Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What We’re Thankful For: A Heartwarming RWR Dialogue

Sin: [in hammock, drinking a frozen margarita] What? We’re blogging today? But it’s Thanksgiving. I thought we were taking the day off now that we’ve pulled into port. Has anyone told you you’re a workaholic, Hell?


Hellion: [flipping the hammock, though Sin, like a cat, lands on her feet without spilling a drop. Freaking ninja.] Thanksgiving is tomorrow. You’ll have time aplenty to fill up on green bean casserole and mashed potatoes.


Sin: [bouncing] Mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes. [points to the shirt she’s wearing] I had a t-shirt made to celebrate how much I love mashed potatoes. [a baby pink hoodie with hot pink writing that says: Team Mashed Potatoes]


Terri: [exchanging looks with Marnee and Hellion] What happened to Team Edward?


Sin: [lifts her hoodie and flashes the shirt beneath] Oh, he’s here, see?


Marnee: You know it just wouldn’t be a Thanksgiving if someone wasn’t flashing, would it?


Hellion: Indeed not. [clapping to get attention] All right. This is an impromptu “What are we thankful for?” blog, so Marnee why don’t you go….


Sin: Why does Marnee always get to go first?


Hellion: Because everyone already knows what you’re thankful for.


Terri: That Twilight came out three weeks earlier than planned?


Marnee: That you got to see the movie about fourteen times since it came out last weekend?


Lisa: That she’s going to see it another fourteen times this weekend?


Terri, Marnee, Sin, Hellion: [squeeing] LISA! You dropped by!


Lisa: You didn’t think I’d let you do Thanksgiving without me, would you? I have a list of what I’m thankful for. And someone better save me some mashed potatoes.


Sin: [still bouncing] Mashed potatoes! Mashed potatoes! Mashed potatoes!


Hellion: Thank God, you’re back, Lisa. You always do raise the class level of the ship. [ignoring affronted look from Terri; Sin still humming about mashed potatoes] I mean, Marnee does her level best, but one lone pirate to raise the other three? The math odds are just better with you on board. You know how 2 to 3 is better than 1 to 3…


Terri: [droll tone] Really, Hellion, is math your forte? Quick, English major, what’s two plus two?


Hellion: I don’t….


Sin: [snickers] She might as well switch her major to math…I mean, who didn’t know the Kiss Me Kate reference? Oh, yeah, the English major.


Marnee: [speaking over] I’m thankful the Captain has a sense of humor…


Hellion: [frosty Snape look] Do I? That’s news to me.


Terri: [sotto voice] And me.


Sin: [snickering with Lisa]


Marnee: And isn’t one to hold grudges when we get cheeky….


[All other crew members burst out laughing except Hellion, who sniffs and tugs at her jacket sleeves]


Hellion: Yes. Let’s all be thankful for my impeccable sense of humor and lack of grudge holding. Enough of this. All right, what are you thankful for, Terri?


Marnee: I thought…[sees Hellion’s look and smiles at Terri] Yes, Terri, what are you thankful for?


Terri: I’m thankful for oral sex…


Hellion: Damn, that was on my list.


Sin: And mine.


Marnee: And mine.


Lisa: Dude, you know it’s on mine.


Hellion: Could we try for something a little more Thanksgiving-y?


Sin: I bet that was fun to say. How much rum have you had, Hellie? Three, four pints?


Terri: You’re not asking the English major to count again, are you?


[pandemonium fighting ensues]


Lisa: [blowing whistle, getting everyone’s attention, though all look sheepish] Thank you. Geez, the first thing I’m thankful for is that nobody has changed on this ship. You’re still the same fun, rollicking crew as you ever were.


Terri: I’m thankful Marnee got her edits done so one of us looks like a working pirate.


Marnee: I’m thankful Terri pitched my book…and I’m thankful….


Hellion: [interrupting and striding forward to pace in front of them] I’m sorry, between all this banter, I’ve compose a musical parody that expresses everything the RWR is thankful for this year. [passing out music sheets to a flummoxed crew] Okay, from the top, band! One, two,…


Lisa: But we haven’t practiced….


Sin: Karaoke! I love karaoke! Almost as much as mashed potatoes…


Terri: And Edward.


