Friday, September 27, 2013

Last Call at the Bar

Well, I thought about getting drunk and having a blog full of nothing by self-pity and whining and they’d we’d finally get over the melancholy and start telling dirty jokes and laughing. But it seems like most of that has all been done…

I’ve wiped this bar a thousand times, from the first one I put together, made up of old scraps lying about the deck. Some I fished out of the water. The Kraken brought me more. I salvaged nail and used my shoe to hammer it together. Only sat one, but the rest of you were willing to wait for a turn. Or Hels would come by and kick Jack outta the way so the rest had a chance.

Then I had the great fancy bar, but it really were a bit much. And though Hector liked it, he was willing to help me start anew when we returned to our less grand digs. At least he found me some shelves that weren’t so warped. And time passed…

Tales we told to each other, and drinks we shared, friendships were forged and oaths sworn. And now? Now the Revenge prepares for its greatest adventure…into the unknown depths of the cyberseas. And who knows what she’ll find there?

I imagine, years from now, we writer selves will meet our pirate selves upon a sandy beach, still warm from a day’s sun, the sky full of a million stars bursting so bright one could read by them.

The pirates will step to the beach, eyes telling impossible stories of where they’ve sailed and what they’ve seen, the creatures they discovered, the treasures and troubles they earned.

And we writers? We will be wise with the knowledge of life, friendships and learning. Some with children, some with dogs, cats…partners. Precious books in hand, read and written. I can see Christie, a kitten on each shoulder, head shadowed by the deep hood of her jacket, bopping to the music filling her head from the earbuds. Fran will smack her shoulder, dislodge one of the kittens and hand it back as the earbuds fall away.

Terri, Marnee and Halleigh… Santa, J Perry, Lisa and Sabrina…Donna and Leslie…and the familiar visitors, Janga, Quantum, P. Kirby, Irish… What a grand party it will be!

Off to the side, a fire roars, and two familiar voices call out. Jack and Hector stop their constant bickering long enough to welcome back all the pirates, real and cyber.

Me? I’ll be there. I’ll be handing out drinks, all the favorites. The Glittery Hooha, The Mighty Mast, The Cock & Balls, The Bo'sun Burner, The Penis Pill, Silent as Sin, The Wild Cock, Hells' Fire, The Marneasy, The Rum n'Bum, The Seething Passion, The Booty Call, Sandy Pirate Sex, Wild Undead Monkey Sex , The Captain's Cocoa Puff, The  A'moral Compass, The Kraken's Feast ,The Facegod, The Bombay Bomber,  Stephanie's Flaming Double Stuffed Twinkies, Full Sail Frappuccino, The Double Dori, The Terrio Speedwagon, and more, or so many more! (If you want the full list, send me an email, I’ll send it to you.)

We’ll sing all night, swap stories and lies, kisses and maybe more as I suspect the Bandits will come with the Hotties they employed who lost their posts when the Revenge went off. The party will never end, and slowly, the pirates and the writers will remember each other and as the sun rises, we’ll be taking up the oars and heading for the ship…she waits for us, just past the horizon.

And I got nothing more to say. 2nd Chance is such a deep part of myself, and I came to love her and want her and…want to be her. To me, the Revenge will always be there, on the horizon… The Kraken’s Mirror started on this ship, in more ways then I’ll ever reveal. And from that first, came the rest. Thank you, Hellion, Terrio, Marnee, Hal and all for letting me crawl aboard and create my other self. We have danced, and sung, drank and written, and thrown our critics to the Kraken… Now, the wind fills our sails and the ship…she slips away.

I’m off to cry. Then get drunk.


Marnee Bailey said...


You know you can't get rid of us, lady! We'll just do our blathering in private now. hahaha!!

It has been a wild ride. And a real privilege to sail with you Chance. :) Glad you found us and decided to stick around. xoxo

Hellie Sinclair said...

I just want to be clear--I would never smack a kitten. I LOVE cats. Small yappy dogs I'm less friendly with, but kittens and cats, I'm always welcoming. At least until I start sneezing.

And clearly Mo started drinking before she wrote this, bless her, because she seems to still be under the mistaken impression that we're actually GOING ANYWHERE and won't be seeing her for eons at a time.

Though I am very quieted by the thought this is the last Friday blog...that is only one blog left. It's like having only one page left of a favorite book series that I know will not have another. Loved to have been a part of it; a little sad it's over.

Marnee Bailey said...

Though I am very quieted by the thought this is the last Friday blog...that is only one blog left. It's like having only one page left of a favorite book series that I know will not have another. Loved to have been a part of it; a little sad it's over.

