Sunday, January 3, 2010

What I learned from Super Mario Brothers

Last month Nintendo re-released the old Super Mario Brothers for Wii. It looks just like the one I played as a kid. It has the same mushrooms to pounce on and scary World 8 full of lava and even has the same music. It's like stepping through a portal in time to the 4th grade.

But there's one distinct difference in the new Mario. When multiple people play together, they literally play on the same screen. Mario and Luigi run side-by-side; Luigi can give Mario a boost or Mario can give Luigi a power-mushroom.

It's nice -- the better, more experienced players can assist the newer players. If you need help, there's someone to help you.  And if you jump off a cliff or run face-first into a turtle, there's someone to rescue you and put you back in the game.

It's like having a community. You can see where I'm going with this analogy. Mario rescuing the Princess as Writers striving for that finished book. Maybe Mario should be a pirate too. How do you think an eye-patch would look with the mustache?

Anyway, we have a community when we write. Others who know what we're going through. Both those more experienced who can show us the path and offer us new resources, and those newer than us whom we can lend a hand to in return.

But Mario's foils with Luigi and his two toad helpers are the same pitfalls writers face in their communities. Mario is supposed to collect these big coins, right? Three per level. Most of the coins are easy to find and get, but some are hidden, some are booby-trapped, and some buried. Now and then, Mario finds a coin he can't get by himself. He has to have a helper, someone who can give him a boost, or help carry the load.

There are parts of writing and publishing that require the same thing -- a partner. Someone to read over your work or help encourage you through rejections or celebrate good news with you.

But there are some coins that Mario has to get alone. If he has to jump at a certain time, or squeeze through a spot, it's just to hard to keep someone else with you. He has to go it alone.

There are times in writing, too, when we have to go it alone. The long stretches of writing when we don't think we can pull another word from our tired brains. Debating over tiny points of characterization that no one else could possibly know.

In Mario, the key to getting all the star coins is knowing which ones you need a partner to get, and which ones you need to figure out on your own.

In case it wasn't obvious, I spent my break playing Super Mario Brothers and relaxing and reading. I'm ready to get back to writing. What about you? Have you been writing over this break, or are you coming back to it now? Are you facing the new year energized or discouraged? Anyone else obsessed with this game?


2nd Chance said...

Hee, hee. A college professor playing Super Mario Bros... Pardon me, I need ta go chuckle a while...

2nd Chance said...

OK, uh...what was the question?

Oh, energized or discouraged... Uh, both? I know what I need ta do on me own, but it's hell ta get movin' toward it. The holidays were exhaustin'...though I did some good readin' that is makin' me think a lot 'bout the edits I still need ta get to. And that be the encouragin' part a' things.

That and Terrio's words a' wisdom as I discussed wit' her what I be discoverin' in this book.

So, both! There be no games that I be obsessed wit'. I like watchin' the DH play on his X-Box...that can be very distractin'...

JK Coi said...

Ok, I'm glad I wasn't the only one. Kiddo got a DS for Christmas, and I spent a lot of time (too much) playing Mini Ninjas and Brain Age. Now I'm ready to get back to work. Promise.

Stephanie J said...

That game would be way too addictive for me! My college roommate had an uncle who owned a video game store so we owned all the classic game consuls. We played the original Super Mario and Mario Kart all the freaking time!

Great analogy about writing. I feel energized from the short holiday I had and while I didn't keep to my writing goals here I am, right back at them. I plan to to keep it up but when I fall, it's nice to know that I have friends who know exactly where I'm at and the challenges I face.

2nd & JK - I think I'd have to refrain from having any video games in my house ius for that reason. I wouldn't be playing the games, but I'd spend so much time watching them!

Maggie Robinson/Margaret Rowe said...

I watched people play Wii bowling and Trivial Pursuit over the break and am grateful I can't seem to get into this stuff (aside form the time I played PacMan all day in my pajamas when my kids went back to school after Christmas vaca one year. Addict.). I did a ton of writing-related stuff and wrote 1/3 of a novella. Revisions loom in my future. I am reasonably energized and goal-oriented, but I'd kinda like to snap my fingers and have some work all behind me.

Hal said...

2nd - I know, I know. Want to know something even funnier? My hubby, who is also a professor, is a big time gamer, and apparently was having strategy sessions with his students last semester on how to get through a certain level of the game Modern Warfare.

That's right, after teaching a class on Gandhi and Non-violence, he then turned around and explained how to kill everyone in Modern Warfare. Enjoy laughing about that for a while!

