Sunday, January 11, 2009

I Wanted to Write

So's I'm driving around last week, looking at all the pretty houses in my neighborhood, and I'm playing a kind of imagination game where I try to figure out which house I would want to live in.  Solely based on how it looks on the outside, of course.  Everything else aside, the one thing any home I eventually own must have, is a front porch.


I adore front porches.  And I don't mean that little 4 X 4 foot slab with a couple steps.  I mean a covered porch with rocking chairs and a swing.  It doesn't have to wrap around, but it should be a good size. The one in this picture would be a dream come true.

Other than my longing to sit on my front porch drinking tea or lemonade and swing my life away, there is another somewhat odd reason I want this porch.  It's for my daughter. 


I have always had this image of being on a date as a teen and having the boy walk me to the front door.  He gives me a chaste yet hormone stirring kiss before my dad starts flashing the porch light to let us know he's watching.  I never had this.  Never had a room or a porch or that goodnight kiss.  But, my daughter can have it.


I want her to be able to bring a boy onto our porch and get that kiss right before I come out with guns blazing.  Okay, maybe I'll just flash the lights.  Anyway, this is why I want my porch.


So what does this have to do with writing?  Well, as I was driving and thinking about that porch and that kiss, I realized I wanted to write that scene.  I wanted to write about the boy being so twitterpated after the kiss that he nearly tumbles down the steps into a heap of gangly legs and arms.  I wanted to write.


I read a blog last week on the Romance Bandits where Jeanne Adams talked about wanting snow.  She talked about wanting to build forts and have snowball fights. And as I was reading, I wanted to write that scene.  I wanted to write about a family having a snowball fight.  Or maybe about a single mom and her daughter out having a snowball fight and the cute single neighbor next door joining in.  Bottom line, I wanted to write.


I'm not sure when or how it happened, but the idea faucet has started flowing once again.  Right now it's just random scenes that show up.  But enough random scenes and I'll have some random chapters and eventually, a book. 


So for today, look around.  Remember something you saw driving to work or over the weekend.  Did you see some kids playing in the snow?  Did you see a woman in the grocery store who looked as if she hadn't smiled in a long time?  What did you see that could inspire a scene in your head?  Now, tell us about the scene.


Quantum said...

Terri, I think thats the way that I write as well. Writing short scenes that come in to my head.

When there are enough, one has to derive order from the chaos. Now I know a lot about chaos theory and there are some powerful theorems to help, but the best guide is the goodnight kiss to start the romance and the kiss by the log fire for the HEA, the rest is technical detail. *grin*

On the question of porches for goodnight kisses I remember my first girlfriend. She lived in a big country mansion. It had a large porch and a long winding front path through a flower garden with some fruit trees.

The first kiss was in the porch, but it felt uncomfortable as she had a feeling of being watched. So next time we we strolled down the path toward the gate and detoured behind a tree. Thats where the real romance began, with only her pet cat up in the tree as chaperon. :D

Maggie Robinson said...

Terri, I get flashes of scenes as I cruise around all the time, but they're never right for what I'm working on, LOL. And I am trying to stay focussed on one thing at a time. A miracle, I know.

I did wake up at 4 AM yesterday though with a scene for the WIP I just had to write. Don't know where it's going, but it involved apple blossoms, boarding school, and two...guys.

Sorry if this posts twice. odd things are happening on the Internets.

Tiffany said...

I love looking at houses!
I see scenes a lot too. A lot more with this current book. But what I'm seeing comes way later in the book and I need to focus on working chronologically right now.
And a snow ball fight could be fun to write. The exhilaration of it, the pure unadulterated fun!

Elyssa Papa said...

That's awesome, Terri! Sometimes, it's the most ordinary of things that will strike and get you back on the writing path. Things come to me from what someone might say, an image, etc. Run with the idea and have fun!

haleigh said...

I love the ideas you're getting Terri - both of those, the porch and the snowballs, create instant images and emotions. Isn't it funny how once ideas start flowing, you can't make them stop? I write the same way - when a random scene pops into my head, I write it down - eventually they turn into characters and scenes and chapters...

So I'm headed back to class in 10 minutes - I think I've died and gone to writer's heaven. Yesterday I sat through a class called "maintaining narrative tension" (since I wasn't 100% sure what narrative tension meant I figured it was the class I should be taking *g*) and got all sorts of ideas for how to keep a reader hooked and turning the page. That's what "Narrative tension" means - why didn't they just say that? lol.

kelly krysten said...