Sin: Of course, and Edward…


Hellion: Three…to the tune of “12 Days of Christmas”… Today on Turkey Day, I’m most thankful for you see, one completed manuscript for publishers to see…


Crew: [joining in dubiously] And today on Turkey day, we’re most thankful for you see, two editors bidding and one completed manuscript for publishers to see.


Marnee: This isn’t too bad really…and I am thankful for completing my manuscript. And completing the edits…and my husband is thankful I’m showering again…


Crew: And today on Turkey day, we’re most thankful for you see, three contest wins, two editors bidding and one completed manuscript for publishers to see.


Sin: Where’s the mashed potatoes? I don’t see them listed on this paper…


Crew: And today on Turkey day, we’re most thankful for you see, four agent requests, three contest wins, two editors bidding and one completed manuscript for publishers to see.


Terri: [glancing ahead at the list] I think the lack of mashed potatoes is the least of the concerns.


Crew: And today on Turkey day, we’re most thankful for you see, FIVE KEGS OF RUM, four agent requests, three contest wins, two editors bidding and one completed manuscript for publishers to see.


Lisa: Anyone thought of giving the Captain a vacation in a nice mental facility for Christmas?


Marnee: I have


Terri: Me, too


Sin: It’s in the works.


Crew: And today on Turkey day, we’re most thankful for you see, six CPs critiquing, FIVE KEGS OF RUM, four agent requests, three contest wins, two editors bidding and one completed manuscript for publishers to see.


Terri: Actually, I’m rather impressed. So far she hasn’t referenced Captain Jack or Pirates of the Caribbean…


Lisa: [dismally] Or Ranger. Isn’t anyone thankful for Ranger anymore?


Sin: [high fives Lisa] Oh, girlfriend, you know I’m all about Ranger and the mighty batstick.


Lisa: [nodding, grinning] Ah, the batstick.


Crew: And today on Turkey day, we’re most thankful for you see, eight months till Harry Potter 6… [Marnee, Terri, Lisa, & Sin stutter to halt and shift paperwork, confused]


Sin: Where’s seven?


Terri: Honestly do I need to keep reminding you who we’re talking about here?


Lisa: [shaking head] She really can’t add, can she?


Marnee: Not a column.


Hellion: [oblivious]… three contest wins, two editors bidding and one completed manuscript for publishers to see.


Crew: And today on Turkey day, we’re most thankful for you see, 21 uber-awesome guest authors, eight months till Harry Potter….


Lisa: [shaking head] How is she coming up with these numbers? Are they just completely random?


Sin: No, we’ve had 21 uber-awesome guests this year. [counting on fingers] Anna Campbell, Dee S. Knight, Leslie Langtry, Pamela Clare (who’s coming back next week by the way), Colleen Gleason, Anna West, Colette Gale, Lacey Alexander, Kimberly Killion, Dana Morton, Toni Blake, Aunt Cindy…


Terri: [holding up a gorgeous blue and green covered novel] You mean, Loucinda McGary, author of The Wild Sight, in stores now or available for order at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble?


Sin: Yes, Vana, and we’ve also had Megan Kelly and Angie Fox and Teresa Medeiros and Candace Camp and Sabrina Jefferies and Christie Craig and Faye Hughes and Mindy Klasky and Eloisa James. Am I missing anyone?


Terri: Wait, where are we now?


[Crew turns to Hellion, who’s still singing as if nothing is amiss]


Hellion: Today on Turkey day, we’re most thankful for you see, 28 Twilight viewings…


Sin: Edward!


Crew: 21 uber-awesome guest authors, eight months to Harry Potter….


Sin: [bouncing around and between crew members] Edward, Edward, Edward…


Terri: [cutting off the song in mid-FIVE KEGS OF RUM] Stop, stop, stop. I think we should go back to the original plan of everyone saying what they’re most thankful for. Show of hands who agree. [four other hands go up, Marnee has up both hands. Everyone looks at her.]


Marnee: Oh, right, like we can’t cheat on this ship…


Terri: All right, then it’s unanimous. Captain, you go first. What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving.


Hellion: [cat with the canary look] Oral sex.


Terri: You forgot, “And that my father doesn’t read my own blog.” We’re moving on before you get all blubbery and emotional. I know it’s in you.


