Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dream Your Discovery - A Tribute to Mr. Rourke

Mr. Rourke- 2nd Chance steered the ship throughout the night, eyes fixed on the horizon. As the sun rose, her goal appeared ahead of them. She grinned, catching a glimpse of the Captain leaving the warmth of her cabin. They’d all be so surprised! And she hoped, pleased.


- Captain Hellion yawned hugely then stared at the unfamiliar tropical beach on the port side. The Revenge slid up to the wooden pier as Chance let out a whoop and dashed for the side. The anchor slid home, the deckhands lowered the sails. Chance scurried off the ship.


 -Sin sidled up to the Cap’n, “Where are we, Hel?” The undead monkey screeched, his tail curled around her neck. She stroked the little imp, calming him.


 -“No idea, Chance asked to hold the wheel last night. I thought she just wanted to pretend. I didn’t give her leave to move the ship,” Hel shrugged. “Looks nice…”


 -Terrio stretched as she joined the other two at the rail, “Uh…? Who is that hugging Chance?”


- “Nice suit,” Marnee commented. “White is a bit impractical though.”


 -Hel suddenly stood up straighter, “Oh. I don’t believe it. Is that a lei and a…a little person heading this way?”


- The faint echo of a voice confirmed the Captain’s suspicions. “Da ship! Da ship!” She groaned, “How did she do this?”


- “Fantasy Island? We’re anchored at Fantasy Island?” Lisa lifted her tankard and drank deeply. “Oh, she has been going on about Ricardo Montalban lately…”


- The crew watched as the elegant man leaned closer to speak to Chance, who appeared to actually simper. Sin snorted, “How old is she anyway?”

- Hel shook her head, “Polite pirates don’t ask.”


- “Twelve?” Marnee ventured a guess. The rest chuckled.


- At the edge of the shore, Mr. Rourke smiled at Chance, “Your fantasy awaits…” Chance dashed off, laughing madly as he continued out the pier to greet the rest of the crew. Chance had bargained well… The Fantasy Island bartender had insisted on the trade. A copy of Chance’s bartender book for a day on Fantasy Island for the entire crew. He actually looked forward to trying a Glittery Hoohaa…


Chance’s Fantasy…


…Paul’s wife had forced him to leave all his files behind. She wanted him to have a real vacation. She really didn’t understand the draw of discovering new talent, of mentoring an author through the labyrinth of the publishing world. But she meant well. She’d sent him ahead, planning on joining him for the second week. He was on his own, with a week to relax and enjoy the beaches of the famous Monterey Bay.


For a few days, he had relaxed. She’d made him swear not to open any e-mails from the agency, his authors or publishers. He’d read several books, authors his competitors had signed on, wandered downtown Santa Cruz and visited the Boardwalk. But now he was bored. He strode into the Starbucks he’d discovered. It was close to his hotel, had a nice patio and a roomy interior. He took the chair he’d come to consider his and studied the people around him. One woman caught his attention. She was there every morning, typing away at her small laptop. She was very intent.


The computer was a sweet little thing and she’d decorated it with a bright display of parrots, a small pirate ship and a treasure chest. She was friendly with the baristas and appeared to be a real fixture. Yesterday, he’d actually visited a bookstore and returned several hours later to see her still perched on the wooden chair, a melted bit of drink still at her side, typing madly. This morning seemed the same.


She chuckled and it made him smile. “Must be a nice e-mail,” he commented to the barista, wiping a nearby table.


“Our internet is down today,” the young woman answered, following his gaze. “Oh, that’s Maureen. She’s a writer. She told me once about her book. Pirates, a time traveling witch…sounds exciting. I hope she’ll let me read it one day. Said she’d dedicate it to all of us here. If she ever finds a publisher!”


“That’s does sound like an intriguing story,” he chuckled. The barista wandered away, he sipped at his coffee and studied the would-be author. His wife liked pirates, he’d be doing it for her… Taking the situation in hand, he stood up, strode with purpose to the author’s table and sat down, “Good morning.”


She glanced up at him, looking a bit distracted. She blinked, “Uh…good morning. Can I help you?”

“I’m good, but I may be able to help you,” he held out one of his business cards. “I hear you have a pirate book you’re hoping to see published…”


She took the card, reading it with some disbelief. Paul Winterfield – Literary Agent, New York, New York


“I can help. Let’s talk…” he smiled.


