Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Heart Lisa Kleypas





It isn’t surprising that Lisa Kleypas is a finalist for a 2009 Rita award for Seduce Me at Sunrise. The story is poignant, passionate, and wonderfully written. I discovered the magical writing talent of Lisa Kleypas by accident. I bought a copy of Mine Until Midnight while browsing at Waldenbooks. The description of Cam Rohan sealed the sale for me. From the first page, I fell in love with her writing voice. Her ability to create original plot lines, and unforgettable characters, inspires me every time I read one of her books. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Lisa, but from watching interviews I find her as delightful as her writing. To witness the passion in her expression as she describes how much she enjoys writing is refreshing, and indicative of her ability to execute emotional depth in her characters.

Tuesday, March 31, is the release date for Lisa’s next book in her Texas contemporary series. Smooth Talking Stranger is the story of Jack Travis. Jack is the brother of Haven and Gage Travis, who are characters from the two previous books in the Texas series. Ella Varner becomes the primary caregiver for baby Luke when her sister Tara abandons him. Ella approaches Jack Travis to question his paternity for Luke. Ella’s life is turned upside down with excessive monetary support from Jack. However, life isn’t so easy for Ella. She finds dealing with 2 am feedings and dirty diapers, is far removed from the life she knows, but more of a blessing than she could have ever realized. Mix it up with some rehashed memories of an abusive childhood, a boyfriend who has the compassion of driftwood, a sexy Texas millionaire who has much more to offer than a pile of money, and the return of some memorable characters like Hardy Cates *swoon* and Haven, this has the potential to be another Lisa Kleypas masterpiece.

If you would like a review from someone who is fortunate enough to have already read Smooth Talking Stranger,  wonder over to Smart Bitches Trashy Books and read SB Sarah’s tasty review of this literary treat. While you’re there, take the time to check out the Save the Contemporary Campaign. A contemporary title is featured every month. It’s a great way to spread the goodness of contemporary romance. If you recommend a contemporary title, or pass on a link to the campaign, you are eligible for prizes. What a fun way to promote contemporary romance!

The countdown is on. The minutes are ticking away. It’s not as long as it has been. Very soon, I will hold in my hot little hands a copy of Smooth Talking Stranger. I know I won’t be disappointed. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints!

Lisa, I confess, I want to be just like you when I grow up! Congratulations on your nomination for a 2009 Rita Award:)


Are you a Lisa Kleypas fan, and if so, are you anticipating this book? If you have never read her work, what are you waiting for? If you have already read this book, please share your review!  


2nd Chance said...

Regrets, Lisa. Haven't read the lady. But I'll put 'er name on me short list after yer glowin' review.

Quantum said...

Lisa,I have only read one Kleypas novel 'Worth any price' and was very impressed. I was a bit puzzled though, when I came upon a shower scene in 1839! Then in a footnote I discovered that Mrs Kleypas definitely doesn't skimp on the historical research. She wrote:

I also want to address the fact that I’ve included a “shower scene” in a historical novel, which I know is unusual. As I researched nineteenth-century plumbing, I learnt that the duke of Wellington installed several hundred feet of hot water piping in his home as early as 1833, and by the late 1830s, the duke of Buckingham had equipped his mansion with shower-baths, water closets, and bathrooms. Therefore, Nick Gentry’s shower-bath was entirely possible for a well-to-do London gentleman of his time.

I'm definitely going to read more Kleypas!

terrio said...

I *heart* Lisa Kleypas. And I still can't believe I never read any of her books until I picked up Sugar Daddy last year. I didn't think it could get better, and then I read Blue Eyed Devil. *sigh* I *heart with all my heart* Hardy Cates.

I don't normally pick up hardbacks, but this one I'll be hunting like prey for an early release over the weekend. I was fortunate to meet and speak with Lisa briefly last summer. She was absolutely as sweet as everyone says and when she talked about this book and the cover, you could recognize right away the love she puts into these gifts.

Hellion said...

Great blog and I love the link to Save the Contemporary Campaign! (I love learning new things!) I love Lisa's contemporaries...she writes just the best, truly! *swoons* I *CANNOT* wait for the newest one to come out.

Lisa said...

*Jumping up and down* Can you tell I'm excited about the release of this book. It's so fun to share the love for a favorite author who has the "awe" factor in spades!

Q, She does give attention to historical detail. I loved the shower scene in "Worth Any Price" I giggled at her notations:)

Chance, Please put her on your TBR list. You will have no regrets.

Terrio, I'm so glad you got to meet her. I'm sure she was as nice as she appears in all of her interviews.

H, I'm with you. I CANNOT wait!

Marnee Jo said...

I'm out on this one too. I read some of Lisa Kleypas' earlier stuff, but i haven't read her in a long time. I bet I'd like her contemporaries, though. I should give them a shot. Maybe I'll hit the library today.

Sin said...

Tuesday can't come soon enough. It will be the first time I've read a book in almost a month.

Worth Any Price is still one of my favorites. I *heart* Nick Gentry. And Cam. Definitely Cam. And Derek Craven. AND Hardy Cates and Jack Travis. I can't wait for Jack's book. *swoon* He's a heartbreaker for sure.

Janga said...

