Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hero Comparison- Reality vs Fantasy.

Lovers- Edward and Bella- Hero and Heroine 



The fantasy is not always better than the reality.




All heroes have their faults. It's true. They're only human. In our mind- the heroine- our hero is perfectly maddening and alluring and really good at driving us crazy. There is something about this hero that attracts us like moths to a flame. When he looks at you, you feel like you're the only thing he sees in his world. And our hero could tackle the world and save us with one hand tied behind his back. It is that hero mentality that makes us fall in love and do the strangest of things to keep that feeling deep inside us. Having the hero by your side while you fight for your lives is the fantasy; the reality is the hero staying with you for all of time, until you take your last breath.


Twilight the movie is releasing on Friday and I'm reminded of how I felt the first time I read the book- anxious, excited, and completely in love with the thought of first love and lust at first sight. There is a certain lust for life you find while you're reading the POV of a girl who has just fallen in love for the first time in her life. She's awakened at the thought of this guy who nearly steals her breath away every time he walks into a room. She's mesmerized by the sight of him. He's all she can think about and really the only person she wants to think about. But yet, he wants nothing to do with her. He avoids her. He's rude to her, obnoxiously rude and hateful and she is still drawn to him. His reaction to her only feeds her need to be near him.



I admit, I'm Team Edward. The very sight of him on page is enough to steal my breath away, to make my heart race in anticipation and a blush to flush across my cheeks. Even when I thought I wasn't supposed to fall for him, I did- hard. He is the bad boy without being the bad boy. He is the villain hero. He's dangerous only because of his capabilities to harm her, not because he chooses to or because he can. Edward sees Bella as his talisman, his salvation from darkness. She is his light.


Love between a hero and his heroine is often passionate, fiery, and all-consuming. I felt that way about the books, felt that way about the characters. My Mattycakes was very aggravated with my all-consuming need to read them as fast as I could. I couldn't put them down long enough to take a breather. I couldn't put them down long enough to have a semi-coherent conversation with him and it was all because of a fictional hero who fascinated me to the point of obsession.


I knew how Bella felt because I had been that girl, with my Edward, falling head first into a love affair that I knew I couldn't be without. And unlike Bella, whose race for the HEA was shot with peril every day of their existence together, I knew when I glanced up from my book, glasses perched low on my nose from falling down, my hero would be staring back at me with a bemused look on his face shaking his head with wonder over my fascination with a book. Little does he know, in my world, I am Bella and he is my Edward and eternity we shall spend together.


Today's song is Too Late by Ashes Divide, which is my official Twilight song.





Anyone else obsess about fictional heroes? Who is your all time favorite fictional hero (this can be book, movie, TV, comics, ect.)? And if you're a writer, how do they compare with the traits you've put into your own hero?


2nd Chance said...

Oh, yummy blog... Who did I idealize and fantasize about? Athos, of the Three Musketeers. First from the books, then from Oliver Reed's portrayal in the movie. He was the flawed hero, dark, passionate, morose. I always imagined myself the woman to heal the pain of his wife's betrayal.

When I write a hero, I look for that intensity, that loyalty and committment to honor. I like my heroes dark and passionate. And prone to occassional morosity (is that a word?) Well, it suffices.

Oh, and of course. Barnabas Collins. Liked Quentin Collins, too. Yummy.

Tiffany said...

I had that same need to devour the books, Sin. BUT I did not read the fourth book. I read all the spoilers and was really disappointed with the turn. I will read it... when I have time. No idea who I idolize... it's too early to figure that one out.

Marnee Jo said...

I obsessed about Edward. I must admit. I obsessed about HP, though, too, but not in a I wanna jump him sort of way. I just loved the world so much that I couldn't get enough of it.

I've sort of settled down into both obsessions. I love them both still, but the fire isn't burning as brightly.


Irisheyes said...

Wow, what a question, Sin! I obsess a lot, but thankfully not as much as I used to! LOL

My book hero obsessions:
Bey Malloren, Jo Beverley's Malloren series
Anthony Bridgerton, Julia Quinn's Bridgeton series
Grayson Thane, Nora Robert's Born In Trilogy
Marcus Westcliff, Lisa Kleypas' Wallflower series
Garrett Mayne, Eloisa James' Essex Sisters
Dan Calebow, SEP's Chicago Stars series
... and last but definitely not least... Jack Sheridan from Robyn Carr's Virgin River series

As for movies:
I wanted to BE Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles just so I could have a chance with Jake Ryan! He was hot! The whole premise of that movie had me obsessed for years.

