Saturday, December 25, 2010

Random Hotties

This is the last Hottie blog of 2010 so I guess that means I should go all out. But it’s been a long week.


Actually, it’s been a long month.


Okay, it’s been a long year. But I see big things happening on this ship in 2011.

Right after we survive the next week.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. And I hope this little scattering of random Hotties makes today a little warmer. Maybe they’ll help melt this snow we’re all sitting under.

This week we’re running an encore performance of our pirate adaptation of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. We loaded A Pirate Christmas Carol with so much brilliance, we couldn’t resist bringing it back.


Hellion said...

Nice Pecs...I mean, Picks! Nice picks.

God, this means I have to do this next month. Gag.

2nd Chance said...


Bosun said...

Nice doesn't begin to say it. LOL!

Yep, Hellie, next month is on you. It's a tough job, but you'll manage.

Hellion said...

I'm putting up pictures of Amish farmers and golfing so it is requested by the crew I never do the Hotties again. *LOL* You wait. You'll be sorry!

Donna said...

Wow, those are lovely pics. I'm trying to pick a favorite--LOVE that silk sheet thing--but they all have such wonderful qualities that I'm going to try to find room for ALL of them in my quarters. :)

And I wish I could say this has been a long week/month/year, but I swear it's one of the fastest I've ever experienced! It's been a bit arduous though, so I hope we have an easy one for 2011. :)

Bosun said...

Hellie - You'll find hot farmers and all will be well. It's not like the research is painful to do.

Donna - You're always so generous with the Hotties. LOL! You're a giver! ;)

The year definite flew by in some ways. Seems like just yesterday I was excited about going to Nationals in Nashville and then that didn't even happen! I am practically bouncing with excitement over NYC. I can't wait!

2nd Chance said...

I love the silk thing also...