Sunday, March 22, 2009

To Conference or Not to Conference

It's redundant to say the economy is in the crapper right now.  We all know it and we're all feeling it.  People are losing their jobs left and right and if they haven't lost it yet, they're worried they will.  If nothing else, I think this recent catastrophe has reminded us of something we already knew – if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.


If you follow news about the publishing industry, you're seeing articles about shake ups at the big houses, profits down, new deals reduced, and industry uncertainty about new technologies and how to handle them.  Old business models aren't working anymore but no one has come up with a new model that works either.


Lets face it, the news is damn depressing.  But, there is one tiny caveat – Romance fiction sales are up.  According to an article by Ben McIntyre in The Times, "Publishing may be facing the same problems as other businesses, but some books are booming. Escapist romantic fiction is in the pink. Mills & Boon is selling three books a second, and Cheryl Cole, of Girls Aloud, has signed a £5million deal to write romantic novels."


That, my friends, is good news.


Now I have to admit I stole the idea for the rest of this blog straight from Literary Agent Jessica Faust over on the Book Ends blog.  But only because she said exactly what I said to J Perry on the phone days several days before Ms. Faust's post.  (Back me up on this, J.)  And if you really want to know the ins and outs of this business, I highly recommend reading the Book Ends blog as well as those of agents Nathan Bransford and Kristin Nelson.


I keep hearing people say they won't be in Washington DC for the RWA National Conference this summer because they can't justify the expense when they haven't sold anything.  So the question is, are conference expenses only justifiable if you're published?  Do you consider yourself in a career as a writer if you're unpublished?


How you answer these questions says a lot about where you might be going, or not going, in this writing endeavor.


The way I see it, once you decide you want a writing career, you take certain steps to make that happen.  You do some research and figure out what you want to write.  You get started and continue to practice and learn about the craft of writing.  You join organizations specifically established for writing professionals.  And you network.  Networking can be done online, but it's much more effective in person and that means attending conferences.


Is one of the purposes of attending conferences to pitch to agents and editors?  Yes.  Is it the only purpose?  No.  There are many purposes and reasons for attending conferences and one of the most important is networking.  So why do we beat ourselves up about this expense?  We're less likely to feel bad about buying another ink cartridge for the printer, or paying that internet bill every month, or picking up all those new books that are clearly for research purposes. 


So why do we feel guilty about conference fees? 


You never know when you're going to make friends with the newly published author who asks about your work, reads a little and recommends you to her agent. You never know when you're going to sit down at the bar next to an editor who just happens to be looking for something new, asks you about your work, and loves the idea of a witch who gets her powers from having sex.  And none of these events would have happened if you didn't plunk down that cash and attend that conference.


Now, I'm not trying to guilt anyone into attending a conference or insinuate that if you don't attend, you're not serious about being a writer. What I am saying is, if you look at writing and publishing and selling your own books as a career goal, then approach it that way.  Give yourself permission to take advantage of every opportunity without having to defend yourself or justify the expense.  You do not become a writer when you sign your first contract, you become a writer when you decide to write.


What say the rest of you?  How do you think of conferences?  Have you attended any?  What did you get out of it?  Did you make a connection that has helped or you think will help you get noticed/represented/sold?  Anyone else think a conference held in Tortuga would be awesome?!


2nd Chance said...

Ha! Sorry, I just can't make DC! But if anyone wants ta pitch my book, feel free! But I am goin' ta Orlando. (for one thing, it's closer to Tortuga!) And yes, me and the DH are presently facin' the reality of an economic crisis...but I'm still goin'. It's mostly paid for, I'm not givin' it up!

I made so many good connections last year in Pittsburgh...mostly friends, but a few authors who have been sweetly encouragin' and helpful. And I have pitches planned in Orlando... I would love ta sit down at a bar next ta someone who wants ta hear about a witch who powers her magic through sex... Would everyone!?

And if the funds appear...I'll come ta DC. Gonna take a miracle or one hell of a spell...

