Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lulu, the Written Whisperer


* “No, really! I swear, she can talk ta the written!” Chance leaned close, almost lips to ear with the Bo’sun.


* “Uh uh. Don’t believe it, Chance. What you been drinking?” Bo’sun leaned away, fanning away the odd scent hovering around Chance.


* “This?” She held up a large green mug, steam rising from the lip. It slipped a bit in her grip and she caught it carefully. “Just the leftover Corrupted Tea from Wednesday’s party. But it ain’t that! I went ashore last night and saw her act, at the Wicked Wench Bar and Laundromat! She be amazin’!”


* “Why were you at the Laundromat?” Bo’sun tried to steer the bartender away from the topic of Lulu, the woman who claimed the dubious ability to speak to the written.


* “Those banditas left me a lot a’ dirty napkins… Anyway! I saw her, she uses these interestin’ cards, the Reflection deck she calls it. Waits fer the question and pulls one. She be right more often than wrong.”


* “How would you know? The written aren’t there to contradict her… All she has to do is be well read to get some things right…”


* “But she ain’t well read! She admits it! Doesn’t know half a’ the written customers want ta talk ta!” Chance furtively looked to each side before admitting, “I invited her aboard taday…”


* “You what!” Bo’sun shook her head. “You know Hellie don’t approve of that sort of nonsense!”


* Chance sniffed, “It be me blog day and she be me guest. It be fun! She were booked fer Halloween, a private party, but said the eve of all hallows eve worked fer her. I gots me own rituals ta attend tomorrow night anyway.” Chance looked up, “OH! There she be! Don’t ya love that long skirt and all those beads?”


* “Looks like a reject from Mardi Gras,” Bo'sun mumbled. “Hell, I’ll let the Captain know. How is Madam Lulu going to do this?”


Chance skipped to her feet, ignoring the Bo’sun’s last question and ushered the strange gypsy looking woman to the deck. She found a stool and set her up at the bar, watching eagerly as she brought out a large deck of cards. Shuffling them, she stacked them carefully on the velvet bag they’d come in and took the drink Chance handed her.


Chance looked up, “Hey, scalawags! This here be Lulu and she be a Written Whisperer! Step up and ask what ya will. She speaks ta the written! What favorite character do ya wonder ‘bout? What da ya want to ask? She sometimes can connect with the writer…!”


“Come on! Lulu is here!”


The pirates clustered at a distance, suspicious of the stranger. Chance grimaced, then with a gleam in her eye, held up a small keg of rum, “Each question get a tote from me magic rum keg! Good luck fer the comin’ year!”


They gingerly moved forward, pushing each other to be first…


Lulu raises an eyebrow and smiles. “Well, brave sailors. What be your questions? No plot questions, please, the written don’t like to spoil the story for those who haven’t read them yet… And don’t ask me to bring them aboard. I don’t do that. And no one is kissing me to pass on a kiss to Mr. Darcy. I don’t do that either!”


I love this holiday!


Quantum said...

Well Lulu, I know one or two people who claim to tap into the zero-point vacuum fluctuation field to see both future and past. Some use a pendulum to focus the subconscious mind and others use dowsing rods but none use cards!

The question I would most like answered would be 'which year will a great writer called Prof Quantum Phase appear on the bookstalls and take the world of romance by storm'. Will readers young and old be instantly entranced by his charms and propel him into the NYT best seller lists. Will his appearance be accompanied by cataclysmic earth quakes and tsunamis all around the globe. And most important of all, will Miranda read his master piece?

Any insightful glimpses will be much appreciated!

Oh, and could you pass on a kiss for Miranda from me. I'm too shy to deliver it in person. 8)

Marnee Jo said...

Welcome Lulu!

Which favorite characters would I like to speak with, huh? I love Harry Potter. I'd love to speak with him, especially because he's probably almost 30 now. I'd love to see what he was like after he starts to get older.

Maybe Pearl from the Scarlet Letter too. There's someone with a lot of baggage. :)

Melissa said...

Madame Lulu, you're just the one to clear up a mystery. My son was just singing to me last night and when I listened, he was singing.."hush a-bye mommie, in the tree top, when you fall asleep the monsters will come..."

And then he cracked up and asked, "isn't that nice?"

No, it's not, but really, the real one isn't much nicer. Perfect for Halloween:

Hush-a-bye, baby,
in the tree top.
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby,
cradle and all.