Then, of course, there was my Paul Newman phase, my John Wayne phase, my Cary Grant phase and my Sean Connery phase. The fact that they were all old enough to be my grandfather had absolutely nothing to do with it thanks to the magic of film!

Oh, and we musn't forget Pierce Brosnan (I was an avid Remington Steele watcher back in the day)!

Di R said...

Some of my favorites are

Cam Quinn from Sea Swept, I loved the fact that he completely changed his life for his family.

Another is Tristan de Barre from Spirited Away. He is honor and integrity personified.

I know there are more, but I am drawing a blank, right now.
Great blog, Sin!


Sin said...

Chance, you are dark! I love it! My favorite heroes are the tortured ones. There's something about all that anger, solitude, moroseness that I love. And there is something about a tortured hero that's ultimately dangerous.

I love Ranger in Janet Evanovich's Plum series. He's very dark and what intrigues me the most is you never know what's going on with him. You never see his POV, never his thoughts.

Sin said...

Marn- Get thee editing. I'm not talking to you today. LOL Unless dire emergency.

Sin said...

Tiff, there are times I wish I didn't read BD either. I wasn't super thrilled with it. I needn't say more. You probably know what I'm talking about that didn't settle well with my para-loving personality.

Sin said...


Mayne *swoon*
Westcliff *swoon*

Cam and Kev *swoon*

And last but not least...

Ranger *full out passed out swoon*

I'm not much for TV show heroes. (Mostly because I prefer to use my own imagination and read and TV gives me a headache to watch), but if I was going to pick a TV hero you have to go with Remington Steele. Don Johnson was pretty hot in Miami Vice too. I'm not much for the blondes though.

Movies.. Hm. I'll say any movie with Eric Bana makes me swoon. I love the way his hair falls over his eyes and his grin. He's got the look of mischief.

Sin said...

Di- I love heroes that completely change their life and become a better man. Reminds me of pirate books. Seems like back in the early '90's when I'd read a book about a pirate or a capt'n, they were always really wicked and as soon as they met the heroine, their whole outlook on life changed and inspired them to change their life. Love books like that.

Hellion said...

Favorite heroes:

Ranger (for all the DUH reasons)
Harry Potter
Captain Jack Sparrow
Richard from Dreaming (Jill Barnett)
Kyrian from Night Pleasures (Sherrilyn Kenyon)
Jean Claude (from the Anita Blake series)

Sin said...

*hears the mention of Ranger again and swoons*

Freakin' Ranger makes me tingle in my naughty places.

I can't believe Ranger topped Capt'n Jack. Dude he's gonna be pissed when he reads that.

Hellion said...

Well, if Jack would stop freaking DEER HUNTING, he'd rate a little higher wouldn't he?

Hellion said...

How in the hell did I forget Mayne?


terrio said...

I've been mulling this one over in my brain and I know there should be one that stands out, but I can't narrow it down. Pretty much any Nora Roberts hero would suit me fine. Or the hero in SEP's Ain't She Sweet. I think his name is Colin?

OH WAIT! I know!! Two words...

Hardy. Cates.

Nuff said.

Sin said...


*backing away slowly*

R-A-N-G-E-R! We need Ranger STAT!

terrio said...

I can't help but laugh at that. I mean, I get the reference, but the vision of Jack prancing around in the words with a shotgun after some trolloping deer is cracking my ass up.

Sin said...

*biting lip* Hellion is going to kill me for saying that.

Sin said...

I know, Ter, with his eyeliner and all. LMFAO

Sin said...

Oh hell!

I forgot Hardy Cates.

I'm going to hell. He's quite possibly one of the hottest tortured heroes of all. He ranks up there with Ranger.

Marnee Jo said...

"Get thee editing." LOL!!

*pouting* ok ok.... grumble grumble.

Stephanie J said...

Oh gosh, way too many to list! I'm always drawn to the Alpha alpha!! And to the chief type. I thoroughly concur with most of what are listed above. :) I love the athletes in SEP's books... And I was about to go into N&S but then I realized it's just Richard Armitage that I love, lol.