Orlando should be interesting...from what I hear, a lot of people who had planned aren't goin' now. Jane-o and I look at it as opportunity to meet and greet with less crowds... But if Jane-o does make it to DC, I expect her ta recieve a real p'rate welcome!

Terrio, I luvs ya...but I be immune ta guilt... Nice try!

Quantum said...

Absolutely Terri
Tis a small price for a successful career!

In my experience the best attended conferences are held in the most attractive locations.

I remember basking in the sun on the island of Crete and chatting about science while wandering through Minoan antiquities. A colleague spent more time wind surfing on the Med than sitting through stimulating lectures. *grin*

I think the trick is to impart a holiday spirit and entice participants to bring the family along.

Now if it was held in the Windies while test matches were played I would be very tempted indeed! :D

Maggie Robinson said...

My husband wants me to go. He's even set aside the plane fare. It is I (I know you want me to say "it's me") who is reluctant. I thought this would be my year to go. I may yet change my mind and wind up sleeping in the park across from the White House, but for now I'm in the no column. The summer is my big time to write, and I've been putting off carpal tunnel surgery forever---so I'm hoping to get a book finished with no hands, LOL.

haleigh said...

Excellent point, Terri. Most other professions require years of schooling, which no one blinks at paying for. This is just one of the things we need to do if we're serious (networking, not necessarily plunking down the cash for natioanals).

I can't decide about nationals. On the one hand, it's local so I feel like it's never going to be this cheap for me again. On the other hand, well, it's awfully big and scary :)

Of course, Golden Heart finalists are announced Friday, and if my some miracle I'm on the list, then nothing could keep me away from the the conference *g*

terrio said...

Chance - This wasn't meant to be a guilt trip and I edited the darn thing twice so as not to give that impression. And you're not giving up conferences, you're giving up one for the other. You're still going to a conference so no guilt needed. It's the idea of not going to any conference because of some weird thinking that if you haven't sold you don't really have a writing career and so can't justity paying for a conference.

Make sense?

You're going to have so much fun in Orlando. We expect LOTS of pictures. And if Jane-O makes it to DC, she'll have plenty to run with.

terrio said...

Q - I will be more than excited when they decide to hold one of these things in the Caymens. LOL! Actually, next year Nationals are at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville where I once worked. The place is incredible and I'm looking forward to staying there as a guest and not walking through as an employee!

My guess is the Windies have to do with Cricket?

terrio said...

Maggie - This is four days! You can't say this messes up your entire summer when it's FOUR DAYS! You HAVE to come. If for no other reason than I'm being selfish and I want to meet you. LOL! Come on, at least put it back in the maybe column for now. Please? (I'm making my best begging puppy dog face in case you can't see it.)

Hal - It's right there! How can you not go?! LOL! Even without airfare, the conference and hotel are still pretty expensive. But you got my point, for most any job you have to train or go through some kind of school or internship. This conference is like a masters course in four days only you get to take the course while hanging out with all the experts in the field.

I'm not put off by big crowds but even I was amazed at how many people were there last year. Then again, within a day or so, you get used to it and just feed off the incredible vibes. I can promise you, if you make it, you won't be alone. And I have everything crossed that we hear (read?) your name on the GH lists. That would be so amazing!!!

Janga said...

I wish I could go. I really want to meet all of you FTF, and I want to hear EJ's speech. But I can't. My decision has nothing to do with my not thinking of myself as a writer. It is based on economic priorities and health issues. Maybe next year my body and my bank account will be healthier.

I've never been to a romance conference, but I've been to enough MLA and NCTE conferences to know the benefits and the costs. I'm confident that my decision about DC is the right one for me. But I'm hoping to hear lots of reports from those of you who go. :)

terrio said...

Janga - See, that's fair. This may be my last year of knowing for sure I can make it, so I'm going to make the most of it. But next year my fun money is no more and the belt will tighten. Do you think you might be able to make a smaller conference later in the year? I just know these things are something you would so enjoy so I'd love to see you be able to get to one.

Maggie Robinson said...

Woof right back atya, Terri. I haven't ruled it out entirely...I might just be all spur-of-the-moment, which I know will cost even more, LOL.

terrio said...

