Monday, June 1, 2009

The Revenge Welcomes Paranormal and Erotic Romance Author ANYA BAST!

Our fantastic guest, Anya Bast, has agreed to join us today for the release of the last book of her Elemental Witch series.  WITCH FURY is on your bookstore shelves today.  Run out and grab a copy!  But in the meantime, while you're stuck at your computer, stop here and say hello to Anya!  One lucky commenter will win a grab bag from the author.

Without further delay, let's give a warm, Revenge welcome to Anya Bast!



The hero of Witch Fury, Theodosius Winters, is the kind of character I like best to write. Dark, brooding, a bit dangerous, and just a little damaged. It’s the kind of damage that only true love can heal. Theo needs someone, even if he doesn't know it yet.

His childhood was rocky. That would have been enough, but when he was teen Theo was kidnapped by the Duskoff, a group of warlocks out for their own selfish gain. At the same time, they nabbed someone very important to him. Coveting his powerful earth magick, the Duskoff tried to break Theo to their will, but failed. In the process Theo had to watch the murder of the one person in the world he loved.

That’s just about enough to push anyone into a world of darkness, huh? As an adult, Theo works for the Chicago Coven and his favorite job is making the Duskoff pay every chance he gets.

Enter Sarafina Connell. Outgoing, vivacious, talkative, and with a million friends, Sarafina is Theo’s opposite in just about every way. She’s also had trauma in her life, but with the support of those who love her, she’s weathered the storm much more successfully than Theo, who has been alone his whole life.

Unfortunately, when Sarafina comes home one day to find Stefan Faucheux in her living room, she’s in for a whole new trauma. Stefan nabs her and forces her accept a truth she wants no part of–she’s a fire witch. This turns her world on end and makes her reality a jumbled mess. Then the Chicago Coven raids the house where she’s being kept and Theo assumes she’s a warlock–his least favorite thing in the world.

So, you see, Sarafina and Theo have a few things to overcome.

And the barriers to their relationship are only part of the problem. The Duskoff is back and deadlier than ever. In this final book of the series, all the threads between the Atrika demons and the warlocks weave together to create a powerful force meant to take down the Chicago Coven for once and for all. Sarafina and Theo will have to put aside their differences and find common ground in the battle.

I’m a bit wistful to see the end of the Elemental Witches series, but also excited about things to come. I have a new series starting, which will be launched with the novella, Sweet Enchantment, in the Hot for the Holidays anthology that comes out in late September. That anthology also features novellas by Lora Leigh, Angela Knight and Allyson James. A full length novel, Wicked Enchantment, will release in January, 2010. It’s a whole new world for me to discover and I love that. I hope you will too!

The first chapter of Witch Fury and book video are available on my web site –

Are you a romance reader? Theo is a dark, dangerous and very flawed hero. He's healed through the love of the heroine. I love reading (and writing) these types of male leads. What's your favorite type of hero to read about?

I'll send a grab bag of goodies to one commenter. 



2nd Chance said...

Welcome ta the ship, Anya! Here, 'ave a mornin' drink. I calls this Jane's Common Sense and it have lots 'a fruit in it, as well as some nice potent rum...

I like ta read the fightin' 'gainst all odds and keepin' a wise ass sense of humor while goin' against the world hero. Like Harry Dresden.

I always liked Spiderman in the comics and his sharp comebacks when growin' up. Maybe that be where I comes by it. A witty man? Ideal.

I think Harry takes the cake fer me 'cause he faces tragedy and certain death with a tired fatality and charm again and again. But somewhere, somehow, 'e carries in 'im a glimmer a' faith, a' hope that it's all gonna be OK.

I likes ta think there be a women out there fer 'im someday...

And he wears a nice long duster, which looks cool.

Quantum said...

Hi Anya

I'm fairly new to paranormal, but Theo and Sarafina sound irresistible.

I recently read your 'Water Crystal' which I liked. The heroine saves the world, puts her hero on the path to righteousness and has a good time as well...fabulous read!

I did wonder about excessive use of the tongue though, in their close encounters of the loving kind. Would the health and safety executive approve?

Anyway, its all fantasy...isn't it?

Lovely to meet you here. :D

Tiffany said...

I'm sad this is your last book in the series! They are so dark and rich! I've enjoyed them immensely. Choosen Sin was pretty good too for anyone in need of an Anya Bast fix :)

What is your new series about? More witches or other paranormal characters? Can't wait for the anthology, you are amongst some of my fave para authors!