I am confused! Ranger? Who is Ranger?!

(Team Edward!)

Hellion said...

OMG, someone doesn't know who Ranger is? *mouth agape* Is she playing?

Hellion said...

*fans self* HARDY. CATES. Yeah, he trumps Ranger, I'm afraid. Hell and damn.

*grins* Yeah, the Jack Sparrow in eyeliner, tramping out in the woods is funny. Shooting that pistol: "This shot is meant for you." *cocks weapon*

Of course, Sin would have to WATCH the movies to enjoy the reference.

terrio said...

Run, Steph! Run!!!

ReneeLynnScott said...

I see so many listed already, especially Mayne. And well, Anthony Bridgerton. Oh and, Marcus Westcliff. There's a special place in my heart for Douglas Sherbrooke. Then there is Maximillian Wells, then again most of Victoria Alexander's Effington heroes are...*fans self* yummy.

I can't forget Jack. Love Jack.

Irish, I wanted to be Molly Ringwald, too. But then I decided I wanted to be Jami Gertz who played Star in The Lost Boys, but only so I could have Jason Patric. Gosh that was way back in high school. Does that age me or what?


Sin said...

Stephanie, Ranger is the uber Alpha hero of Janet Evanovich's Plum series. He is so hot when his lines come up on the page, I'm pretty sure my panties melt off.

Sin said...


What did you just say about Ranger?!



ReneeLynnScott said...

*sigh* Ok, so what is the first book in the Plum series? That's where I should start right, since I can't read things out of order. I really need to see if Ranger lives up to his reputation.


Sin said...

He's six feet of solid muscle wearing all black and more badass than a whole team of special ops.

terrio said...

Renee - Just have Sin send you some of her Fanfic starring Ranger. She actually set my monitor ON FIRE. LOL!

terrio said...

Renee - I'm pretty sure we are the exact same age. LOL! Remember Rob Lowe in St. Elmo's Fire? The worst kind of bad boy - the MUSICIAN. *sigh*

Sin said...

I just wrote a new fan fic for a Round Robin chapter about Ranger and Steph. :)

Sin said...

*snub nose* Just because you said Hardy Cates trumps Ranger- I am NOT watching Pirates.

Hm, in fact I might watch it and just say I hated it to spite you.

Sin said...

OMgosh! Alexander's Effington heroes! I love them!

Sin said...

Renee- the first one is called "One for the Money".

Sin said...

My Edward and Bella fan fic got rave reviews and it's got smut. It might be even better than my Ranger and Steph. I'm not sure. I'm not a good judge of my writing.

terrio said...

Now if Lisa Klepas was writing Ranger…

*falls out of chair*

Hellion said...

WHATEVER. You're not going to make me believe that POTC was on your "movie watch list" anytime in the next 10 years and thus my saying that has persuaded you to avoid it. That's bullshit. *LOL*

And Hardy only trumps Ranger because the sex scenes were longer and more detailed. *LOL* Ranger's COOLER, but Hardy was better in bed. But I blame Janet for that. *LOL* Now if Lisa Klepas was writing Ranger....

Sin said...


Sin said...

*think of all the possibilites of authors attempting to write Ranger*

I'm now officially worthless for the rest of the day.

Shut up Hellion.

Sin said...

God, if Susan Johnson was writing Ranger I'd permanently be stuck to a chair in a boneless pool of my own skin.

terrio said...

Ever read Elizabeth Lowell? Or Nan Ryan? OMG! Steam pours off their pages. It's too much. Imagination overload. LOL!

Hellion said...

I don't know who you're fooling. You're seeing Twilight tomorrow at midnight so you were already worthless for today. (And tomorrow too, clearly, and undoubtedly Friday once you've seen the movie.)

Janga said...

Gilbert Blythe--the first fictional hero I fell in love with. I think I was eight, and I wanted to be Anne Shirley. Since then, there have been too many to list. I fall in love every day. LOL!

Many of my favorites have been mentioned, but I have to add Kathleen Gilles Seidel's Quinn Hunter to the list. Great looking, sexy, intelligent, wealthy--and he's both a rock star and a doctor (at different points). Who can resist him? Who even wants to?