Hal said...

2nd - I'm with you. A bit of a mix between energized and discouraged. On the one hand, I've had an amazing four day weekend where I did (clearly) nothing but play Mario, so I'm ready to hit the writing goals hard starting this week. On the other hand, I have a huge stack of revisions staring at me. Gah. I'm glad Terri was able to inspire you!

Marnee Jo said...

Hal - great analogy. :) I haven't played the new (old?) Mario Bros since Nintendo 64 or whatever it was back then. I think that DH and I would like it though, so I'll probably refrain from buy it. At least for right now.

The holidays were long and tiring for me. DS's b-day was right before Thanksgiving and since that party it's been a long month and a half of parties, company, and cooking/cleaning. All my company is gone now and I'm excited to get back to work. There isn't much for me to do these next few months and writing'll keep my mind off counting the seconds until my kid's born.

Hal said...

JK - we can set down the gaming controls together - LOL! Sometimes, the big kids need the distraction of the toys and games too, right?

Marnee Jo said...

Hal - My DH loves Call of Duty (the one before Modern Warfare). I've been debating getting him Modern Warfare as a b-day present.

Hal said...

Steph I'm so jealous! There's a kiosk thing in our mall with the old original Mario, complete with pixels so big Mario looks like he's made out of building blocks, but it just looks so fun!

I didn't stick to my writing goals for the break either (obviously), but Marnee and I are both trying for 5k a week from here on out until we finish our current projects.

Do you have a word-count or page count goal? I agree that having other writers who understand and keep us on track is vital. I don't know what I'd do without you guys :)

Hal said...

Maggie, wow! That's a lot to get done in a short space! (though knowing me, I'd pick the Pac Man - how fun! LOL!)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you can keep up the energy and momentum - sounds like a very productive year for you!

Hal said...

Marn - I think that DH and I would like it though, so I’ll probably refrain from buy it. Excellent plan. It will suck you in and never let you go :) Or you'll have a husband like mine who's light years better at it than you are, and will never let you stop calling him "Master of all".

And Modern Warfare is a really good idea if you need him out of your hair for a while. Rob was eyeballs deep in that one for weeks *g*

I'm feeling very good about our pace and goals for this year. Excellent for you not to have to count seconds :)

Irisheyes said...

Hilarious Hal! All I've been listening to for the past week is Mario on the Wii. We got our daughter the New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii and the kids and DH have been at it all week. They only invite me to play when they need a designated loser or want a few chuckles. It is embarrassing how inept I am when it comes to video games.

I, too, have a husband consumed with video games - no doubt where the kids picked up the gene. As far as I know, he hasn't used it as a lesson in any of his classes as of yet but it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out they've been part of his lesson plans.

I am definitely not ready to jump back into real life yet. January is a very hard month for me. The fact that the temperature here is in the single digits doesn't help. I just can't get motivated to do anything when I'm freezing cold! All I want to do is go back to bed! :)

Marnee Jo said...

LOL! I'm definitely not as good at these games as DH is. And "Master of All" sounds like just the sort of title he'd come up with too.... LOL!

Hal said...

Irish - so you know what I'm going through! I've been playing it by myself so that I can get better, because I'm horribly inept too. I do not have the gaming gene.

My 18-year-old sister-in-law lives with us, so before she went back home for the break, we'd all play together, and the common phrase "get in a damn bubble and stop killing us!"

Single digits? I'd want to stay in bed too! I don't do well with cold weather, either. Especially if it's gray and dreary cold weather. I hope you use January to rest up so you're refreshed and energized when it starts warming up!

Hal said...

I'm telling you. They're twins :)

Stephanie J said...

Irish - I think I'd go into a cocoon-like state and never come out. I keep saying I want it to be colder but somehow I think I might feel otherwise were TX to ever get into the single digits (not happening!).

Bosun said...

Nothing like feeling old on a Monday morning. LOL! Never played the original Mario Bros, though there was something my brothers had that was Mario but worked like a board game. And had little tests throughout. My sister and I (light years older than our brothers) would play that one on rare occasions we were all home at the same time.

Our discovery was the Dance Dance Revolution for the Wii. It's fun to do but more fun to watch since my poor child has NO coordination whatsoever. She must have gotten her father's dance genes. I feel terrible about it.

Irish - I took a flight through Chicago O'Hare on Friday and had to walk outside about 35 yards to board the plane. The temp was FIVE DEGREES!!! I thought I was going to die! How the frick do people live there?????

