Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting Back in the Saddle

Can you say giddy up?


So I wrote a whole book this weekend. I just sat down on Friday night and my butt never left the recliner. I just whipped it out as if it had been waiting on me my whole life. Then Mattycakes was so proud of me that he took me out to dinner to celebrate.


*snort* April Fools Day.


This week's influence is jack squat.


I've got to admit it's been months. I think about it. My intentions are good. But good intentions never got the job done. One can argue that I've got a lot on my plate. It's not an excuse. I'll never reach my goal if I keep using excuses to bail me out. I'm responsible for the place I'm in right now. I'm out of touch and failing. I'm running faster but going slower. I hear her in my dreams. I see him watching me. Yet, fingers to keyboard produce nothing but procrastination.


I've tried subtle ways to get back in the saddle. I've left a time slot open in the evening for just me and my characters. It doesn't work. It backfires worse than being insanely busy.


I've tried jotting down a few words while sitting in traffic. This usually ends up with me getting honked at and me flipping someone the bird while nasty strings of cuss words pass my lips. Which spikes my adrenaline. Which in turn puts me in a nasty mood before I even walk into the office. Which then I find out the network has gone down or someone has opened a bugged email or taken a message but didn't bother to get the name. And my day goes down hill from there.


I open up emails at work intent on writing just something and sending it to myself for inspiration when I get home. I usually end up emailing someone about work. Or life. Or how to lose weight by eating brownies. By the pan. Or baking dish. Or whatever. I'd eat them off the floor. I'm not going to lie.


I've tried resurrecting my voice via the treadmill. My characters usually come alive during some sort of physical activity. *Shut up Hellion* When I get on the treadmill, I hear all kinds of smart-assed things in my head. Lately, the treadmill time has been few and far between and when I do manage to hop on it, all is quiet inside my head.


I've got new music. I'm really feeling The Fires Embrace lately. And I thought Sadie was with me. But she wasn't. Tease. It seems like no matter the music I get, no one is grooving with me. New music. Old music. Music I forgot about. Music that was good two years ago. Nothing. Dead air waves.


I can't say that I feel much emotion over this news. If I panic, the quiet will only get worse. I still feel like I'm being followed. That's good. They're still with me at least, just nothing new to say right now. I can dig that as long as it's temporary. Sometimes it's good to have peace and quiet. Maybe this is their way of telling me I have something more divine planned, something more important to get out of the way before I move forward.


Take the voices not for granted. That's now on my list. I don't like being alone inside of my head. It comes to no good.


So, tell me, what's the longest you've gone without writing since you've started writing? What did it take to get you back in the saddle and re-inspired? Any tips?


Jordan said...

Um, about five years. And I'm 26 (tomorrow) (no April Foolin'). I've been back about 18 months and I've done probably 350k or more words in that time. So it's totally possible to come back!

2nd Chance said...

Been a real struggle since the heart incident...but I do what I can when I can. Mainly, I concentrate on editing. I have a massive backlog of writing from the few years I couldn't stop writing long enough to sleep...

I'm still waiting for that burst of inspiration to sweep me away again. But I do believe it will come. I get hints...

Maggie Robinson said...

This is so odd, because that's the question on my blog today, LOL. Great minds...

I think I've been writing pretty steadily, but it took a long time to finish a book that I started by hand when my computer died. Once I was back typing, I finished the things I was in the middle of. It took well over a year to get back to the 20,000 word hand-written ms, and then I couldn't read my writing. *g*

The most I go now is 3-4 days of no writing, and hope for a spurt on the weekend. I try to get in 1000 words every morning before I go to work. When I'm on vacation, I miss writing, but I think it's good to get a little distance and think.

Maggie Robinson said...

Oops, I meant my post on the Vixens. I can't keep my blogs straight. Or much of anything else for that matter.

Di R said...

I have had a hard time getting the words written, because I tend to doubt myself.

I signed up for a writing class at my local community college. It is taught by one of the ladies from my local RWA meeting. It has helped, today is my 4th class and I am learning to get out of my own way, especially when I have an assignment due. It is also helpful for me to have feedback.

I have no doubt you'll get back to your groove in no time.


Irisheyes said...