Gosh, I've missed this ship over the past couple days(weeks?).
I *heart* big front porches. They really make a house look so warm and welcoming. Back porches are nice too. The one at my house is especially nice because we have a really pretty view of the lake...well, it's actually more of a really big pond.*g*
I get flashes of scenes all the time. They're mostly for future book ideas and not the one I'm actually working on. Dang that glimmer!
Great blog, Ter!!

Irisheyes said...

I'm so excited for you! That is usually how it works for me too. I get scenes in my head and have to wrap a story around it. The scenes are very vivid though right down to the dialogue and setting. The porch thing is awesome.

I had the strangest thing happen to me last night, though. Instead of a scene popping into my head I had a feeling sort of surround me. It was how a wounded heroine would feel being confronted in a crowded room by her worst nightmare and the feeling she would have if the person she least expected showed up to rescue her from an uncomfortable situation. So... none of the details of the scene (as it usually happens for me) - no dialogue, I don't even know where this is taking place. I just have some really strong emotions flying all around! Weird!

Have a great Monday everyone - off to work!!!

Marnee Jo said...

Ter, this is awesome. I'm so glad you're inspired again! I get inspiration like this all the time, but like Mags, it's not always right for what I'm working on. Snippets of people doing stuff or stories I make up for those people but it's always random, like me.

I love big porches too though! I never had a porch, per se, but we had a swing under an awning. I sat and had conversations with my HS BF lots of times, especially cause our house was so small a conversation was never private.

Keep us posted on how the writing goes, girl!

terrio said...

I slept in!!! Dagnabbit! Rolled over at 8:37 this morning and started freaking out. LOL! So I'm late but I'll get to all of these.

Q - I can't say I've ever studied chaos theory but I've lived in chaos long enough that I should be some kind of expert at it. LOL! And it's those technical details you mention that give us fits. Too bad they can't just write themselves. Love the part about the cat being the chaperon. LOL!

terrio said...

Maggie - Your ideas are always amazing. Compared to you I have no imagination at all. Well, compared to a lot of people I don't. LOL! Can't wait to see how the apple blossoms play a part...and the two guys. ;)

Tiff - Sometimes writing people having fun is the most fun. And we all know when the H/H laugh together, it's a key ingredient in them falling in love.

terrio said...

Ely - Mine comes more from images than from something that is said. Which is ironic since I'm such a vocal person. :) At this point, I'll take any inspiration I can get.

Hal - Where are you?! That sounds like a great class. You're going to have to share your notes at the meeting next month. And you're right about the ideas flowing. Once they stop for me, they are off completely. But thankfully, once they turn back on, they seem to come with no trouble at all.

Hellion said...

Awesome blog. *laughing* I can totally see the front porch scene.

Actually now I'm remembering that Mastercard spoof where the boy is walking the girl to her door--front porch--and he kisses her goodnight, then leans against the house. "So, how about a blow job?" And she freaks out: "What? My parents are home!" "So what, they'll never know..." And this carries on for twenty seconds with the Mastercard voice punctuating between sentences.

"Having the balls to ask for a blow job? Three beers."--etc, etc.

So then the door opens. And this young woman's head pokes out, she looks like she just woke up. "Dad says to give him the blow job. And if you don't do it, I can give it...or Dad can give it. Whatever. Just tell your boyfriend to stop leaning on the intercom so we can get some sleep."

"Having a Dad with a sense of humor: PRICELESS."

I'm sure this is not what you'll be using your front porch for, eh, Ter?

Hellion said...

Most of my writing comes from scenes in my head. I figure it's because I watch so many movies, I see them play out like movies.

I haven't been looking around me lately. *LOL* I haven't had any scenes running through my head...

terrio said...

OMG! I've never seen that commercial. That's flippin' hysterical. LOL!

We need to put some scenes in your head. That's your homework for today. Go outside and walk during lunch. (Unless it's too cold, then just wait until your drive home.) Find something that makes you want to write a little something. Even if it's 100 words.

Sin said...

Still no writing this weekend. As Jules says, Mercury is against me this month. Which is coincidental that my BFF is my Mercury and having a second-quarter life eval and rehaul.

I love the old houses, with the windows and the porches and the wide open spaces and decks around the upstairs. I'm going to Savannah this summer and I can't wait to do the tour. I wanted to the last time; but I'm not going to front- I wasn't old enough to appreciate the beauty of the history of such a city.

Sin said...

I didn't see any scenes that begged to be written this weekend. I didn't get out much this weekend. I worked Saturday from home since I had my laptop back and then yesterday I slept in *g* and didn't make it Hellion's new place :(

I'm a horrible girlfriend.

terrio said...