Slowly, she smiled back at him. She’d always told Judi she wanted to be discovered in her local Starbucks…Ricardo


OK, that’s my big fantasy of discovery. Let’s hear what you’d ask Mr. Rourke to devise for you. Come on, dream big. Be outrageous, be imaginative. Let Fantasy Island make all your dreams come true… And if you don’t dream of being published, but meeting the author of your dreams…what is that dream? Nora in the elevator? Sitting next to Kim Harrison on a 4 hour flight? Anything is possible!





Maggie Robinson said...

I'm actually getting my fantasy when all four kids and my husband and I are meeting up in the Keys soon. We haven't all been in the same room in 2 1/2 years. But if I were allowed a second fantasy, I'd like a complete makeover, lots of massages and pedicures, a new wardrobe, a beach house to write in and all the ideas free-flowing!

Jane L said...

"Well, Well here we are again Royal Kitties, back on the lovely Revenge! Good Morning, Captain and crew its a pleasure for us to be in your company once again!" Lady Jane said with enthusiasm as she tried to brush the wrinkles from her dress.

shaking her head "I see 2nd chance is up to her old tricks again. Always one to be fantasizing."

Hmm let see if I had to pick a fantasy of meeting an author, it would have been Margret Mitchell. but I would also like to met Rosemary Rogers, a good old fashion writer of Historical romance.

Thanks for the invite 2nd chance, hope to visit with you when you get the fog from your head! LOL!
"Oh! No Royal Kitties, get back here , I told you no cavorting with that monkey." Darn they got away and are chasing him now! I must go!

terrio said...

I LOVED Fantasy Island. One of my grandmother's favorites. And if you catch Ricardo in some of those old hottie!

I love this little fantasy. How great would that be. I'd have to give that barista a finders fee of some kind. LOL! I'm going to have to think about my own fantasy. Hmmmm.....this could be fun.

Marnee Jo said...

Wow, my own fantasy.

It'd look something like this: a live-in nanny who also cooked, cleaned, and did the wash. A house with a library and a comfy place for me to park my fanny so I can write all day. A dream agent and a five book contract. A second home in Aruba, also equipped with a library and comfy writing spot, as well as a big wide porch in case I wanna take my laptop outside.

Eliza Knight said...

Hmm...let's see...right now I'd dream that maid would come to my house and clean everyday for the rest of my life for free! That would be a major fantasty come true!!!

2nd Chance said...

Arrrr...we'd all love the help, the vacation...'eaven knows I could! But...pirates! What would your discovery as a writer be? A phone call is cool...but what would be phenomenally cool??? Totally impossible, but brilliant anyway?

I love to tease Judi with the Starbucks discovery dream...

You know, a cold and rainy night, you're slaving away at the latest WIP and the doorbell rings, it's your favorite broke down on the road, cell phones dead, can she use your phone? Oh, you're a writer, too? Two hours later you have her agents card and a promise to help you out...

Be creative, be wild and wacky...this is Fantasy Island...!

Though I could really go for the second home in Aruba, Marnee.

Jane-O, I warned you! That monkey bites! Your kitties have all their shots!?

terrio said...

So I'm racking my brain trying to come up with my dream scenario. Can't do the restaurant one, Chance took that one. Then I thought it would be a total fantasy to have three publishers and two agents all vying for my work. But then I realized I'd have to make a MAJOR decision and that's stress I don't need. Nix that one.

Think I'll settle for the scene on the train. Exhausted looking, friendly-faced woman plops down in the seat next to me with a sigh. She pulls her briefcase and laptop bag on top of her lap so the other passengers can get down the aisle. When the coast is clear, she puts her bags in the overhead compartment (do they have these on the train?) then takes her seat again.

Glancing over, she asks me what I'm writing and I explain that I'm headed to a writers conference and I'm pulling my hair out trying to write my pitch. With a twinkle, she offers to help. By the time the train arrives in DC, She's read my first fifty pages and intimates this looks like the beginning of a long and prosperous friendship.

2nd Chance said...

Ah, Terrio...who is the woman? A famous writer? A well known publisher? The keynote speaker at the conference? If yer were writin' this story, what would the twist be?

And use the restaurant, anyone! This is your chance *sly grin
to dream in anyway you want. Don't have the MS done? Who cares! Dream it for the future...

We be writers of fiction, fantasize! I traded me recipe book fer this chance... *giggle. Course, I copied it all down first.

Sin said...

Are you kidding?! If I was sitting next to Kim Harrison, I'd probably have a heart attack.

