby squish. Some are so obvious about it.

terrio said...


hal said...


Okay, so I have a highly inappropriate little brother, and apparently one of his also inappropriate friends from the Navy came up with the "Creepy Man Hug" while bored in Iraq (the things our taxpayer dollars go to....LOL!)

Creepy Man Hug:
1. Do the normal Shug, then suddenly drop the hand and step in too close
2. Rub your chin against the stubble on their cheek.
3. Whisper in their ear, very softly, "Our balls our touching."

hal said...

Ter - I've heard too that it's a "never ever touch" issue on the full frontal hugs. Though I'm sure in a macho guy's man, there's still the irrational fear of the unexpected slide-in. :)

terrio said...

I knew a guy who refused to go to a particular hair dresser in town because the dude was gay. Like he was going to pump the chair to just the right height and slip him something extra.

Nit. Wit.

hal said...

Guys are insane. There's no way around it *g*

Sin said...

Ter, LMFAO. I agree. Nit wit.

Sin said...


terrio said...

And when it gets right down to it, the only ones who have anything to fear from the little peckers is us. LOL!

terrio said...

This is the second day we've gotten WAAAAYYYY off topic. LOL! But I love that today we can blame Janga.

Sin said...

I love when we completely tangent all day.

Sabrina said...

Ok - so today's tangent is totally not my fault! I wasn't even on the ship at the time! Promise!

terrio said...

Okay, so pointing out the tangent killed it completely. Who'd a thunk?

Janga said...

I did acknowledge in my post that I was on a tangent. :)

But we all know that the tangential nature of the blog is half the charm of RWR.

terrio said...

And thanks for saying we have charm. *kicks a pebble with toe*

terrio said...

Janga - It reminds me of when we used to take tangents on the EJ BB. LOL! You and your ruler.

2nd Chance said...

Swords shall not cross! YES! That's it. Actually, shall not come within approximaty of each other. As if Sister Mary Francis is standing nearby with her ruler...keeping the couples from getting too close...

I missed a lot to day. On the road to Mom's where I'm her slave for as long as it takes her to recover from knee replacement surgery...

Tangent? What's a tangent got to do with anything? ;)