Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The waiting game known as publishing will drive you to the brink of insanity.  For some of us, the brink is close enough that we can walk.  Still, it requires dedication to keep plotting and plodding when it feels like time is deliberately backpedaling.  Dedication bolsters your belief that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's from the spotlight shining on your bestseller in the bookstore.

But sometimes dedication to your manuscript starts to waver.  You are beaten down, wondering why you ever attempted to write anything longer than your Celebrity Freebie List (2010 Edition).  It's not easy to write, rewrite, revise, and polish (lather, rinse, and repeat) AND keep your spirits buoyant.  Some days it's too difficult to keep that dedication from crumpling to the ground, whimpering, defeated by the hardship that is the writer's path.

Fortunately I have something that will instantly revive your dedication.  It will not only resuscitate it, but rejuvenate it. 

(I know you think I'm talking about the Hotties right now, but I'm not.  Because they're, um, busy---decorating the DRD portion of the ship.  *whistles*  Hey!  Hottie guys.  When I said "decorate", I meant arrange yourselves artfully on the two king-size beds you put in my quarters earlier.  Yeah, just like that.  Wait!  There's not enough room?  *grips the railing to stay upright as knees give out*)

Okay, what was I talking about?  Oh yeah.  I'm here to tell you about something creative, yet extremely cathartic, that is guaranteed to refresh your writing mojo.

It's the Dedication page.  Of YOUR book.

I know you've imagined writing this.  Don't even pretend you haven't.  Wait a minute--I'm really the only one who's done this?

Well, no matter.  It's easy enough to get started.  Just think back to all those people who spewed their beverage when you said you wanted to write a book.  At the time you simply gritted your teeth and, after sheathing your weapon, you thought, "I can't WAIT to include them in the Dedication of my book!"

The same with the angelic souls who have nurtured you along this perilous route.  They definitely deserve a place of prominence, since they had faith in you when the haters did everything possible to force you into their Non-Believers Club.

It's time to work on our Dedication pages, so they'll be written and polished when we get The Call.  And, just to speed things along, I prepared a few ahead of time to share with you.

*unfurls a parchment scroll, which rolls down the deck for several minutes before coming to a complete stop*

"To the Pirate Wenches of RWR.  You gave me one of the biggest thrills of my writing life when you asked me to join your blogging crew.  It was exciting to be picked because you liked my writing (yeah, I actually believed it, so we're gonna stick with that as the official reason).  You somehow set things in motion which led to other great things in my writing life.  I consider all of you the reason for my good luck, and if I could, I'd wear you every day on a charm bracelet—although, now that I think about it, it would make more sense to put you on cocktail stirrers instead."

And here's another:

"To my BFF.  You're the first one I trusted to read my manuscripts, and I never realized just how devoted a fan, and friend, you would become.  Even though I want to kill you every time you loudly announce in the bookstore, "I can't WAIT to read the new book by Donna Cummings", I'm also secretly delighted by your unswerving belief in me, before I've even signed a publishing contract.  You can easily differentiate the nineteen thousand variations of my whining, determining in an instant whether to prescribe a mojito, or a kick in the butt.  I do not know how to thank you, except to promise this:  you will always get first dibs at the casting couch when Hollywood comes a-calling."

Okay, pirates!  Grab some rum and a stack of parchment.  I've got plenty of sharpened quills for you here.  Get creative, get vicious, get emotional.  But get to it!  *claps hands*  I wanna see a boatload of dedication here!  And to minimize any potential lawsuits, let's use initials or fictitious names.  I've got the shredder right here, but it doesn't seem to work so well on blog comments!


Hellie said...

What? Am I first? Is someone afraid to claim the Undead Monkey?

Bosun said...

You saved me, Hellie! He's all yours for the day.

Bosun said...

Wow, you scared everyone away, Donna. LOL! When I read the title to this blog, I went right to the dedication page in our novels. And then you went somewhere else. LOL! But then our brainwaves joined back up again.

I think it's important not to burn off all your dedications on the first book, so the first will likely just say "For Is."

And I prefer to keep my karma clean so no "For those who never believed I would do this." Doesn't mean I won't be hurling "HA!"'s at them in my mind, of course.

Clearly the Pirates will be high on my dedication list.

Donna said...

