Sunday, May 11, 2008

Only slightly hyperventilating

I'm a blog addict.  I freely admit it.  Besides having my own personal blog and being responsible for two days a week on this one, I visit way more blogs than I should on a daily basis.  Well, weekdays anyway.  This addiction has its pros and cons. 


We'll start with the cons.  All the time I spend reading and commenting on blogs takes away from time doing actual work.  Lucky for me, my company is pretty laid back and I manage to get by.  The time I spend on blogs also distracts me from the writing.  Though if we're being honest, everything distracts me from the writing.


Now we move to the pros.  I've met some incredible people through these blogs.  Published and As Yet Unpublished (as the Banditas call it) authors alike, they are all amazing, inspiring, and entertaining.  I've picked up tips about writing, plotting, networking and promoting.  And I've found laughs when I really needed them.  But maybe the best pro of all is the prizes.  I've won loads of books, few of which I need, but many of which I never would have picked up on my own.  So I've had my horizons broadened even if I've had my shelves overwhelmed.


But the prizes are not always books.  A couple of weeks ago I won a t-shirt from Christie Craig and last week I won something even better.  I won a critique from a published author.  Romance Bandit Loucinda McGary is going to critique part of my WIP.  Hence, my hyperventilating.


I've gone through a litany of emotions since finding out.  The Captain can tell you of my raving mad emails.  I mean, I'm not ready for this.  My stuff isn't ready for this.  What if she reads it and realizes I'm a total fraud?! *ducks the various rum bottles hurled at my head*


But I'm feeling better about things since I've had time to process them.  Though I'm not sure how hard it's going to be to hit that send button when the moment arrives, I will do it. And I'm kind of excited about it.  I've put my heart into this story, I've gotten good feedback and I think she's going to like it.  Plus, she can give me important pointers that will make the story that much better.


How do you feel about showing your work to others?  Have you put it out there only to have your heart broken by what you got back?  Have you entered contests and sent out submissions getting lots of compliments and positive feedback?  Or do you guard every word with your life, still not ready to let it fly on its own?  If you don't let it leave the nest, you'll never know how far it can go.


Tiffany said...

Yay on winning a crit Ter! That's totally awesome. I've won a few, bid on another and well I love feedback. I love to share my stuff with my crit partners, ask them, I'm sure I'm driving them apeshit...
I have to admit, I'm a bit addicted to contests. I've gotten some great feedback, helpful feedback, and feedback that made me want to say nasty words to the judges. (I refrained). My heart does not get heartbroken by what others say, I might have a hyperventilate moment where I wonder what went wrong that someone didn't like the work, but I always find my way out of the fog and eventually take a deep breath of fresh air. You can't please everyone, nor do I intend to. I'm sure my newest book, which has had great feedback so far, will make some people very angry that I've turned my heroine into -- more or less -- a whore. :)
But guess what--It's my story. I'm telling it how I see it.
Share away, Ter. You won't regret it, you DO have a great story.

Kelly Krysten said...

I entered a contest and got horrible feedback, yet everyone outside of the contest has enjoyed what I've written*shrugs*. It's all pretty subjective.
I'd say I'm still not ready for anyone to so much as glance at most of It's really hard to get up the nerve to put it out there. I'm positive she's going to like your work, Ter. Great blog!

Lisa said...

I'm so happy for you Terri, what a great prize! You have so much to gain by the experience.

I can relate, I also won a crit from an agent at the conference I attended a few weeks sgo. I've submitted my prologue and am waiting a reply. I've tried not to dwell on the negatives, and hope for a strong constructive crit that can tell me if I'm starting in the right place. I fear what it may due to my writer's self esteem if it's a bad crit, but I have nothing to lose:)

I always look at it this way, everyone is not going to like what I write, I have to write to please me, and what allows my voice to shine.

Maggie Robinson said...

Frauds R Us. T-shirts optional. I find it easier to submit to strangers than my crit friends. I won a devastating crit for Paradise last summer which really, really set me back, so am now leery. I'd rather stay delusional, LOL. I'm sure yours will be a much more beneficial experience.Breathe. *g*

terrio said...

Tiff - it's ironic that you wouldn't put yourself in front of a bunch of stranger (though you're getting so much better at that) but you will put your writing out there. Now, if we could just get you to have as much confidence in what comes out of your mouth as what comes out of your fingers. LOL! And you forgot to mention you have finaled in contests. Yay you!

terrio said...

