Monday, March 30, 2009

I want to be her when I grow up...

Countertransference is the dirty word of therapy. Professors during undergrad would throw it around as a threat. According to Wikipedia (dear god I'm quoting wikipedia), it can include a therapist transferring their emotions to the patient, or worse, "cases where the therapist literally takes on the suffering of his/her patient. In the most extreme of cases, it can result in the therapist taking on the neurosis or psychosis of the patient, such as bouts of paranoia or psychotic intervals, illustrated by Jung in the case of schizophrenia."

I think we need a word in writing for countertransference. Or maybe there is one and I just don't know it yet.

The reason I've come to this conclusion? Because over the course of one week working on my new MS, I've become desperate to become a pilot.

That's right, I, who gets ill every time I'm in a plane that lands (so, all planes....thank god), have decided that in my "spare time," I should take flying lessons and buy myself a Cessna 172 Skyhawk.

I was a bit startled by this revelation (I mean, wow, I've uncovered a secret, deep-set desire to defy the laws of gravity and soar into the sunset) until I remembered that while writing my last MS, I was tempted to throw it all away to become an investigative journalist.

Anyone else noticing a theme here? It seems that I like to take on the characteristics of my heroine. I mean, I know we all inadvertanly transfer our own emotions, values, nuerosis, etc. onto our characters, but I'm managing to take on their characteristics?? They're not real!! I made them up!

So far it's only my heroines, and only their career options, so maybe I'm safe from becoming a scizhophrenic like poor Jung up there. And I wonder if it's only the heroine's because I can relate better to women, or because all of my hero's so far have obscure job titles like "super-secret uber bad-ass," the likes of which, I am clearly not. Though I will admit to making plans with a friend to go to a firing range and take "learn all about handguns" class. But that's just good research. Right?

I even went so far in my "countertransference" to check how much, exactly, flying lessons would cost me. Not as much, actually, as you might think. I might even be able to swing a lesson or two.

Oh god, somebody stop me now. In my next book, the heroine's going to be a secretary.

Anybody else have this problem? Or am I clearly on the road to schizophrenia and still in denail? Any tips for picking normal jobs for your characters? Anybody else walking the fine line between research and crazy?

(sorry for the late post this morning!)


Marnee Jo said...

Morning Hal! :)

I haven't done this, but I write paranormal stuff. So I'd have to start believing in my ability to move things with my mind or to see the future. And though I teeter on the verge of insanity some days, I haven't been that bad yet.

Though I do feel like I talk to them, so that's definitely multiple personalities.

Hellion said...

Well, definitely in the GOGU book. After all, I gave a happy ending to a situation that in real life would never have a happy ending. *LOL* And then I believed that could happen in real life. (I really should have watched that Becoming Jane Austen movie a few more times.)

In the previous manuscript, I did think it would be neat to be a bar owner. In this book though, I have no desire to date people I meet online (been there, flunked that); be a farmer or a homemaker; be a stripper (I would like to take pole dancing as a cardio class though); or work in retail. Lucy is a manipulating little horndog--and while he is amusing to me, he is not someone I wish to emulate. Mostly I just want to build him up so when he does crash and burn, he really feels the pain this time.

And there really should be a word in writing for this phenomenon. I'm sure it happens more times than we care to admit. *LOL*

Oh, I do have a partial manuscript for a couple books where the characters (heroines) are schoolteachers. I DO NOT HAVE ANY DESIRE WHATSOEVER TO BE THAT. Come to think of it, the heroines don't really want to be schoolteachers either.

Sin said...

Sadie is a super spy computer cracker. I've always wanted to be one of those. I have set in my mind that it's all glamourous and she wears black and sneaks around in the night.

But of course I know better. LOL

I'm with you on the flying... I can't imagine flying my own plane. I dated a guy who was in the process of getting his pilot's license. *memory lane sigh* It didn't last. Adrenaline junkie in a totally different way than I am. I do not like to jump from planes. Fly planes. Jump from bridges. That's insanity.

