Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fluffy: Destroyer of Worlds

Music Influence stuck on repeat:  Snuff- Slipknot- (Album) All Hope is Gone

Every writer has an internal Fluffy. Fluffy comes in all shapes and sizes. All different types of voices. Different names. But Fluffy is all the same. She sneaks. She seizes. She conquers. Fluffy is the Destroyer of Worlds- the world you've created inside your head desperate to get it on paper before she taints it with her black magic poison (AKA doubt, insecurity, forgetfulness).

I deal with Fluffy on a weekly basis. She grins, her black eyes sparkle with mischief. She crackles her knuckles and hunkers down over my fingers as I'm typing. She sings songs inside my head about how my plot has holes and my characters aren't realistic. How my issues shouldn't transfer into writing. How I neglect everyone by flipping open my laptop. Yet I can deal with Fluffy and her remarks. She's a jealous little creature with black pixy wings on a gargoyle body.  I'd be bitter too.

Now, Sunshine Fluffernuckle is a different story. SF will cause me to put my writing aside for months at a time. SF knows no mental mercy from his tyrants. He sees and not only does he conquer it. He complete decimates it. He worms his way into every plot. He's more sneaky than the snake Mr. Grinch. But he's sneaky about it until he gets exactly where he needs to be and by then it's too late. You lose your plot to his complaints. To his constant you're-not-good-enough- to-write-this-plot mentality. Because when you hear it constantly, you start to believe it.

As the new year is underway, I've been working on ways to head off SF. A new year is a new beginning and while I've been stationary for a couple of years, I'm going to make my move this year. I've played a mental chess match with SF for far too long. He just hasn't realized he's about to be checkmated.

Now, can you put a description on your Fluffy and how does Fluffy disrupt your writing pattern?


2nd Chance said...

Death ta Fluffy! Throw her ta the Kraken! Do it now! Do it over and over and over again! And that goes fer Mr. Sunshine, too! The Kraken adores these things! Ya take that button I sent and keep it with ya, stroke it, make dear friends with the Kraken and feed him those nasties!

Me list a' ICs, as I call them, be legion. And they been castin' spiderwebs into me head fer several months now. Caught like a fly in a web, I been without much hope... But it's gettin' better... I'm workin' me way free. I'll likely fall afore I fly, but that is the way with these things!

Sin said...

Death to all kinds of Fluffies!

I wish getting out of the spider webs was like in a video game. If you get caught, all you have to do is take out your lantern and set it all on fire. Except in this instance, paper is highly flammable. LOL

Marnee Jo said...

My Fluffy mutates. Sometimes it's a she, all bored and apathetic. Sometimes it's a guy, with a snooty British voice, full of this-is-never-going-to-be-as-good-as-it-should.

The only thing that keeps it quiet-drowns it out-seems to be the sound of keys tapping. The more I write, the quieter it gets.

Hellion said...

Fluffy is a grumpy old man, or sometimes Ms. Yount, who criticizes my choice for writing romance. Who sings victoriously whenever I get disgusted with a historical novel that I wonder how it got published. *LOL* "Another duke!"--usually then they sardonically sneer, "Oh, but it's fiction...it doesn't have to be believable."

If I say, "This isn't going like planned," a Snape-like voice (ala Rickman) says, "Clearly."

I'm not sure what shuts them up. When I'm asleep I think. That drowns out just about everyone but the neighbors having sex actually.

Sometimes I read something I wrote and realize it's actually good. That shuts them up.

Sin said...

I hear Ms. Yount a lot inside my head too when I'm working at the laptop. Always punctuation. I see red circles all over my pages.

Sin said...

Marn, for some reason I'm picturing your Fluffy to be Al from Kim Harrison's books. lol

Bosun said...

I haven't answered yet because I can't come up with anything. Not that I don't have doubts, I just never give them a personality.

I'm telling you, I'm the least imaginative writer you'll ever meet.

