Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hottie Crewmember of the Week: New Moon

This week, I guess you can guess what I'm thinking about....  I've got New Moon fever like every other rabid Twilight fan.  Taylor and Rob below, two of the major reasons teenie and tweenie girls (and their moms...  and pretty much every other woman on the planet) are foaming at the mouth for this movie.  I'm not going opening night.  I prefer to avoid the tittering girlie conversations around me during the movie.  I'll probably go the day or two after.  But I'll probably see it two or three times, to make up for not being there opening night.



How about you?  Are you dying to see this movie or not?  Think these two youngins are swoon-worthy or not?  And of course, the age old question:  Team Edward or Team Jacob?


Hellion said...

I cannot wait! Have my ticket but it's not for a midnight show but one of the midday ones. Friday, of course. I'm Team Jacob. Edward is a control freak, but I love the danger and carefreeness Jacob brings. Plus I think he was right. If the Cullens hadn't returned and things had been in the natural order, they would have fallen in love. *sighs*

But that's me. Edward does have his sigh worthy moments. I probably wouldn't kick him out of bed either...still...

Oh, and I have a big grudge against a guy too noble to take what I'm offering when I'm throwing myself at him. It's called REJECTION. No thanks.

2nd Chance said...

Wow, take the movie personal much, Hel?

Sorry, not a Twilight fan...but I be lookin' forward ta seeing John Cusack take on the end a' the world once me DH gets home...

Team Cusack!

Bosun said...

I'm Team I'd-Rather-Not-Feel-Like-A-Perv so I'll go with "Don't those boys look like sweethearts?"

Haven't read the book so have no emotional stake in these things, but this trailer did impress me and Kiddo is beside herself excited. Freaks everytime the commercial comes on. The camera work in Twilight made me motion sick, so I'm just hoping I can actually stay in the theater for this one without throwing up. LOL!

Kiddo is Team Jacob, for the record. We're going to see it next Saturday afternoon likely. Kiddo gets on a plane Sunday to head to her dad's so we'd better get it in before she leaves.

Maggie Robinson/Margaret Rowe said...

Ugh. Sorry. Could not read the book I tried( maybe the 3rd one? And I read and sometimes write complete crap, so it's not because I'm an evil snob). Am simply too old for the movies. Maybe if I still had a teenage girl at home (praise God the 3 of them are grown and gone), I'd be a good mom and take her. But neither one of these actors does a thing for me. Grumble.

Janga said...

I'm not a Twilight fan. They're good-looking kids, but wa-ay too young for me to want to do more than pat them on the head.

Marnee Jo said...

Hellie - Team Jacob huh? I can see the attraction. And that does kinda stink that he leaves her, even if it's "for her own good." I always hated it when people did stuff for my "own good."

Chance - let me know how 2012 is. It looks good. And a set of books I love, (Jessica Andersen's Nightkeepers) are based in that mythology. Love them and love that idea.

Bosun - I think I'm like your daughter; I squeal every time I see the trailer too. *hangs head in shame* I am going to try to go see it with one of my girlfriends. But not until after Sat. My DS's birthday is Sat and I'm throwing his partay.

Marnee Jo said...

Mags - it's ok. I think they're adorable, but I can't seriously swoon over them. What, Taylor is 18 or something and I think RPattz is like 22. That's the ten year barrier. I can't swoon over anyone over ten years younger than I am. LOL!

Janga - LOL! Pat them on the head. :) LOL!

I do think that both of them are very talented actors. I'm excited to see how much better they are in this movie than the last. I've heard such good things.

Hellion said...

Let me be clear: I'm Team Jacob from the books, not from this toothy pony they have playing him. I'm not a Taylor fan--though I hear Taylor is a Taylor fan. He does a pretty good Jacob though, all considering. And he's supposed to have read up on the books as well as bulked up so that's a plus. He's the most serious one of the trio. *LOL*

And Robert Pattinson says 75% of his performance is his hair--I'm sure he's right.

Toothy pony though does look more impressive with 30 pounds of muscle though. So does his pack.

Marnee Jo said...

LOL! Toothy pony, huh? I agree on the muscle though.

I liked Jacob better in the books, but I did think he wasn't always the most tactful of friends... or wannabe boyfriends.

And I actually hate Robert Pattinson's hair.

Quantum said...

The first pic looks a little like the young Muhammad Ali (ex world heavy weight champ)!

I didn't think much of the book but I wouldn't mind watching that guy work out in the ring! :lol:

Hellion said...

I love how Q thinks we wouldn't know who Muhammad Ali is. It's so cute! *LOL* Sorta like, "Okay, this skanky team over here is going to try to kick the ball...see the round thing in the field? Yes, to that goal, but our men, see the fast, strong ones?, yes, they're going to keep that from happening...and Oh! WTF! Why aren't they paying attention!"

2nd Chance said...

Yeah, it's sort a gallant... ;)

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee... Wasn't that it?

Sin said...

*clearing throat*

Please. We all know what Team I'm shoving my way to the front for.

I didn't get midnight showing tickets this year. *waiting for the fainting to stop* I have a good reason :) So I have tickets for late Friday night.

Beth said...

O.K., I guess I have to chime in here and declare myself team Edward. Though he is in a 17-year-old body, (I wish I was too) he is old enough to be my great-grandfather so at least he is an adult. Jacob's too young for me to think of him as anything other than a nephew.

I am looking forward to the movie, but I will probably see it sometime after Thanksgiving. I hate crowded movie theaters and I am not a fan of teen age girls either. What a curmudgeon I have become!

Twilight was one of the VERY few movies I liked better than the book. The writing was much better and Bella was not nearly as whiney.