Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hierarchy of Avoidance

I've commented here recently about my "Hierarchy of Avoidance", and ever since then, people have been clamoring to hear more.  (By "clamoring" I mean I got an email, from one person.  And it was about something else entirely.  But it WAS on the same day I made my initial comment.)

So anyway, my "Hierarchy of Avoidance" theory.  Actually, it's not really fair to call it a theory, since I've used it so many years now.  It's definitely become a lifestyle, and a very productive, workable one.

Don't be put off by the word "avoidance".  At first glance it may seem like it's in the same category as procrastination.  But this isn't the case at all. The Hierarchy of Avoidance is actually a useful tool for getting things DONE, whereas procrastination. . .well, we all know it just stockpiles tasks until there's so many of them that you just get buried, and then you're tapping out a Morse code signal from inside the rubble, hoping for rescue (preferably from a Hottie with a refreshing beverage).

The important thing to remember about the Hierarchy of Avoidance is this:   Not All Tasks Are Created Equal

There is always a WORSE task than the one you don't want to do.  Think of it as a Food Pyramid for To Do lists. 

Now I'm not advocating that you ignore tasks, because that would turn into the Hierarchy of Ignorance, and that's a different situation entirely (and deserves its own post, probably on a day when the PMS needs an outlet for vent-ilation).

Remember, with my patented HOA program, you actually get things done, by avoiding other things you don't want to do.  You can accomplish a task that seems yucky, or too difficult, or agonizingly debilitating – by comparing it to something that is even MORE yucky, MORE difficult, or WAY MORE debilitating to your psyche.

Ready to give it a try?  Okay.  Deep breaths, through the nose.  And exhale, repeating after me:  ACCOMPLISHMENT, through AVOIDANCE.

I actually used this application on some recent revisions.  (That's right.  I do all the rigorous testing beforehand so you can enjoy the final product without any bugs.)  Anyway, there were several different items in this list of revisions, and while all of them were challenging, it can't be a big spoiler when I say some tasks were worse than others. 

So I whipped out my HOA chart (don't expect to see this in stores right away, since it's still in beta form).  I wrote down what I needed to accomplish, and then re-arranged the chores according to their relative Avoidance Quotient.   Actually, I shifted them around so many times, it looked like I was practicing for a three-card monte competition.

So what did I have to avoid?  A new love scene.  Okay, that's not as bad as this one, strengthening the conflict.  And all those words I repeat over and over and over. . .yikes.  That went straight to the bottom of the pyramid, because apparently I only use three different words to tell an entire 80,000 word story, so this would require a little more creative effort before it was off the list. 

Even though it seemed daunting at first, I avoided, systematically, until everything was accomplished.  Once I'd ninja-kicked the simpler tasks out of the way, I was confident and pumped up, ready to kick ass on the next thing on the chart.  Amazingly, that item didn't seem so bad anymore, because there was SOMETHING WORSE than that!

One last insider tip: don't feel like you can't mix and match avoidance chores.  This blog post was accomplished in record time because I was avoiding unpacking some boxes that have been in storage for two years. And the scene in my WIP that's making me grab a bottle of antacids is getting done next because I'm avoiding vacuuming out the sand that's accumulated in my car all winter.

So tell me, what are you going to avoid today?  And how are you going to avoid it?  Be creative.  Tell me what you're going to accomplish with your writing today by avoiding another task, writing-related or not.


2nd Chance said...

Hee, hee. Oh. This so deserves a drink. The Hierarchy...just that. I gots ta think about what goes into this drink... It will be a big one!

Ah...I'm avoiding the repetitive word thing. Though mine aren't descriptive words, they're the stupid things... like see, know, that....

So far, I've managed to create a new mask for RT's vampire ball, sewn a new pair of sleeves for the fairy ball...buttons! (But that was fun, so I guess that won't count...)

Tomorrow, I may vaccume the house. Or make chocolate bones for RT... Anything to avoid those stupid words!

Writing-wise...thinking seriously of starting another book. Or reading the one that needs the word tweaking...adding words. Not tweaking. I also have a few scenes that need to be grown... And while doing that, I might find some of the words I need to eliminate...

Donna said...

I'm so excited that I inspired a drink! My day is complete (even though it just started -- LOL). Maybe it could have layers, to make it look like a food pyramid, and it would take forever to make, so the bartender would be avoiding OTHER drinkmaking chores. LOL

The repetitive word thing is HARD. And you're right, they're the basic words, so that you can move your characters from one spot to another. I think most of my revision time was spent on this particular category.

