Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Plotter's Struggle With Plotting

Sorry I'm a little late today, ladies.  Busy week.  This cat above is what I feel like these days.

I've been a bit stalled up these past couple weeks.  Renee Lynn Scott tells me that she gets stalled at the 60K mark too.  And though I don't enjoy when others share my struggles, it is nice sometimes to know I'm not alone. 

So, anyway, because I'm stalled, I've been trying to read back over what I've written and see what's not quite "right."  

I'm a plotter.  I'd planned things out; I had my entire story blueprint.  But, though I had the story, something about my characters wasn't fitting into my blueprint very well. 

And of course I had that moment where I thought, "Why do I plot when I'm just going to have to adjust it all later anyway?"  Here's what I decided:

First, I think adjustment is inevitable.  At least for most of us, plotters or pantsers alike.  (If not, you're way way more lucky than me.)  Any time you put more than two characters together on paper, you have to consider how they all feel and how they all react. So, when you are dealing with, say, 5 or 7 important characters, as I am, I have to see how they overlap. Which causes me to have to probe the motivations of 5-7 (albeit fake) people. It's emotionally exhausting. Why would they do that? Would they do that? How do they feel when this happens? It's all so tiresome sometimes.

Second of all, though I thought the story worked on the offset with the characters I'd devised, now that I'm 2/3 through their story, I've gotten to know them better through actually writing them.  And since that's how I get to know them better, it's not really strange that what they're really like is different than what I saw initially.  Why should fake people be any different than real people, after all?  I just have to decide how that's going to change my overall story.

This whole exercise has made me revisit the whole plotting/pantsing issue.  Here I am, firmly into my second half, and now I have to essentially "replot."  Yet, I know if I were to just write, my plot would go nowhere, I would be discouraged and throw my figurative hands up.  I'd decide I suck at this whole writing gig and give up for a month, only to throw out what I have and start again with some new storyline and go through the entire ordeal again. Talk about exhausting.  (I'm a bit dramatic that way.)

That's why I've decided to just continue with my plotting. Even though it makes me batty sometimes.

How do you deal when you stall out?  Hal put a 20 questions method to get going again on her blog this week and I thought that was great.  Any other suggestions?  Some commiseration?  Is this process different for pantsers?


Marnee Jo said...

Sorry I'm late, girls. :(

Sin said...

It's okay babe. Don't sweat it. I actually logged in to see if it didn't post when it should've.

Sabrina said...

Hi Marnee!

With the help of a push from the pirates, I'm just getting starting with my writing. I was using plotting as an excuse not to start. I love to research and could do that forever, but it's not getting my words on the page! But I still feel that I need to have a blueprint - not a full out plan, but some guidelines to point me in the direction of where my story should go.

I think I will be much like you as I get further along - that my characters will flesh out and the first part of the book will need to adjust.

Since I'm not that far along, I can't give suggestions for stalling out - but I know the pirates will have some great ideas for you!

Hellion said...

I don't know. Plotting to me seems like making itineraries for a vacation you're very, very excited about. Like say, Scotland. You make a list of all the things you want to happen in Scotland and in approximately the order you think they should happen, in the most logical way. Grouping, for instance, all the hot spots in Edinburgh for a day or two tour instead of hopping back and forth to look at hotspots in Glasgow and Edinburgh. It's just more efficient use of your time and you'd see more.

But the problem with itineraries is that people get very strung out about them. They get very attached to them like little checklists, that if they don't do every single thing on that list at the time it was assigned for the amount of time assigned to it, then the trip is a failure. And seriously, how can you go to Scotland and think, "This sucks"? That's just wrong.

So I think plotting is like making an intinerary--but the kind of intinerary that allows for unguided tours and rainy days. Or the ability to switch one of your days for another without causing a major meltdown with the whole trip. You need an intinerary with flexibility.

Sabrina said...

Really LMAO - Hellie - I'm building the itinerary for my Ireland trip literally right now!

Usually I jsut make a list of things we want to see - like a checklist - to make sure we don't forget anything.

This time though, I'm planning the trip fo rhte whole family, so I'm makign a full scale, all out day by day guideline of what we are doing and seeing.

I never thought to compare that to writing a book! Very interesting!

Marnee Jo said...

Sabrina - maybe that's it.... Maybe it's just that now that I've got "full" characters that I need to make sure they're full all the way through. Thanks! Interesting. And good luck getting going.

Sin - thanks for that. No, I was just losing track of days. I swear, I lose more brain cells every day....

terrio said...

I just got here so I wouldn't have known you were late if you didn't tell me. :)

For me, I sort of float from scene to scene. I more or less plot in my head what will happen in the next 20 pages, then the next, then the next, with specific events planned to happen when they fit. But sometimes, what I plan doesn't work.

Twice I've planned scenes that started with either the hero or heroine being late for an appointment. Neither time would the scene work as planned. I went back and re-wrote them without the lateness factor, and they worked.

This is minorly frustrating, but at least I figure out it's not working right away instead of after I've gone farther and have to fix more. I guess my suggestion then would be to start asking questions (and these might be in Hal's list) like "How can I come at this a different way?" or "What if that didn't happen and this happened instead?"