Normal jobs are so boring. Why would you do that to someone of your creation? Unless you want to punish them. LOL I feel a smack coming on from Hellion. I dunno why.

Honestly, if I wrote a character with my job description, I'd bore people to tears. Or they'd jump off a bridge.

Hellion said...

No, I'm just to uncreative to give someone a job I haven't had. That's all.

That and I get a little sick reading about spies and CIA agents. Not exactly something I can relate to. Bratty students? I can relate.

hal said...

Hi Marn - I thought multiple personalities was a pre-requisite for becoming a writer. Is that just us? LOL! How cool would it be if you could actually see people's future like Sarah. Of course, she doesn't find it cool....but still, for a few days, it could be fun *g*

Sin said...

You think *I* can relate to CIA agents? *ha*

Mattycakes wants to write about the secret lives of retail associates. Now doesn't that sounds like they live double lives? LOL

hal said...

Hells - "been there, flunked that" - LOL! I don't have any desire to be a school teacher either. Yikes - I don't know how sane adults manage to stay sane in that job. And Lucy sounds like he'd be a blast to spend an evening with, but yeah, maybe not so much one to emulate

Hellion said...

Actually I'm reading Sophie Kinsella's Confessions of a Shopaholic--and the character writes press releases for a financial newspaper, a financial journalist--or something along those lines. If you look at Sophie's BIO of her previous career? "Sophie Kinsella is a former financial journalist"

I think she's suffering from the thing Hal was talking about.

By the way, the heroine clearly thinks the job is BORING (I don't know if Sophie necessarily did) but she is so damned comical, you as the reader aren't bored.

Hellion said...

No, I think you can relate to SPIES. Keep up, darling.

This doesn't surprise me. *LOL* And clearly they lead double lives.

Sin said...

LMAO. Sorry, it's Monday. My brain is slow on the uptake.

I think Mattycakes and I could write a hilarious book on retail lives. He didn't put in as much time as me in the retail, but god did he get away with a bunch of stuff.

Not that I didn't. LOL

hal said...

Sin - computer cracker does sound like a cool job, though I'm sure on a day-to-day basis, it's probably as boring as everyone else's *g*. My job's boring too. Though I used to work the night shift in a domestic violence shelter - there's a job I could write a book about.

I'd bet there's tons of retail stories that could make for a funny book. What really goes on in dressing rooms? Yikes!

Sin said...

One of my favorite movies that involves computer crackers is Untraceable.

Dude, I know what goes on in dressing rooms... scary scary things. Not to mention the hilarious adventures of associates before the store opens and after the store closes.

hal said...

Ohh that was a good movie. I don't think I've ever seen creepier ways to kill someone! I watched that with my 12 and 13 year old nephews. Of course, they weren't scared in the slightest, and I was freaking out. I got made fun of *g*

2nd Chance said...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

*rushing off to polish my ship's compass and brush off my captain's coat

I never think about taking on the professions of my character. Just because Miranda sails with pirates doesn't mean I'm going to go off the deep end.

*pulling on great boots and adjusting my thick leather belt

I mean, that would be completely ridiculous

*studying numerous accutrements and settling on a flask and pistol

Really, you must retain your sanity.

Hellion said...

*LOL at Chance*

hal said...

LMAO Chance! No pirate obsession for you? Good to know! *g*

terrio said...

LOL! Y'all are cracking me up. Sorry I'm late. Had a date with a cute dentist. Unfortunately, it was strictly professional. *sigh* He really is cute. Hellie would love him. He's tall and lanky with this nice deep voice. I just wish he'd stop sticking needles in my gums.

So anyway. All my characters have boring jobs. And I resemble that secretary remark, thankyouverymuch. But I'm the oddball who likes what I do. Most of the time.

But I totally understand you wanting to do those things your heroines do. For one, sounds to me like you write in such a way that it even sounds exciting to you. That has to be a good thing, right?!

hal said...

Damn those dentists who want to stay professional. *g* Sorry you've got a numb face again!

I actually think being a secretary is the best job, even if my feminist friends would gasp in horror as I say that - lol! I was an admin assistant for years, and most days, would really prefer to go back to that.