2nd Chance said...

Oh, that's funny! Bo'sun's IC is formless, faceless and rarely heard. Sounds like a fitness coach.

It ain't about not havin' imagination. It's about havin' disciple that simply won't bandy words with somethin' that don't benefit ya. I'd like ta work that way!

Donna said...

My IC is usually a crotchety old woman (I'm always imagining a Cl*ris Leachm*n lookalike!). Her hopes have been dashed, so it's her job to dash mine. LOL

Although today I have a different Fluffy -- this one is jumping around, tail wagging, filled with excitement and great ideas. . .for a book I'm not working on right now! Aaaugh!

I humored Fluffy by typing the ideas and saving them in a document. It's good info. BUT I really do need to work on the current WIP. The revisions are nearly done, and I'm working on a query -- I guess that's what Fluffy is trying to distract me from!

Bosun said...

The distracting Fluffy, now I do have one of those. Except he's orange and white and thinks it's time to sit in my lap the moment I put the comp there.

Good luck with the revisions and the query. Keep us posted!

Chance - Maybe I'm just clueless and for once that's paying off.

Sin said...

I have several little distracting Fluffies around. Our newest ones are tearing up everything in sight and determined to still sleep on me though they don't quite both fit on my chest anymore. lol

Bo'sun, it's not that you're unimaginative. It's that you're too busy to put much thought into your Fluffy.

Every time I type the word Fluffy, I think of a fluffer.

Sin said...

Donna, Ms. Yount could be considered a crotchety old woman. She'd had the voice of one. lol

I do a lot of that typing into word documents for when little floaties come by in my head and I don't really have time to write the whole scene. I think it works well.

Hellion said...

I admit "Fluffer" would come to mind. Esp if I had to live with Mattycakes who would beat that term into the ground.

Bosun said...

Actually, my life is almost boring compared to what it's been for the last few years. I'm highly enjoying the peace. LOL!

See, now I'm trying to remember that safe word we had when you and Tiff were here. We never did figure that out. But I think it sounds like Fluffy. Gah!

Donna said...

Ohmygoodness. Fluffers and floaters. LOL I don't want any of those cluttering up my brain!

And Sin, I will use Ms. Yount as my crotchety old critic. I just hope I don't turn INTO that person! LOL

Bosun said...

I had two hard-assed English teachers and they were both nuns. I wouldn't mind making Sr Eleanor (aka Sr Skelator) the voice in my head. She was tough, but she was fair and encouraging and made me write my papers over and over until I got them right.

Sr Barbara (aka Sr Bubba) was also encouraging, but in a way I didn't recognize until many years later. She and I never got along, even had a yelling match in the halls during homeroom once. (Yes, I fought with a nun. Yes, I'm going to hell in a handbasket.)

Would it be wrong for my Fluffy to be a nun that helps me write Romance?

Donna said...

I think I like the idea of Sister Fluffy helping you write romance!

2nd Chance said...

It's so wonderfully twisted...a romance writin' nun. I like it! ;)

Bosun said...

And I'm pretty sure her clothes were made out of old curtains, so she's resourceful. I could use that.

Julie said...

I deal with Fluffy on a weekly basis. She grins, her black eyes sparkle with mischief … She sings songs … She’s a jealous little creature with black pixy wings on a gargoyle body.

Well my goodnessssss SIN! You described me to perfection. ‘Cept you forgot to mention that although I am housebroken, I have been known to bite!

Bosun said...

If you're describing Julie, then you also forgot to mention the bodacious tatas.

Julie said...

LMAO! Terri ... thats like the pot calling the kettle black.

Sabrina said...

I'm with Bo'Sun - I have my doubts but they haven't formed into a character to me yet.

Thinking about it, my fluffy would diguise herself as my husband and come up with a million things that need to be done before I can not feel guiltly about sitting down to write.

I guess my fluffy is a shapeshifter. LOL

Bosun said...