Marnee Jo said...

Hellsie - an itinerary? LOL! I hadn't thought of it that way. Maybe you're right. Maybe our personal vacation style does have something to say here....

I'm the type who I need an itinerary, at least something, to make sure I do anything at all. If I were on vacation without even an inkling of where I was going, I'd stay in my hotel room, order room service, and read all day. Or by the pool. So, if I need or want to get anything accomplished, I need an itinerary.

Which is why trips to the shore (like the one we're taking in Sept -yay!) are the best. The only plan we have is to laze at the beach and drink beverages.

If I were going to Scotland, I'd need an itinerary. Because if left to my own devises, I'm so flexible that I'd fall apart. I'd do nothing because I wouldn't know what was the best to do. (Does that make any sense?)

Hellion said...

Sabrina, I'm a big fan of itineraries, but be sure to allow some time to wander and see the unplanned. It might be the best part of the trip.

Marn, okay, I checked out Hal's site and the rule of 20 thing is brilliant, but lord almighty, I don't think I could come up with 20 things on any given thing. Hell, I couldn't give you a list of 20 places I'd want to eat at in Columbia--and I love to eat. I don't know. I could give it a whirl, but still...*LOL* how would I ever manage to think up 20 motives for a man? 1.) I want to have sex with her; 2.) I want to see her boobies; 3) I want to see her naked; 4)...and you see why I'm stalling out.

Marnee Jo said...

Ter - :) Asking questions definitely helps. I think I've been trying that, essentially. (That's what Hal's method suggests too, sorta). Basically, brainstorming.

I think where I am in the length makes it difficult. It's hard to remember how every decision/plot twist affects the other plot lines when you're 200 pages into the story. So I end up having to read the whole darn thing. Over and over.

Maybe this is the best way, though. My head is going to explode trying to wade through my questions and how they all intersect though. (It's alright of course. I feel like my head's going to explode most days.... LOL!)

Marnee Jo said...

Hellie - I know what you mean! When I was taking my education classes to become a teacher, they taught us something like this. That you should give kids enough time to brainstorm so that they run out of all the "obvious" solutions. One they start to wrack their brains, that's when the good stuff starts eeking out.

But I definitely must be uncreative these days. I've got nothing. (Again, something going on in the stars?)

Sabrina said...

Marnee it makes perfect sense! Usually I just make a list of the major highlights we need to see - then we pick that morning what we are in the mood for.

I have to do that, or the hubby would ask "and why do we need to see this" about any place before we could decide what to do. This is my way of saying - I did the research and here is the best stuff to see.

So maybe, wiht a story the idea should be - here are the major plot points, here's why they need to happen to move the story along, and let my creativity move me from one point to the other.

Now, adding in some minor twists and turns that should happen between points just helps flesh it out. Then I think I'll let the characters and story flow as they will.

At least, that's what I'm going to try :)

Marnee Jo said...

Sabrina, that's kinda how I usually do it. I plot on major twists and then try to tweak the way it unfolds. I generally don't get too hung up on the details (both in writing and in life. I'm fairly laid back.) So it works for me.

My biggest problem is that I adjusted a motivation at the beginning of the story that is now going to adjust everything through the course of it. I'm still trying to figure out how it shakes out.

So, I pretty much just saved the old draft and now I'm just tweaking and rewriting. Just in case I hate what I'm doing now, I'll have the old one to fall back on. But I hate that all the work I'm doing now might be worth nothing in a few weeks..... :( Blah.

Hellion said...

Marn: this is where Hal's strategy would work very well with the itinerary. (I'm like you, if I don't plan something, I'd stay in my hotel room and do jack shit.) You make a list of the 20 things you most want to do. The first five are things everyone does; the last five would require too much alcohol to give you courage--and the ones in the middle are just fresh enough to be a proper vacation.

I don't think itineraries are bad. I love a good itinerary because I like having a plan (since I know without a plan, I'd just drink all day and screw around)--but I also try to keep my intinerary flexible enough that if I can't do what I want on a certain day, that I have something I can switch it with from later in the intinerary perhaps--and maybe use the other stuff later. Somethings you just have to be flexible enough to shift stuff around.

And you definitely have to be cool about your intinerary. I mean, it's Scotland. It doesn't suck; and it's not going to suck. You just have to be willing to shift stuff around. It doesn't mean you've lost your planning.

Marnee Jo said...

Awh, Hellie... You're speaking in a parable, aren't you? All that be flexible stuff is telling me to relax and just go with it, to stop being an uptight virgo, right?

You're right of course. :) XOXO

Marnee Jo said...

And you're right. The last five options would totally end up in tattoos and trips to Vegas or whatever.... Not good, not good.

Hellion said...

Could be something in the stars. You could be having Mommy burn out at the moment. You're wearing too many hats at the same time and probably just need that vacation where you don't do jack shit.

I know you're a writer though. You'll come back to it. Just try not to panic; and try to write something every day, in case the Muse returns.