Hellie, it's my fault -- or this post is cursed -- one of the two, maybe both! I had scheduled it to post after midnight, but when I checked at 8 a.m., it wasn't there! So I had to do some quick maneuvering.

First I've heard abou the "undead monkey" rule tho. I need to know more. LOL

Donna said...

Bo'sun, I knew I'd scare them away eventually! LOL I just didn't expect it so soon!

And these aren't ACTUAL dedications, so it doesn't induce any bad karma. :) I'm too superstitious to do anything like that.

These are merely "motivational" tools. Things to get you inspired again when it seems like your dedication to the writing has disappeared. That's all. :)

Hellie said...

To my Pirate Wenches: you’re all wittier and more disciplined than I am. I have not held it against you. Instead I tell myself I’ve surrounded myself with the best people to help me get here. Thank you!

To Jules: who believes in me so much she follows me from blog to blog and tells me to get a move on already. Who knew of my existence on the web before I did. Thanks for giving me a swift kick in the butt on a bi-weekly basis.

To Pam: ha! We did it! And finally you can read a version of my book where I don’t come back in a week and say, “Oh, I changed something important on page 37. Again.”

To J.K. Rowling: no, we haven’t met, but you’re a total rock star.

To mom & dad: who don’t approve of this book but love me anyway. Will you stop asking me to become a teacher and get a real job now?

To Johnny Depp: you have first dibbs on casting!

To Deerhunter: all those Sundays of calling me to check on my writing status has finally paid off. Thank you, baby.

To high school: thanks for making me a writer.

Hellie said...

Our favorite fellow bloggers, the Banditas, have a Golden Rooster (I think you can surmise the gutter version for yourself), and the first commenter of their day gets to have the Golden Rooster all day. He travels a lot.

Since we're pirates, our version is the Undead Monkey, who actually belongs to Sin and is impossible to control.

Donna said...

There is SO much to learn here. LOL I hadn't heard the Undead Monkey mentioned before, so it wasn't clear that it was a PRIZE!

(Not at all surprised that it is impossible to control. Pretty much describes everyone here. LOL)

Donna said...

Hellie, I loooooooove your dedications. I especially cracked up at this:

And finally you can read a version of my book where I don’t come back in a week and say, “Oh, I changed something important on page 37. Again.”

This is so true! Although maybe with e-books, this will still be possible one day! LOL

Bosun said...

I wouldn't necessarily call the Undead Monkey a prize. More like a curse.

Oh, motivational "so stick it" pretend dedications. I'm witcha.

To those who listened to me talk about being published someday who just nodded along and never really believed I'd do it, here you go. This one's for you.

Donna said...

Mmm, The Curse of the Undead Monkey. So how does anybody get the nerve to be the first one then? LOL

Bo'sun, that's exactly what I'm talking about. :) Now I've got to go find the one I drafted for my old boss. Hehehe.

Hellie said...

Donna, Pam has sworn not to read any version of my book until I say it's actual final draft. Or at least a FINISHED draft. None of this partial stuff, get her sucked in, then going: "Yeah, I'm not writing on this anymore. I'm doing this instead." It's surprising she hasn't stabbed me really.

Hellie said...

In that case, I need to dedicate something to The Weeper (he knows who he is!): For telling me I was the worst storyteller ever. *blows raspberry*

Hellie said...

We drink a lot. People forget.

Donna said...

The Weeper? How about The Wanker? Yeesh.

Donna said...

Hellie, poor Pam! To get sucked in and THEN you say, "Oh yeah, not working on that". Cruel and unusual punishment!

I sent something to my BFF and told her it was just a partial, because I haven't finished it, but she was fine with that -- until she got to the end. LOL

"Do you have anymore?"
"Not yet. I've got to do edits on this other one."
"When will you have more?"
"I don't know. Remember I warned you?"
"Yeah, I know. But hurry up, okay?"


Bosun said...

I did that to my sister. Sent her a partial of Celi & Bryan's story a long time ago. She was heartbroken when I told her they were done for. Even when I explained it had totally changed from what she had anyway, she was still ticked.

She's read half of this current WIP and pesters the hell out of me for the rest. She'll just have to wait for the end of summer, just like I do. LOL!

Wanker is my new favorite word of the day. LOL!

Donna said...

She’ll just have to wait for the end of summer, just like I do.

That's exactly it! I want to know how the story turns out too -- LOL -- but I have to write it first!