Maggs - As it will likely sell out somewhere around the end of May/first of June (if not sooner!), don't be surprised if you get encouraging emails from me. :)

But for today, I'll settle for a maybe.

Marnee Jo said...

Hal - they announce on Weds, not Friday! See, that just got two days closer for you. And I'll be stalking Judi Fenell's blog like last year, watching the GH finalist names come up. :)

Ter - I think I'm with everyone else. It's just too expensive, even though I won't have to fly. My husband would need to take off a few days to watch my son which uses his vacation (and with all my family living far from me, we need those days) and add that to the money for hotel and fees, it's just a little painful this year.

I'll probably try to get to the NJ conference again this year instead. It's at the end of Oct. It's a great conference, I think. And the hotel and fees were much more reasonable.

Although, I'm like Hal; if I make it, by some act of the divine, onto the list of GH finalists, I'll be there.

hal said...

Wednesday??? Oh god, now I'm even more nervous. I won't even have time to stalk blogs and websites on Wednesday - somehow I got roped into moderating a mayoral candidate debate. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Marn!

I should just commit to going to Nationals. I have no excuse except the conference fee itself. I have a free place to stay on a metro line, no airfare...well, apparently I'll be making my decision on Wednesday :)

Marnee Jo said...

Good luck to you too, Hal! Though you already know I love NWTR and that I think it should win hands down. :)

hal said...

Ah! Thanks Marn. I feel exactly the same way about HBG. We're both going to have our phones ringing off the hook Wednesday, I know it. Positive thinking!!

Hellion said...

Sorry, no dice on DC. I have economic priorities as well, and I've basically spent it on a little trip to Virginia in May. (Which was incidentally a lot cheaper than a flight, hotel and conference to DC--and I decided to go with fun over "networking for fun and profit".) I think I'd rather do a number of smaller conferences first; or wait until the conference is close enough that it'd be ridiculous for me to say no. You know, like St. Louis--which it was a few years ago and I didn't go then either. Bad, bad... Chicago wouldn't be bad either....

terrio said...

I should have emphasized that this could be any conference. You did go to a conference last year and if you focus on smaller ones, that's fine. At least you're going. That's the important thing.

And I appreciate that you spent the money on that trip to Virginia. Though now I'm not sure I'm going to make it to May before I need that break!

This weekend I think I volunteered to coach my daughter's softball team. This is not going to be good. *sigh*

terrio said...

Hal & Marn - Fingers and cutlasses crossed for you both! Can you imagine TWO of our pirates in the GH? That would be so flippin' cool!

Sin said...

I say that I can't justify the expense of DC when I haven't worked on anything to pitch. I need a reason to go somewhere. I'd love to meet and greet everyone (okay, my idea of meeting and greeting is hiding in my room, but still). Maybe next year.

I loved the Spring Fling (my one and only writing conference) and it was a good enough experience that I'm not afraid to go to any of the rest of them. But it also taught me that I need to have a purpose when I go. I learn and I network, but I need goals and purposeses.

2nd Chance said...

Ah. Terrio! No hard feelings! I laughed when I read yer blog on sittin' in a bar. I want to come! But I be immune ta doggy eyes, ask Bonnie...

If'n the news is good today. And it's a big if...we'll see. DH has a big meetin' ta attend at work...bout whether the hammer will fall, and when, or if'n there been a reprieve.

Now, if'n I make finals of GH (Something I very, very much doubt...) I'd hit me mum up fer some cash...

I think conferences are well worth it... I wish I'd known ya at SanFran!

terrio said...

Sin - Doesn't learning and networking qualify as goals and purposes? LOL! Are you saying you won't go to another conference until you have something to pitch?

Chance - I wish we'd known each other then too, but at least you found one of our cards and got here eventually. Good luck to the DH on the big meeting. So many are having these kinds of meetings and hoping for reprieves these days. Times they are a-scary!

Stephanie J said...