Hm, a fantasy. Sorry Q. I'm gonna have to leave you outta this one. *g*

Seeing the sun set over the ocean horizon as I sit on the warm sandy beaches of Tybee Island. There's a gentle breeze and just the sound of the ocean lapping at the shore line. My cup is always full. There are no distractions. No cell phones (not that I answer mine but I don't want to be on call either). No one is talking. It's just peaceful and calm.

Sin said...

And that sounded so terrible.

Sin said...

My monkey has had his shots. He's undead anyway. Only infectious disease he has is being undead.

Janga said...

I'm still sighing over Marnee's fantasy. I have to give Chance's instructions some thought. I shall return!

terrio said...

I have lots of other fantasies, but I was trying to keep to the writing one here. LOL!

Chance - I don't know who it would be. I have an idea of some of the houses I'd like to be with, but no one particular dream editor. I'm all about meeting them first, then figuring that out. LOL!

If we're all going to have the maid service fantasy, I want my maid to look remarkably like Bradley Cooper. Or Ryan Gosling. I'm not too picky.

Marnee Jo said...

Janga - I'd probably settle for some peace and quiet in my own home but I thought that might be shooting too low on the fantasy scale.

hal said...

I don't really have a "being discovered" fantasy, but I definitely have the "being fought over" fantasy. You know, my MS is up for auction and all these big NY publishers are throwing money at me, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I keep turning them all down and saying "Window displays! Table space! *These* are the words that will get my attention. Forget the advance!" And I sign with some little boutique publisher who does major marketing and I fly to the top of the NYT best seller list and then just hang out there for a few weeks.....months....LMAO!!

Jane L said...

2nd Chance have you seen those darn Royal Kitties, I cant seem to find them anywhere.

Oh and I just had the most amazing dream, I was chosen out of hundreds to have my manuscript published by Avon, yes, I always wanted to be published at Avon you know. Also, I can pick my own tittle and cover model!! WhoooHoo! Of course yes it has to be, my long lost love Fabio! He will grace the cover of my first book. (Yea I know it might be kinda old school) but this is my fantasy right? I did meet the man at RT last year, yes he was dreamy and yes, he was as handsome as I thought he would be and we even shared a small joke as he took a picture with me. YUM! Dang I have to find those cats, they probably are learning new tricks from that undead monkey!

Lisa said...

Nice blog Chance. I would love to have lunch with Lisa Kleypas or Susan Johnson. I want to know how they developed my favorite characters and what an average day for them entails. *sigh*

2nd Chance said...

Come on now, Sin, you know you'd pull yourself together and chat the lady up... Once ya get over the ' me...yer'

I know that stammer, did it several times already! Was real bad when I met Barry Lopez. Almost as bad with Margaret Atwood...getting better when I met Charles deLint... Practice makes perfect!

Hal, ya got the spirit. I didn' name a real agent, jus' made one up! I like the idea of a' yer cover artist, name yer marketing help...good idea!

Lady Jane - undead kitties. Wonder if it's contageous...? (Jus' because Sin say it ain't don't mean she ain't lyin'!) He likely has undead fleas...

And Avon! Right on, shoot for the moon! Think Judi would like me fantasy? ;) Think I'll 'ave me agent push fer Avon, too!

2nd Chance said...

Lisa! Lunch fer three, comin' up at the Fantasy Island grill, where they serve glittery hoohas, rum soaked ribs and all the ice cream you can eat! (No calories!) Stay as lo-o-o-o-o-o-ng as ya wish!

terrio said...

Did you say all the ice cream you can eat with NO calories? Now THAT'S a fantasy. LOL!

Lisa - I met Lisa Kleypas for a brief minute at Nationals last year. I was a mess, but she was the most gracious and sweetest person ever. I can't imagine getting to sit down and have lunch with her.

2nd Chance said...

Well, it be Fantasy Island... Yes, no calories today, no matter what ya eat!

Don't know what it is about meetin' those we admire that turns us inta jell-o. I blather, look away, worry that I be wastin' their time. All me self-conficende doubts rise ta the surface and threaten to pull me down.

A gracious author be a gift ta the gods. I pray I be as sweet when I be the one approached!

(I seen the other types, snarly and impatient...oddly enough, mostly men at the sci/fi fantasy conventions! Not Charles deLint, he was gentle and truly a gentleman.)

2nd Chance said...

Have I mentioned how much I like Charles deLint? I have? Oh, sorry!

I could make it a drinking game...everytime I mention Charles deLint, I fill the tankards with rum...

So, let's see...three shots so far today? No, five...dang, I gotta go back and read!

terrio said...

A drinking game! I think we need to include the Hooha. Everytime we mention the Hooha, we drink. So Charles and the Hooha. Wait, that sounds like a movie....