I plotted the entire break. Have a pretty storyboard (you'll all see next Monday) to show for it. Created a new opening, with a first line I'm most excited about, and am now working on a scene that is giving me fits. But I'm determined to wrestle it onto the page!

Hellion said...

I love the correlation! I love it when writers can compare something so non-writerly and make it writerly! (You know how men do that with sex and all...)

I'm not a Mario fan, but I grew up Amish (pretty much) so my hand-eye coordination as far as games go is nil. Therefore because I'm so bad at it, I don't enjoy it. And being soundly beaten by the 5 year old doesn't encourage one much to keep at it.

I am tempted to get a Harry Potter nintendo/wii thing--but I'm sure it wouldn't be as good as the movies. And I certainly don't need another distraction. Farm Town on Facebook is currently my vice of choice. Apparently you don't need massive amounts of hand-eye coordination to farm. (Amish.)

I'm facing the new year encouraged. I think this year will be much better than last year--and write now I haven't written much (so I'm not sure why I'm that optimistic about it, except for the fact I couldn't possible write less.) I did storyboard and plot on Saturday; and I made myself write a few pages on Friday.

Di R said...

Happy New Year, everyone!

Yep, I'm behind, but I'm okay with that.

I didn't write anything in the last two weeks, but then I didn't plan on getting any writing done. My kids were home from school and I took the time to enjoy them.

Now I'm ready to dive back into my story. My goal is to have a rough draft done by the end of February.

Of course, I was planning on starting today when the kids went back to school, but it's a snow day-we got a foot of snow overnight. And it's freezing!


Sabrina said...

I was never good at the old Mario Bros. but I love the new Mario Party game for Wii - it's like all these short little party games that are fun and don't last long.

I haven't written in a few weeks. Bad Sabrina. With the holidays and looking for a house, it's been so hectic my brain hasn't been in creative mode.

hal said...

Hellie - Apparently you don’t need massive amounts of hand-eye coordination to farm. (Amish.) LMAO!!!

I'm addicted to CafeWorld on facebook. It's the ability to re-decorate your restaurant as often as you want. I keep coming up with all these new

Yay for storyboards! I'm excited for you -- I think we're all going to be super-productive this year (my Mario days not withstanding, of course *g*)

Sin said...

My horoscope swears that this year will be the most productive year I've had in seven years and most successful. Here's to all the pirates having a successful year!

hal said...

Ter - She must have gotten her father’s dance genes. I feel terrible about it. LOL! I have no ability to dance either *g*

So what's the first line you're excited about? I can't wait to see your storyboard!

Sin said...

What's even awesome-er than assisting someone in SMB for the Wii is your ability to kill them too.

So for Christmas, both my sister and I received the Wii from our parents. We each got a game (me- Zelda: What can I say, I'm a nerd and my sister received SMB). First thing we do find out that you can play both people on the screen and find ways to off each other. I can't remember laughing so much.

Then I borrowed Mario Kart from my BFF, the pixy, and we've done nothing but play Kart for three days straight.

hal said...

Di - good for you for enjoying your kids while they were home. And what's an extra day? You can write tomorrow after you play in the snow today :)

A rough draft by Feb? That's quick - are you already into it are starting from scratch?

hal said...

Sabrina - I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's life has been taken over by the Wii :)

It's so hard to be creative when swamped, isn't it? Here's to hoping you can use writing to recharge your batteries this year!

hal said...

Sin - I need to spend more time with you. All this time playing SMB it never occurred to me to purposely kill someone off!

Have you tried swallowing someone with the yoshi? You can spit them back out at things and kill them that way :)

You probably push people off the track in Mario Kart don't you? I so need to learn these skills!

Hellion said...

Sin, my horoscope said something similar! It also said I would be less depressed. Honestly, what is up with Jupiter and Saturn? Can we get rid of those planets if they're going to be that bitchy?

hal said...

My horoscope swears that this year will be the most productive year I’ve had in seven years and most successful. Here’s to all the pirates having a successful year!

Hear, hear!

hal said...

Talk to the people who axed Pluto. They could probably pull it off

Sin said...

Hal, it never occurred to me to actually play the game fair and nice. The first thing I did when Matt and I put in Mario Kart was push him off the track and kill him. I had to assert myself early so I wouldn't get pushed around. lol

Sin said...

Hey, watch it. My ruling planet is Jupiter. *grin*

Sin said...