Maggie Robinson said...

Hi from another Bradford gal! Congratulations on a fabulous series.

My favorite hero? Like you, someone super-damaged, but with biting wit. Am working on one now, and he'll get the love of a good woman to tape himself back together. :)I tend to think of heroes as either Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. Han always did it for me.

Lisa said...

Hi Anya! Welcome aboard.

I love when opposite characters attract. And I'm an alpha male lover! Although I haven't had the pleasure of reading one of your books they come very highly recommended.

I'm a paranormal convert. I started reading paranormal when I discovered the Twilight series through the recommendation of a fine friend.

Have you always written paranormal, and what is the most challenging part of your process?

Marnee Jo said...

Hi Anya! Welcome aboard! I'm incredibly excited to have you and I can't wait until my local B&N opens so I can run and grab Witch Fury. :)

I love a bit of a damaged hero myself. And I love paranormal damaged heroes. Something about that deep pain when added to good vs evil risks and superpowers. Lots of high stakes. I love that.

I'm with Tiff. Can you tell us more about Cruel Enchantment? Please? :)

I'm also interested in how your series manifest themselves. Did you plan to leave this series at four? (I'm working on what I hope would become a series now.)

Hellion said...

I love dark, dangerous, and flawed heroes. Severely flawed heroes. This is a problem because I try to date these guys in real life and it doesn't really work the same as it does in books.

I should probably read more beta books.


But I prefer my dark-dangerous-flawed heroes to be funny and charming, dripping with wit and humor. And if he looks a little like Johnny Depp or George Clooney, well, that's just the icing on the cake.

Sin said...

Did I hear someone say there is a book called Choosen Sin?

Must get this today. Must get this whole series today.

Welcome to aboard the ship, Anya! Congrats on your release today!

I love romance novels, but paranormal and urban fantasy are my favs. I've been bit of a slacker lately on my writing but I've also been looking for a new para/UF writer so I'm excited that Marn asked you to join us today Anya!

I suppose one of the reasons I gravitate towards para/UF is the darkness of the writing, the heroes with all the flaws and brooding and self-sacrifice ego problems. And the heroines are usually very strong in this genre to match the hero. I just enjoy the thought of witches and vampires and demons (oh my) in a world that's sort of adventureless (well for me). There's a certain charm about getting lost in an alternate world to the one you know and imagining what it would be like to live in that world.

What inspired you to write about witches, Anya? Have you always written para/urban fantasy, or was it one of those random things that just happened?

Sin said...

Alphas are more fun to date, Hellie. Then you marry a beta and twist him around your little finger. Ooh, then you could have a harem. *g*

Marnee Jo said...

Sin - I agree about imagining more adventure in our world. I think that's why I like my paranormal to happen in our reality. Other worlds, even some of the best made up ones, are a lot harder for me to get into. But imagining something extraordinary in our world just really grabs my interest.

And I kinda agree with you about the marrying a beta. Betas make great hubbies.

terrio said...

I lean more toward Betas, but I think the hybrid (Gamma we call it?) would be my favorite. Something Like Cam in Lisa Kleypas' Mine Til Midnight. He's clearly in charge, can handle himself in a brawl, smart as hell, and HAWT, but he's a little more subtle, laid back, and very charming. I'd rather a guy lead me around by *convincing* me it's what I want than clubbing me over the head and dragging me whether I like it or not. LOL!

Hellion said...

Terri, I prefer Gammas for that reason too. Though it is hard to find a man who can be subtle. *LOL*

As Hermione might say, "Can you be anymore obvious..." Well, okay, I'm not sure she actually said that, but she is dating Ron and I have a feelign she said it quite a bit out of earshot.

terrio said...

Good point. LOL! Subtlety is not their strong suit, is it? And I think I just said I'd rather be manipulated. Huh.

2nd Chance said...

See, Harry isn't really an alpha...not how I sees 'em. But I don't know that I'd want to be his significant other. For one thing, any women 'e shows a real interest in always gets fragged... But I'd like ta be an ally, a friend, a go-to gal fer when 'e needs 'elp. I'd flirt wit' 'im, but we'd both know it ain't goin' anywhere.

I think I married a hybrid... Or maybe that be a secret alpha...or a split personality and the alpha only comes out when it's needed...