Donna said...

Julie -- LOL -- ah well, I guess Wordpress edited out the "EXCEPT JULIE" portion of my blog post. LOL

Hellie said...

Are you mad? The last time someone told someone in my family to get creative, get vicious, get emotional… we decided to sack Rome.

Yeah, well, they deserved it.

Donna said...

So this Undead Monkey. . .does it have to sit on your shoulder? Or can it be worn on a chain? Or as a brooch? A tattoo wouldn't work.

And I'm guessing there's a drink too. :)

Julie said...

Julie — LOL — ah well, I guess Wordpress edited out the “EXCEPT JULIE” portion of my blog post.

Seriously, Donna. You should never tell me to be creatively emotionally vicious. I come from a long line of warlords, investment bankers and divas.
We have emotional creative viciousness down to an art form.
The only thing that keeps The World safe from us is that instead of destroying Rome … the city’s Bishop converted us to Christianity. I can see that conversation now…
“Sack Rome … Become a Christian. Sack Rome … Become a Christian. Rape and Pillage … or avoid Eternal Damnation. Uhh tell me again. What’s in it for Us?”

“Dude, you still get to SackRape-n- Pillage. ‘Cept you’re doing it for us, not to Us. So you still get to have fun And avoid Eternal Damnation!”

“Awesome, man!”

Ahh Yes, there’s nothing like being offered some OxiClean for the soul to get one to change their wicked ways.

Bosun said...

The monkey sits whereever he pleases and you can try the chain but we've yet to find one that would hold him.

Donna said...

Julie, duly noted! LOL And I like the notion of "Oxiclean for the soul", only it doesn't sound like it CHANGES their wicked ways -- just REDIRECTS it! Now that's a talent I would like to have! :)

Sin said...

Good thing for the undead monkey that he is deaf when wenches speak.

I know there was a little part of Hellie that squealed a little bit when she saw today's post was about the dedication page. She's waiting for me to write up my dedication page to the undead monkey, who will be named "Undead Monkey" in my dedication page.

I love this post. The comments are cracking me up.

Donna said...

I wish I had an Undead Monkey right about now. There's a bird outside my window with the most annoying chirp, and he's like a little kid, doing it over and over and over. Gah.

I should feel sorry for the poor One-Note Charlie. LOL But I'm not! I'm gonna have to write a dedication for HIM!

Sin said...

It's very rarely that I feel bad for anyone. Downfall of mine. I'd loan you out the Undead Monkey but he makes more noise than a cockatoo on a cracker high. The UM is of no help to you dear DRD. That's what a shotgun is for. *evil laugh*

Hellie said...

*LOL* A cockatoo on a cracker high... *LOL*

Donna said...

Dang! No sympathy, just a shotgun. LOL

Mmm, I might have just come up with my next book title! Thanks, Sin!

(Although Cockatoo on a Cracker High is mighty fine too!)

Julie said...

We drink a lot. People forget That’s my other problem. I don’t drink. And I don ’t forget. Anything.
Maybe that’s why I don’t write fiction? There’s no room for it in my head. Donna, you posted the other day that I should write my memoirs. That made me smile. Because the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God real story behind the stories that I tell publicly Is rather fascinating. I’ve met some good people along the way. And some pretty rotten ones. I’d Love to tell their stories as it relates to mine. Especially those people who were the-wickedest-of-all … Honestly, I would.
But I can’t, Donna.
I can’t because … I’m A Christian. Darn ancestors!

Sin said...

Apparently I'm posting too fast for WordPress little mind. I must be blowing it right now.

*thinks about what she just said*


Sin said...

Never say I'm not good for something around here. LOL

Sin said...

I'm partial to the No Sympathy, Just a Shotgun. LMFAO

Bosun said...

Could I borrow the UM to shut these assholes up behind me. I'd ask for the shotgun but then I'd have to clean up the damn mess. Gah!

These dickheads will argue every fucking thing you can think of. Right now they are arguing who has suffered more flying from here to Japan. Who the frap cares???

I really might snap and shoot their asses before my office is freaking done.

Donna said...

Sin, if anyone was appropriately named around here, it's you! LOL

Julie, that's why they invented fiction! So you can tell these stories without getting in trouble!

Di R said...

Great blog, Donna!