*shaking hands with Julie* Nice to meet you, my names Pot.

You'd think my child would make me feel guilty for the hours I spend writing (I almost typed "the hours" with a straight face) but she doesn't. She's my biggest supporter and pushes me often to keep writing because she doesn't want me to give up.

I love the shapeshifter idea. LOL! "Look, I'm the panther on your shoulder!" "No, look over here. I'm the werewolf on your knee!"

Sin said...

A shapeshifter fluffy could be disasterous. lol

Sin said...

I would never leave out bodacious tatas. Yeesh. Did you not learn anything from yesterday. I'm nearly like a guy. I only think of sex 23.5 hours a day. I can't forget bodacious tatas.

Quantum said...

I once watched the film 'one million years BC' in which Raquel Welch sports a bear skin bikini.

Even though its freezing cold here with six inches of snow, that bear skin bikini often haunts and distracts me. My Feynman diagrams start to distort, taking a furry appearance.

My equations cease to make any sense, though thats fairly normal.

Even though I strive for beauty and symmetry, my stories start to get raunchier and more x-rated as I worry whether she is cold in that outfit or whether the fir tickles.

I have discovered that the best cure is a double scotch with plenty of ice and to watch a video of 'one million years....' or alternatively to read Sin's blog to find that I'm not alone with this sort of problem!

Chance,where did the kraken originate by the way? I seem to remember a John Wyndham novel and of course James Bond spears one in Dr NO, where I think it was a giant squid. I wouldn't want to throw Raquel to any old monster! :lol:

2nd Chance said...

Ah, the Kraken...the undersea monster a' myth and legend. Maybe a giant squid, no one be sure. The sailors speak a' it wit' dread, how it pulls down ships wit' diabolical ease...

In Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest, it be under the control a' the dread Davy Jones, captain a' the Flying Dutchman. (A real mix of myth and legend, btw!) And suffered a terrible demise in the third movie.

I, bein' the environmentally minded pirate I am, found this youngster tangled in fishin' line last year and once freed, he began ta trail after the Revenge. So, I fed 'im me inner critics and now? He's content ta hang about the ship...because, let's face it, there be no shortages of inner critics when writers gather!

Ah, Raquel...ya got a nice built IC, Q! Maybe ya can tame 'er instead a' throwin' her ta the Kraken...

That movie gave me nightmares 'bout earthquakes fer years!

Hellion said...

Leave it to the Hippie to befriend the Kraken. Why am I not suprised? She'll be befriending cobras next.

Bosun said...

I bet she hugged him.

2nd Chance said...

I promise, Cap'n...if I befriend any cobras I'll keep 'em off ship and far, far, far away from you!

And the Kraken be a great recycler! Better than a compost pile or a garbage desposal unit!

Now, where is my flute? ;-)

2nd Chance said...

He were so pathetic, all tangled and sliced up by that terrible net! Course I hugged him!

Bosun said...

She's the Kracken Whisperer.


Hellion said...

Now that's a fantasy novel I'd read: The Kracken Whisperer.

Di R said...

My ICs are twins who masqueraded as a muse for awhile. Until I took a 'muse therapy' class. Their names are Nessie and Nita. Nessie sits on my shoulder, and tells me I can't write, why bother. When I push past her whispers, and re-read what I've written I'm always surprised when I think it's pretty good. That's when Nita takes up her perch and tells me "yep, it's good. But you can't do it again.

I think the kracken is the perfect place for them to ply their lies.


2nd Chance said...

He's always hungry...

Hmmmm. The Kraken Whisperer, akin ta Jane Austin and Zombies...why not? I do need ta consider a new project when me current one finally flies from the nest...

I have in mind a small pirate novella involvin' a few over 50 characters...I could toss the Kraken inta it... ;)

Alice Audrey said...

You imagination is so much kinder than mine. My Destroyer of Worlds is a gremlin, and not the fluffy kind.