Sin - If Savannah doesn't inspire some kind of scene, then nothing will. LOL! Can't wait to hear about the trip. And I can't believe you didn't make it to Hellie's new place. How else are the wenches going to get the real scoop on the place? LOL!

Sin said...

I'm going next weekend. I have Monday off next week, so even if I have to work from home on Saturday, I'll still have an extra day to get everything else done that requires attention on Monday and get to play around on Sunday.

Hellion said...

I had to get my own dipping cheese. (Walmart didn't have the stuff you got me hooked on; it was depressing. I found some stuff in the corner that looked comparable; however, by the time I was hungry for it, I was too lazy to set up my microwave to nuke it, so I had water instead and went to bed.)

How'd the inlaw dinner go, Sin?

I would LOVE to go to Savannah. (Okay, maybe not in July...but it's gorgeous...and you know the history is unbeatable!)

Marnee Jo said...

Ter, Hal's at Seton Hill, enrolled in the Writing Popular Ficion master's program. She's there for a week of intensive classes. :)

Marnee Jo said...

How are you settling in, Hells?

terrio said...

That's right, we have Monday off. I'm so looking forward to that.

Captain - I really suggest you unpack that microwave tonight if you haven't done it yet. We can't have you withering away!

Marn - I'm guessing she told us that and I don't remember? No surprises there. Can't wait to get the whole scoop.

Hellion said...

Marn, let's just say this is the most excited I've been to come to work because I knew I'd get to talk to people. Mind you when I was at home, I didn't talk to anyone, but I was free to ignore people. Now I can only ignore myself and currently I'm not real excited about it.

Otherwise, all's good. Except I made a new list of spices and crap I need and I just went to Walmart yesterday. It's going to have to wait. I'm going to have to eat unseasoned food this week.

Hellion said...

I unpacked it this morning. I knew I wouldn't want to unpack it tonight when I came home. I hope it works. I really want my cheese, damnit.

I did lose 5 pounds this week. Woo-hoo! Let's keep that momentum going!

Elyssa Papa said...

And congrats, Hellion on moving into your first apartment!!!

Elyssa Papa said...

You know, I was thinking more on this and a lot of my stories come frmo what if scenarios. Like when my students and family threatened to nominate me for What Not To Wear (I don't dress that bad) and I went what if a woman did win a makeover but didn't want it? Two summmers ago when Paris Hilton went to jail, I went what if there was a heiress who had the party-girl image but was nothing her "image?" (Of course I then immediately went and what if the hero is a modern-day, sexy Indiana Jones type)? LOL.

Then with this latest story, an author made a comment that rock stars heroes were hard romance heroes to write because of the stories associated with them, and I went: what if I did do that? (Granted this was years ago but when there were still no romances with rock star heroes out, I went screw it, I'll write one myself).

The What If Game is a fun one to play.

2nd Chance said...

I'm not a terribly observant person and finding scenes around me is just a dream that seldom manifests. I read the challenge last night and thought about it...and nada came to mind. I woke up in the midst of a scene that I'd like to write...that's how it works for me usually.

But I think as an exercise it would be good for me. So, when I take my walk along the bluff today and sigh with longing at all the doggies dashing about I will envision a scene...with dogs. And maybe a couple...having an argument about dogs...

Congrats on the the new place, Cap'n Hellion. And 5 pounds?! I am so jealous! Maybe ya should dump the cheese overboard...

Sin said...

I wish *I* could lose five pounds. I swear, going back to kickboxing is required at this point or I won't fit into anything. Not even my sweats.

Dinner at the in-laws- hm, how to describe such a thing? Interesting as usual. Sex is always mentioned. At the dinner table no less.

I'd much rather had cheese dip and fresh tortilla chips. And they don't carry that cheese anymore, Hellie. Probably a good thing or I'd weigh more than I already do.

I will get us muchies and come over prepared to write!

Sin said...

Yeah, we're going at the end of July (I'm thinking we went in June the last time and it was hotter than hell, I can only imagine what late July is going to feel like. Can you imagine coming home to Missouri and think it feels like heaven? LOL)

Manda's got this whole tour thing planned and the rest of the time we'll be in that neck of the woods. I get to spend three days in Tybee Island. I absolutely can't wait. Gotta lose weight so I can wear a swimsuit. I'm definitely not going to look like what I did when I went the first time, but minus a couple of fat rolls and I'll be happy.

terrio said...

