Sunday, September 5, 2010

In Port, But Here in Spirit

It's Labor Day holiday, and we pirates like to celebrate this most reverential of holidays by doing absolutely nothing. However, I'm sure there are a number of good pirates here and there who are steadily writing or revising--and we salute you! Meanwhile, I've spent my weekend at a get together with friends; a birthday party (slip and slide party); and basically recovering from said slip and slide party.

Fall is about to kick off and the nasty hot weather is soon going to be replaced by warm days and chilly nights. What are you looking forward to most this fall? There is only like three months until the end of the year--how have your writing goals been this year? There are only a few more weeks until the Golden Heart deadline is upon us. Are any of you entering? And what did you all do with your Labor Day weekend to celebrate the end of summer?


Bosun said...

The GH is that close? Are you SERIOUS? Shit shit shit shit shit.

I'll be writing tomorrow. And every day after.

2nd Chance said...

I visited with me Mum. Tomorrow? Don't know. But this time of the year is my reflection time. I don't do resolutions in January, I seem to do them at the Equinox... Next three months? I'm hoping to hear The Kraken's Mirror is sold, finish the second book, maybe convince my agent to take another of my stories...

I'm really going to clear some of the clutter so I can bring out my Halloween decorations and have fun with all of it... I love autumn!

Maggie Robinson/Margaret Rowe said...

I'm spending today finishing up my page proofs for Mistress by Midnight and eating lobster salad sandwiches. :)I'm not sure where the summer went but I'm ready for sweater weather after last week's near 100 degree heat here in Maine.Hope the pirates enjoy their day in port (and drink some, too).

Donna said...

Hellie, tell me that "slip and slide party" is a euphemism for something really fun. :) Especially since it requires recovery time. LOL

Thanks for making me think about my progress this year. It's actually been a great year, writing-wise, and I hope it continues in that vein. :) I am debating about the Golden Heart (actually hoping I'm ineligible -- LOL) and about NaNo.

I love fall, especially here in New England, but it makes me a little melancholy thinking of winter already. Sigh.

Marnee Jo said...

I'm glad the summer is over too. We've had like 9 heat waves this summer. It's been so bad that I'm surprised when it's below 90 degrees.

I want to enter the GH this year. But I've got a LOT of work to do before that. Bo'sun, I think you enter early but I don't think you have to have your entry in until late Nov. Which still mean I have a lot of writing to do. We'll see how it goes.

This entire year has been a crap shoot. Brain wasn't working, busy with new baby, etc etc. I'm getting back in the saddle recently, but it's been a long year.

Mags, lobster salad, yum.

Hells, slip and slide party? That's got a trip to the chiropractor written all over it.

Bo'sun, I'm joining you on those writing parties.

Donna, I hope you're ineligible too. Fingers crossed.