I haven't attempted to swallow someone with Yoshi. Though, that would be pretty cool to swallow someone and then spit them out into the fire pit in the castles. Except I dunno if they have those. I only played it for a few minutes.

hal said...

I had to assert myself early so I wouldn’t get pushed around. lol

One of my goals for this year is to stop being such a massive push over. I'm taking notes here.

1. Kill everyone possible
2. Establish dominance early on to avoid problems later

What else? This is fun!

Di R said...

A rough draft by Feb? That’s quick - are you already into it are starting from scratch?

I have a start. But I've discovered that I need a hard deadline to get my butt in the chair. For example, I meet with my critique group on tuesday, after I drop my daughter off at school. So that morning I'll sit down and spit out between 3 and 5 pages to take with me.
Wierd, I know. The ladies look at me like I'm nuts.


Stephanie J said...

Sin - I was always Yoshi but insisted on calling him Toady (I'm really not sure why considering there is another character with that name). In all my years with Yoshi I don't think I ever ate anyone.

Terri - can't wait for the storyboard. You know I love process insight!

hal said...

Di - I'm the same way. If it don't have a deadline, I won't do it. I know one author who swaps 20 pages, in person, with her CP every Tuesday over dinner (she writes full time). That's the kind of motivation I need! So I get you :) Good luck it - that's still a quick pace even with a start. I'll bet you can pull it off!

Sin said...

I insist on being the Princess in all Mario games. In Kart, I play Baby Peach and use the Stroller to massive advantage. It's quick, it's light and if you get a mushroom and boost your speed you can knock all kinds of people off the track.

hal said...

I insist on being the Princess in all Mario games.

LMAO! I shall use the stroller next time and shove Rob to his death. I can't wait *g*

Donna said...

I play video games on my computer every once in a while, but since it gives my brain a lil break, and since my brain tends to THINK about my WIP at the same time -- I don't think of it as "procrastinating", I consider it "processing". :)

Both words START the same, and END the same -- it's that middle part that makes the difference. LOL

Janga said...

I love your analogy, Hal.

Back in the day I used to play SMB, Ms Pac Man, and Tetris, but I am soured on video games right now. My sister and nephew #4 are addicted to Persona and talk strategy incessantly. Then, there were times over Christmas break that we had two kids on the Wii in one room, one on the PS2 in another room, another on the PS3 in still another room, and nephew #4 rotating among his systems in his room. Between the multi-directional sound effects and the kid squeals, I teetered on the brink of insanity.

But the split-custody grands are with their moms today, and school starts tomorrow. I will have long, lovely week days of silence until spring break. I had big plans for intensive writing this month, but I just signed a contract for seven articles on disaster relief due by January 29. The WIPs go on the back burner again. :(

hal said...

I don’t think of it as “procrastinating”, I consider it “processing”

Donna, you're brilliant! I love it! You're right - same beginning and ending of the word. And for a classic procrastinator like myself, anything justification will be touted to the extreme *g*

hal said...

Janga, I could certainly see the insanity in all that. Wow, that's a lot of video games.

Good luck on your articles. Do you write freelance as well? Here's hoping you get through the articles fast so you can get back to your WIP!

Melissa said...

Hal, it would have been an interesting spin on your blog if you'd gone Sin's route and compared it to killing off your partners. *LOL* And stop taking those notes - stay just the way you are. :)

I'm doing pretty good on the writing right now. I feel like I had more than the Christmas break - - more like about six months. It's interesting that I seemed to clear the path of distractions this past year - - no pets, no job even. I did write... here and there. Now I've got a cat and yesterday I got a puppy (baby is sleeping - wow, a puppy so seems like having a baby - much more so than a kitten) and start college classes full time next week. The "distractions" are coming back to me, but I'm welcoming them and I'm excited. I'm pretty sure having to write in certain time slots is going to help and not hurt.

Bosun said...

It's like you are all talking another language. I'm getting older by the second.

Melissa said...

Oh, and I love video games. The worst time I had when school was out was when my son's Nintendo DS broke. When he got a new one...ahhhh. *LOL* Love video games.

hal said...

Melissa - thanks :)

I need the structure too, in order to get anything accomplished. Huge open chunks of time are the surest way for me to waste it!

And having a puppy is hard work! Those first few weeks with our little one were a nightmare. Rob spent most nights asleep on the floor next to her! But it's well worth it in the end, and they don't require Nintendo DS's to keep them occupied and out of your hair :)

Good luck next week with classes!

2nd Chance said...

Terri, yer not alone. Me DH never got inta the classic arcade games, I never played 'em. So it's all greek ta me! Though he did like Tetris, seems ta me...