Yay for the 5lb loss! I'm afraid to check the scale. I wasn't a very good girl in the last week or so. *sigh*

Ely - That "what if?" stuff is golden. Though so far my story ideas haven't come that way, the plot has to. What if he knows this? What if she doesn't tell him that? What if the best friend does so and so? The more questions you ask the better the story gets, IMO.

terrio said...

Sin - You are going to have a blast. And I have no doubt you'll look terrific in a bathing suit. It's one of the reasons I have trouble liking you. LOL! But where will you hide the ninja stars in there?

Chance - So you work with scenes processed by the subconscious. That still counts. Can't wait to hear what comes from the bluffs. And I love that you jump right into writing an argument. Funny how we always go for one of the stronger emotions.

Sin said...

LOL. I cannot tell you. Ninja secret.

Hellion said...

I should say my story ideas come from WHAT IF's like Ely. Complete with that self-destructive "What? Rock heroes don't sell, I'm SO writing a story about a rock hero." Only mine are like, the devil or married men. Ely's is FAR more marketable.

HOWEVER, once the what if part has past, the scenes themselves tend to play in my head...or I'll do something during the day or something else will and I'll think, "Hey that'd work in the book."

So essentially I copy from all you all. Because all you all are f-ing brilliant.

Hellion said...

*clawing at her face* They don't make that CHEESE anymore? Are you KIDDING? How are we going to have dip? GAH. We've got to find new cheese.

2nd Chance: no way am I giving up my cheese dip. Don't be crazy.

Janga said...

Ahh, front porches! I grew up in a front porch culture--couples courted on front porches, babies were rocked on front porches, kids played on front porches, family stories were told on front porches, old folks watched the world go by on front porches, and mourners gathered on front porches. Air conditioning changed all that. I wouldn't give up my air conditioning, but I miss front porch life.

Sin, I love Savannah and Charleston. I say I don't believe in ghosts, but those cities always change my mind.

It doesn't take much for a story to start in my mind. An overheard fragment of conversation, a snippet of a song, someone pounding a "For Sale by Owner" sign into a lawn--all of these have given me ideas. Right now since I've been doing lots of research for a non-fiction project, all these pieces of research are giving me ideas. For example, a woman in her mid-30s falls in love with art and an artist and leaves a lifetime of conformity for bohemian freedom. I could turn that into a romance.

Lisa said...


I love front porches. My house has a fair size front porch with rocking chairs, but it's just not big enough. There is a dream house a few neighborhoods away that I drive by just to scope out the front porch. The porch wraps all away around the house. It's on the market, but way too high priced for my wallet.

The last scene I wrote from a visualization was of a picket fence and an old clapboard farm house. I wrote about fields of clover and wild flowers waving in the breeze as if they were saying goodbye to my heroine as she left town.

Most of the indoor scenes and descriptions I write are from memories of houses I've liked on HGTV. I find a lot of great yards and room visualizations on TV programs. Some of the outdoor scenes I remember from vacations or farmland in the area I live. I've even went as far as to walk the length of an open field and taken notes on the smell, sound, and sights. You don't realize if you close your eyes and concentrate on your senses what we miss everyday.

Great blog.

terrio said...

The great Cheese catastrophe of 2009! This isn't good. LOL!

Janga - I know I was born in the wrong time. We had a little porch while I was growing up, but it wasn't covered and it wasn't even big enough for a chair. However, I spent hours sitting on those stone steps with my boombox always beside me. Do you think all that stuff you said are southern things? I'm picturing the neighborhood I grew up in and I can't picture one really cool porch. I think the porch like what we're talking about might be more a Southern thing.

And you sure could turn that into a book! Make sure you write that down somewhere? LOL!

terrio said...

Lisa = Those are the things I forget. I sit trying to imagine stuff and forget that I could go outside and experience it. Look it up and try to find the setting or the color or the sound. I need to do that more.

2nd Chance said...

Where could Sin be hiding her ninja stars? Do I really want to think about this? :)

Sorry about the cheese dip, Cap'n. Ya could do what I did when me favorite bar stopped serving the Darby O'Gill. It were Irish Mist and Baileys. I weren't sure 'a the mix. So I sat up one night and kept 'perimentin' till it were right. I were blasted, but I got it done!

Terrio - I like a good argument to get the blood flowing, specially a really goofy, silly one. Like where they argue over what that specific breed of dog is walking across the grass... Nothing blood thirsty, just bickering that ends in laughing at each other.

I love porches. Alas, my house will not manage a wrap around, but we be working on the 'pier' as I call it. Bro-in-law rebuilt our old deck to resemble a pier, and just as sturdy. When the waters rise in California, I know where to tie up the Revenge!