Kelly - coming back from something that nearly knocked you down just shows how much strength you have. It's hard to keep that "it's ok if she doesn't like it" thought alive. But it is true, there will always be someone who doesn't like our writing. Just like there are successful authors that I don't like but others adore. Subjective is the perfect word for it.

Janga said...

I always feel like Winnie the Pooh when something I have written goes public in any way: "When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you sometimes find that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it."

I do think that it is sometimes easier to receive criticism from those we don't know. If an anonymous judge gave my mss a 2, I think I would recover from the blow more quickly than if a friend said, "This is crap." I am trying to work up the courage now to send something to a published author who volunteered to look at a bit of TLWH. I am forced to admit that I am a coward. :(

terrio said...

Lisa - I know your crit is going to come back positive. And that doesn't mean it comes back with a note that says, "Great!" and nothing else. LOL! I look forward to getting new ideas and seeing things in a different way after getting someone else's input. I think this sort of thing works better for me than sending off to a contest where an anonymous person can slash and burn with little care for my sanity.

terrio said...

Maggie - I'm the opposite. I'd rather send to my friends who I feel would handle me with more care than send to a stranger. But since I hang out at the Bandita Lair often, Loucinda isn't really a stranger. I think the fact I want to impress her is what is making me so nervous.

Janga - that is a great Pooh line. Amazing how wise that silly old bear can be. I do hope you'll send off to that author, whoever she may be. Your work is gorgeous and rich and maybe if you get to hear that from a pubbed author, you'll start to believe the rest of us. *g* We're here to hold your hand when you hit send and we'll even give you a paper bag to breathe into. LOL! A new one! I won't make you use the same one I've been using.

Hellion said...

It's going to be fine, Bo'sun. Pretend it's sex. Sorta. Hey, it's what you told me when I hyperventilated about pitching!

And being that I got scripture written on the back of some of my contest entries, pretty much nothing can devastate me now. "Yes, yes, Ben is a married bastard and you hate my book" or "Your hero seems gay; and your heroine is a whiney, caught in high-school bitch...whatever". Nothing tops scripture.

Well, maybe getting back: I didn't like it or hate it. It just is. That might bother me. *LOL*

Stephanie J said...

Congrats on the Crit! I think it's great that you're going to get your work out there and just see what happens. Getting a variety of opinions is important. Then again, I haven't submitted anything to any contests mainly because I don't have much to submit at this point but also because I'm afraid of what I might hear! I know I'll get over it but right now I know a bad critique would set me back big time.

Sin said...

Congrats on your crit Ter. Stop freakin' out over it. You're gonna be just fine. Maybe this was the kick in the pants you needed.

I dunno how I feel about contest. I really don't want to enter anything unless I'm finished. I don't even want to talk about my writing until I'm finished. Not because I worry about bad feedback. I've got tough skin. But I'm a major pantser who keeps everything in their head and if I get too much feedback or ideas, I get bogged down and unable to write. Hence why I keep putting off being critiqued. LOL

Marnee Jo said...

Congrats on the crit, Ter!

I think 5 years ago I wouldn't have been able to put my work out there, but I'm kinda over it now. I mean, if someone says something unpleasant, I still feel sad, don't get me wrong, but I also want my book to be great. And as much as I'd like to think I could do that all by myself, I am not going to give myself that much credit.

So, I gots to toss my stuff out there and let people tell me what is good and bad. As long as it's meant in a constructive fashion, it's ok for me.

Obviously, straight up nasty comments are never productive. But, everything else is fine now.

You're doing great, by the way, Ter, and you definitely aren't a fraud. *considering tossing my rum bottle, but rethinking as it's still got some liquid in it.*

Sin said...

I know.

terrio said...

Hellion - you must realize the analogy doesn't exactly work here. And I'm pretty sure Loucinda would prefer I NOT think of it that way. LOL! I did get that "your hero is gay" comment from my first contest. Man, he was not happy with that. He's very butch now. LOL!

Steph - I'm with you on being set back. Sending stuff out too early is what set me back last year. I have to wait. I get twitchy when I get another contest announcement in my email but I tell myself it isn't time and hit delete.

Sin - You're weird. LOL!

terrio said...

But I wuff you, Sin. Quirks and all....

terrio said...

Marn - thanks for holding back on the tossing. Of the rum bottle that is. But good for you for being ready to toss the work out there. Since you are the only one aboard this ship with any discipline and making any substantial progress (there may be a couple others but they are too mum for me to know that...*cough* sinlisa), you will be ready to get your stuff out there and let it shine very soon.