Drive me crazy when he plays Splinter Cell...backtracks so much I cannot follow the story! Yeah, I know, he should play it so I can foller the story, not so he can win.

I'm selfish like that.

Come ta think a' it, when he plays his X-Box, it's a lot like a writer who is constantly editing afore he moves forward... "Wait, there was a sniper rifle down to floors...when I killed that grunt..."

"Wait, I could change that first meet and make it better..."

Maybe video games are a lot like writin'!

Bosun said...

I recently took up Sudoku. Can play it for hours. I know, I'm not right.

2nd Chance said...

Sin, we both be Sags...I hope yer horoscope covers me! I need a good year!

Bo'sun, next time I see ya, ya can show me how Sudoku works...

I'm not bad wit' tv guide crossword puzzles...

Bosun said...

My yearly horoscope just said at the end of the year people will be impressed with how well I dealt with adversity. That does NOT sound good. LOL!

hal said...

oh God, Ter. That sounds like code word for, "this year will suck majorly, and to top it off, you'll still be alive at the end." Excellent. When's your birthday? Tell me it's not May.

Bosun said...

LOL! New Year's Eve. ;)

Capricorns beware!

Bosun said...

And I'm keeping the first line to myself for right now. I'm afraid if I put it out there and people don't like it, I'll be crushed. LOL!

hal said...

I certainly understand that *g*

Hellion said...

Secrecy is good. The fewer people who know, the more magic you can keep. Magic is VERY IMPORTANT in a book, and I'm not saying that because I watched HP a billion times this weekend. It's real; it's documented. You see it all the time. Don't talk about your story; write it down.

2nd Chance said...

Well, yer horoscope coulda read, "Start writin' yer obit now..." Yer gonna impress people wit' how ya deal with adversity, could be nothin' more than a car blowin' up in front a ya on the highway and ya dodge it well.

Adversity be in the eye of the beholder.

Maybe ya will run out a p-b Dove chocolates...right before your period...and you WON'T kill anyone!

Victory dance!

Bosun said...

That was "NOW my secret." Gah! Why do I only notice this shit right AFTER I hit submit?

Bosun said...

Yes, my book is not my secret. That sounds kind of fun. (Unless it sucks.)

Chance - I'm with you. This has not changed my determination to think positive. Whatever comes, I'm ready, and it will all be fine. (This line runs on a loop in my head.)

Renee said...

Hal, awesome post. The only games I really get into are things like Tetris and Need for Speed. Dh refuses to allow them in the house after the time we rented Need for Speed and I hogged the game system.

Marnee, we own both World at War and Modern Warfare. The fam plays both all the time. It keeps them all out of my hair. I can feed them gruel and they'd never know it. Heck, I think I could not feed them and they wouldn't know. Leaves me with plenty of writing time.

Renee said...

I forgot to answer your question. I did do a lot of writing over the break, and I totally feel energized.

hal said...

Renee - my husband is the same way. The second the play station turns on, I know I have a nice big block of time to write (or dash upstairs and play Mario *g*) I tried to play Hitman a few times, which was fun, but the hubby wouldn't hand over the PS3 *g*

Awesome job getting stuff written during the break - here's hoping you can keep the momentum up!

Melissa said...

at the end of the year people will be impressed with how well I dealt with adversity

I predict this is an agent or an editor who is impressed with the conflict in your story and wants you to sign a contract immediately!

Melissa said...

I was curious about my yearly horoscope:

can be a mixed bag of results with some pleasing results interspersed with equally bad occurrences.

Well, that narrows it down. Hmm, puppy went to the door to go potty...then he didn't. Yep, it's true.

Hellie said...

My mistake. It wasn't Jupiter. Jupiter is actually supposed to be nice to me.

Okay, pause for a moment and check your pulse. Still there? Good. That means you survived the last couple of years with both Saturn and Pluto in less-than-perfect places for you. And by "less than perfect," I mean "lousy." Good news! Both of astrology's heavyweights have moved on to more constructive places for you. Now is the time to take that famous Pisces sensitivity (still intact from the challenges of the last while) and put it to work making your life a happier and more comfortable place.

Also warns I could get fatter. *LOL* But also says this Spring is good for me to focus on health and exercise.

Bosun said...

Melissa - From your keyboard to the writing gods ears!

Hellie - Where did you get yours? I want a second opinion. LOL!

2nd Chance said...

Yeah, where are they gettin' these horoscopes?