I think you can use fun things for avoidance purposes. :) This isn't meant to be grim -- like exercise! LOL

It sounds like your avoidance has been VERY productive -- can't wait to see the mask for the vampire ball. (Jealous!)

Marnee Jo said...

Donna, this is wonderful. :) I have been avoiding painting the trim in my kitchen. So I've written in avoidance of that. Though housework does get done when the housework looks more appealing than the scene I'm working on. Makes sure my family isn't living in filth.

I'm probably going to avoid going outside today with my writing too. It's supposed to be 90+ here today. Yesterday it was 88 and my hands and feet got so swollen I whined all day. To combat said whining I turned on the A/C. Don't bother checking your calendars. Yes, it's April 7 and yes I'm turning on the A/C. It's extenuating circumstances folks.

Though I might avoid writing by going outside and sitting in the DS's kiddie pool. We bought him one this weekend so I might just park my big old pregnant butt in there today. It might not appear big enough for a lifeguard but one can never be too cautious.

Donna said...

Marn, it sounds like you avoided to perfection! You're getting so much done! I'm the same way with the housework -- I just finished cleaning the bathroom because I can't figure out what scene is next in my WIP. LOL

And you get the new-mommy exemption on the A/C. Good grief. I think I would opt for the kiddie pool though -- we could send a Hottie over there to be a lifeguard. Any requests?

Donna said...

I just realized the irony of sending a Hottie to help Marn deal with the heat. :)

Maybe I should avoid typing before the second cup of coffee. LOL

Donna said...

I have to go get some natural blonde put back in my hair. LOL I thought it would be later but my hairdresser just called and said she needed to have me come earlier.

So avoid away, pirates! I'll be back soon.

Hellie said...


I'd answer the questions but I'm laughing too hard. I do this. Usually though it's the writing of the current scene that's too hard, and I load the dishwasher, clean the kitchen, vacuum, declutter the coffeetable, and clean the bathroom.

Cleaning the bathroom is always last. I hate cleaning the bathroom for some reason. It never feels like I did a good enough job. You know, not unlike the feeling I get when I get around to doing the love scene.

My HOA for the Day:

1.) Enter folders for Special Admissions Committee (10)
2.) Enter folders for admittance (50)
3.) Enter Teaching Fellows (112)
4.) Respond to actual work emails
5.) Answer the phone (hate doing)
6.) Write 3 pages on manuscript (can't decide if it's Eve's POV or Adam's--I think Adam's, he's more fun to write in)

Bosun said...

Damn it, just had most of my comment typed and hit some crazy key and *POOF* it was gone. frickafracka&^$#@

Chance - I'll take one of those drinks. With a dash of antihistimine, please.

This is the perfect blog for me today. Piles of work on my desk, but the boss has taken a vacation day. Why do today what you can put off and look busy doing tomorrow?!

HOA for today:
1.) Process new checks. (One for the Veep, should probably get that to her.)
2.) Enter ERs & POs into spreadsheets. (Shouldn't take long.)
3.) Give up resisting Dove chocolate eggs in candy dish. (Lets hope I can hold out this long.)
4.) Work on WIP to catch up on the 12 pages I'm behind.
5.) Reconcile invoices.(This should keep the WIP words rolling!)

hal said...

This is hilarious, Donna! I love this plan. I adore it. And I agree, there is always something to put off, and it's amazing what I'd be willing to do to avoid, say, cleaning out the fridge. Yuck!

My HOA chart for the day

1) make a crap ton of photocopies for class
2) do homework for romance class
3) get groceries
4) do 60 pages of critiques
5) grade 36 papers

Since I hate grading the most, I've had it at the bottom of my list since they turned in the papers March 8th. Yikes!

This also comes in handy for me when I'm stuck writing. Sometimes I avoid a sticky scene by making up notecards for all the scenes I've finished. It's backwards, I realize, but it's handy at the end to have a clear chart of exactly what happened in every scene. Makes revisions a teensy bit more bearable :)

2nd Chance said...

Donna's a blond! Oh, so much makes sense now! ;)

I need to add to my list two online classes that I need to do something for...not sure where they fall in the hierarchy...

I decided on a personal keg fer this drink. A two hander, to keep ya from doing other things while enjoying. No one hand in the preztels and one holding the drink...

Donna be right, needs ta take time and be very complex ta mix. Because I need ta avoid me stupid word fixes. I be considering a very careful take off on Long Island Iced Tea. But very, very careful with the amounts and fer the Bo'sun, an antihistimine ta be washed down with it. For that lighter than air feeling.