Okay, so Madame Lulu, who put the baby in the tree top, anyway? And please say there's a happy ending and someone caught the poor thing! LOL

(By the way, according to the wise internet, this nursery rhyme was written as warning to those who strive to climb so high they eventually fall. Lovely! Scare the child AND give them low self esteem. Gotta love nursery rhymes.)

Hellie said...

Shows what you know about your Captain. I own two or three versions of Tarot cards. Had my cards read once at a faire, but it wasn't very good. I think you can do a better job if you have your own cards and read yourself. I think they are a way to get in touch with your intuitive self.

Melissa's question is hilarious. Very Agatha Christie!

Well, if we're not allowed to ask plot questions or forward kisses to Mr. Darcy, what ARE we allowed to ask?

Oh, oh, if Snape had ended up in Gryffindor with Lily Evans, would they have ended up together?

Hellie said...

*LOL* Pearl from the Scarlet Letter MUST have a lot of baggage.

I'm dressed as Harry Potter today for work and I'm over 30...what do you want to know, Marn? *LOL*

2nd Chance said...

Lulu! Miranda is a character!

Lulu said...

Well, Sir Quantum...if only I were that sort of diviner! While the written speak to me...and often won't shut up... I have no abilities to tell the future.

But you write...hmmmm. Perhaps one of your characters can offer up some wisdom on the subject. Let me shuffle my deck and see...

Hmmmm... I hear a melodic voice and drew the Health card... It seems to be saying something about scotch? I think your character appears to be concerned about the amount of scotch you drink...or they simply want you to offer some to them...

The written can be terribly tiresome! Something about a cave and a bottle of scotch being good for your health. Or their health...

Wait! Something else is coming through...

Jane L said...

Lady Jane quietly tip toes onto the deck.
Whispering, "Sin, Terri, Marnee. Hello anyone one here?"
Q walks toward her "Lady Jane, Why are you whispering?"
Reaching out she clutches his arm "Oh my Q, thank goodness, I heard there were ghosts aboard the ship this am. I am horribly afraid of ghost you see."
His deep rumbling laughter, warmed her to her toes. "No my lady , the guest is a friend of Chances and she can talk to ghost's, anyone you would like."
Q, nods his head.
Her smile beaming she exclaims, "Captain Rhett Butler, I want to know if Rhett really loved Scarlett?"
"Women" Q said exasperated and walked away.

2nd Chance said...

There seems to be some interference... I'm going to let Chance type up my answers as I speak...

I didn't realize Miranda was a character, Quantum, forgive me. I'm not terrible well read. Truly gets in the way of my readings...


Ah, better! Miranda is whispering in my ear...

*draws back, looking shocked

Whispers back, "I can't tell him that!"

*shakes head again and again.

"I don't say words like that! I won't! Say something...non-vulgar!"

*another whispering match goes on and Lulu draws another card, now red with embarrassement.

Sorry, crew. She be a bit of a prude. Chance speaks up.

"All right, this is better. Quantum, Miranda says the world is waiting for your books. And so is she. And that is all I'm going to say!"

Sin said...

I love the Tarot cards. I had a reading done at a festival once and it was spot on. Creepy.

*pushing my way forward* Move over wenches. I have important business to attend to.

Madam Lulu, oh great wise seer, can you ask through the cards for Algaliarept and see if he's available. I don't want to be a pest to him, but I would dearly love to know if he's in need of a wifey familiar. *grin*

Otherwise, I wanna know what's going to happen between him and Rachel.

2nd Chance said...

"Marnee, thank you. I actually do know that character...the adult Harry... Let's see what card rises for that."

*draws a card, gazes at it a moment

"Dear me, well...Harry is feeling a bit stagnant. I get the impression that teaching at Hogwarts is a bit of a disappointment. Nothing terribly exciting ever seems to happen... You know, that can happen after you've banished all evil from the world!"

2nd Chance said...

"Melissa...I'm not terribly fond of nursery rhymes either and that one always confused me. As bad as that one about a mockingbird! Let me see if the culprit will step forward..."

*shuffles deck and slowly draws a card.

"Commitment?" Lulu shakes her head at the salmon colored design on the card then raises one finger into the air, "Ah! This character was committed to the nursery rhyme home for the criminally insane. Kept snatching babies and threatening them with all sorts of awful fates. No worries, there, Melissa. He's gone."