Ter - I likes the distinction between bein' clubbed and bein' convinced. Tho I been clubbed inta bein' convinced. Least that's what me DH tries ta do. "But don't you see...if..."

"ARGH! Let it alone! Fine you're right, just stop tryin' to convince me of it!"

I don't think he understands the idea of mutual disagreement bein' just fine.

terrio said...

LOL! Chance, I'd never make it with a man who couldn't agree to disagree. Our arguments would go on for days!! (I'm kinda stubborn and like to argu....debate. :) )

2nd Chance said...

'E says it's OK ta disagree, then starts tryin' ta convince me 'e's right. I don't think 'e even realizes 'e does it! Till I try ta open the car door while on the highway ta escape...

I be easy. I know we ain't always gonna agree, nor 'member things the same. The urge ta be right jus' ovewhelms 'is common sense sometime!

Sin said...

I can't exactly lie and say Matt's a beta or anything. But I don't think I could live with a beta. I'd have him dragging his balls behind him and whimpering like a pup in 2 minutes. Can't have that. Gotta have someone who can handle me and can handle himself.

But the problem is that most men (see Q, I didn't say ALL) can't properly take care of themselves. So therefore, the heroine has to swoop in and make sure everything is running smooth and pretend it was all the hero's doing.

Except my subtly is severely lacking.

2nd Chance said...

*wiping monitor down with my last shamwow...

"...dragging his balls behind him and whimpering like a pup in 2 minutes..."

What a visual... Sin, ya gots it.

Hey, the tops need bottoms...the bottoms need tops... it's a coin toss as to who plays what at any given time. Long as each likes the part...

Honest. I think me DH be more beta than alpha... But a smart beta... As I said, undercover alpha? Undiscovered Alpha. That would be a good book title...hmmmmm...

Anya Bast said...

Thank you all for the wonderful comments. :)

2nd Chance -- Harry Dresden definitely has allure, I agree.

Quantum -- Thanks very much. I'm very proud of that book. It's not very well known, so I always get excited when people mention it.

Tiffany & Marnee Jo -- It's called the Dark Magick series. It's fae-based (worldbuilding) and will be paranormal romance. It will be a titch darker than the Elemental Witches series.

Wicked Enchantment is the first full-length book in that series. The hero is the Lord of the Wild Hunt, sort of like the grim reaper of the fae.

Cruel Enchantment is the second book and I'm working on that one now. The heroine is an ex-assassin with super skills in glamour and the hero is The Blacksmith (a fae able to make charmed iron weapons) who has been waiting years to exact revenge on her for someone she killed.

So, darker. A tad. LOL.

There's a novella called Sweet Enchantment too. That one kicks off the series (but it's super stand alone) and will be the Hot for the Holidays anthology in September (myself, Lora Leigh, Angela Knight and Allyson James).

Sin -- I write about vampires, witches and the fae, mostly. I'm not much of a werewolf/shifter kind of girl. No so much for demons (although maybe in the future) I'm not sure why I gravitate toward those three, specifically. I'm just drawn to them and find them compelling.

Terrio (and all) -- I'm married to an alpha and want to crack his head regularly. LOL. In a way, it's good. He keeps me strong.

terrio said...

Hello Anya!!! *waves excitedly*

There is so much known lore about vamps and witches, where did you get the input for the fae? I'm guessing lots of Irish legends?

And just to defend my Betas, Beta does not automatically mean weak. It's just a different, more subtle approach (in my mind anyway). Needed to get that in there. *sticks out tongue to Sin and runs away*

2nd Chance said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, Terrio - Undercover Alpha!

Welcome back, Anya. It be later in the day, so have a Glittery Hooha, extra glitter since Sin's been leavin' me stash alone.

I be lookin' forward ta book on the fae. I've done some stories that walk that path. It be fascinatin' ta play with the many legends a fae one way ta another...

Marnee Jo said...

Hi Anya!

Your new series sounds awesome. I can't wait to dig in! :) And it does sound a touch darker, but I like that, personally. So yay! And I can't wait to see how this world works out. You do great worldbuilding. Any tricks to that?

And I guess wouldn't call my DH a beta either, more gamma. I have no tolerance in babysitting a husband either. He can take care of himself but he's not exactly that brooding, Neanderthal sort. More super sarcastic, but a total softy when it comes to me.