It's funny cause I'm constantly writing in my head - going over dialogue, changing up settings, moving this character in and that one out, giving secondary characters their own book - unfortunately, none of it has been typed into my computer as of yet. Maybe I'm just waiting until it's complete in my head and then I can just sit down and spew for an hour or two and have a finished product! LOL

Either that or I'm a terrible procrastinator and it's going to stay forever in my head. I'm guessing option #2 is more likely! LOL

I do have to say though that interacting with all of you and being a part of this internet community has definitely improved my writing skills. Whether I choose to put them to use remains to be seen at this point.

Janga said...

I once went a couple of years without really writing anything, but it was at a time when forcing myself out of bed to face the day was an achievement. I write every day now, but that counts blogs, academic stuff, poems, etc. I wish I could say I worked on my WIP every day, but sometimes I skip a week or more. And sometimes I write a few thousand words that I end up trashing. :(

Hellion said...

I'm sorry, Sin, that whatever I have is contagious. I know before you met me you used to write all the time. *sighs*

Longest time I've gone without writing, let's see...I'm coming up on two years. (I so want to delete that and not leave that out for all to see.) I mean, I write blogs; I write the occasional chapter (and sometimes I don't delete it); I write grocery lists. Have I written consistently, forgivingly over the last two years with any real joy or delight? Not really. I sit in front of the laptop and the screen just mocks me. "What do you think you might write today? Yeah, still sucks doesn't it? Did you get that rejection from Smith & Jones Agency? Yeah, we knew that was coming, right, I mean, you suck and all."

I'm officially depressed.

Sin said...

And Hellie it has nothing to do with you. Stop throwing yourself under the bus. I'm to blame for my own lack of creativity. Not you.

Sin said...

I've not always been an avid writer. Maybe that's why I feel so out of place. I started writing in a flurry of action and I've just seemed to die off that way too.

Jordan, you gave me hope. Maybe my creative batteries just need to recharge.

Hellion said...

I'm only throwing myself under the bus because, well, it would be another viable procrastination tactic to keep me from dwelling on my bad writing. If I'm in traction, clearly I'm not expected to write.

Sin said...

MM, if I had something to edit, I might do that. But alas, I do not. I've thought about maybe trying to write some fan fiction but I've not been reading and really don't have anything to contribute to the fan fiction world as of this moment. Not even a Ranger story. I think I heard Lisa just faint.

Hints are better than nothing, MM. You'll get back to it. :)

Sin said...

Hellie, don't be depressed dear. You've wrote more than me. Not that it's a big accomplishment or anything (considering I've just stated that I've not wrote shit in two years); but it's a start. We just need some kind of creativity stimulus package deal. I need a road trip with lots of vodka.

Sin said...

Maggie, *g* that's a huge compliment saying that my mind and your mind had the same idea today.

Maybe I should get back to writing by hand. I did that the first time I wrote something. I did it before when I was having issues writing the ending to something I started; but I've just not even been inspired to put the pencil to paper.

I used to write every night before Mattycakes got home. *thinking* I write best when I'm alone. And it seems like I'm never alone anymore.

terrio said...

I had a meeting and still have some fires to put out, but I'll be back as soon as I can!

Marnee Jo said...

Morning gals (and Q if you're here, love)!

Hmmm.... since I started writing. Let's see, I can't stay away for more than a month at a time, I don't think. And it never feels like I stop thinking about it. But I have had periods of time where I would write delete write delete write delete. I sort of think of them as my treadmill times. The times when I don't move forward, just spin my wheels. And I've had countless times of those.

Sin, hon, I hope you get back moving forward soon. I know that when I was feeling stalled out, a few months ago, I wrote on something completely different until these characters nagged me back and I couldn't ignore them anymore. But maybe your mind doesn't work like that. :) (And you should be happy not to share the insanity in my head.) LOL!

hal said...

I think two months is the longest I've gone without writing, in the middle of my last MS, but I haven't been doing it all that long. What got me out of it? Uh, personal tragedy, actually *g*. I was stuck in bed and had to get out of my own head and boom, the words came back. Not that I wish grief as a motivational factor for anyone else (or me again, for that matter).