2nd Chance said...

"Captain! Thank you for allowing me aboard today! I think the Eve of All Hallows Eve is a wonderful time to trust your intuition.

As for you question...Snape? The gloomy one? I never read that far into the books to know he had a soft spot for a female... I assume Lily was a girl... Well, let me see what the cards say!"

*draws a card slowly, and gazes at it a moment. then holds it up. A lovely lavender card!

"Good news, Captain. Relationship! Seems it would have worked out entirely differently. I..." tilts head and listens a moment, then smiles. "Yes, life would have been quite different. She would have seem him wear something other than drapes of black and even seen to it that he washed his hair more often."

Hellion said...

Harry works at the Ministry of Magic as an auror.

2nd Chance said...

Lulu shudders, "Algaliarept?"

Leans toward Chance and whispers, casting an worried look at Sin. Chance shrugs and pushes Lulu back toward the deck of cards.

Lulu swallows the drink Chance sets in front of her and looks past Sin, "Really? You want me to chat up the demon Al?" Shivers. "Well, I can't tell you any plot points, uh...Miss Sin...the characters don't like it when I do that...and I don't want to cross him. But lets see what the cards have to say about a wifey familiar..."

*Holds up a brown card, full of waves and black spikes...

"Hmmm. Al seems to be saying...he had a wife in the past and lost her. But can always use another familiar...when he's done destroying Rachel? Oh, dear!"

*Quickly returns the card to the deck and looks up, trying to ignore Sin... "Next?"

2nd Chance said...

"Did I hear someone ask about Rhett and Scarlet?" Lulu looks relieved. "I get that one a lot! It's strange, how the answer changes... I think it all depends on his mood... Lets see what he has to say today!"

*shuffles deck and draws a card.

"Relationship again! Well, either things are looking good between them right now, or this card is stuck... Let me see if he'll answer directly to me..."

*closes her eyes, tilts head...

"Oh, dear. Well, they have a relationship...but... Oh, don't curse at me, it isn't my fault she discovered charge cards!"


"I fear it has it's ups and downs, Jane dear. But there is love there!"

2nd Chance said...

"I'm sorry, Harry works at the ministry? Perhaps I tapped into another alternate ending... Let me check..."

*eyes closed, Lulu brings the tankard of rum directly to her lips. Good coordination!

"Ah, I see..." nodding her head a moment.

"Summer school, Captain. He was a substitute teacher for an emergency summer school session..."

Hellion said...

Yes, undoubtedly for the Defense Against the Dark might help if you finished reading the series. *LOL*

Melissa said...

This character was committed to the nursery rhyme home for the criminally insane.

That's a relief! I hope he's stuck in there with that old bat that lived in a shoe.

She had so many children, she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth,
Without any bread,
Whipped them all soundly, and sent them to bed.

And that Peter Pumpkin Eater guy that kept his wife in a pumpkin shell....

Okay, I'll stop. LOL That nursery rhyme home for the criminally insane is very crowded, isn't it?!

2nd Chance said...

*Chance waits for Lulu to finish wetting her throat and nudges her...

"Marn also asked about someone named Pearl."

"Oh, that's right! I'm sorry... Pearl, what a lovely name! I'm sure she was..."

Chance shakes head, "Uh uh... Been awhile since I read that, but Pearl was the baby Hester had, out of wedlock... Not a great beginning..."

"Oh, never can tell about these things. Let's see what Pearl has to say..."

*draws a card

"Well, the limited card. I can only assume she found her choices in life somewhat limited..." Tilts head in what was rapidly becomming a quite annoying manner... "But she is doing quite well cleaning the stalls at the in..."

2nd Chance said...

"Yes, well...captain...I don't have the leisure time I used to have and those books are so big! I am sorry... But good news for Snape, right?"

Look nervously around the crew, spotting Melissa's friendly face, she smiles brightly...

"Yes, I agree. The insane assylum is getting quite full for the nursury rhyme world... I hear they had to execute Peter the Pumpkin Eater... Keeping her quite well in a pumpkin...pie...doesn't go over well with the authorities."

Melissa said...

" isn’t my fault she discovered charge cards!”

Scarlet with credit cards. What a disaster that would be. LOL!

2nd Chance said...