Hellion: I’m not done! I’m grateful for my crew, those on and off this ship, and without whose support none of this would be nearly as fun…or meaningful. I’m grateful to my critique partners (thank you, Dee and Sin! You guys completely rock!). I’m grateful for DVDs so I can watch POTC every other day without warping it; and I’m grateful for the roof over my head and the job that pays the bills and…


Sin: Hellie, I love you but you’re a blog-hog. You’re being cut off. I’m grateful for Edward. And that Harry Potter got bumped until next July. Even if I have to hear Hellie whine about it every other day at the gym.


Lisa: And I’m grateful for Ranger! There, it needed to be said. I can’t believe it was left off. What’s wrong with you people? I take a temporary leave of absence and suddenly Ranger is stricken from the lists….


Sin: Ranger, Ranger, Ranger. Oops, I mean, Edward, Edward, Edward…


Marnee: Do I get a turn yet? I’m grateful for finishing my edits! Have I mentioned that yet?


Terri: Not much, only 14 or 15,000 times…


Lisa: Not that we blame you. Where are you in your book, Terri?


Terri: Who invited her back, anyway?  [gives Lisa the evil eye]  I doubt I can top Marn for mushy-ness but I'll try. I'm thankful for my Little Pirate whose put up with a very cranky (read: frustrated) mommy pirate lately. Bless her heart. I'm grateful for my fellow wenches who never fail to make me smile and make me want to be a better (worse?) pirate. For this fantastic online community in which I live these days and all the amazing women, published authors and as-yet-unpubbed alike, who inspire me, motivate me, support me, and listen to me whine incessantly. And for oral sex. NEXT!


Hellion: Frustrated? That’s a tame word for under-laid, isn’t it? I mean haven’t we all had to put up with your cranky-a….


Terri: I swear, you have sex more than once a year and you act smug about it. You’ve written the book on cranky.


Hellion: You’re just jealous I published before you.


Terri: I’m fine not having my name associated with Bed Rage: Tales of an Under-Laid Pirate Queen.


Hellion: You smell funny.


Marnee: What part of next do the two of you not understand? No one cares Hellion got laid this year.


Lisa: Can I go next? I have to be somewhere, and if I wait until the Captain and Bo’sun stop bickering, it’ll be next week before I can go. [Marnee waves a hand.] Great. [says in a rush as if anticipating being interrupted yet again] I’m thankful for my life, my friends and family, Chad’s giggle, my job and working with the greatest co-workers I could ever ask for.


Marnee: I do love my little pirate’s giggle, too.


Sin: Mattycakes giggles. But it’s usually right before he says ‘pull my finger’ so really it’s not quite as charming….


 Marnee: [marking on a clipboard] Okay, we’ve covered the Captain, the Bo’sun, Lisa…how about you, Sin? Anything else you’re thankful for this year?


Sin: I’m thankful I didn’t have to hide as many bodies this year as I did last year. And my mother thought those anger management lessons she bought me at Christmas didn’t pay off. [scoffs] I’m also grateful Hellion offered me her 160 acres of farmland to hide the body of that strumpet….


Hellion: [clearing throat] You’re more than welcome, Sin, why don’t we keep that between us, shall we?


Marnee: [makes a checkmark on her list] All right, I think then I can go now, right? Good. I’m thankful I finished my manuscript this year….


Terri: [sotto voice] 15,001.


Marnee: And for getting my edits completed. I’m thankful for my critique partners and readers who have helped me polish my manuscript—and for doing so on such short notice for agent requests and contests. You guys have been great. The pirates for being so fun and charming as they can only be—and great cheerleaders. For my husband who’s been my best cheerleader and supporter; and my little pirate, who thinks I’m a great mommy when I let him be entertained by the boob tube so I can get my edits done. I owe him another noisy car, I think. I’m also thankful for my family and friends…and well, everyone…here and the Eloisa BB has the best group of comrades the internet could ever dream up. Thanks for being so great!


All Together: Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. What are you thankful for?


ReneeLynnScott said...

*sob, sob* I feel all warm inside. It must be all the rum being passed around, right? I mean surely it can't be all this thankfulness. Can it?

[stands on a barrel of rum]

All right, all right. I'm thankful for my family even if I complain about them. If it weren't for them, I'd have nothing to write about. I'm thankful I finished a book and have started on two more. I'm thankful for my cps *MWAH* they're the best. Thankful for Fanlit Forever gals, Romance Roundtable pals, and for RWR! The romance community rocks!