This is exactly how feel. Bittersweet ending. Seriously. :)

Maureen said...

Nay, we're not fooling me... It's like that scene at the end of The Breakfast Club and they all say they'll be friends forever, but we all know, as they do, that without the forced commaraderie of the library...they won't, not really.

And Q, Irish and all... It just won't be the same.

I know it don't mean it won't still be good, but it won't be the magic a' this ship.... Or wearing the masks of our other selves... There be a freedom on this ship, and I'll be missin' it...

Maureen said...

And I didn't say ya would smack a kitten, Hels. I said ya'd smack Sin, and the kitten would plummet to the ground but ya'd catch it in midair and gently hand it back...

Kathleen Ann Gallagher's Place to Reflect said...

I'm sad to see the ship sail out to sea, but I know we'll find new horizons, Chance. Everyone aboard welcomed me with open arms. I can taste the rum, feel the breeze, and hear the laughter across the bar. Cheers to the supportive, fun, and creative people who I met on the deck. Sail on...

Maureen said...

Thanks fer stopping by, Kathleen! Can I pour you a cup of gunpowder tea?

Louisa Bacio said...

I'd like a Sandy Pirate Sex, pahleeze Maureen. What exactly goes into that? I've enjoyed the occasional visit at the bar, and you've always been mighty welcoming.

Bon voyage!

Maureen said...

Well, it's like a Sex on the Beach, but with some delicious sugar sand added in... ;-)

Janga said...

You made me cry, Maureen. But I'd be really sobbing if I were not certain that I'd still meet the pirates often as we move through cyberspace.

Now I'm off to read Tennyson's "Ulysses." It seems a fitting accompaniment to your post.

"I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world . . .

Maureen said...

I've been a mess since I wrote this blog... I cry, I rage, I stare off into space...

Love the quote, Janga. "I am part of all that I have met;" Lovely...

Maureen said...

From my sis -

So, your blog gave me teary eyeballs; mostly because I think I understand your connection to The Revenge. It was a certain time in your life and I, for one, am profoundly glad that it sailed by and rescued you before you could sink beneath the depths of the storm-tossed ocean you were floundering in. I am grateful to The Revenge for who my sister has become due to the influence of the creative lifeboat that pulled you in.

P. Kirby said...

Dude. I'll still totally stalk you on Facebook. Well, not today, because I'm having a minor meltdown. Got today's call sheet for a docu-drama thing where I have a small role, and having, "I can't do this, I can't act, what was I thinking!" attacks.

But stalking will happen.

Will miss stopping by to see what you pirate-y ladies are doing.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Mo, your sister is not allowed to make me cry. That is all.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Pat, I'm very glad we're friends on FB. I love the updates...and the pictures of His Royal Highnesss...and I can always still chirp, "You've got this, Pat!!"--because you totally do!

Maureen said...

Pat, you got this! I look forward to FB blather with you!

Maureen said...

Sorry, Hels - She said what she feels!

Susan Sey said...

Oh, the pirate ship Revenge is sailing off into the sunset? I'm so sad! But I'm waving my hanky at you all, & hoping you'll swing by the Romance Bandit lair from time to time for a drink & a shanty song. Bon voyage & don't be a strangers!

Anna Campbell said...

Revenge girls, so sad to see the ship setting sail for an unknown horizon but I wish her the best wherever she makes land! Thank you for all the fun and games - not to mention all those cocktails with naughty names! I was quite an innocent the first time I set foot on the Revenge and now look at me! ;-) Thank you for letting me be a small part of all the shenanigans. It was always a hoot visiting! I wish you all every happiness and success!

JulieJustJulie said...

I too am quiet.
Sad? Certainly ...
And Hellion described it so very well " ...It's like having only one page left of a favorite book series that I know will not have another."
At least not another like this one.
It's been fun.
And quite Fascinating to watch all of you all grow ... As writers ... As people. I learned a lot too ... About reading. And writing. And never, ever did any one of you say ...
" Oooh for gosh sakes, Julie... ENOUGH with the dot dot dots Already! Jeez. Haven't you ever heard of a PERIOD?"

JulieJustJulie said...

And yes indeed, there Will be stalking!

Donna MacMeans said...

Oh no! I always assumed the Revenge would there on the horizon. I so hate to see you go, but I'm hoping it's to devote more time to writing fabulous books. In that way, we'll never really lose you, will we.

May the waves rise up to meet you
May the wind be ever at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
the rains soft upon your deck and
until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

(I used poetic license but you get the drift :-) )

Maureen said...