Hellion said...

*grins* Just caught on, huh? *LOL* Yeah, I was talking in parable.

Totally off topic, I am reading Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult and my favorite character is the bishop of the Amish community. He talks in parables. Of a sort. I mean, he'll talk about something completely unrelated to what's going on, and the other person will actually think he's talking about that topic. I laughed my ass off every time he does it. He's brilliant. He's like a Zen monk in the middle of a dairy farm.

Marnee Jo said...

I've never read Jodi Picoult, but a lot of my friends love her. Are you a big fan?

Marnee Jo said...

Hellie says: "I know you're a writer though."

This seriously brought tears to my eyes. I think I needed to hear that this week.

Hellion said...

Don't worry: you are a writer. We all just need to be reminded from time to time. Terri has to remind me every day.

Hellion said...

Nope. I figured she was the Lifetime movie version of Nicholas Sparks. Everyone has cancer or is an abuse victim, etc, etc. My friend Holly--who is a picky reader--loves her because she doesn't do predictable endings. There's always a twist at the end you don't see coming.

I picked up Plain Truth because, well, it's about the Amish community--and I do have a fascination with that. Mostly I laugh at some of things the Amish do and behave--because it's their culture--and it's stuff I do, was taught to do. (Though I could never live Plain, but some of the minor stuff I just do and didn't even realize that was a sign of being Plain. *LOL*)

The story I'm reading is about an Amish teenager accused of murdering her baby. Except Amish don't commit murder. It's very interesting; and her voice is very easy to get absorbed into. She does deep third person POV very well; and she does setting where it feels natural and like you're there, but without being so overly descriptive, you feel its overwrought.

I have a feeling though she is a bit like Nicholas Spark/Lifetime Channel though. She probably can't help that.

Sin said...

Ter, I'm a lot like you. I don't plan vacations. I just wing it. Mostly like my writing. I wing that too, so when I get stuck, I go off writing something else.

terrio said...

How did I get in the line of fire?

And now I'm wondering how Hellie has survived TWO vacations with me. I don't plan. No itinerary. I just wake up and do what I feel like doing that day. But now I'm remembering how she kept googling and sending me links with "We have to go here!" and "I want to see this!"

I just said, "Sure, whatever you want." LOL!

Sabrina said...

by the way ladies - I have to share because I'm too excited...

The Smart Bitches picked me to test drive a Sony Reader - i can't wait and it will be perfect for my trip!

Ok - back on topic...

Don't feel overwhelmed Marnee - just know that any work you put into a book is about making it better. Even if you find the new stuff doesn't work, at least it showed you what direction to NOT go in and sometimes that is just as important as finding the right one.

terrio said...

Thank you, Sin. I feel less alone now.

And this idea of adjusting a character's motivation is so foreign to me. LOL! I mean, I rarely plan their motivation ahead of time. Clearly that is not the way to go. But I guess that's why Janga calls me "organic". (I hope so anyway. *sniffs armpits*)

terrio said...

Sabrina - Congrats on the e-reader!

And listen to you spouting all this wisdom. LOL! Where have you been hiding?! Oh, and I saw you on Leslie Langtry's blog yesterday. You'll be happy to know she'll be joining us next week. :)

Sabrina said...

Terrio - I actually found that blog from your blog links! I loved her book!

You pirates sure do get the best guests - can't wait!

terrio said...

Oh yes, we only run with the creme de la creme. LOL!

Shocking as that is....

Hellion said...

I like my vacations to be a hybrid. I don't necessarily want to plan my vacations to death, but I do like to have a list of options of things to do. But I don't want to do everything that's on my list of options. I usually just take the list and whatever sounds good that day, that's available, financially sound, and good for all parties--we do it.

I hate-hate-hate intineraries where I'm forced to leave something before I'm ready to go; or go to something I don't want to see at all (UNLESS one of the other parties really wanted to see it and it was just a matter of fairness). I don't know if I could go on a planned intinerary trip of England because sometimes they take you to places for SHOPPING because that's what silly American tourists like to do. I'd rather go on a more specific intinerary tailored to my personality--and probably included less shopping...and more dead writers' houses.

Sabrina said...

LOL - Dead writer's houses! I was beyond ticked off last vacation when we only got 2 hours in BATH, Englad and I saw nothing, NOTHING!!! of Shakespere or Jane Austin stuff! Those stupid Roman Baths (ok they were kinda cool) took up all the time we had! I'm still pissed about that!

Hellion said...

Sabrina, I'm reading Leslie's new book right now and it's hilarious! I'm so glad she's interviewing with us. She's amazingly tolerant of Sin's and mine stalking issues of her.

terrio said...

See, I'm the same. I want to visit the UK so bad I can taste it, but I couldn't do it on one of those guided tours. I'd rather be left to my own devices. Visit what I want, stay as long as I want. It's either my independent streak or my aversion to being told what to do. LOL! Not sure.

haleigh said...

Wow I'm late this morning. I love how this "rule of 20", which was given to me by a very conservative, very religious sweet woman from Texas has now been converted to tattoos in Vegas and drinking. This is what happens when you give something to a group of pirates! LOL!