2nd Chance said...

I feel a song comin' on... Undercover Alpha... Midnight fantasy...

I gots ta go work on this!

Hellion said...

Anya! Glad to see you! *waves* I nearly spewed water at my screen when you said being married to an alpha made you strong. *ROTF* That's putting it mildly.

Hellion said...

Terri: don't look at it as being manipulated. Look at it as that you're looking for a diplomat.

Hellion said...

Chance: I think I'm the female version of your husband. I'll say I'm agreeing to disagree, and then I'll still try to prove my point. If I really think I'm right--and you haven't yet proved you're right--then I will try to convince you I'm right. I mean, one of us MUST be more right than the other, right, and it might as well be me.

limecello said...

Am I a romance reader? Yes, yes I am. :) I love romance heroes- I'm so glad that the genre moved to offering both t he hero and heroine's perspective - I love getting into the hero's head. As for my favorite type? I like them all, across the board. The alphas, betas, paranormal, historical, rich, or poor. I go for personality. He just has to be smart, capable, and in love with the heroine. I love the brooding, angsty hero that gets a little jealous though. One that's a bit of a bad boy, and really works for the heroine's love. It's just so entertaining.

Congratulations on the new release, Anya!

Karin said...

I liked your comment "I’m a bit wistful to see the end of the Elemental Witches series, but also excited about things to come." It reminds me that this is the end of the school year and although I would be sad to say goodbye to the current group of students I could hardly wait until next years crop! Enjoy each new series!

2nd Chance said...

Hel - One of us must be more right than the other...and it might as well be me...?

That just cracks me up! I be more a one of us could be more right than the other, but I don't care enough about it to discuss it in great depth. Maybe I be a born peace keeper...and not the sort that carries a big gun. Tho that would be one way ta make sure the peace is kept.

"Just quit arguing about it or I'll blow your head off...!" ;)

But I can sees it in ya, Cap'n. Especially wit' this mania 'bout when chocolate appeared in history. Tho I had a friend tell me the other day that granulated sugar was around in the Mid East a hell of a lot earlier than is thought. I'll find out the details and taunt ya wit' it. OK?

Lindsey Ekland said...

Well I love the tortured hero and the military man, actually any man who wants a relationship with the heroine of the story. Looking forward to this book and reading all about your new series.

2nd Chance said...

Hel! Makes me think a' the two marines in Pirates of the Caribbean that want ta argue who is right about the most mundane things... I be like Jack, rollin' me eyes and walkin' away!

Terri W. said...

Welcome Anya,

Congrats on your new release and I love reading your books.

I love to read about tortured heros and the alpha males.

terrio said...

Welcome to all the new visitors to the ship! Thanks for stopping by and we hope you'll join us again.

terrio said...

A diplomat. I like that!

The irony is that Hellie says I'm the one who likes to argue. She's the one who likes to argue, until you've argued back long enough that she realizes you're never going to agree with her. LOL! Then she takes her rum and goes home.

Anya Bast said...

Terrio -- I went waaaaaaay back to the myth of early Ireland and kind of riffed off it. I used Ireland as a base, but I'm trying to take myth and legend from other cultures too.

Thanks again for the warm welcome, all. I loved guesting today and I appreciate very much that you asked me. :)

Chris said...

I do have a weakness for angsty alpha heroes... but not so angsty that they're whiny or TSTL. It's a delicate balance!

Amy S. said...

Witch Fury sounds great! I love reading the alpha male. lol

Marnee Jo said...

I see some new faces. Yay! Welcome to the ship!

Limecello, Karin, Lindsey, Chris, and Amy - Thanks for stopping by and visiting with us and with Anya. :) We're always glad to have new commenters. :)

2nd Chance said...

Aye! A second Marnee...glad to have some fresh blood on board... Hopes ya come back!

kh said...

like the striong sensitive hero
congrats on your books

Caitlin said...

My favorite hero would be one that has deep understanding of his abilities but yet sensitive and has a few flaws which he/she used against her enemies.

Cybercliper said...

I love the dark, snarly, tortured hero - the kind that hates the world, but still has a small glimmer of humanity tucked away. Congrats on the release!

Lori T said...

Hi Anya~

Witch Fury sounds great and I am really looking forward to reading it.

I love to read about heroes that have a bit of a dark side. There is just something about the dark hero.

Congrats on the release.