Nora Roberts's Alan MacGregor and Rafe MacKade also rank near the top of my list, as do EJ's Rafe and Connie Brockway's Harry Braxton.

Sin said...

Jesus. Where is the duct tape? I'm going to duct tape your mouth shut!

*snub nose* *I* am NOT worthless. Ever. I'm worth my weight in work gold.

And I can't wait for tomorrow night! *squee* And tomorrow I'm decorating the office for Christmas. Tomorrow will be an awesome awesome day!

Stephanie J said...

::runs and hides, then peeps head out:: Um, I haven't read any Janet Evanovich books. I know, I know! I can't show my face for years now! Heresy! ::ducks back into hiding place::

This is like when I got the release dates of a JQ novel off and Mary almost slapped me upside the head because I didn't know the book was out...

Sin said...

*sigh* Oh Rafe. I mentioned yesterday how much I loved him.

terrio said...

You're decorating for Xmas a week BEFORE Thanksgiving? You're one of those? *scrunches nose as if smelling something nasty*

Sin said...

Steph! You write RS! You must read them! *rushing overboard to get Steph the first book*

Sin said...

*raising eyebrow*


We will be closed next week and I won't have time when we get back.

Julie said...

Hmm I had a thing for Clark Gable in his Rhett Butler persona when I was younger. And my G.I. Joe. He was one of those original full size Joes with … sigh… Real hair! My older sister had one with plastic hairdo. Whatta loser. So she was always jealous of my Joe. Even Barbie loved my Joe. Ken was wimpy and he couldn’t bend. There is nothing worse than an inflexible man. INO. Of course I grew up and grew out of my G.I. Joe obsession. At least I thought that I did.
I remember… the day of my wedding … right as I was preparing to walk down the aisle my older sister turned to me and said

“Julie, doesn’t your husband look familiar?”

I didn’t say anything. But I thought “Well Duh. I’m gonna marry the guy. I hope that He looks familiar” “

Yep,’ she continued “he looks just like your G.I. Joe.”

Ohhhh lord… I gasp … My younger sister started to giggle and I … I just… tried not to laugh too. Because it was true. My soon to be husband had the same short dark hair, blue green eyes, broad shoulders and brawny muscles of my Joe. “OMG, I WAS marrying my G. I. Joe!” What a horrible thing to be thinking about as you walk down the aisle. And what a horrible Sister to bring that to my attention… at a Most Inopportune time!

Well my DH and I have been married for many years. He’s been a pretty Good Joe… honest, trustworthy, still has broad shoulders and is as dependable as ever. He’s rescued me from more predicaments than I can count. His hair is still dark and his eyes are still blue green. He doesn’t have a scar on his cheek like my old Joe. But hey … my DH is anatomically correct so that counts for something, right? Proof too I suppose that The Reality is way better than the fantasy! :)

island girl said...

Janga beat me to Gilbert Blythe!

I looooved him so much. He was my first character crush. Then there was the complicated Rhett Butler.

Maybe I'm in love with men who can handle a strong woman. Speaking of reality vs. fantasy can men really handle strong women? LOL!

Loved it, Sin. You "team Edward" fan girl!

Hellion said...

Awww, I love Julie's GI Joe story...and that's hysterical!

My friend and I wanted to marry Bo Duke when we were kids. She beat me to it. *LOL*

Hellion said...

IG, your husband seems to handle you well. *LOL* Though he seems fond of prodding your temper, as if he has no sense of self-preservation at all. He'd give Steve Erwin and his like a run for their money.

terrio said...

That G.I. Joe thing is too funny. But I think I would have looked at my sister very smuggly and just said, "Jealous?" LOL! You go, girl.

Irish - A man who can handle a strong woman might be the rarest thing this side of Loch Ness.

2nd Chance said...

Ranger, yeah. Jack, yeah. Heathcliff, oh yeah.

Though, shoot me. I like Joe Morelli for Stephanie. And I liked Edward for Anita Blake...

But all my early loves were musketeers, thieves of Sherwood, or buccaneers on the seven seas.

The dark, silent type. Wounded...in need of my understanding quiet...

Hellion said...

2nd Chance, you like the dark silent type but prefer Joe Morelli? That's a contradiction in terms.