At the moment I'm in this weird position where I have no inspiration and absolutely no desire to write. But because I insanely decided to go back to school, I have 30 pages to turn in in two weeks. So not writing isn't an option. Writing complete shit, on the other hand, seems to be an option which works well :)

Sin said...

Di, what a wonderful idea! I used to write for the newspaper when I was in school and it was one of my least favorite things to do. Mostly because I like to make things up and writing about actual facts reminds me too much of school; but to take a class for the enjoyment of writing fiction does sound like fun. Was it hard to fit into your schedule?

Sin said...

Irish, I tend to write a lot of times inside of my head. It's the whole translation to paper (or WORD) that usually doesn't work out so well. I'm not even doing that lately.

I've become a better writer since I've been a part of the online writing community. I might not belong to groups, but the interaction with other writers helps keep (or put) you in a better place where you can express your thoughts onto paper.

Sin said...

Hellie, maybe I was the one that caused you to stop writing.

Sin said...

Janga, I spend a lot of time when I'm writing trashing thousands of words too. Mostly because I don't write from any set plot and I tend to write and move on and then when I come back realize that none of it makes any sense and have to change it.

Now, I'm not always like that.

Okay, the majority of the time I trash words.

I think it's okay not to work on the WIP every day. I think we all have to figure out how our flow goes and work with it. And as far as I'm concerned, if you're writing you're writing. Your blogs have thought and meaning. Mine are usually a bunch of words strung together to make it seem like it makes sense. LOL

Geisha said...

Let's see...the longest would have to be four years. When I got pregnant all writing ceased, as motherhood was kicking my ass.

Then when my son started daycare I needed some stress release so I created Marissa. After that my life has been a rollercoaster.

I get the craziest ideas and plots while I'm grocery shopping or on the subway. And trying to reach for the Trusty Notebook to scribble-scrabble an idea while smushed up in wall to wall people is an adventure in itself.

terrio said...

Let me see if I've got all this. Sin is stuck. Hellie is depressed. Marn is off the treadmill. Irish is in her head. Hal is shoveling shitake. Janga is a compactor. Chance is hinting. And Di is schooling.

*sigh* That's a lot before lunch time, ladies.

I haven't written steady on the WIP in over 6 months now. But I'm always writing something be it blogs or school papers. I didn't dive head first into this writing thing until almost a year AFTER I decided to go back to college. Timing has never been my strong suit.

I've also been stopped on the WIP because I honestly had no idea what should or would happen next. But while making dinner last night (yes, I cooked, you can all faint now) I got a great idea for the current scene. And the next one. It's not much, but I do think it'll get me to the next speed bump.

And once school is over in June, I have no more excuses. Which means I'll either be whining even more (if that's possible) or harrassing everyone else to write with me. Sin, that means you, my dear. :) We said we were going to do this and WE WILL!

terrio said...

And to Hellie - You are so full of shit. You write ALL THE TIME! You started a new book in the last six months and you've revised the other one, adding things here and there. You've plotted (there's that dirty word) and created charts and graphs and whatever that posterboard/corkboard thing is. You're working on writing, even if you don't have some magic 10K words a week banner to fly.

Sin said...

Mornin' Marn! I always love your enthusiasm for writing. You're always writing. I love that about you.

I thought maybe at first I just needed to bounce away from Cin and move back to Sadie for a week or so to kind of set my mind back right. But it wasn't the case. I think I'll just work on crafts until I feel the need to write again. Usually that helps recenter myself back into my writing. I've become so desperate to write that I actually managed to write up the roughest of rough synopsis' for Cin's story. It was as if I couldn't write it creatively, my mind decided I needed to spill it a different way.

Sin said...

Hal, when I'm emotionally depressed my mind goes to all different kinds of creative outlets. I seem to write better when my voice and head are about even emotionally (which doesn't happen often). Some of my best stuff (by my own standard) have been when I've not exactly been at my best socially.

School tends to suck the creativness from everyone. Just try not to fret. When you get this done, you can work on something for pleasure. Then you'll get back to your writing.

terrio said...

Did Sin just say she wrote a synopsis? That thing where you determine the plot ahead of time? Did that meteor actually hit us the other night and I've fallen into a parallel universe?