I would dedicate mine to the lady in church who stood in front of the congregation and and said "All romance novels are porn which keeps women enslaved to unrealistic ideals."


Donna said...

*loads shotgun*

*hands it to Bo'sun*

Fire at will.

Donna said...

Di, boo to the Church Lady! It sounds like she's been enslaved by some unrealistic notions.

Julie said...

And since you asked us to write a dedication , Donna … I’m dedicating the Book -that-I-can’t-write to:

OxiClean, Potato Chips, Steak, Boxes, The Creatures of the Night, and my oldest sister. Who many years ago insisted “You have a responsibility to tell the story”.

To which I responded “Blank-you! My blanking life is no ones business!”

Sin said...

I love that Jules dedication has boxes in it. Jules, you rock.

Bosun said...

Di - That woman needs laid.

Call me enslaved.

Donna - Thanks. I'm escaping in search of food before I snatch a knot in somebody's ass.

Donna said...

See? We are SWIMMING in Dedication possibilities!

I can't wait for Bo'sun to come back from lunch. I've never heard that "snatch a knot" phrase before. I think I'm in love now. LOL

Julie, love the Dedication. :) Thank you for indulging me.

Hellie said...

I double boo the Church Lady. Boy, was her husband bad in the sack or what? Of course, I want a hero who will slay dragons, but my dragons are different than your dragons. Someone who gets the f**king snake out of my f**king apartment is a go-to guy.

Sin said...

I'm having a Snakes on the Mtherfcking Plane moment.

Sin said...

I'm going to have one of those dedication pages you need a magic decoder ring for. And you have to send in 4 box tops, the tail from a one eyed salamander, and one Lucky Charms marshmallow to receive it back in the mail.

Julie said...

Faye? Maybe is should include Faye in my dedication too?
She's lucky I’m A Christian.
And that Church Lady needs a good lay. IMO.
And finaly ... truly I ain't got me no mo fiction Donna. I buried it back in 1991...

Julie said...

Make that "Maybe I should..."

Di R said...

Church lady never married-wonder why?

love Julie's dedication LOL


P.S. Whoo-Hoo! I have a plane ticket and a room in Orlando for National!!

Donna said...

Sin, LOL at the interactive Dedication.

Di, envious of your Orlando trip! But yay!

Julie, definitely make it "Maybe I should". Keeps everyone on their toes too! LOL

Janga said...

I think I'll start looking for one-eyed salamanders now. LOL

Di, my church ladies all think it's wonderful that I'm writing romance. Every Sunday they ask for a progress report. One even told me,"Don't worry if you have steamy scenes. I always skip over those anyway." I'm afraid hers is a minority opinion though.

Seriously (Are we allowed to be serious?), I do have my first dedication written. I used it in my Mother's Day blog last week: In memory of my mother, my first and best teacher.

The dedication I won't write would read: To all my academic colleagues who are too elitist to read this or any other romance novel in the certain knowledge that even if my book tanks, it will still be read by more people than your prestigious article cloaked in deliberate obscurity and accessorized with opaque terms.

Bosun said...

That would be JangA. Sorry, eating french fries and typing at the same time.

Bosun said...

DING DING DING! And we have a winner. Nice one, Jange. And that blog was lovely. I read it, then got distracted. That is happening way too frequently these days.

Donna - I picked up the "snatch a knot" saying while living in Arkansas. That's also where I started saying "Shit far" (translate "far" as "fire") and "Gitchur britches on!"

Di - I have the hotel but haven't booked the flights yet. That should be tonight though! Chance and I are going in on Tuesday morning to play at the park. When are you getting in?

Donna said...

Janga, that's perfect! (I didn't read your Mother's Day blog, but my dearly departed Mom will be getting a lot of space in my "real" dedication too.)

Bo'sun, I thought "Jange" was a nickname of the nickname. LOL And I love the expressions! Kinda like out here in Massatucky, where the word "wicked" is a modifier for EVERYTHING (wicked hot, wicked cold, wicked nice, wicked bad). LOL

Julie said...

Massatucky is a place? Mass-a-tucky ... Mass-a-tucky... sounds like a slang term for a tummy tuck!

Donna said...

LOL -- it's just my silly name for Massachusetts. Although I like it being a slang for a tummy tuck!

Scapegoat said...

Put me in as the third whose first book dedication will be for mom.