I agree: Stephanie doesn't deserve Ranger. I do. He's mine, mine, mine.

Oh, and I love Edward in the Anita Blake series! *LOL* Sin and I thought we were the only one who like his pyscho ass. (Though after the Morelli part, Sin might not talk to you for a while...)

Sin said...

PS. I do love Edward in the AB series.

Sin said...

My freakin' world is destroyed! Morelli mentioned within hearing distance of me *jumping overboard*

Hellion said...

Twilight, Sin, Twilight. Take deep breaths. Have some rum. It'll be alright...

Sin said...

Jules, you're right babe, I do owe you a drink. I owe you a fifth of whatever you want. On the house. That was a great story, though. You're a great story teller.

Sin said...

IG- Obviously real men can handle strong women. I mean, your husband is perfect for you and you're the perfect example of a strong woman.

Sin said...

I feel like I'm a cat and you're petting me and giving me catnip and a dish of rum. LMFAO

Hellion said...

Yeah, well, I feel bad the M-word got said. I knew that would go over like a lead fart.

Irisheyes said...

I love the G.I. Joe story. That's priceless.

IG - very interesting. I was thinking that I like a strong guy who lets a strong woman not have to be strong! A little twist on your statement. I think that's why I'm so in love with the men in Virgin River. All the women are pretty strong but the guys are stronger, especially emotionally. The physcial goes without saying - they're all Marines.

And I know it's really politically incorrect or whatever, but I do love a strong guy (and a rich guy). There's just something about a guy who can make anything happen - a la Hardy Cates. I just read the excerpt from Jack Travis' story (Smooth Talking Stranger) and it looks like he's going to be another winner. And this time there's a baby involved - room for all kinds of awwwww moments.

terrio said...

Damn it, I just spit rum all over my monitor. Warn a wench, would ya?!

Irisheyes said...

Just an aside - has anyone checked into whether there's a Ranger support group out there for these guys? Do you think an intervention is called for?

Marnee Jo said...

Oh Irish, I have wondered this. I've been sorely tempted to start one myself if I didn't think I'd be made to walk the plank.

terrio said...

We officially have too many "I" names. Sorry, IG! I need to pay better attention.

You guys talk about a support group as if these ladies want to be cured or something. LOL! Oh, but wouldn't it be fun to get the group together and then invite Ranger to stop by. LOL! I bet they'd all kill each other trying to get to him.

Hellion said...

What? Two?

Hellion said...

Nah, Sin would have us all tasered before the fighting really got going good, then she'd step coolly over our bodies and walk off with Ranger into the sunset. I know how it'd all go down.

Though I might try to distract her with a picture of Edward, which might work for thirty, forty seconds....

island girl said...

Ok, I'm really not trying to "cause" a stir just curiosity...but who's Ranger? I've heard before on the web but just wondering. I know don't shoot me or fart on me either.

Marnee Jo said...

LOL! Oh, IG. It's ok. I didn't know before I was given my pirate eyepatch. It's ok....

PS, I'm only 2 chapters from finishing edits and i'm going to do it today, I swear, if it kills me.

terrio said...

Yes, two is one too many.

IG - He's the hunky third wheel *ducks ninja star* of the Stephanie Plum love triangle. Very dark, mysterious, and badass as Sin would say.

Sin said...

Marn- *cracking whip* back to the MS! I'm almost done reading.

Sin said...

Very badass. And he's got this air of danger every where he goes. I'm totally in love with him.

I belong to several Ranger-help groups. It only makes it worse. LOL

Sin said...

Irish I just read the excerpt too! It makes the wait til March almost unbearable!

Sin said...

I love how Hellion knows me so well. At least the taser would be better than the baseball bat.

Sin said...

I'm afraid I scared Chance off with my Ranger speak. I'm sorry hon. M-M-Morelli is okay. You're allowed to think Steph and M-M-Morelli belong together.

*biting lip*
*lip quivering*

*wailing* It will probably happen anyway at the end of the series.

terrio said...

What end? LOL!

kelly krysten said...