"Rhett certainly seems to think so! I don't know why, the man has the Midas touch and just keeps making fortunes! I don't blame her! I'd shop like a fiend if my husband were that rich..."

Jane L said...

Hey come come, Now give Scarlett a little credit, after all she did manage to snag that damn good looking Rhett Butler, Hmmmmmm,..... if only I could go back in time. Oh wait I forgot he was only a character.
Madame Lulu , I hope you can help see into the future of a very good friend of mine, see she is a wonderful writer and she lacks a little confidence, but maybe just maybe with a little nudge, she will find her way soon into the publishing world. Her name is Maureen and I so would love to see her in print, do you think it is a possibility??

2nd Chance said...


"If only I could actually see into the future, Miss Jane... I'll draw a card and see what it says, but don't hold out for a lot of clarity... These cards are being difficult today..."

"Oh, I don't like that one...I'm going to draw another... I mean, Dark isn't always a bad thing..."

*draws another card

"Let's see if this clarifies things a bit... Knowledge. Well, dark knowledge may sound scary but I don't feel it that way. More like knowledge comes out of the dark. I would assume your friend will fasce some darkness but come out of it knowing more and so able to push ahead better. I don't think this bodes badly, Jane. Or it could be what she is writing right now..."

2nd Chance said...

Crew, Chance here... What would the odds be? Lulu has a dog just like I do and since neither a' us want ta let the girls muck up the deck...we're going ta row over ta the shore and let the dogs romp fer a little while.

Lulu is leaving her nice!

Sabrina said...

Sorry I'm late! We weere evactuated with a gas leak this morning and now I'm all discombobulated!

Oh Sin, you hit it perfectly asking to speak to Al. Loved that!

Hi Jane! *waves*

I think I'd like to talk to Sherlock Holmes and ask what was going on between him and Watson...

BTW - I'm having a Halloween Bash with erotic historical author Lyn Armstong on the blog today. Lots of prizes and a sneek peak at some scenes from her latest Celtic Witch book. Stop by if you're interested!

Sin said...

*stalking Madam Lulu*

*grin* Madam Lulu, you are as great as you are wise. Please allow me to ask one more question?

Do you see any paranormal activity on the horizon for the ship? Might you give a hint what All Hallows Eve will bring us?

Sabrina said...

Hello? Anyone On-Board? I know Chance and Lulu are over on shore, but did eveyone else leave too?

Hmm...I'll just go find that rum...

Sin said...

I love the word discombobulated.

Sin said...

Wait for me! I need some rum too.

Sabrina said...

Hi Sin! I love htat word too. So fun to say, but always have to re-check the spelling with writing.

I do think our friend Al has quite the thing for Rachel...but I hope Rachel ends up with Trent. Something is there. But I also love David.

Sin said...

I love her relationship with Trent. Trent is a more realistic match with Rachel (I wasn't a fan of Marshall, or Pierce, isn't that the ghost's name?). But I would love if it was Al and Rachel. Though, I would want to keep Al for myself, but I would sacrifice my happiness for Rachel. LOL

I think what Al has for Rachel is respect. After Outlaw, Rachel gained respect for him and he gained it for her. It was a great growth point for the both of them as characters.

Melissa said...

Sorry to jump in off topic, but while Chance and Lulu are on shore leave I have to say, I'm excited (almost as excited as finishing a book?) that I have an ending to my WIP. Yay! *Jumping up and down all by myself for a couple of days now.* LOL

It's the ghost story and it's been a mystery ending even to me. When someone writes themselves into a corner and says they knew what was going to happen "all along" I seriously have my doubts.

After, let's see, maybe two years since I thought of this story idea (set it aside to finish the first story and picked it back up, and down, several more times) I think I finally have a satisfying HEA. It's a long time to be kind of writing blind with the "how are they getting out of this one" question unanswered. The problem being, the hero is a ghost.

I thought I had an ending several times. It's a dream, he's in a coma, or, of course, as in the movie Ghost, he goes off into the white light after saving his girl...and you're supposed to be happy about it.

I've got alternate endings all over the place. Now I think something is finally right. I won't say what the ending is, (one of the above or something else?) but finally, for me anyway, it seems to fit. (Haleigh, who ran through lots of ideas a long while back, is going to be surprised maybe too.:))

Sorry to ramble!

Sabrina said...

Congrats Melissa!

Melissa said...