I have to say - I need to write that dedication and put it above my writing desk. That would be one hell of motivating thing to see everyday!

Donna said...

Scapegoat, I like the idea of putting it above the writing desk, so it serves as constant motivation. In my case, I'd have to tape it to the coffee table. LOL But here's one that ALWAYS motivates me (and will never be put in a real book -- LOL):

"To the former boss who loved to rewrite all my memos, and constantly derided my 'impractical' dream of being an author, I salute you--with my middle finger raised high—to ensure you can see it over the pile of memos you are still rewriting, while I'm busy signing books for my devoted fans."

As for devoted fans. . . a girl can hope! LOL

Di R said...


We're coming in on Wed (7/28) afternoon. My daughter (who's 10) is LIVID that I'm going to Disney, and she's not! LOL!


Bosun said...

Di - My daughter too! She'll turn 11 exactly two weeks before the conference starts. But she went with her dad - without me! - two spring breaks ago. So she can't really complain. And she'll be with him all summer so it's not like I have her at that time anyway.

Maybe we can meet up before the book signing.

Scapegoat said...

YAY! Another pirate at RWA. :)

Julie said...

Yes you'll have Devoted fans, Donna.
I love how talented writers are so humble.
Its cute!
Speaking of talented writers ...
Janga, I loved your Mother’s Day blog too.
What a beautiful dedication. I look forward to reading it on your dedication page that will be in your book that Will get published!
And finally
I was being serious about my dedication. OxiClean represents the idea that you can make something look clean and pure, even if it isn’t. Chips represent an entity that failed to keep its promises. Steak is what someone got instead of what they needed. The boxes represent real boxes. They hold the clues to the past and the the keys to the future. Faye is also “real”. She represents the fragility of the human condition. She could have been a contender. But she settled for … or maybe she sold out. The creatures? They are people who will never sell out or settle for. But their resolve to do the right thing is constantly being chipped away. Since the Chips cannot stay in control if one is a Creature, and not a Faye. My sister and I really did have a nasty fight about my responsibility to tell the story. That was back in ‘91. She has no idea about my online antics. Nor would I Ever tell her about them … or the fact that sometimes … many times … the only reason I share something is because I hear this naggy little voice in my head yelling “You have a responsibility to tell the story!”

Janga said...

Julie, you amaze and delight me. And I agree with your sister--and I'm fairly certain I said that before in a different context.

Quantum said...

I like the idea of dedicating the book to 'Mum' :lol:

But I would choose my wife.

I think that instead of a formal dedication I would have a short poem.

To a beautiful lady, my inspiration and my joy:

Thanks for the memories, even the ones I try to forget.
That first hug on the beach, just before the sun did set.

Oh the depth of knowledge gleaned from wading through the surf
That wisdom and poetic lilt that had me giggling with mirth.

Oh for the memories that still refuse to fade.
The sun had set, the stars were bright, my universe was made.

Dear reader,
If you like these words then it will all have been worthwhile!

Fascinating blog and comments!

Sin said...

Q, that was beautiful. Mrs. Q is a lucky woman.

Bosun said...

So I'm the only one not dedicating to me mum. Fine.

Lovely sentiment, Q. Sin is right, Mrs. Q is a lucky lady.

“You have a responsibility to tell the story!”

I am hearing this line is the funniest, most demanding voice and it's making my day.

Bosun said...

Forgot to mention Chance is driving her hubby around or something so she's not able to get to the net yet. It's killing her not to be able to play along. LOL!

Donna said...

Q, you're such a romantic! Sigh.

Julie, I don't know that I'm humble so much as I am superstitious. LOL But at least you think I'm CUTE! And I'm glad you feel the responsibility to express yourself in the way you do. :)

Marnee Jo said...

Dedications, huh?


To my hubby, for being supportive through nights and nights of typing. And of course for all the assistance with wording for my love scenes, though I assure you "her tunnel of love" does not appear anywhere in this book.

To my mom and sister, who have been telling people I write romances for more years than I care to admit. Here's the final product, just a bit delayed.

To all my lovely writing friends. Thanks for all your encouragement, sympathy, and general kick-assitude. It's nice to have others to walk this road with.

Hellie said...

Aww, Q is such a honey. Lucky Ms. Q!

Donna said...