Lisa said...

Chance it sounds so good!

T- I'm so jealous. I'm glad to hear she's as nice as she appears:)

2nd Chance said...

Oh, had to comment...Charles and the glittery hooha, with singing undead monkeys?

2nd Chance said...

Crew! I be off on a raid ta the mall, joinin' an old friend in oogling all the richies and plannin' our takeover a' the publishin' world!

Be back in several hours!

Now, Sin...don't let that monkey pour the drinks! 'e always makes a mess and won't clean up after 'imself.

Stretch yerself...dream big! Bigger! Biggest yet! Dethrone Nora! Outsell JKR! (Sorry, Cap'n, but I gotta inspire 'em!)

Everything calorie free! Indulge!

Jane L said...

Finally she is gone lets raid the bar!

Hellion said...

Okay. If I were on Fantasy Island and I had any fantasy come true.

I'd have the World's Most Fabulous Spa Treatments. The whole shebang. And not only would they be FREE (I'm a cheap pirate), but they'd feel wonderful AND work. I immediately look 10 years younger. And I'm miraculously 50 pounds thinner. (If this were a real fantasy, I would say 75 pounds thinner, but I thought I'd keep it modest.)

I would then be whisked away on a shopping spree where again, everything's free and best of all: everything fits perfect, I look sexy and gorgeous in everything I try on, and on and on.

I shop, I get my hair styled, I dine on my favorite foods, and I drink heavenly pina coladas by the pool in my string bikini. I'm so hot my waiter keeps asking if he can do anything else for me.

However, Johnny Depp arrives and offers the same...and this is about the time my Jack Sparrow shows up, gives me that crinkle-eyed grin, and says, "Hey, babydoll, you ready to go?" and we whisk away to my hotel room (God, don't you love hotel sheets?) to have 5-star fabulous, fabulous practically porn-quality sex. Johnny is insanely jealous and devastated, of course. Jack, my love, shows his appreciation for my taste in hotel sheets and men by re-enacting that scene from Bull Durham--the bit in the bathtub and the toe-nail painting...and the whole nine yards.

Then right before I went to sleep, I'd cure cancer. Anonymously.

Sin said...

I Like the sounds of this "no calorie" Friday thing. After dieting all week, this sounds too good to be true. Even if it is fantasy Friday. LOL

PS. You'd have to ask the undead monkey about his fleas. I guarantee that conversation won't be pretty.

Hellion said...

Damnit, somewhere in my fantasy I meant to work in that I meet J.K. Rowling and she says, "I'm such a huge fan of your books!"

Hellion said...

I suppose I should have talked about writing, but I'm going to go on the route that getting published is not a fantasy of mine--but a goal I will achieve. By God.

Quantum said...

These 'fantasies' are all so predictably 'respectable' and 'middle class'!

The sort of replies I would expect to a school entrance exam asking you to use your imagination. :shock:

I fear I'm about to muddy the water!

I was driving through some beautiful hills today and all the trees were glistening white with ice crystals, a snowy wonderland. It just needed the Snow Queen to complete the picture.

With the weather so cold at the moment though my fantasy vision is of a warm clime, a long way from California with its San Andreas fault and super volcano threats, probably an island in the Southern Seas.

I would be dressed in swim wear all day, taking the occasional dip, and have scantily clad sirens catering to my every need. I would have a particularly clever one for solving my equations and another very practical one for doing experiments to test my latest dream theories. In case ideas ran short, I would have an especially stimulating one on stand by to stoke up my neurons as required. And of course a butleress to serve me scotch with ice made from pure mineral water. Now I wouldn't object if that one looked a little bit like Sin. *grin*

To keep things private I would bug the satellites used for GPS until I was ready to come home to collect my Nobel prize.

Ahh...if only! :D

terrio said...

Anybody else contemplating the meaning of practically porn-quality sex? Just me? Figures....

terrio said...

I think this line should get some kind of prize today.

I would have an especially stimulating one on stand by to stoke up my neurons as required.

LOL!!! Leave it to Q and the Captain to drop it to the gutter at the same time.

Marnee Jo said...

Maybe my fantasy is vanilla, but I think it's just because it has wide appeal....

Hellion said...

Q & I are just in sync that way. All that scotch we've been drinking together.

Hellion said...

Maybe girl porn quality sex...because girl porn (not girl on girl porn, mind, but the porn created by women with the intent in mind that women will be watching this and they're slightly more critical about their porn than the average guy) is slightly classier. But everyone looks to be having a spectacular time.