Thanks, Sabrina! Oh, and one more alternate ending is the heroine jumping off a bridge so they could be together. A rather "dark" happy ending! In a way, that's close to best fit too though...

Sin said...

Yay!!! Congrats Melissa!!

Jane L said...

Hi Sabrina! *waving*

Melissa, Wonderful! Gosh lady you are on a roll! Hey Sin share some of that rum with the rest of us, now that Chance is gone! She has been a little stingy with it today.
I was thinking wouldnt it be great to be able to tap into the mind of Dr Suess, I mean come on he made zillions of dollars and wrote the simplest of words. I so always think I want to write the sequel to the Grinch, you know a lady Grinch and happy ever after! Hmmmm maybe thats a great idea! LOL!

Jane L said...

Sabrina whats the link to your blog site?

Melissa said...

Jane, thanks!

Oh, it would be great to see a sequel to the Grinch! But I wouldn't be wishing I was the heroine I don't think. LOL

Btw, if you haven't yet seen Terri's blog, her daughter wrote a beautiful poem inspired by Dr. Suess.

Melissa said...

Sin, now I have "discombobulated" stuck in my head. You can't just throw words like that out there! Now I think I have to use it in something, which isn't easy.

2nd Chance said...

"Crew! Sorry, but the doggies must have their time off ship. Chance was telling me what a mess it was on Wednesday when the Kraken had an upset tummy on the foredeck...

Now, Sabrina...what was going on between Sherlock and Watson? Really...girl! What a rude question!"

*staggers from the smack Chance delivers at the back of her head

"Ouch! OK! OK! I know, we talked about this... Let's see what the cards say..."

*shuffle, shuffle...

"Hmmm, earth. Base, nurtures growth... I hate to think their relationship was base... I do think Watson grounded the great detective. Nurtured growth? Well. Maybe. Sort of like House and Wilson...

Let me see if I can either of them to actually speak to me..."

*annoying head tilt...

Lulu blushes brilliantly, "It wasn't me that asked!"

Clearing her throat, Lulu responds, "Sabrina, he admits that he did have one great love in his life. I didn't know the housekeeper had a niece... And Watson was much to busy with his many affairs to waste time mooning over Sherlock."

2nd Chance said...

Sin, Chance here. I think Trent and Rachel should end up together. I'm looking forward to the new paperback out this month so I can catch up some. I think I finally got over my fear of reaching her books. Jealousy is so bitter tasting!

I can believe Al respects her, but... Good luck with him, Sin-ister! He's all yours.

I must agree that Trent would need to come up about twenty notches to be even slightly worthy of Rachel. But it would be interesting to watch him plead...


2nd Chance said...

Melissa! Great to hear you found an ending or two to toy with! I actually got some written on my long dust gathering MS last night. 700 words! Whoot!

Small steps...small steps.

I will be interested in how you solve this puzzle, Melissa. There's a mystery series, something like the haunted bookshop, with a ghost hovering over the proprietess... They're falling in love! How in the hell do you fix this? Though they did it with the movie, "Ghost and Mrs. ..." Hell, I can't remember th movie title! Shoot me now!

2nd Chance said...

And Jane! I am not stingy with the rum!

*obscene gesture

Bosun said...

Sorry, crazy day! I'll try to check in...eventually.

2nd Chance said...

Sabrina, what are you kids doing for Halloween? Anyone dress up for work?

2nd Chance said...

Was there a Dr. Seuss request back there...?

"In the land of the Caribbean Sea
There lived a pirate, or two or three
They sailed a ship and sang with the stars
And dreamed of Venus, Jupiter and Mars

They drank and talked and laughed all day
Practiced exactly what they would say
When the publisher or editor called to say
I want your book, I want your story, I want your play, in all it's glory!

We'll polish it, edit it, wrap it up fine
Seal it with a cover to make nuns pine
We'll send you on a worldwide trip
Promoting your brillance in Brazil, Spain and Kalamazip!

For these pirates were writers, sailing the ocean blue
Each one was brilliant, talented and true
And knew, that one day,
They'd be on the cover of the Rolling Stone!"

2nd Chance said...

* Chance bends over Lulu, passed out on the deck

* What the hell was that?

* I think she was channeling Dr. Seuss...

* Or a bad immitator of Dr. Seuss...