Marnee -- LOL -- you've made sure "her tunnel of love" DOES appear in the book by putting it in the Dedication! Love it, especially having others to walk the road with -- makes it so much less tiresome. :)

2nd Chance said...

Wait! You mean all those blessed times I commented first I had the monkey on my back all day?

Oh, that's right... He's not that bad. A good rancid banana and some sour rum and he's out.

Dedications... Well, The Caribbean Series has to be dedicated to the Starbucks crews. All a' them. Fer keepin' me caffeinated, havin' me drink ready even when there was a line before me, and savin' me a table on the crowded days.

The Kraken's Mirror! Ta dearest Scapegoat, who prodded me and poked at me ta pitch it. And ta the Bo'sun, fer the kickbut synopsis help!

The Changed World - Ta the History Channel fer an awesome series that sparked me imagination.

Everything w/aliens in it gets dedicated to Jane. Because she thinks I'm totally insane. So there! (I keep tryin' ta entice her into writin' a book w/me. She does the historical stuff, I do the aliens...)(She's disinclined ta agree...)

And goes without sayin'...every dedication includes a toast ta the Romance Writers Revenge.

Mom? Well, yeah. And Dad...

And Q...how sweet! Now, me DH found the late hours while I wrote and he waited in bed a bit frustratin'. Kept on tryin' ta entice me into a regular job. But he do support me, he were jus' lonely in bed.

Donna said...

Chance! Glad you made it! (The monkey missed you.)

Great dedications (and the way things were going at the RT convention, it won't be long before we see them in print. Woot!)

I agree about the pirates (aka The Cocktail Stirrers) getting a nod in each Dedication -- it's only fair!

And Mr. Chance won't be lonely in bed anymore -- he'll have your books! :)

Julie said...

A scholar and a poet!

Quantum, that dedication was quite lovely. I hope that you share it with Mrs Q!

Julie said...

I am hearing this line is the funniest, most demanding voice and it’s making my day

Yes Terri, my sister is the World's Most Frightening, most Demanding of Creatures.
All five feet & one half inch of her.

I am, BTW, The Quiet Sister.

Hellie said...

I am, BTW, The Quiet Sister.

This never fails to make me laugh. Oh, Jules, you are a gem!

Julie said...

Julie ... I agree with your sister

Janga, I am not surprised that you agreec with her.
Few disagree.
She’s charming. Quite persuasive. And Honestly, who could disagree with a grown woman who looks like she is the senior cadet in a Brownie Troup?

Julie said...

Hellion, you laugh ... but God knows ... I amm being Honest.

Scapegoat said...

So I'm going to do something that earned me the name Scapegoat...I'm going off topic!

Today on my blog I unveiled my the first ever example of my fiction writing skills (or lack there of) to the world. Seriously, until now I have never shown anyone one single word that I've written.

I was asked to join a Blogger Traveling Story and thought it would help me get over my nerves and kick me into writing more. So I did it.

What is on the blog is a 1/2 day turn around on a Round Robin story. It needs some serious editing, but there was no time for that. It's not my WIP, but it's sort of cute.

So...if any of you would be interested in taking a look and sharing any thoughts or comments I would appreciate it!

I popped my showing off my writing cherry!

Here's the link:

Scapegoat said...

Sorry to go off-topic!

Of course there should be nod to the pirates in our dedications...couldn't do it without you!

To Chance - AWW...thank you for the dedication. You inspire me everyday so thank you.

Donna said...

Scape, I loved your snippet of the story! I left my vote (B, B, B!) Congrats for showing off your writing -- it's scary to do it, but you did it like a pro!

Bosun said...

So fitting that a cherry should be popped on this ship. Goodness knows none of the rest of us have one.

Off to check out the excerpt.

Scapegoat said...

Thanks Donna! :)

Bo'Sun I appreciate you taking a look too - baby steps, but I am moving forward.

Bosun said...

I like it, Scape. Nice fun tone and I want to know more about this mysterious neighbor.

2nd Chance said...

That was fun! So, where do it go from here, Scapegoat? And I voted for A...

Sorry, I been so absent taday, Donnaroo...playing driver ta me husband and shopping been keeping me busy...

Hellion said...

I voted A!

Great debut!

Julie said...

“I don’t think my apartment is in any shape for entertaining.”
But your story was!
I Loved it, Scapegoat! What a wonderful way to lose your showing off writing cherry. Congrats!
And I vote for A too.