Sin said...

Nic, I wish I had your creative drive. You write ALL THE TIME. And it's always good. I'm so jealous.

If only I had the subway to ride to get all creatively inspired.

Sin said...

Ter, I know. Maybe my brain is just trying to get straight before you get done with school because then I have someone to annoy the hell out of me about it.

But you're right. When you're done with school, there won't be anymore excuses. I don't have any right now, but you have more than enough going on your plate.

We'll get going together. :)

Marnee Jo said...

I think crafting is a great way to get going again. Sometimes when I work with my hands (I used to crochet but now I play with little boy toys - trucks, cars, trains, puzzles, whatever) it lets my mind go.

And I sometimes feel like coaxing my muse takes me back to my hs teaching days. It's like I have to find ways to convince my muse that it really should be working. Sort of like I'm my own internal camp counselor: "Come on. How about we try to write a query letter, that'll get us going. No? Ok, how about we write about some villian, or do a writing exercise? Oh, fine, chocolate first, then the writing exercise. You run a hard bargain, Muse."

Sin said...

Don't be a smart ass. I always know. But for some reason it was determined to be on paper, which for me means it's concrete. Cin is very alpha. She's determined that I will write it how she wants it written. Which might be why I'm faltering a bit.

Sin said...

I sometimes think I need a contest like fanlit to get me inspired again. I didn't compete in fanlit but I used to do monthly writing challenges that would get me going. A monthly challenge does nothing for me now; but something like American Idol for the writer might.

Stephanie J said...

Yah know, from the start I would write but I never wrote a lot. That quickly moved into the arena of very little writing, but a lot of talk about writing and a lot of research! I can't say that I've gone years without writing because there are always those random challenges but I can say I've gone weeks and possibly months. Don't be fooled tho, when I write it's only a couple hundred words and I end up feeling like they're crap. I think it's a vicious cycle... you try to force yourself to write and then when you write and the inspiration isn't there or if you're not feeling into it then it makes it that much harder to pick it up. I finally had A Moment of inspiration this weekend and my excitement to write has been completely different than it has been for at least the past year.

Oh! Also -- I had one of those melt downs in November and now that I'm finally at a point where I feel revved up to write the feeling is more intensified than ever, likely because I vow not to go to another RWA conf. with an incomplete novel (the same one I was working on last year!).

PS. Can you guys remind me, who on here will be at RWA?

Sin said...

Stephanie! I'm so excited for you! I vowed to go to RWA next year with a completed manuscript. I can't allow myself to go to another conference without something to pitch. I must feel productive.

Stephanie J said...

It's definitely a motivator! I can't stand the idea of have a conversation where someone asks me what I'm working on and I have to say, "Oh, you know the one that I told you about last year? Yah, same thing."

Julie said...

What the heck, I’m in the mood to be honest. :)
Fifteen years. I didn’t write anything for fifteen years. What made me write again? I found a Reason . Actually the reason found me.

So SIN. You know that you have a reason for writing. You might not like That Reason. Who knows? But you Do have it. So quit avoiding it. Go at it like a pissed off feline. Spit, scratch, claw your way past your “Reasons for Not” writing. Tell those Reasons for Not to get the hell out of your way. Because you don’t have time for Them or their #*%#@ games. You are in Charge of them … they Are not in charge of you. Embrace the special forces that reside within you (and every other creative person). Take your creative Citadel by storm, Baby…. and write.
Write because that’s the right thing for you to do. Cuz you’re a writer. You have a story to tell. And Quit wondering … Is this story good enough to be told? Quit THINKING. I’m serious. It seems to me that a lot of writers spend A Lot of time thinking about their inadequacies as writers.
And not enough time on what they have to offer to the reading pubic.
What ALL of you have to offer is “your voice”. Your unique view of life.
Quit over analyzing your work. JUST Finish the damn thing.
Get some professional feedback. Edit it. Send it to a n agent. Throw it under your bed or throw it out. At this point does it matter where you Think your WIP will end up? Just Finish the story. Set it free from your mind. Only Then can the publishing world decide if your words are worthy of being published. Or not.
And the thing is Even if a publishing house does not buy you MS it does not mean that your words … the words that you put so much of yourself into …. are not worthy of being read.
Trust me … I have been reading many of you unpublished writer’s work for years. So I know. Your words truly are worth reading.