The stupid words? The lady teaching the pirates guide to your writing career says they aren't always stupid. Guidelines!

Hellie said...

Donna’s a blond! Oh, so much makes sense now!

2nd, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Bosun said...

I'm noticing from our day job lists that our jobs are nearly as cool as our pirate personnas. LOL!

Items 1 & 2 done. Skipped 3 and had a Hershey Bar. Now, if I can struggle through this massive sinus headache, I shall move on to #4.

Bosun said...

That should be NOT nearly as cool. *sigh* My head is THUMPING.

Hellie said...

Well, duh, my day job isn't as exciting as my online persona. WHY do you think I gave myself the name Hellion?

Actually here was the exciting part of my day:

Boss: I notice you sent the letter approving the student to have her coursework counted that was old.
Me: Yes, her advisor sent his letter, so I sent yours.
Boss: But I didn't write it.
Me: Yes, well, you were out of town.
Boss: We didn't discuss it!
Me: You were going to write the letter regardless, weren't you?
Boss: *stammering* Well, yes...
Me: So I wrote the letter.
Boss: I'd like some warning.
Me: Well, I copied you on the letter you wrote. Doesn't that count as a warning?

And then my boss left to get more coffee.

Bosun said...

This is why you're better in the "boss" role on the ship. LOL! No one left to usurp.

Hellion said...

It's these sorts of interactions that makes me think, "I'd make a good wife."

Of course, I'd be divorced unless I manage to figure out how to do these things but still make the other person believe he was somehow consulted about things and part of the process.

I mean, normally I include the Boss, but he's been gone so much lately it's just easier.

Bosun said...

He's in WUV! He'll get over it. And you'd have to edit his letter to the point of re-writing it anyway.

Nothing exciting here. Dude in the next office belts out random profanity, but that's an everyday thing. This guy needs stress management more than anyone I know.

Quantum said...

Chance said: Donna’s a blond! Oh, so much makes sense now! ;)

Funny, I'm even more confused now. :lol:
But then, I like blonds! *grin*

Donna, Isn't the 'hierarchy of avoidance' the same as the pyramid of priority.

I'm just a man and can only do one thing at a time so I pick the highest priority item and concentrate on that ... like understanding the universe on mondays. Entertaining the visiting seminar speaker on Tuesdays .. and so on.

Now if I could multi-task like Helli and Terri, then I would be in a hell of a pickle over conflicting priorities. I obviously need a secretary like Helli to sort out my agenda.

Though on second thoughts perhaps not. I might end up spending all day posting on the internet. :lol:

2nd Chance said...

Hey, sometimes the shoe fits. Even if it's a blond shoe. And quite lovely, I'm sure!

Donna said...

OMG -- you guys have been SO productive. And your HOA charts. . .

*wipes away tears*

You've made me so very proud! Now I'm going to go back and RESPOND to your posts. (Yes, that means I'm avoiding something else -- LOL)

Bosun said...

Q - The concept is not to find which task has the highest priority, but finding the tasks that are less attractive than the current, so as to make the current one feel like a respite.

It's all mind over matter. Or rationalization over reality. Potato, potatah.

Hellion said...

Q, I think the Heirarchy of Avoidance and the Pyramid of Priorities works in reverse. They're like mirrors.

With the pyramid, you pick the ones that NEED to be done FIRST, regardless if you hate them or not. With the heirarchy, you're picking the things you know you can get done, regardless if they're really truly necessary to getting done at this time.

I think of the Heirarchy as a procrastination tool and the Pyramid as an organization tool.

Hellion said...

Q, I'm more of a "one thing at a time" person. I don't like five things flung at me, all with the same level of priority. I get Cranky.

Donna said...

Hellie, cleaning the bathroom is actually closer to the top of my HOA chart -- since that room is SMALLER, I can get it done faster. LOL And I nearly DIED at the exchange you had with your boss. How would things get done if you didn't do them?!

Bo'sun -- definitely save that work for tomorrow! Especially since your computer has an attitude problem, AND once you have your alcohol/antihistimane beverage. . .well, you might want to AVOID any decision-making tasks for the rest of the day!

Donna said...

Hal, I'm intrigued by the "homework" needed for a romance class. *wiggles eyebrows suggestively* LOL And it makes perfect sense to do notecards for the already-done scenes -- sometimes that sparks ideas for the scenes that aren't cooperating!

Chance -- LOL -- yes, I am a blonde (although it takes a lot more money now to be one!) I like the idea of needing two hands for The Hierarchy drink -- it sounds so strong, though, I'm wondering if I ought to have a hand available to steady myself when the boat starts rocking. :)

Bosun said...