So I just got back from another week of classes on writing, and will be talking about it until you all are ready to strangle me. But, one of the professors said something in a class last week that really hit me:

"If this doesn't make you write faster, and write better, than don't do it."

Ironically, it was a class on plotting. But I'm like you, Marn. My final novel never looks like the original plot. And I regularly have to stop and "re-plot." There must be something about the 60% mark that just makes it stall-out time. I'm in the same spot (despite my comments earlier in the week about being motivated to write. Uh, not so much anymore).

I'm starting to wonder if for me, part if it is just plain nervousness. I keep thinking, "Okay, now I have to make the big push to the end. Now I have to finish this sucker." And it's freakin me out a bit.

But Marn, this is an awesome story, and it's going to come together. Just give yourself and your characters some room to breathe, and it'll all work in the end.

Hellion said...

I want to visit as long as I want, et al, but I want to be told about stuff by people who actually KNOW IT. I don't want to actually just visit things on my own. I want someone along who's like a friend, but who knows all the juicy gossip of the history of the place, and can say, "Jane sat here and scribbled at this desk."

That's why I don't like seeing things by myself. I want someone who KNOWS the place and can give the history.

terrio said...

So you want to *learn* stuff. Me, not so much. Just want to experience being there. If someone wants to tell me about it, I'll listen. But it's not a requirement.

Hal - You know we always loved to hear about your classes!

Hellion said...

Hey, I've met Debbie Macomber. She is a very sweet, conservative woman--but she has a pirate streak in her. She'd laugh at us.

Then again, who doesn't laugh at us?

The 60% mark. Is it that we don't want to put our characters in the black moment where all is lost? I mean, we spend all this time feeling our characters feelings, maybe it's a fear that if we get to the black moment we ourselves feel like we're never going to get out of it. And the black moment is a dark place and negative emotion--so working towards that, while trying to combat your fears as a writer is probably like trying to climb out of a black hole where no there is no light. You wonder if you're even headed remotely in the right direction. So you think maybe it'll just be better if I just sit here until the train hits me. *LOL*

haleigh said...

*sit here until the train hits me*

Wow you just summed up all my emotions in one little sentence. I feel like I'm the white trash chick who's sitting beside the railroad tracks in a plastic lawn chair with a can if Miller light and a cooler at my feet. And every time someone says, "hey come on, you have to run," I just say "nope, I'm not doing it" and crack open another can.

Hellion said...

I like to LEARN stuff and EXPERIENCE being there. Whatever. This is why I should vacation alone. *LOL*

Hellion said...

Hal, *LOL* I can't imagine you as the white trash chick--but I'm totally on board with the Miller Lite.

I think this is the point where Terri would remind us that these are fictional characters and that we might feel all is lost now, but since we get to write the happy ending that it's all going to work out. But I do think you can lose yourself in the emotions of your characters--you forget it's fiction--which is good, because your readers will too, but in the mean time, you're strung out, wondering how you're going to make it work out. *LOL*

Marnee Jo said...

Wow, look at you guys go....

Hells/Sin/Ter - I'm with Hellie on having options. I just need to know that I have stuff to do, directions to take. And I hate feeling overwhelmed with finishing tasks, like i need to check stuff off on vacay. (I'm a neurotic list maker as a general; I need a break on vacation).

Sabrina - Yay about the e-reader! That's sooo much fun!! And Leslie is the bomb. :)

Hal - Awh, you're stalled out too now!? I hope I'm not contagious.... But that's good advice from your prof. :) And sorry about morphing your good advice into some sort of crazy college road trip.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I just have to push now.

And the sit here until the train hits me? That's hilarious. I think that I'm chilling next to Hal. But if we'd be real WT, we'd be drinking the Milwaukee's Best or the Natural Light. No high class beer like Miller for us.

Marnee Jo said...

Hellie says: "But I do think you can lose yourself in the emotions of your characters–you forget it’s fiction–which is good, because your readers will too, but in the mean time, you’re strung out, wondering how you’re going to make it work out."

*waving hand wildly* I think this is me!!

haleigh said...

No high class beer like Miller - LMAO!!

Hellie - you can't picture me as white trash? I grew up in freakin Nevada, Missouri (for those of you not lucky enough to be born in Missouri, that would be Nevada, but with such a thick hick-accent it comes out Ne-vay-duh). I'm pretty sure anyone from Nevada is automatically white trash :)

Hellion said...

*LOL* I've met people from Nevada, MO. *LOL* I guess we're long lost cousins then in redneckdom.

haleigh said...

redneckdom. Yep :)

terrio said...

I can't wait to get to the black moment! For one, I love angst (which y'all know) and screwing up their lives means fixing it again. I love fixing things. :)

Lisa said...