2nd Chance said...

Sign up fer the conference and that will push ya ta write. Don't wait ta have somethin' ta pitch before ya sign up fer a conference. All these little things help push the 'go' button.

I've set meself the task a' entering a contest or queryin' an agent/editor once a month. At least. It's hard 'cause I keep gettin' bitchy judges who are PMSin' and make smarmy comments on me stuff...but I find some help here and there...

Irish? Yeah, I've started and finished books in my head! Got them to paper? Not so much! LOL!

Quantum said...


I don't believe I'm reading this.

I only read the first half of the posts...It must be a nightmare!

I come here for the highbrow discussion, the humour, the repartee, the sharing of ideas, the glamorous smiles. But now I find the skull and cross bones at half mast with the sails drooping. The whole ship is in the doldrums.

Next you'll be telling me that Obama's stimulus package is failing and that we are all heading for the doo doo....Thats American for bog by the way...I have a good teacher in Terri *grin*

I haven't written any fiction since Janga's last writing contest but thats good. I only write this romance stuff when my fountainhead of physics ideas dries up, and its been in spate lately.

I hesitate to offer advice in such exalted company but for what its worth I don't think you should try to force the writing. The creative muse is unpredictable and wise. When you're ready to write again she/he will let you know.

In the mean time try to relax with music and books and consider doing outrageous unusual creative things.

As a start perhaps, try cleaning the house in your underwear, doing creative twirls around the comp. If you can feel any electromagnetic excitement, check whether its switched on or if Mattycakes is watching from behind the door.

Imagine yourself as a scientist experimenting with new ideas. I recently read Cynthia Eden's book 'The Wizard's Spell'. The hero was not allowed to physically merge with his prospective mate until the full moon. The cunning fellow got around this by entering her mind and having 'dream sex'.

See, when one door closes another often opens. Perhaps its just ajar in your case. I think you should take a look * smile*

terrio said...

Julie said:

This is absolutely the best advice EVER!

If I could invite everyone into hy head they could read the story today. LOL! I feel your pain, ladies!

terrio said...

I think Q may have hit on something. Stop trying to write. Give yourself permission to say, "I'm not going to write or worry about writing or think about writing for an entire week." It's amazing how much better that can make you feel.

This week, I'm off school. Which means I've had two nights in a row where I've been able to go home, sit on my couch, and not have to think about what I *should* be doing. Now, it's not that I didn't have laundry or sweeping or cage cleaning to do, but my brain felt as if this enormous weight had been lifted. It felt SO GOOD to NOT have to think about reading a chapter or answering a discussion question.

So give yourself a week to go home at night, relax and not think about it. Even if it doesn't kick you back into gear, it can't hurt, right?

Marnee Jo said...

"Quit over analyzing your work. JUST Finish the damn thing."

Julie, the times I've struggled with writer's block, this sentiment is usually gets me going again. Because when I start overthinking myself, my stuff becomes horse manure. When I think too much, i get in my characters' ways. It's counterproductive. And when I start remembering other people will read it, I become paralyzed. Best just to not think too much about that and just write.

Janga said...

Warning: Blatant Blog Promotion Ahead!

Jo Beverley is visiting the caravan tomorrow. All of you be sure to drop by. She has some interesting things to say about writing.

Sin said...

Stephanie, at least it's not been two years in a row for you that you're working on the same one :/

Sin said...

And I never thought you'd be anything but honest, dearest.

Sin said...

Jules, you know that my brain is always thinking. If I had the off switch, I don't know if I'd ever turn it back on.

You gave me a lot to think about.


But agree entirely. When I start to think about writing, it seems to all go downhill.

Sin said...

MM, I went to the Spring Fling last year and before it the goal of trying to pitch still didn't motivate me. I think I need to be put in some sort of dungeon with only two notebooks and a lifetime supply of pencils.

Sin said...

I don't even remember what it's like to relax. My brain is mush.

Sin said...

Q, I think you spy on me in my living room.


I already clean in my underpants.