I've been reading Lisa Kleypas since 1995. She has been an autobuy almost that long. Lady Sophia's Lover, Dreaming of You, Devil in Winter, and Sugar Daddy are all on my all-time favorite top 100 list. Her heroes are some of the most memorable in romance fiction.Just saying Derek Craven, Ross Cannon, Alex Raiford, Jack Devlin, St. Vincent, or Hardy Cates is enough to make me sigh. I'm certain Jack Travis will join the list. :)

Beth said...

One of the questions that gets asked a lot on romance blogs is Do you have a favorite author? Most people can't pick just one, and I to find it hard, but if push came to shove it would be Lisa Kleypas for me. With only a few other exceptions hers are the only books that stay with me long after I have read them. I work in a library and have access to every title imaginable almost instantly so I don't buy as much as other readers, but I buy Kleypas because I know that I am going to want to read her again and again.

terrio said...

I sometimes feel bad that I haven't read more of Lisa's Historicals. I've only read the most Mine Til Midnight and Seduce Me At Sunrise. And I really have no idea how I missed her all those years when I was reading a couple books a week. Now the backlist is so long, it has to be one of those things I get to someday.

Beth - I have a feeling if push came to shove, Lisa would end up on top of lots of reader's lists.

Beth said...

I think you're right Terri, and I think it has to do with her consistency. I haven't read one of hers that I didn't like. Of course I have favorites, and some are definitely better than others, but there is not one that I don't like. I can't say that about any other author, even some of my favorites. And Janga is right too, her heros are some of the best out there,

Lisa said...

Beth, Lisa Kleypas is my favorite author. Her writing voice speaks to me. I love her characters, and her dialogue. Derek Craven, Hardy Cates, Merripen, and Giddeon Shaw are my favorite heroes:) Thanks for stopping by!

Lisa said...

Terrio, I've read all but her earlier historicals. I can't find one under 20.00-35.00 dollars. Her first four are OOP and considered collectables. If you find the time, I recommend all of them. As Beth said earlier I haven't read one I didn't like. I agree with Janga, she is on my auto buy list.

Sin said...

I might have her first four. *thinking* I might have them in a box.

Hellion said...

I think those are the four books that Lisa would prefer would stay out of print. *LOL* I'm sure they were achievements at the time, but I think she's actually said, "They're not very good." They're undoubtedly products of their period. Late 80s books still had that "forced seduction" stuff going on...and lovely amounts of "coincidence" that we'd have no patience for now.

Lisa said...

I'm sure you may be right H, but I have all of her other books so I would love to have them.

Sin, If you have the first two they are going for 99.00 on Amazon:)

Irisheyes said...

I'm so bummed I didn't get a chance to chime in earlier! I also absolutely love Lisa and am in possession of Smooth Talking Stranger as we speak (or as I write)!!!!

I think I would be one of those who if push came to shove would have to put her on the top of my list right along with Beth. I have everything she's ever written including her first 4! I actually acquired several copies and sold a couple on eBay for about $40 once. I'm holding on to the ones I have now though. I know Hellion is right - Lisa doesn't want them re-released. She doesn't feel it's her best work. But hey, she was, what... around 20 when she started writing! She's an amazing talent and just keeps getting better.

I have to tell you my Smooth Talking Stranger story - I put it on hold at the library about a month and a half ago. I did this with SEP's What I Did For Love and got it the day after it was released. I got a call Wednesday from the library saying it was there. The lady on the other line thought I was nuts when I kept asking - are you sure it's available for pick-up! LOL

The DH is out of town so I'm going to curl up tonight with Jack and Ella!

Lisa said...

Irish, You lucky girl! I'm so envious! Enjoy and let us know what you think:)

terrio said...

I looked on Lisa's website for the first four titles and all those titles are available on Alibris for under $5 each. If the ones you all are talking about aren't listed on her site, then I don't know the titles.

Lisa said...

T, Her first four titles aren't listed on her website, unless I am mistaken. Where Passion Leads, Give Me Tonight, Forever My Love, and Love Came to Me. If they are on Alibris for 5.00, I'm very excited.

I just called Waldenbooks and they are putting SMS on the shelves!!!!

terrio said...

See, I figured that must be the case. I didn't know those four titles.

I'm happy to report I found a copy of the book at B&N today! I've already started reading. Huzzah!

Keira Soleore said...

I don't have a copy YET. I'm waiting...and whining...and waiting. I *adore* LisaK with all my heart, her writing and her gracious self.

Santa said...

I LOVE Lisa Kleypas. Her books are as gorgeous as she is. Her heroes are not run of the mill though by her own frequently quoted admission they all must tower above everyone else's head at a ball - and they do.

I am over the top about her contemporaries. Her voice in these does not, in any way, resemble her historical voice.

So, as to not overstate the obvious, I can't wait for STS and anything else she has up her sleeve.

Irisheyes said...

It was an unbelievably awesome read!!! I LOVE Jack!

Lisa said...

I totally agree! Jack is da bomb:) Loved this book as much as the others.

kelly05 said...

Loved this book. I loved Jack, him and Hardy Cates. I really hope Joe's story gets told. I heard that she might not write one on him. I hope she changes her mind, because I would love to see Joe get his happy ending.