Writers that really care about their end product always face a brick wall at some point.They rethink the entire story all the way to the bare bones. I admire your discipline Marnee. You care about what you write, and you go after what needs to be done. You ask questions of others when the going gets rough, that's the beauty of networking with other writers. I may not have any great answers to your delimma, but I make a heck of a cheerleader:) Brainstorming with others brings so much to light that you can't see from your side of the keyboard. When I see your book on the shelf at Border's, I'm totally going to jump up and down and scream "I know her!"

terrio said...

I'm totally behind Lisa here. Brainstorming or really just talking about the story with another writer works WONDERS. Hellie and I have been exchanging work daily (makes me accountable....goes long way to getting my fingers on the damn keyboard) and if something isn't working, we toss it back and forth until it comes around.

I adore plotting with other people on their stories. It's just a fact that others can see in our work what we're too close to see.

Sin said...

I can't wait for the black moment either. I like killing off people, and I get to do that throughout the story, but when you get to create a black moment for your main characters and throw them into a situation that ultimately can't control, but can only think of a way to temporarily fix, it's the ultimate writing rush to me.

Sort of like a car chase and the main characters car gets in a really bad wreck and they smell gasoline just enough to get them moving and the car blows before they can really get too far away. I definitely don't want that to happen to me, but I want my reader to be able to feel that rush of scorching heat and the putrid smell of rubber and gasoline burning.

So essentially, if I get stuck, I write something bad. LOL

terrio said...

Marn - I refuse to make lists 99% of the time. The 1% is for Nationals when I will make a list of workshops and times so I know where I'm going each day. I learned last year that there is NO time to figure it out once you get there.

Hellion said...

*LOL* Sin's comment reminds me of that writer's advice that if you run into writer's block and can't figure out what to do next, have someone break into the room and shoot someone.

Maybe you should do that, Marn. Shoot somebody.

Or if fire's your thing, the car bomb/gasoline trick sounds good too.

terrio said...

Between white trash chicks sitting around drinking cheap beer to burning tires and flying debris, y'all are painting some interesting pictures today. LOL!

Sin said...

Someone could be pushed down a flight of stairs.

Someone could step off a curb and get blasted by a car.

Someone could jump off a bridge and disappear.

Hellion said...

Ooh, I like the "jump off a bridge and disappear"--because I immediately got the thought of "what if he didn't disappear in the water, what if he disappeared in the air and traveled back in time instead?"

Hellion said...

See, I love making lists. I get such satisfaction about crossing stuff off of them that I've accomplished. Being I'm the type who works for praise, this is the closest way I can give myself praise. "See, look, I've done X,Y, Z today."

Sabrina said...

This makes me think of soap operas...

Someone finds a long lost twin

Someone discovers they are related to their True Love

Someone has a love child revealed

2nd Chance said...

Man, I am not awake enough fer this discussion! I'm gonna 'ave ta read the comments agin and see if'n I can figure out a place...

Until I do...pantsers face this middle place of wonderin' where the hell am I goin'? Where the hell are they goin'? Why the f*ck did she do that? How the hell am I goin' to make this work...?

Characters run amock do keep things interestin'!

I do tend ta plan itinerary stuff. Like fer far is it ta the hot will it be...what would I love to see? And panals, fit those in there...meeting Jenna... ARGH!

Very much like me WIP...

Sin said...

The secret baby !!!!

2nd Chance said...

I feel like that cat.

Sin said...

You have to see some of the Smithsonian(?) museums if you're going to DC. It was one of the best things I saw in DC. There is SO much to see in DC. I need to go back to finish up seeing everything.

Jordan said...

I love the itinerary analogy!

And speaking of trips to Ireland, DH emailed me out of the blue with a $299/person deal to Ireland. Which is a bit odd, really, since I don't particularly care (okay, I do care some, since my current heroine is Irish), and I know he'd rather go to Scotland.

But if anybody wants any Scotland itinerary advice, DH lived there for two years, and he'd be happy to help, I'm sure.

This is starting to sound like a travel spam comment....

haleigh said...

The secret love baby who was switched at birth with the cousin of the father and falls in love with her own brother, not realizing they're actually related.

2nd Chance said...

This is why I don't watch soap operas anymore!

Though writin' outta that hole could be a powerful exercise...

I plan on the Museum of Natural History. Thought I'd steal the Hope Diamond fer the ship...

Marn...when ya figure out how ta write yerself outta the slump, let me know...

Hellion said...

"The secret love baby who was switched at birth with the cousin of the father and falls in love with her own brother, not realizing they’re actually related."--Hal, stop telling Nevada stories out of school.

Sin said...

Y'all would feel much better if you'd just kill someone off unexpectantly. Seriously. That's my formula. The more pain, the better for everyone around.

terrio said...

Where did the cat comment come from?

You'd think Marn would like the "jumping off a bridge and travelling back in time" one. She is married to George Bailey. :)

Jordan - Are you going to Ireland?!

Hal - You're squicking me out!

haleigh said...

Hellie! LMAO!! Couldn't you just see someone sitting in the truck stop telling that story. God, it's so true. This is why I try never to go back there :)

Hellion said...

Hal, they could tell that story in my hometown. *LOL* My friend Pam would have to go home to her mother and ask her if the new boy she was crushing on was a cousin or not...and 8 times out of 10 he was. Drove her nuts. She was related to everyone.