I'm not even inspired to read. Honestly. The most looked forward book of the year for me (Smooth Talking Stranger) came out on Tuesday and I still haven't bought it. Maybe my creative juice has just run out.

terrio said...

I didn't remember either, Sin. But let me tell you, it feels dang good. Of course, I'm now stressing over the coaching gig so not sleeping all that well, but still, it's one less thing and feels good.

Sin said...

In my stressed out-ness I must have missed something. Coaching? Must be softball.

Quantum said...

Heck Sin, this does sound serious.
I diagnose creative exhaustion.

Following Eden's idea I would suggest that you let me into your mind.
But I'm not sure that you're ready for that!

Anyway, I would then find out how you really clean the house! *grin*

Somehow you gotta find some way to recover your energy. Often a Holiday or doing something completely new for you will do the trick.

It sets a different set of neuron circuits firing, allowing your normal creative circuits to close down benignly for a while.

Hope you can work something out luv, both for your sake and mine.

Hell, I would miss your fabulous stories if you had to rest for very long!

Julie said...

Know what I think, SIN?
I think that You think tooooo Much about Thinking.

Know what else I think? I think that Sometimes you just have to set the thinking aside and let your feelings lead your thoughts. Everyone fears failure, darlin'. Everyone fears that when it Really counts they will fall short. Don't think about that. Because if you do ... you will fail. When you feel frustrated ... fearful that you are not good enough ... that is the moment when you must let go of your thoughts. Raise your hands to the Universe ... and trust ... your feelings. And allow your "self", your inner self to write the story .

Just my opinion.

terrio said...

Yep, softball coaching. I have 10 (1 is AWOL so far..lol) little girls, 9 of which have never played before. I have less than a month to teach them everything they need to know including finding a girl who can pitch and teaching them to steal bases.

It's daunting just to type that out. LOL!

And when did they start making children so small?! These girls are 7 to 9 but they are TINY! I guess I'm just used to have Ginormica for a daughter. LOL!

Julie said...

Stressed out, are you?
Well. I think that you could use A Hug.

Don't tell me that you didn't laugh.

And yes ... I'll probably go to Hell for joking about it to you! :)

Sin said...

Can you hear me mental stiff arming you?

Sin said...

And Jules, I have no problem with failure. I have a problem with a blank mind. Even when I've decided that I'm just not going to worry about it and sit back, (usually this will kick start something) there's nothing. Not even static.

Sin said...

Q, dangerous place to be. I don't even know if *I'd* want to get inside of my head for long.

And I like this holiday idea of yours. I'll need a playmate. *g*

Sin said...

Ter, I can't believe they've gotten to be this old and not played and WANT to play now. And I agree with the tiny children. Maybe I was just a monster and my friends have some monsterous kids, but some of Kelsey's friends are itty-bitty (of course, she's in the teenager bracket). But even on the playground you can't tell who the older ones are and who are the youngest. And even kids graduating high school look like they're 10.

I wonder how they just don't break. And it's not even that they are all skinny minnies, but that they are so... tiny. Fragile looking and short.

Hellion said...

I don't know, Jules asked if Sin needed a hug, and all I saw was that scene from Elf.

With Sin as the raccoon of course.

Mind you, I enjoyed that image.

Sin said...

*hiss* I might have rabies.

Sin said...

LMAO. I love that scene.

terrio said...

Sin - That's it exactly. They look like fragile little china dolls. I'm afraid I'm going to break one and I never did like playing with dolls. My kiddo is 9 and she can wear my shoes. I have to buy her jeans in the teenager section and don't get me started on shirts. The child can't go without a bra for heaven's sake.

These other little girls could fit in one pant leg of my jeans. And have room to move around!

Hellion said...

I have no doubt you have rabies. I've seen you foam at the mouth lately.

Sin said...

Hellie you always see me at my best.

Hellion said...

I just shuddered on your daughter's behalf that you mentioned in the middle of everywhere she needs to wear a bra. *shakes head* What is it with mothers?

Sin said...

Here's what I can't believe. They're 9 and they just NOW want to get into softball. You could be like the Bad News Bears. Except the girls would have to be hoodlems instead of china dolls.

Hellion said...