Can't wait until we're all popping corks to celebrate our entries in the GH!

Julie said...

Congrats on winning a critique, Terri!

Have I entered a contest?
Put my work out there?
Shown my writing to Others?
DON”T encourage me, Terri!
Do NOT tempt me.
My horoscope for the day says…
“Some people tend to make mountains out of molehills. Currently, you're likely to feel as though you're surrounded by people who exaggerate problems. You, on the other hand, have a loftier perspective. You are a visionary who can foresee future social trends. This gift would serve you well as a political speechwriter, should you want to take on that sort of job...”
A political speechwriter?
Oh I can “foresee” a trend alright.
Yep. The Trend I see is… God Help You… if I ever decide to take my musings seriously. Because my Online Persona is a watered down, playful version of the “real” me!

terrio said...

Julie - I guess that makes me the "people who exaggerate problems." LOL! Yep, that's me. And I encourage you to put your stuff out there. Go on. We ain't skeard. We're too drunk and lazy to be skeard.

Julie said...

You should be Terri
Because I come from a long line of Rabble ‘Rousers. And drunk & lazy are exactly the type of rabble I love to arouse the most!

terrio said...

If you can get this lot riled up, I say more power to you. LOL! Then again, the mention of Alphas, sex or rum will pretty much wake us up.

Sin said...

I actually wrote this weekend. A scene that will eventually get cut but *shrugs shoulder* It was good while I was writing it. My goal now is 20k a week. I can do it. I just have to focus.

Which means, no more emailing when I have down time. That's my biggest downfall.

terrio said...

Why do you type these things? You know it drives me nuts.



Please? For me? Just try to keep it. And bully for you on 20K a week. Yeah, I could maybe do 20K a month. With LOTS of focus.

Sin said...

I haven't cut anything yet. I'm just saying, it will be cut. I know it. I'm not naive enough to think it's going to stay. In fact, most of the crap I've written will be cut and rewritten. Which is why I need to get back to writing 20k a week.

terrio said...

I can't talk to you anymore.

Hellion said...

What we're saying is please wait on cutting until you've gotten to the END instead of cutting in mid-WIP.

Kathy said...

LOL! This crew is a wily bunch today! :-)

Ahoy maties! It appears I've missed some good news. When I logged on today, I find out I won some treasure from Colette Gale! Thanks a bunch crew!!! Me thirst for treasure is quenched. :-)

Contests? First off, congrats Terrio for winning a crit. I'm sure you'll be fine and I know whatever comments you get will only serve to strengthen your writing.

When I first started submitting to contests I felt like I'd been on deck during battle with a few limbs hacked off. My skin's thicker now, thank goodness. I still feel uneasy sending out my stuff but "you have to send your ship out before your ship can come back in."

terrio said...

Kathy - we love to reward our loyal visiting wenches whenever we can. So glad you got a prize!

Oh, that ship coming in thing is good. I'm just worried about the torpedos.

Santa said...

Congrats on the crit win! I say go boldly forth and get it to her. The feedback that I've gotten has all been positive and geared to make my MS a better MS!

terrio said...

Thanks Santa! I officially sent off the pages last night. Now, I wait.....LOL!

Aunty Cindy said...

AVAST all you Mateys and Esp. YOU Bo'sun Terri!

'Tis I, the evil Bandita who wields the crop, and will be slashing and burning in said critique!

Boy, do I have you fooled if you think that is what will really happen. ;-) It is never my intent to discourage any writer. To paraphrase my favorite quote from Ghostbusters, "Hundreds of people are waiting to do that!"

Seriously, I feel the same pain as everyone. My first novel will be released Oct. 1st and I'm already dreading the inevitable bad reviews. And do not even get me started on contests and CLUELESS contest judges (or as we call 'em in the Bandit Lair, East German Judges)!

Never fear, Bo'sun, I will handle your baby with care, but I will also not hesitate to point out the good, the bad, and (if need be) the ugly. But please do not think of it like sex... Sex with my hero maybe, or yours. Otherwise, EWWW!

aka Loucinda McGary

terrio said...

Aunty is on the ship!!

Thanks for dropping by and thanks for doing this for me. The slash & burn bit has me cringing, but I really do need you to point out that bad and ugly stuff. I promise, I'll be rummed up and ready for my comeuppance when the time comeup.

Love that East German thing. Too funny. You'd think the beer would make them friendlier...