2nd Chance said...

The cat at the top a' the blog! Great pic, really! I'm havin' a slow mornin', crew.

So, the answer ta a stalled plot be ta throw in a bit a jet a secret baby, or kill someone. Hmmmm. I thought I'd just have me heroine do somethin' to endanger 'er life and piss off the hero...but will build a better relationship wit' 'er daughter...

Convoluted enough?

terrio said...

Oh, that cat. Duh.

This is where I could tell the story about how my ex-S-I-L's M-I-L is her sister. But I won't. :)

And to be my usual Polyanna self...

Someone could win a million dollars.

Someone could get the job of her a city AWAY from the hero.

Someone could meet a new guy who appears to be first.

Marnee Jo said...

I love you all. I just wanted to let you all know. But I only had a minute to sit down right now and read the comments, so I'll be back in half hour to comment. :)

ReneeLynnScott said...

Marnee, I blogged about getting to know my characters today. I decided a loose plot is good, that way I can get to know my characters in the first draft. I have this character, well he's dead, but he's the foster father of my heroine. I knew his title included Reverend. But it wasn't until I reached 52k the other night that I realized this reverend, wasn't an official preacher. He was a real honest to goodness loving man who so often put others before himself. This man in his character is what I imagine should be Christ-like. He spent time helping those less fortunate than himself, he'd accept the prostitutes and drunkards as human beings and not as the low-lifes that society pinned them as. My heroine struggles with what's what, she continues to carry out the things her foster father had begun, like buying things from stores these women weren't allowed to enter. All through this she continues to take her foster brother to Sunday service because she believes that is how her ff wanted the child raised, yet she sees the hypocrisy of the people. She has a bad rep because she doesn't hide her 'sinful' misdeeds.

Any way I trailed off. All I meant to say is give yourself permission to write outside your plotting in the first draft so you can get to know your characters. As I said in my blog today, that first draft is like a courtship, or like an archeological dig.

I love blogs like this, and you'll get unstuck soon I just know it. Have one of your characters do something totally unexpected and see how the others react. ;)

ReneeLynnScott said...

Oh forgot to say, my wip is not by any means an inspirational. :):)

terrio said...

See, this is what I keep telling myself or I'd get bad stuck. This is the first draft, just keep going. Get the story down. But then, that only works for layering and description and finding the perfect words. Can't really fake the plot, huh?

Renee - If you don't stop teasing about this dang WIP. LOL!

Marnee Jo said...

Ter - "I love fixing things." LOL! I have to say that I like fixing them but messing things up... not so much. I feel bad. Pent up Catholic guilt, I guess.

Lis - *blushing* Thank you, you're sooo sweet. I do care, and somedays I'm more disciplined than others. But the feelings mutual, hun. I love your cheering, I love your help, and I'm going to squeal like a tweenie at the opening of Twilight when I see your books on the shelf too. :)

Sabrina said...

Ok - for those of you who like to say "I love fixing things" I hve the perfect site for you. It cracks me up.

For a few laughs visit...

Marnee Jo said...

I love all the advice I'm getting today. :)

Sin - "So essentially, if I get stuck, I write something bad." That is some good advice. :) I don't really like writing the bad stuff. Well, sorta. But I cry, so that's sorta bad. I have a really horrible black moment coming (though I hope it's going to be awesome) but I am sure I"m going to bawl like a big baby. :( I may just need an intervention after that, folks.

Ter -I like plotting with others too. Hal and I trade off every week (it works for us, though I'm totally a slacker this week, Hal, sorry....) But it keeps me honest and keeps my fingers moving (usually....)

And I'm ridiculous with lists. Seriously, I won't even air that dirty laundry here. Think OCD and multiply by, like, five.

haleigh said...

no worries Marn - I'm a slacker this week too. I'm up to 800 words. Total. LOL! Though I re-wrote those last scenes from the opposite POV and I think it works better. I'll send you those tomorrow.

Marnee Jo said...

You people's lists are killing me. Secret babies that jump off bridges anyone?

And I am married to George Bailey. But I'm afraid of heights. How's that?

Chance - I think having your heroine endanger her life is good enough. LOL! Are there secret babies? Does she threaten to run herself over with a car or blow herself up with a bomb? No? Hmmm.. I'm not sure this is working for me....

Marnee Jo said...

Jordan! Hi hi hi!!

I would love to go to Ireland. I've heard it's so beautiful. And I'm ridiculously Irish, married to another ridiculously Irish person, with a full-blown, stubborn, hot-headed Irish kid. So I feel like we should at least see the beautiful place if we have to put up with the Irish personality dysfunctions and lily-white complexions. LOL!

And Ryan lived in Scotland for two years? How cool!

terrio said...

Sabrina - Those are hysterical! I should send my mom the hot water one since they spent a year without hot water and heat due to an out of control gas bill. LOL! In Ohio!

*does a happy dance that she's beating Hal on word count for the week*


haleigh said...

Sabrina - that site is hysterical!! Thanks for sharing!