Sin, I think you and I should go out there and give the kids a crash course in being hoodlums, then Ter can straighten it all out and win the day in the end. I'd love it if she beat that Deck Stacker.

Sin said...

By the time I was nine I wore adult size shoes. I have ski feet, so I can't be put into the category of normal. LOL

Hellion said...

Well, you were catching the foam in a dribble cup. I mean, it wasn't out of control or anything...

terrio said...

Sin - When I was a kid (in the dark ages....) you couldn't play softball until you were 9. But Kiddo started playing when she was FOUR. Talk about tiny little kids. Whew!

I thought of that bad news bears thing but none of them look like smokers or pick pockets. LOL! I live in a ritzy area (not sure how *we* got there) so they are Wii playing, Aeropostale wearing, stepford children. But oh so cute. LOL!

You'll see when you get here, Hell. She's not a normal 9 year old. They said she'll be 6 feet tall. I'll be surprised if she stops at 6 feet! And she has no idea I'm toting her bra wearing status. LOL! You can tell her when you see her and watch her get all squirrely for fun. LOL!

2nd Chance said...

Sin - have ya considered dancin' wit' the undead monkey on yer head?

(Not that this will work, but I want to see it! ;) )

2nd Chance said...

We be gettin' too moody. How 'bout we all get drunk and go cheer on Terrio's little pirate lasses?

Sin said...

Hellie, I have a feeling if we went out there to teach the little pirate lasses how to be hoodlems, we might not be heard from ever again. I feel a hunting party coming on- parents hunting for pirates. Could be a new Looney Tunes episode.

Sin said...

I'm down with the getting drunk and cheering on little pirate lasses. My depression can only hit so low before I'll be jumping over the rail.

I'd like to see the undead monkey dance on my head. It's bad enough when he dances on the stairs ahead of me.

2nd Chance said...

So we won't feel depressed.

2nd Chance said...

And we all get to watch.

2nd Chance said...

Honestly, I've been diagnosed as chronically depressed. Best advice my therapist gave me? "Sometimes you just spend a day with it, don't fight it, don't push it way, just coddle yourself. You'll wake up in a day or so and be able to just move on. Acknowledge it and give it its due."

I think it's the same for the writer's block blues. Just get a harmonica and play the blues for awhile.

If they last toooooooo long? Then you break out the mallet and smash pumpkins. Or get roaring drunk and dance with an undead monkey on your head.

Sin said...

I hate wallowing in the self-depervation of my self-loathing and pity. Maybe I should just go outside and shout it from the rooftop.

Sin said...


2nd Chance said...

Hey, some of the most memorable writers were chronically depressed... Poe, for one.

I always think pounding sand is a good idea. I have my heroine advise someone to take a sword and go have it out with the waves. Won't win, but you might feel better!

I spent way too much time wallowing in the 'what happened to the drive?' stuff. It was there once, it will come back again... Like bell-bottom jeans, they always come back...

And I lay odds there are a lot of other things going on besides a lack of writing drive. So, give yourself a break... Some self-pity, now and then, is good for the soul.

Sin said...

I think I need a break just to lie on the beach and listen to the waves. It sounds perfect. If only I could get there.

2nd Chance said...

Well, it ain't the same... I could call you and stand down by the shore and hold the cell phone up...

Cheaper to buy a CD with waves sounds...

Don't hate me because I live by the beach. I must have been really good in a former life...

Sin said...

I need the beach. I need my toes in the sand. Water gently lapping at my feet. I don't even care if the sun is out. I'd prefer it not to be.

And I don't hate you for living near the ocean. You deserve it.

terrio said...

Seven miles from my front door to the ocean.

Just sayin'....


2nd Chance said...

Ah...no I'm feelin' bad 'bout teasin' ya so!

Give us a hug!


2nd Chance said...

Half a mile! I win!!!!

terrio said...

I wasn't competing. LOL! I was just saying she has plenty of options to get to the beach! No excuses where there's two of us and she can pick either coast. LOL!

2nd Chance said...

Ha! Good point. Sorry, I get sorta competative sometimes!

terrio said...

No pistols at dawn necessary here! LOL! Have another rum, I'm off to bed.