Maybe I should put it as "5-star Lisa Kleypas love scene sex"?

terrio said...

Marn - Your fantasy is not at all vanilla. You have a house in a Aruba in there. That's definitely pina colada right there. LOL!

Slightly classier porn. Don't hear that all the time. That 5-star description says it all.

Hellion said...

I've totally trashed 2nd's Fantasy blog with my 15-year-old teenage boy hormone rage. *shakes head* I'm sorry, 2nd!

Marnee Jo said...

Mmmm... Pina Colada. That sounds yum.

terrio said...

Somehow I don't think Chance is going to mind at all. LOL!

*passes Marn a Pina Colada with a black pirate umbrella*

Quantum said...

Marnee, I didn't mean you in my comment luv!
I was just generalising, you know.

If I had seen the Captain's fantasy before posting, it would have blown me out of the water!

Yeah Helli, scotch does have a synchronising effect. *grin*
“5-star Lisa Kleypas love scene sex”?

Now you're stimulating my neurons very nicely. 8)

Sin said...

I think Q meant me because I wouldn't include him.


Sin said...

The only one vanilla today in their fantasies was me. And I can't think of anything better than to be unreachable on an island with complete silence other than nature as my companion.

Sin said...

Besides, today, Chance told me I had to wear red. *running around* I can't fantasize and have ruffled underpants on.

Sin said...

And did you know there is a music artist who goes by the band name, "Puscifer"?

Honestly. I can't make that $hit up.

terrio said...

I'm pretty sure that fantasizing is the exact thing you do when you're running around in ruffled panties. Just sayin'....

Damn it, I totally forget to wear red today. Stupid memory...

Hellion said...

Oh, good, I'm so glad my comment was not considered in the "suitable for school essays" category. You had me scared. *LOL*

Janga said...

I did return, but these x-rated fantasies left me too intimidated to post a description of my strictly vanilla writing fantasy. I'll leave the island for you more adventurous souls and settle for a phone call from an agents who says my book has just been preempted by a major publisher (whoever's left standing at the end of another quarter) in a "very nice deal."

Jane L said...

Royal Kitties, there you are! We must leave the fine crew of the Revenge, Lord Bry is on his way to get us and take us out to a lovely dinner! Hmmmm I wonder if there will be any...... tonight! Well you know what is it that this crew wants "porn sex" LOL!!!!! I think we will have to explore that further on our next journey!!! Have a great weekend all and I hope 2nd chance finds her way back to the ship soon!maybe she is raiding the red panty store!

Julie said...


You didn't see Me posting ANY publishing fantasy did you Janga? No Erotic, exotic, or just a Plain Jane fantasy for this girl. Nope. And is not just because I can't see myself being picked up ... cough ... by a publisher either. Its because I'm sooooo... you know ...innocent & demure & quaintly quiet. Bucolic. Boring even. Really. I have no fantasies.

Uuhh did I hear that you guys were supposed to wear red today? I have a red dress just hangin' around my closet if anyone wants to borrow it. Trust me it'll fit you ... its made out of spandex. And I guaretee that if you wear it you Will get picked up ... Just ... not nesesarily by a publisher!

2nd Chance said...

Gods! What a shopping excursion! Scuse me while I unload all the booty! Whew!

So, I missed Hel's porn sex fantasy... Glad ya worked in some discovery there, something besides the glittery hooha discover by Jack Sparrow!

Sin and all, ya can wear red all month long in recognition of women's heart health month! I wore my red and white striped sailor shirt today...and red socks.

Bein' discovered at Starbucks is the fantasy, simply being discovered is the plan, definately.

Q - Dreaming of the nobel prize in physics is wond'erful.

Hand me another one a' those drinks, me feet are killin' me! And I'm still 90 minutes drive from 'earth and 'ome.

Anyone believe Julie? 'bout being too innocent to fantasize? Hahahahahah!

When I get 'ome I'm gonna get the duck, uncork the wine and watch some porn with me DH. 'nuff said... Man, I am soooooo tired!

2nd Chance said...

Blast, gotta clean up the bar first. Cursed undead monkey and 'is tale, knockin' over everything. Least I can collect the empties and get some cash at the recycle center...

And Q? Don't dis the San Andreas Fault and yer more likely find volcanos in yer South Pacific paradise than California! Lessen Mt. Shasta ever decides ta go...or the Mammoth Lakes... OK, there be some volcano threat, but not very much!

Hey! It's rainin! Cool...

Double blast, I gotta drive home in the rain...