Marnee Jo said...

Renee - The first draft as an archeological dig, huh? I like that. You're right of course. :)

I think that maybe I'm approaching this bit of adjustment a little too dramatically. Maybe, instead of being all negative about it, I need to think of this as a great turning point. I think I figured somethings about my characters out and now I'm going to adjust it and make it better. This isn't a time for panic! No, it's a time for opportunity!

*Picture me with my face painted a la Braveheart, rousing my slumbering morale.*

PS, your book sounds awesome, good luck finishing up!

haleigh said...

Ter - I loved the hot water one too. Our gas got cut off last week because I failed to reply to a post card about needing a new meter. Apparently, they were serious. *shrug* Good thing I was out of town! :)

And oh yeah, you're kicking my butt in the word count! awesome job!

Marnee Jo said...

That site is hysterical. :)

Marnee Jo said...

PS, hacking at my brain today shook something loose I think. (hopefully not my sanity.)

I just had a eureka moment a bit ago of how to adjust my beginning. I think it's going to be perfect! :) (Ok, better anyway.)

haleigh said...

yeah Marn!

Sabrina said...

Go write girl!

Marnee Jo said...

LOL! I'm tweaking I'm tweaking! :)

terrio said...

It was the secret baby/dating your brother thing wasn't it? LOL!

Yay for Marn's eureka moment!

Sabrina said...

You go write - we'll man the ship and do quality control checks on the rum!

Go Marnee Go!

Marnee Jo said...

Ter - It was the secret baby/dating your brother thing! LOL!

Seriously, it was just what I needed to shake loose. One thing that will change her. It's just right. (for now. :) )

terrio said...

Now I can't tell if you're joking. I'm worried. LOL!

I know none of us really write Historicals, but if this doesn't give you inspiration to try your hand at one, nothing will.

haleigh said...

she has a secret baby? A secret twin?

Oh no - Nik's really her brother, isn't he? Was the sex scene I was so proud of really incest? Marn! That's not what Sin meant by write something bad! LOL!

terrio said...

I love that Hal is proud of Marn's sex scene. LOL! But the fact that even Hal is worried makes this even worse.

haleigh said...

I'm not actually worried. I know there's no insect going on. At least, I'm pretty sure I'm not worried ;)

This reading of Pride and Prejudice is cracking me up. The seductive looks he keeps shooting at the camera really make the reading! LOL!

Sabrina said...

LOL! I'm a fan of Mr. West's but I do have to ask why he does keep looking at the camera!

Pretty cool coffee break!

Marnee Jo said...

LOL! I love messing with Ter. :)

No, no incest. No secret babies.

I'm going to make her a little more in the dark and our hero just a little darker and more angsty.

Hal, you're going to love it.

And the sex scene you're proud of stays. I'm axing a couple other things though. And tweaking that one where he tells her that he doesn't want her. Just a little.

terrio said...

Wait til he gets to the part where they actually argue. Oh. My.

Hellion said...

Jane Austen didn't write historicals. She wrote contemporary novels. Dominic also reads a contemporary/contemporary novel. Hell, they could all be reading from the damned phone book...

I would love for any of those guys to read my novel aloud. I bet they'd do a kick ass job with my Adam & Eve one.

haleigh said...

awesome Marn. AWESOME!!!!!!!! I love anything dark and agnsty!

And Ter - they're arguing. Oh. My.

He's a hottie, and that British voice just really makes the whole thing better. He's so serious about Mr. Darcy. I love it ;)

terrio said...

I know she didn't write Historicals, but if you wanted to write something TODAY like what he's reading, it would have to be an Historical. *sticks out tongue*

Marn - Hellie messes with me enough. Don't you start too. LOL!

Hal - Told ya.

Sabrina - He's an *actor*. They emote, darling.

haleigh said...

emote. *snort* boy was he emotiong.

terrio said...

Can you imagine if they get Matthew McFaddyen on there?! I would die a thousand deaths.

haleigh said...

or daniel craig? *swoon*

Marnee Jo said...

Daniel Craig. James McAvoy. *swoon*

terrio said...

Oh, oh, James McAvoy in his full on Scottish accent. Which is sometimes hard to understand. LOL! I'll take it!

Sabrina said...

I'm in on the James McAvoy request...

Personally though - If ever was a man to read to's forever and always Sam Elliot.

terrio said...

He could read Renee's Western! LOL!


We sort of lost track again didn't we?

Hellion said...

Johnny Depp.

Sam Elliot has the BEST voice.

Actually, I'd take Alan Rickman reading just about anything as well. *LOL*

terrio said...

You mentioned Johnny and I had to go watch clips of Public Enemies again. I need to stop doing that.

haleigh said...

ps - Ter, you started the off-topic. You had know when you directed us all to a site where a hot British man reads P&P that we'd never come back. ;)

2nd Chance said...

Yer all nuts, ya know!? I'll have to check out the audio site when I got's earphones...or be at home. The drawbacks a' writin' at Starbucks... heroine don't age. Hasn't in 28 years...her daughter is suddenly aging at an excellerated rate. But Mom can take on those's risky... That's the risk Mom takes, which pisses off the hero... convoluted? Uh huh...

terrio said...