Okay, I think I've had enough rum. I'll go back to my corner now.


2nd Chance said...

'ave another one, Renee! *Hiccup...

I'm gra-ful...uh, I mean grate-ful...yeah, that's it. Grateful I don't have ta cook a trukey tomorra...

OK, ...burp...

Let me on the barrel...now... I'm grateful Bolt was such a great movie and I wannna team Bolt hoodie. And my hudby went wit' me and held me hand when I cried...he's so wonnerful...

I'm thankful I found the Rebenge...I mean the Revenge and was welcome aboard. And...big one here, I'm thankful almost dying made me brave about going forward with me writing. (Needed something good ta come outta it!)

I lubs you all! I'm gettin' offa this barrel now, it's spinnin'...

2nd Chance said...

Oh, almos forgot... (tries to remount barrel, ends up sprawled atop it..)

I'm thankin' the world for oral sex. And regular sex, and irregular sex, and...ya get the gist!

Maggie Robinson said...

All of the above.

Marnee Jo said...

Renee - That all sounds like great stuff to be thankful for! :)

2nd - Bolt was good? I was wondering how it was, whether it'd be a good one for the lil pirate. And we're happy you came out of lurkdom this year too!! :)

Maggie - ditto to what you said....

terrio said...

Oh, Bolt is really good! Whoot! Definitely on the list for this weekend.

Renee - You rock, girly! (BTW-how's the hair look?)

2nd - We're so glad we found you in that line up on Tortuga. Good help is hard to find and you're the bestest bartender we've ever had!

ReneeLynnScott said...

Third, or fourth, is it fifth now? Never mind. Hear, hear to oral sex! *blushes, mutters beneath her breath* Did I just say oral and sex in the same sentence?

(Hair looks great, like I've been well pleasured. And I just woke up.:))


terrio said...

I'm gonna need the number for that hairdresser....

Marnee Jo said...

Oh, yay new hair cut. That's awesome!! :) Glad you like. I'm going to get mine done today.

ReneeLynnScott said...

2nd, I'm grateful for you near dying too. Well, not that you near died, but if you hadn't you wouldn't have been brave, and if you hadn't been brave you wouldn't be here on...on...*sniffle* on this wonderful pirate ship.

I needs me some more rum.


Lisa said...

*holding rum cup high in the air*

Hear, hear!

To any kind of sex, and hair that looks well pleasured. God, I've missed this ship:)

terrio said...

*passes full mug and box of tissues to Renee*

Marnee Jo said...

Hear hear!!

ReneeLynnScott said...

Oh, oh, oooo *hugs, Lisa* We miss you too! So, uh, when ya comin' back fer good?


Lisa said...

*ho hum*

So Renee, about that well pleasured hair... *g*

I'm seriously considering swabbing the deck more often:)

terrio said...

We knew she'd be back. We're too irresistable! LOL! And for the record, WE'VE MISSED YOU TOO!

Sin said...

Lord almighty, look at all this weeping. I feel like I need germ-X or something to repel all this emotion.

I love that Renee said her hair looks like she just rolled out of bed after a night of being well loved. I have hair like that too. I love it.

I'm thankful for sex and when there isn't enough of the fully functional crazy sex, the battery operate kind of sex works too.


Sin said...

Chance and Renee- I'm going to wander into the land of some emotion and say it's been wonderful having you both on the ship and I'm so glad you found us at cyberland sea. Of course, it's not hard to find us when we're constantly drunk and singing.

haleigh said...

*double fisting rum cups and holding them up for toasts*

I'm grateful for a bunch of pirates who whip my butt into shape when I start whining.

And that Lisa's back! *running over to Lisa. bumping rum cups*

And that I found out about the glittery hoo ha (cause we all knew I was going to bring it back up).

So....what happens when you mix oral sex and glitter?

Sin said...

I knew Hal was going to bring back the double fisting. It's not Thanksgiving without it.

terrio said...

LMAO! Mixing oral sex and glitter. Well, that leads to the glitter beard, darlin'! LOL!

*adds glitter to her shopping list*

haleigh said...

*innocent smile, twirling hair*

What'd I say?

Marnee Jo said...

And the glitter. Let's not forget the glitter.