Hey, Susan! And Anna! You take care of the hotties who need comforting! I need to bookmark the lair... My drink menu has over 70 recipes, each naughtier then the next. Love seeing you ladies!

Maureen said...

Julie, I plan a week of mourning. Then Fridays will be 2nd Chance reruns on my author blog. I'm not giving her up!

Maureen said...

Donna, I'm self-publishing my 30 book I'll be EVERYWHERE! But this week is devoted to drinking...

Julie,I love ellipses!

Caren Crane said...

Maureen, I'm so sad to hear you're folding sail and going into dry dock! I'll spend the weekend drinking in honor of the lusty, life-loving pirates who sail no more. I wasn't just planning to drink all weekend for no reason, mind you. This is *purposeful* drinking! I also plan to write, though, so we'll see how that turns out.

Anyway, the blogosphere will miss all of you terribly. I hope you'll come hang out with us in the Bandits' Lair. We could use some pirates hanging about the place to offset the Swedish masseur influence. Sven is great and all, but a little...fastidious for my taste. Ha!

Do come by and say hello when you get a chance. And know that we love to host pirates-turned-writers in the Lair!

Much love and best of everything!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Well now, it seems I need a drink. I'm so partial the Glittery Hooha that I almost - knee jerk you know - ordered that. But Chance, I believe I'll have to have a Wild Undead Monkey Sex today. Seems the right time. Grins.

Now, y'all KNOW there's a dock behind the Lair, right? It's not much used, but it's there. Freakin' LONNNNNG pier - but we like things, lots of things, long in the Lair. So Pirates, don't be strangers. Do strangers if so inclined, but don't BE strangers, if ye git my drift! SNORK!!

When the Writing Pirates take 'er out for a spin, let us know. We'll invade, as usual.

In the meantime, before the Pirates pull up that seldom lifted anchor, it seems like a good time for that drink. Remind me what's in it....or do I want to know? SNORK!!

Hugs to you all! (probably drunken hugs before too long if I know ye olde bartender's pourin' skills!)

Maureen said...

Caren - Fastidious? What a challenge. Wonder how he'd feel about massaging a stinky, sweaty pirate bartender? Does he do tarry feet?

And thanks for dedicating the weekends drinking to the ship!

Maureen said...

After drinking most of the day, all I can tell ya - it's got bananas in it.

I love the invite, Duchesse! I'll swing by in me leaky dingy! I got ta store my never empty rum leg somewhere...

Jo Robertson said...

So sorry to say goodbye to the Pirates and the Revenge! Your site has been so entertaining over the years and you've hosted so many of the Banditas.

I'll raise one last glass to you!

Sabrina Shields said...

A very fitting final Friday Chance. *CHEERS*

You won't be missing us though - no way are we going to disappear. :)

I might take prolonged abscenses sometimes, but I'll always come back to talk lady!

Maureen said...

I'll miss hear about your latest scary book, Jo!

Now, have A Blooded Mary!

Maureen said...

We've always known ya were there Scape!

irisheyes said...

Had me tearing up too, Maureen! I'll miss this ship too, but like Janga, am confident I'll see you all around the web. I don't think you'll be able to shake us all as easily as you think. LOL

Janga, I love your quote!

Maureen said...

Thanks, Irish. I do love FB... But the ship will always be my first love.

Terri Osburn said...

(Isabelle typing for the Bosun) Still can't look at the computer, but wanted to leave a comment. Such a lovely send off. I'm grateful that you found that post card in San Fran, and agreed to become part of the crew. I know this seems bitter sweet but we have many more adventures to come.

Maureen said...

Hi, Isabelle! Geez, did you read the list of drinks to your mom? Color me red!

And yeah, glad I picked up the postcard.

Maureen said...

I'm hoping a few more will visit over the weekend, before the Bosun whistles us off the ship come Monday...

Anna Sugden said...

Ahoy Revengers! So sad to see you setting sail for yonder skies and uncharted seas. Will miss swinging onto your decks and being corrupted ... having fun with crew and stowaways alike!

Pour me a large one with double the rum!

As the other Banditas have said, hope you'll dock at the pier behind the Lair every now and again and bring some pirate fun to us all - keeps the hockey hunks and the Romans on their toes, doncha know?! Besides who else can threaten that pesky rooster with walking the plank?!

Maureen said...

Do you have room for a Kraken?

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Bon Voyage, Revenge & Crew! I'll take one of each on the cocktails so I can properly drown my sorrows.

I truly appreciate all the support you've all given me in the past.

This is not 'good-bye' but 'until we meet again.'


Maureen said...

Thanks, Auntie...Stop by on Monday as the Bosun whistles us on our way!