True. But I've sent you to worse places. LOL!

Chance - You're just now figuring that out?! (The we're nuts part, that is.) And that sounds convoluted but makes much more sense now than it did before. That's a pretty good twist actually.

Hellion said...

I'm going to Public Enemies tonight, I'm going to Public Enemies tonight...

*LOL* Yeah, that is funny that Terri is reprimanding us for going off subject, when she brought the subject into the room...

terrio said...

Who reprimanded?! I was just making an observation.

Maybe I'll treat myself to that movie this weekend. Though I still need to see The Proposal AND Transformers. I'm thinking Public Enemies is the least date-like movie so I won't look so weird going to that alone.

2nd Chance said...

You worry about lookin' strange goin' ta movies alone? Hell, I go ta movies alone most a' the time! I sit in a movie theater, don't 'ave ta share me popcorn, surrounded my munchkins and mommies...

Though I had two little old ladies next ta me when I watched "The Proposal" ... They laughed and giggled a lot! Troublemakers!

I 'member seeing' Barbed Wire and the theater were filled with young guys...all with seats spaced between them! HA!

Sabrina said...

I beg to go to movies alone!

Sabrina said...

Oh - and I have no chance of seeing Public Enemies...husband is totally non-jealous of real men, but becomes a baby about Depp.

I haven't seen a Johnny movie in 10 years unless its been while the hubby was out of town!

terrio said...

I suggest sending your hubby out of town.

I've gone alone before, but I prefer matinees even if I'm with someone. Cheaper, ya know. I'll check out the times for this weekend. I'm so stoked to have three days off! (Shut up, Sin.)

haleigh said...

3 days off! Woo hoo! We're going to the beach for the fireworks...someone said something about a boat and going out on the water to watch. I can't wait :)

And I'm not going to see Public Enemies either Sabrina. The first words out of my mouth when I saw the preview was "Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in the same movie!" My husband looked at me and said "NO!" LMAO!! But we're going to see Transformers, which I'm excited about, so it works out *g*

terrio said...

How do these men not realize THEY benefit by taking you to see these guys on film?

Hellion said...

See, I knew there was a damned good reason why I wasn't married, and it wasn't just because of my personality.

haleigh said...

LOL! They totally do, too.

Sabrina said...

They do realize it - and can't take the competition! The whole "is she thinking about him or me" thing. LOL

Hellion said...

It's the rational that gets my friend pissed off when men go to strip clubs and come home. (Follow me on this.)

It's the fact that you get worked up over another person--then come home to them, the second fiddle, to get your kicks off. THEY want to be the person who works you up into a seething passion of desire. Not nancy gay-pirate guy.

Though it's a little different. It's not like Johnny's giving me a lap dance, darn the luck.

terrio said...

I've never met the man who turned down sex because he wasn't getting it for the *right* reasons. And I'm with Hellie, I'd rather stay single than have a man tell what movies I can and can't go see.

Gah! I'd kill him.

Hellion said...

What I don't understand is how they think keeping you from the movie will keep you from thinking and fantasizing about Johnny Depp? It's not like you don't know what he looks like. It's not like he could actually turn off your brain and keep you from fantasizing about the guy.

And if I had a husband getting this strung out about it--I'd probably fantasize about Johnny Depp just to piss him off because how ridiculous are you being! *LOL*

See, yet another reason why I can never marry. I would purposely try to enrage my husband, just because I could.

haleigh said...

In Rob's (the hub's) defense, he knows good and well he can't stop me. He just wasn't going to take me himself :)

And you're right - I think women get way more worked up about the whole "who is he thinking about" thing than men do. If a man's getting laid, he rarely cares why. LOL!

Sabrina said...

Let's just say I know my battles and get to use my non-Depp status against him.

I'm heading off for today - Driving about 5 hours to see family in south florida and getting warmed up for Nolan Palooza!! (That's the family's yearly Golf Tournament - the ladies won last year!!!) I adore my husband's family so this is my favorite trip to make!

Have a great weekend everyone!

haleigh said...

Hellie - I purposely try to enrage him all the time. It's freakin hilarious! He gets all worked up, and then I start laughing, and then there's usually pay back involved. But he's a good sport, so I can usually turn the pay-back into more fun :)

Marnee Jo said...

Wow, we're at 132 comments. What a busy day.... :)

2nd Chance said...

I noticed the comments be buildin' the last week...nice! Everyone is wakin' up, what's I think. Hope it keeps up...

So, couldn't find Leslie's new book at the bookstore...not out yet? Got two of Victoria Dahl ta read...

Sabrina, btw...glad ta hear 'bout the e-reader. I wants one! RT got an interestin' article 'bout the differences between Sony's e-reader and the Kindle. I'd rather the open format...

DH's worry about who the lady is thinkin' of? Yah really think they care? LOL! There ain't nothin' I can't go see, accordin' ta me DH. Ta be Johnnyless?