ReneeLynnScott said...

LMAO! I think I like the sound of that.

BTW, where's Hellion? All this talk of oral sex and glittery hoo ha I'm surprised...unless she's off in a corner with Jack putting Terr's glittery beard theory to the test.


terrio said...

She's around here somewhere. Likely having trouble reading that compass again....

Hellion said...

Sorry, guys, I got up late! (Big surprise when you're hungover.) And yep, Terr's theory works. *purring as Captain Jack pulls her back against him and nuzzles her neck*

And I'm glad we opened that sex wide open...it wasn't fair to be thankful for oral sex only. All of it's good. Really, really, really good.

More rum!

Sin said...

Happy Thanksgiving y'all. I won't be around again probably until Monday. *rolling keg off the ship and into the nearest tavern*

terrio said...

Have a safe holiday, Sin! Take it easy on the pillaging. Bail money funds are low!

ReneeLynnScott said...

Bye, Sin! Pillage all you want, we'll come break you out. ;)


Hellion said...

Eat some rolls for me, Sin!

terrio said...

Oh, rolls. That reminds me I'm hungry. *toddles off to the galley*

island girl said...

Samoans always say when a group of women are laughing, they're talking about sex.

I'm grateful for a group of writers who keep me young. Laughter always ensues when I'm reading your blog. The good kine laughter.

I'm grateful that I've only thrown up five times. Yes, I actually count. Pathetic really--but I like to set goals.

Happy Thanksgiving to the KRAZIEST PIRATES I've ever met.

terrio said...

IG - {{{{HUGS}}}} I hope the throwing up stuff ends soon. Did you have this same thing with the rest of them?!

I think we need to change your name to Island Princess. You sure deserve the title!


ReneeLynnScott said...

Oh Princess on the ship. How cool! Can I try on your tiara? Pretty Pleeeeeeese!


terrio said...

Would that make us her Pirates-in-Waiting? LOL!

Marnee Jo said...

Awh, I'd love to be a pirate in waiting!

Hellion said...

*LOL* I'd love to be a pirate in waiting too. *LOL* Do we get special hats?

terrio said...

Not sure, but since she's an Island Princess, we're guaranteed to get Lei'd. LOL!

I crack myself up.....

2nd Chance said...

P'rites don't wait...they push ahead a the line! Especially fer lei-in'. Now...we may be a pirate court fer the princess...

Dreamt of the Caribbean last night...is raining here, cold, chilly rain. I'm fer double fisting the rum meself. (Ain't goin' the other line a thought...)

(Tilting head, eyes narrow, thought bubble leaking outta me ear...)

Though, if'n a glittering beard...glittery bracelets? Gods, I'm leavin' now!

Maybe I'll talk the hubby inta seein' Bolt again! (Take hankies, check.)

Irisheyes said...

Looks like a wild time is being had by all on the ship today! I wanted to pop in and say Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! I hope everyone has a wonderful (or at least tolerable *Hellion*) and safe, if traveling (or surrounded by obnoxious relatives and sharp implements *Hellion again*), Turkey Day.

I'm thankful for lots (family, friends, awesome P/T job, my health, cyber-buddies). I won't even try to top oral sex. That seems to be a pretty popular one.

Enjoy everyone! Don't over-eat (yeah, like that's gonna happen)!

Hellion said...

Ah, Irish, you know me too well. *LOL* Have a Happy Turkey Day as well!

Janga said...

Sorry I'm so late chiming in. First I was cooking for tomorrow and then I was blushing so from your uncensored comments that the glow blinded me temporarily. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, pirates. I'm thankful for you and for the laughter you bring and the loyalty you give without measure.

Santa said...

I am so thankful that this ship set sail so that I can be entertained, educated and enlightened. (that was for all my alliteration friends out there)

I am thankful for all my cyber-friends who have been with me on the romance lovin' reading and writing journey.

I am thankful for FROS and the fantasies they feed.

Oh, and for oral sex. *rolls eyes* I can't believe I just typed that out loud!

Have a great Thanksgiving my hardy pirate wenches!

Of the better late than never persuasion....

Marnee Jo said...

Awh, we made Janga blush! I'm so proud of us. :)

Santa - shucks.... you're so sweet. :)

We're so thankful for you two as well. Happy turkey days to you both!