Lulu sits up, shaking her head. She spits out a pink fluff ball and her eyes go wide. She hands it to Sin, "Here take care of this, OK? It's important."

Sin snickers and nods, then strolls over to the railing and tosses pink fluff to the Kraken...

Lulu didn't notice, slowly recovering from her short possession.

"Don't ask me about him again...please?"

Melissa said...

Wishful...lustful...same difference. :)

Melissa said...

Great poem, Lulu! I especially like, "Seal it with a cover to make nuns pine"

I'm cracking up that nuns aren't shocked by a steamy romance cover, but having wishful thoughts! LOL

2nd Chance said...

Too bad her channeled Seuss couldn't figure out a better final... Rolling Stone?

Now I have that song in me head and it won't go away!

*banging head on bar top

Melissa said...

Congrats, Chance on your 700 words. And you were only going for 500, right? Whoo hoo! (I never know how to spell that.) Sounds like you were on a roll! The hardest part is getting started. I'm always fighting with myself to just open the document.

I think the movie is The Ghost and Mrs. Miniver. Hmmm. I can't remember how that one ended.

Sabrina said...

sorry...I was in a meeting.

Jane, the blog is

Lulu - nice work on that poem!

Melissa said...

Oops, I'm totally's The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.

2nd Chance said...

Yup! That movie! The tv series be sweet, but the movie be dreamy!

I almost typed Miniver, then, that's not it.

Chance - Never embarrassed to admit me memory is crap.

Melissa said...

I had to go to Wikipedia to refresh my memory. And it turns out that they ended it with the ghost, the Captain, convincing Mrs. Muir it was a dream and then they are reunited after she's had a long life.

Just for fun, being Halloween and all, I found this top 10 list of all time ghost movies:

Bosun said...

Hello all you ghosts and goblins! I'm finally sitting down (on the arm of my couch which is covered with my coffee table and end tables) and caught up.

Thanks for posting my blog link, Melissa. I'm quite proud of that one. :)

Who would I like to talk to? Hmmmm...How about Elizabeth from Pride & Prejudice? I'd like to know what she thinks about all these new stories playing loose with her life.

2nd Chance said...

Let me go wake Lulu up. That Seuss thing really shook 'er up!

Meanwhile, what is yer munchkin wearin' fer Halloween, Bo'sun?

Bosun said...

That Seuss thing was pretty cool!

Kiddo is actually wearing a costume I had in my closet that I've never worn. It's a Tavern Wench but she's calling it a character from the Robin Hood series she loves.

This is sort of what it looks like, only LESS sexy. LOL!

2nd Chance said...

Lulu sniffs she lifts her head from the bar, "Whaaaa?"

Wake up! the Bo'sun has a question about Elizabeth Bennett and the zombies!

"Zombies?" Lulu shudders and examines her empty tankard... "Can I have another, Chanceroo?"

Only if ya never call me that agin!

"Kay. Elizabess...OK. Let's see. Where's my deck? Oh, there it is."

Wipes spilled rum off cards. Takes a deep breath and selects a card. Blinks at it...

"The Artist! Nice. Well, Miss Beenitt seems to think that all is fair in love and art and writing. I mean, it's creative, it's sinspired...I mean inspired. Long as they are well written..."

2nd Chance said...

Oh, that is pretty! Take pics, please! I don't get ta see trick-or-treaters here on the ship...

Pushes Lulu off the stool. Lulu slumbers on, crumbled on the deck.

I hate women who can't handle their liquor!

Melissa said...

That IS a great costume! And tell her how much we all loved her poem!

My kid is going to be a ninja turtle - - worn over his snow suit. Currently big, fat snow flakes are coming down.

Bosun said...

Thanks for the reminder, I'm terrible about remembering to take pictures. Didn't even take a camera to my own graduation!

Melissa - We're expecting a high of 83 tomorrow. :) Seriously, you all really need to move here. LOL!

Melissa said...

Oh, we did move there last year, but came back again. But October/November is the best time of the year to be in Virginia. 83?? Oh, that sounds so nice.

I was actually planning to go to this "Broadway at the Edge" show tonight but now it's practically a blizzard. I am so not kidding.

And by the way, why are your coffee table and end tables on the couch?

Sabrina said...

It's in the 90's here. I hate it! How can you have fall with temps like that. I need to move :)

Quantum said...