Sin said...

Dude, the cheesy goodness of that cheese has been missing since the last time we had it. I've been a fiend for it ever since. But don't worry, I will stop by El Maguey before I come out there. It will be a homewarming present.

terrio said...

We're docking at Chance's house. Sounds good to me.

Those are the fun arguments, Chance. And that's when you can get in those great dialogue zingers. My H/H have an argument the second time they ever see each other and it was so fun to write. She gets in the last word and makes him look like a complete idiot. LOL!

Sin said...

Janga, Savannah can make the most die-hard non-believers believe in ghosts. It just has that feel. I love it. We're going to stay in Savannah for a night. I imagine with just one night, my creep-o-meter will be in the dangerous zone. I totally believe in ghost. This is going to be scary.

terrio said...

Now I'm wondering how the Captain made it through a stay at my place with no cheese dip. Hmmmm......

Sin - As long as the ghost doesn't follow you home, you'll be okay. :)

Hellion said...

Dude, I was too busy swilling beer and rum to care about cheese. Best of all, you had boys there within the hour, one of which was very good with his hands.

Besides when I was vacationing there, it was the Fried Fish Catastrophe of 2007. For the love of Ike, who would have believed that finding beer-battered fish in a coastal town would be a futile endeavor! I should have looked for cheese.

terrio said...

LOL! We found the battered fish eventually. The funniest thing is that I've found a million places since then that serve battered fish. LOL! I'll do much better the next time.

And as I don't eat cheese dip, I have no idea where we would have found that. But I'll ask around to be prepared for the next time.

J Perry Stone said...

An hour a day, Terri. That's all you need for the writing.

1 hour.

As for me, I have a cold sore. Every nerve in my body seems to live in that cold sore. Either that or it's electric, zingy and twitching with feeling, and I could plug the coffee maker into it.

I don't feel like writing other feelings, and certainly not sexy ones.

I just feel like talking about my cold sore--my big, fugly cold sore that feels as though it's going to take over my face.

Did I mention I have a cold sore?

2nd Chance said...

Did I hear someone mention cold sore...

Like a tooth-ache, I bet. Nothing worse than that. Save fer an ear-ache... Break out the rum!

Have a glittery hooha...

terrio said...

An hour a day. That sounds totally doable. And if I can find the discipline, I'll do it. BTW - I tried to call you today. Does the cold sore prevent you from answering the phone? LOL!

Chance - Way to be on top of things. Or under things as the case may be around here....

J Perry Stone said...

I was at the coffee-shop writing about sexy feelings ... and thinking about my cold sore.

2nd Chance, you're the only one who understands!

Janga said...

Terri, porches--back and front--were one way of coping with steamy summers in the deep South, so yes, I think they are part of Southern culture. It was not just homes of the wealthy that had porches. Modest homes had them too because they were necessities, not luxuries. Porch memories cross lines of gender, class and race.

You can find paintings and photographs, collections of short stories, poems, and music that focus on Southern porches. I don't think that's true of any other region.

terrio said...

J - I'm sure your sexy feeling writing was in no way hindered by your cold sore. Unless one of your characters ends up with herpes, then we'll know when you wrote that part.

terrio said...

Janga - that makes perfect sense. With winters being so much shorter up north, the porch wouldn't be a necessity at all. But no matter where I end up buying a house, I definitely want a porch. Necessity or not. LOL!

J Perry Stone said...

OMG, I'm TMIing myself!

And now I'm gagging.

J Perry Stone said...

LOL, Terri. And stop making fun of my giant herp!

It's so big, I swear it's throwing me off balance.

It's so big, I feel pressure to name it.

Herb the herp.

J Perry Stone said...

Phew. Janga was my lemon!

J Perry Stone said...

Oh Janga, suddenly I want to sip sweet tea and watch the lightning bugs.

2nd Chance said...

Best scene in To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout and Aticus on the porch swing, talking about the day...

Not to invite envy, but today is glorious here on the Central Coast of California... I just took a walk along the bluff and the sun was near shattering the sapphire water with brilliance... Did I mention I was in my short sleeved shirt?

*ducking the thrown bottles, knives and b'laying pins...

2nd Chance said...

Wish ya all could be California girls....

Janga said...

Not I, Chance. I'm a Southern chauvinist. :)

Your lemon, J? Are we getting new buttons for this? LOL!

terrio said...

Thank goodness for the lemon. We don't tolerate sea-sickness on this ship!

Chance - You're killing me, woman. I so hate winter.