But you know, I don't think I've read a novel with a secretary heroine - hmmm....that could actually be interesting....

terrio said...

Hal - That is the PC term. I'm technically an Admin Assistant and I don't do things like dictate letters or even answer the phone for anyone. I have all my own job and responsibilities, they just happen to be in support of a specific team of people.

I'd bet a secretary would be hard to find outside the category romances. Though Hellie's heroine in GOGU is a secretary. And my heroine is close to it as she works as support for a marketing/PR lady. She started as a secretary but got a promotion some where along the line. LOL!

Hellion said...

Technically speaking, Livie's more Admin Assist than traditional secretary. You know, as my little carbon copy and all.

terrio said...

Is anyone actually called a secretary anymore? I know they even changed the name of that little holiday they gave us to Admin Assitant Day but I think they've changed it again after that.

Hellion said...

Isn't it like "professionals" day or something?

terrio said...

Administrative Professionals Day. I think you're right.

Hal - Are you really going to do the "learn about guns" course? I hear about RS authors doing that all the time and it makes sense to need that kind of experience if you're going to write about it.

hal said...

right - no more secretaries *g*

Ter - I'd like to. There's a place in Delaware that does a basic gun course that covers all the different kinds of hand guns, the ammo they use, how they're fired, that kind of thing. Most of my characters are armed, so I'd like to be able to be more specific about what they're carrying. I referred to one as a "nine mil" the other day, but I don't even know what that means. But it sounds cool - lol!

terrio said...

I know that means the gun shoots 9 milimeter bullets. LOL! But I'm pretty sure I learned that from CSI or something. I have a pretty strong fear of guns so I have wondered if taking a class like that would make me more comfortable around them. But then I'm too afraid to find out. LOL!

Give me 10 thousand people and I'm good. Get me within 10 feet of a handgun and I start to sweat.

hal said...

I don't think I've ever been close enough to a hand gun to know if they bother me or not - lol. The closest I've been is standing in line behind a cop at a bakery. I've handled rifles and shot guns galore, so I doubt they'd bother me, but I think the class would be a good educational experience.

I was talking to one RS author who actually got her Private Investigator license. Had to take all sorts of classes on evidence chains, weapons, etc. How cool would that be to throw out at a party. "Why yes, I'm a licensed P.I. I'm qualified to be a bounty hunter too." LOL!

terrio said...

I had a friend who married a guy into guns and one say she just whips out her new toy. A Magnum hand gun! I about hyperventilated until I got out of the room. LOL! Shotguns don't bother me as much and I have no idea why. But being around guns period is not something I enjoy.

I remember when I was younger I thought it would be so cool to be a PI mostly because I loved Remington Steele and wanted to be Laura. I took a workshop last year at Nationals given by an author who works for a PI in the San Fran area because I do have a story set around PI's. It was interesting, but mostly because it pointed out how UNglamorous the job really is.

hal said...

LOL - I can't imagine how horribly unglamorous that job would be in real life. But it sure looks like fun on TV *g* (and makes great settings for novels!)

2nd Chance said...

Yeah, I know. Everyone is gone. I got on the boards late today. Blast!

2nd Chance said...

Now, my dad had a rifle...his dad hand made the wooden part. (See, I don't even know what that is called...wait...the stock?)

Anyway! I thought I'd like to learn how to shoot that rifle.. Maybe see if I can talk Mom into leaving it to me instead of big bro.

Handguns freak me out. But a crossbow! Now that would be neat-o!

terrio said...

I'm here late, Chance, And I've always thought it would be cool to shoot a crossbow. Something about no bullets makes me feel better.

Just had out first softball practice. If I can move tomorrow I'll be totally amazed. But these little girls are ADORABLE! LOL!

2nd Chance said...

Pictures! How old are the kids?

terrio said...

These girls are 7, 8, and 9. None of them except my kiddo have ever played before (and most of them are about half her size) so there's lots of work to do, but they are so excited and so ready to try. That counts for a lot!

2nd Chance said...

I look forward to pictures...