Hellie cranky? Say it ain't so!

Hellion said...

He's avoided me the rest of the day actually. I think I was spewing about children when he walked in the first time and decided his interaction with me today would be minimal.

The coworkers are still talking about kids. Teens and pre-teens. I was trying to tell them that they're all pretty intolerable, whatever age. I mean, they're pretty cute until about age 7. Then after that, they start acting like their opinions count for something and get real annoying. I think this is why in the Middle Ages they had that fostering policy. Not because they were learning a skill, but because their parents didn't want to listen to their opinions anymore.

Hellion said...

I'm sure it's difficult to imagine.

Funnily enough if I come to work in a good mood, people are even more suspicious. And when I'm questioned, I get cranky. Which seems to reassure everyone and I can greet the rest of my day with the level of hostility everyone is accustomed to.

Donna said...

Q, I had actually created this cool pyramid, in Word, that had for the top layer the word "Bad", and the second layer was "Really Bad", and the bottom layer was "Oh, crap!" I couldn't get it to import, though, and I gave up. So you could probably use it as a Pyramid of Priority. :)

Hellion, tsk tsk tsk. We're not using the P word (procrastination) here. LOL

Bosun said...

I've putz away nearly all of my day. (Can I use that "P" word? LOL!)

I did get some work done and some additional stuff that popped up in my inbox. But I've no motivation to accomplish anything else right now.

Apparently I have the ability to avoid everything without any extra effort.

Julie said...

Me: Well, I copied you on the letter you wrote. Doesn’t that count as a warning?

And then my boss left to get more coffee.

Coffee? Coffeee works in a situation like that? Shoot,I figured that he left to get more Vasoleee-eeeeumph! Hey! Who elbowed me? Pirates!

Hellion said...

I've not accomplished nearly what I needed to today. *sighs* Damnit. Oh, well.

And it didn't take nearly any effort. *LOL*

And I did not do that to my boss! Don't even get that rumor started! I'm still trying to explain how he and I got into a vibrator conversation!

Donna said...

Bo'sun -- LOL -- mmm, let me consult with the judges and see if they think that is not too closely allied with the OTHER "P" word (the one we are AVOIDING!) And, as with any new program, you can't do too much at once. You don't want to sprain your brain. :)

Julie -- naughty naughty! LOL

Julie said...

I was quite tempted to send that comment to you hellion in my sweet, calming, reassuring, and not at all provoking voice.

Hellion said...

Putz is an actual verb, so that is different than Procrastination, which is pretty much a noun, even in verb format. *LOL*

Donna said...

Hellion, I had to read that TWICE. LOL And then I totally GOT its brilliance! Of course, now I need a nap. :) My poor little blonde brain cells!

Hellion said...

See! Deceptive!!!

2nd Chance said...

Bo'sun! You been helping me out! Have another Hierarcy.

By the end of this blog, I may be able to spell that right the first time!

Donna...love the graphic you described... That might work! Try working the deck with bare feet, helps when things get a little rocky. And the drink will ease that feeling... Have another!

Bosun said...

I thought she meant his head was up his ass? Did I interpret that wrong? LOL!

Donna said...

Chance -- it IS a little tough to spell (esp. after having a couple of the tasty thirst quenchers).

Maybe we should just call it The Hi? LOL

2nd Chance said...

Gonna have to figure out what a lo-archy would be...

Bosun said...

On this ship, I think Malarky would fit better.

Of course, I probably spelled that wrong.

Drinking this stuff through a straw was not a good idea.

Julie said...

You say Potato, I say potatoe, You say tomato, I say tomahtoe, You say deceptive, I SAY Perceptive!!!

Hellion said...

We should definitely have a drink called The Marlarky. That crap is definitely rampant on this ship.

2nd Chance said...

Mar-larchy...good idea!

I'm a big fan of none-sense also...

Donna said...

I'm getting dizzy trying to keep track of the drinks again. Could I just have a Hottie bartender bring them over here? Wait. Now I don't need any drinks!

2nd Chance said...

You mean me hottie bartender help! Though it's nice you think of me as hot... ;)

Donna said...

D'oh! *red face* Maybe I'll just have a glass of ice water for the next round. LOL

(I think I might have gotten too much blonde put on my head today!)

Donna said...

Mmmm, I'm alllllll alone on the boat now. Wonder what this rope is for? It's probably not that important. . .Oops!

Bosun said...

Way too much peroxide.