Hi Jane

If Lulu is still up for it I would also like to know if Rhett really loved Scarlet! *deep rumbling laugh* :lol:

I just used my own methods with a pendulum to access the Akashic field. I'm a bit rusty now but I do believe that I can reassure you that in the near future your friend Maureen is going to be a publishing sensation. Course it could be the whisky talking. *hic*

Lulu, O Wise One. Did Miranda really say those nice things about her waiting for me and all and the world waiting for my book? WOW, maybe there is something in these tarot cards after all. I must get myself a pack!

Please tell Miranda that I have a huge pile of reprints that she might like to read while she waits ... all on the physics of this and that. Might give her some ideas for dealing with de Leon. :wink:

Chance, I'm always happy to assist women to hold their scotch! *scoops Lulu from the floor with an extremely wicked pirate grin*

We are having an Indian summer here in England as well, though not in the 90's, just pleasantly warm :D

Melissa said...

Fall? What is that? Oh, there's a season between summer and winter? What a great idea! LOL Sabrina, I guess we're in the same boat if you don't get fall because it stays summer and where I'm at it goes from summer (for a few days) and straight to winter!

Bosun said...

Melissa - I had my carpets cleaned this afternoon. It's going to be another two to three hours before they start to really dry. The best part is my cat doesn't like the feel of the wet floor on his feet. It's keeping him somewhat out of trouble. :)

2nd Chance said...

Lulu mumbled in Q's arms, "Oh, an accent. I love an accent... M'randa would love ta see info on physic...ic...ics..."

Now, we here on the left coast be enjoyin' high 60s, low 70s. Now, if'n the fog stays away the munchins 'ave a good evenin' a' trick or treatin.!

Q? Do ya have the invasion a' kids in costumes in jolly old?

Bosun said...

I moved away from snow 15 years ago and I never want to go back!!!

I could handle 90. Really, I can see myself living in Cali someday. Somewhere around Chancey's area.

2nd Chance said...

I win! I win! Terrio's lookin' at Calif!

Sabrina, that is too hot fer October...while Melissa be too cold! I be jus' right!

Q - Lulu may be a bit of a fruit loop, but she don't lie. I'm sure Miranda said all a' that... and more knowin' that randy wench!

Sabrina said...

Oh - I'd take 90's in Cali - no humidity. I'm in flroida where your skin puckers and you swell up just walking outside. No breezes either.

2nd Chance said...

So, what is gonna be in the candy bowls at yer house...ta give away, no turnin' off the lights and hidin' with the bowl...

Melissa said...

Q, you have the Guy Fawkes night coming up right?

My memory of living in England is growing dim. It was about 20 years ago! I do remember a gypsy coming to my door in a little village selling lace. She told me a fotune that I'd have three boys. That didn't happen, and it could be because I didn't buy anything. LOL

Jane L said...

"Oh Q, darling I must be leaving, thank you for such a wonderful afternoon aboard the Revenge, once again. I think you have helped me overcome my fear of ghost's." Lady Jane remarks, with a wink.
"Would you mind escorting me back to shore?" she asked with a smile that would melt the devil's heart. Placing her hand on his arm.
*waving goodbye* You all have a safe and Happy Halloween and as always, thank you Captain Hellion and crew for a wonderful time aboard your ship!

Sabrina said...

Like Lady Jane, I have to go. Friday night traffic will mean it's about an hour or so til I get home.

I'll check in with you pirates later!

2nd Chance said...

Drive safe!

Quantum said...

Yes, Melissa. Nov 5th is the night we let off fireworks and burn effigies of Guy Fawkes. The skies over Great Britain will be sparkling with coloured lights for a few hours!

Which village did you live in?

*smiles and waves at a departing Lady Jane* :D

2nd Chance said...

OK, Q. I watched "V is for Vendetta" the other night...was that Guy Fawkes that the lead be emulatin'? I really don't know Brit history all that well...but the date be right.

Melissa said...

Q, the village was called Launton, outside of Bicester in Oxfordshire. There wasn't any housing available on the Air Force Base at Croughton or Upper Heyford so we lived off base the entire three years. I loved it, although we didn't travel to as many places as I now wish we would have. The places I visited (several times) were Oxford, Blenheim Palace, Warick Castle, Sulgrave Manor and Wales to see those amazing caves. I worked at the Tesco grocery store in Bicester and everyone thought my accent was funny. What accent? :)