I was originally 100% in and now I'm really not so sure. I might be buying a townhouse or condo right around that time and that would be a lot of expenses to handle all at once! I get depressed just thinking about not attending. Too bad it's not close. The airfare plus hotel plus sightseeing food ends up being so much! But I'm right with you on the networking's so good for that and I think people need to approach this as an investment in their career rather than just a "fun thing to do with other writers."

If I don't end up going I will miss you all so much! Last year was a made my year!

terrio said...

Steph - You're BUYING a townhouse or condo? How exciting. I so wish I could do that. My current goal in 2012. Which means selling something by 2011 would be a nice income supplement. :)

I hope you'll still get to make it. Last year was such a blast and your smiling face was one of the highlights. I'll never forget when I turned to leave that SEP workshop and you stopped me to introduce yourself. I'm still surprised you found me in all those people! (BTW - Wasn't SEP awesome! That's worth the price of admission right there!)

PJ said...

I'll be there to play with you, Terri. During my career in banking I attended many conferences of varying sizes, always had a positive experience, enhanced my skills and made contacts that helped me at some point during my time in the industry. I know this year is difficult for a lot of people and feel fortunate that I'll be able to attend.

I've already registered for the Moonlight & Magnolias conference in the fall. Janga, I hope you'll be able to join us there this year!

terrio said...

PJ - I'm so excited that I'm going to meet you!!! And I'd love to make the M&M one year, but this doesn't look like the year. Oddly enough, Nationals is the easiest for me because it's always when my kiddo is at her dad's. Pretty much any other time of the year and I have no one to keep her so no leaving town for me.

Have you actually registered for the conference to attend workshops and things? Isn't networking a great thing? Though I totally get that for people who aren't extroverts like me, networking sounds very not fun. LOL!

J Perry Stone said...

Sorry I'm late. Crazy day and i have that 5 hour computer class tonight.

I think if you have the means and time, going to a conference is an invaluable experience. Of course, one's attitude going in determines such.

You can also waste time and money at a conference. There is no doubt they are loads of fun and getting together with people of like tastes can be a hoot. But if your intentions are to network, learn about craft/business, pitch to agents/editors etc, it's incredibly worth while.

You determine the worth of the conference. As for me, I'll be there. My intention is to learn as much as I can.

PJ said...

I'm registered for the conference, have hotel reservations, roommates and have signed up to volunteer. I love networking and meeting new people. In 2005 I went to Spain and Italy with a girlfriend. About four days into our twelve day trip she looked at me and said, "Do you talk to *everybody*?" I laughed and said, "Pretty much!"

terrio said...

Alright, J, that's entirely different topic. "How not to waste your conference dollars." Feel free to write that blog as the date gets closer.

Is it wrong I still chuckle imagining you in a computer class?

PJ - We really are long lost sisters. LOL! I don't go out of my way to talk to every one, that's my mom, but if someone talks to me, it could be days before the conversation ends. And even then I might not have gotten his/her name. LOL! But sometimes it's also fun to sit back at these things and just watch people. ;)

J Perry Stone said...

you would chuckle even more if you saw me having to rush out because I was gagging that last time.

Who knows why? I don't.

But it's just hell.

terrio said...

You gagged at a computer class? Were there no lemons around?

Stephanie J said...

Aw you make me blush! You guys were what made the conference for me and I'm so sad that I might not be able to see you this year. :( I'm surprised at myself that I could match a picture with someone in person lol!

And no doubt that a nice income supplement will be coming in the near future for you!

Santa said...

I know I'm a day late and,more likely as not, a dollar short - so here's my two cents.

Conferences ROCK. If you can't make the big one - make the smaller ones. The small ones are modeled after National and are chuck full of networking and fan girl opportunities. I am more sure than not I am going to National. I may be getting there 'I Love Lucy' style minus the alleged killer in the backseat - bumming a ride with a friend but I'll get there.

One of my favorite parts of conferences for me is meeting all the fabulous people I know on-line. I can't wait to meet PJ and I hope to meet Maggie and as many of you guys as possible. Janga, our day will come and it'll be grand.

Here's to getting better on both the health and wealth fronts and to getting the work done (my own personal justification for attending).