I'm hitting the highway. Which means going out into the 90 degree weather and getting into my yellow dust-covered car. Wish me luck. LOL!

2nd Chance said...

Great. Call out the hotties, Donna dropped the mainsail on the bar!

Donna said...

Call out the hotties, Donna dropped the mainsail on the bar!

Hehehe! I knew my plan was gonna pay off BIG time!

Good luck, Bo'sun. Sounds like you've got a blonde car! LOL

Sin said...

I've planned on writing this scene that's in my head for the past three days. Have I done it yet? Oooh no. No one does avoidance better than me. Denial is a land no one conquers.

I loved this blog. It's taken me since I got to the office this morning at 7:30 to read it, but so damned worth it.

Santa said...

Wait, you're supposed to vacuum out the accumulated sand in the car?

Well, I will certainly use that excuse so I don't have to call my insurance company. I just can't face talking to an international contingent of operators before I reach the person who actually makes a decision.

Was I ranting just now?

I can actually name a million things I do to avoid writing. I've been doing that a lot lately but it looks like my hero and heroine are tired of waiting off on the side behind the potted plants.

Hey, at least I put them somewhere they can have a little fun!

Donna said...

Sin, your brain is actually working on that scene, so to me it counts as writing. Seriously.

Santa, I never really vacuum the sand out. I just hear other people TALKING about doing it. LOL

Julie said...

SIN confessing her writing sins? And Santa confessing too? Sigh. Fine. I’m as guilty as the rest of you.
I fixed the kitchen faucet, did 5 tons of laundry, walked a couple of miles, cleaned , scrubbed, yes … I even organized my DH‘s underwear draw. All because I didn't want to write the thing I need to write. I Was hoping that it would go away. But no. I’m Still avoiding it ... it being the final analysis to a story in my life that parallels one in someone else’s.
Hmm , you mentioned boxes Donna. I have some boxes that I need to go through too. I think that I’ll occupy myself (and my guilty conscience) with that task. Anything is better than thinking about avoiding writing, right? So if you don’t hear from me for awhile, its because I’m going through those boxes. And IF you don’t hear from me for a veryyyyyyyy long while … its because one of those boxes really did have a grenade in it. Which would take care of my worrying about writing, right?! Gosh, avoid writing or avoid writing Forever! it’s a win/win situation! Gee, Thanks Donna!

Now but he would known know

Julie said...

Now but he would known know
I'd like to tell you that this is secret agent code stuff. But what it really is is me trying to type while I was on the phone with the DH!

Donna said...

Secret agent code stuff

Oooh. Like "the eagle flies at midnight"? Or "the drink is on the bar"? I like secret agent code stuff! LOL

And Julie, how could you POSSIBLY feel guilty? Look at all the stuff you accomplished! Even an underwear drawer organization! My HOA program is 100% guilt-free because when done properly, as all of you have done today, there's nothing to be guilty about! You've accomplished lots and lots!

*sprays a liberal dose of Guilt-B-Gone*

Julie said...

Thanks for the Guilt-B-Gone Donna. You have no idea how much I needed that.
*Julie smiles her Sphinx Smile*
And how ironic. Guilt-B-Gone is one of the points to my writing out that Parallel Story.

Julie said...

As far as secret agent lingo goes Donna, might I suggest “ Let them eat steak”, “deliver the couch to the wheat field”, ‘loose lips will sink chips“, and of course … “Jesus will provide the amo.”

2nd Chance said...

Or making chocolate bones.

An interesting task to accomplish as I am determined not to eat as much chocolate as I pour into molds...

Only licked my finger once so far!

Donna said...

Yeesh! Julie, my apologies for overusing your name up there! LOL Can I try to convince you it's a poem?

Donna said...

Julie, glad the Guilt-B-Gone worked for you, Julie. I just had a pallet delivered to the ship, so we oughta be good for a while. :) And LOVED the secret agent lingo. LOL

Chance, gotta ask what the chocolate bones are for! Are they the swizzle sticks for the Hierarchy drink? (fingers crossed)

Bosun said...

The Guilt-B-Gone worked! Wrote 9 pages in 2 hrs and now I'm folding the laundry and enjoying Idol. Haven't been this productive in an evening in a long time. LOL!

Donna said...

Yay Bo'sun! Yay for all the productivity!

Okay, everybody, all together with me:


*sprays the room with another container of Guilt-B-Gone*

2nd Chance said...

Sorry, Donna...I'll work on some chocolate oars for the drinks...good idea! I'm making chocolates for the RT newbies...