I've never read the Plum books...is that a sin, sin? lol.
I am definitely team Edward!
I love Gilbert Blythe, Atticus Finch, and Sydney Carton(the heroine of that story was so stupid to pick Charles over him. And when she asks Sydney to give up his life for her husband? I wanted to slap her into next Tuesday! He was too good for her and should have simply come to me.*sniff*)

I love LK's Mckenna and St. Vincent, Westcliff, Matthew Swift, Cam, Kev, Gage, Hardy- actually, I should just say I LOVE all of LK's heroes.

You know, my fave Bridgerton male was Gregory. There was just something so sweet about what a romantic he was. And Michael was my favorite of the whole Bridgerton series even though he wasn't in fact a Bridgerton.

Also I LOVE the preacher(name excapes me) in Christy. What a good book and Kelly Martin was great in the mini series.

There's so many more! I won't make this any longer though.*g*

PS: Hellion, I totally don't get the DEER HUNTING reference in regards to Cap'n Jack. Care to elucidate? Oh, and he's so HOT!

kelly krysten said...

name *escapes me

Hellion said...

Lord, I hope we haven't run off 2nd Chance. I mean, that would give the impression our opinions mattered or something. And Terri is clearly a big turncoat on the ship, as I think Marnee is too. I mean, it's pretty much down the middle as far as the argument goes (what with Lisa going back and forth.)

Hellion said...

Kelly, it's nothing. Just a rum induced moment, I assure you.

Hellion said...

Oh, in Christy, I liked the cranky doctor because 1) he was cranky and not as easy to like and 2) he had the yummy Scots accent.

Marnee Jo said...

What'd I do? WHo's a turncoat? I'm perfectly on the Ranger bandwagon if that's what we're talking about.

terrio said...

There's an argument?

Hellion said...

Oh, wait, maybe I'm the Morelli turncoat since I discovered I like Jacob (from the Twilight series) better than Edward...and Jacob is clearly the Morelli of the two.

I think it's more a debate than an argument: who's hotter Ranger or the other guy?

kelly krysten said...

Ah, Hellion, rum induced moments! How wonderful! I had never experienced one before you started letting everyone onto the ship. Now I'm addicted. Seriously, I may have to go to some meetings.

Oh, and I picked up Virgin River Christmas. I've never read these books. Will I be lost since I'm not reading them in order?

terrio said...

Oh, I'm siding with Ranger based solely on feedback from the Babes here. I've only read the first book and though Morelli has his own kind of charm, the way I've heard he changes in the later books makes me a definite Ranger girl. Though I'll admit Morelli sure sounds good in that first one.

kelly krysten said...

OMG, I'm horrible! I forgot to mention Strange, Villiers, and Beaumont!(Can I say Villiers and Beaumont even though their books aren't out yet?)

PS: Anyone else terrified Beaumont will get killed off? Or somehow not wind up with Jemma?*sobs*

Hellion said...

Well, of course, he's gonna die, Kelly...we all die...and actually since the book takes place a couple hundred years ago, he's actually already dead....

Oh, not what you meant?

Hellion said...

Morelli was a bit more compelling in the earlier books. Never as compelling as Ranger, but he had moments. That has ceased.

kelly krysten said...

LOL! No, not quite what I meant. But what you said first scared me to death.LOL!

terrio said...

You realize EJ did this same thing with the Mayne/Josie thing. Did everything she could to throw people off the scent. Here's what I know from reading Romance for a couple decades. It's HIGHLY unlikely that EJ could possibly kill off a character her readers adore, introduce another man altogether, make readers fall in love with him, make Jemma fall in love with him (after appropriate mourning period of course) and write a believable and satifying HEA all in one book. In 400 measely pages.

I just don't see it happening. I say take heart and don't psyche yourself out just yet.

Hellion said...

Terri, what are you doing, trying to introduce logic and reason on the ship? Are you mad?

kelly krysten said...

Ter, I remember the Mayne/Josie thing. I totally got freaked about that one too. I'm an easy mark.lol.

terrio said...

Sorry, my rum must be empty. What was I thinking?

Irisheyes said...

Why do I think Sin's Ranger support group isn't the type of support group I'm talkin' bout!? I can see them all showing up now with pics of him on their t-shirts, toting the JE books with all sections of Ranger highlighted in yellow with those little post-it book markers sticking out all over!

Kelly - you can read A Virgin River Christmas without reading the previous 3 books, but it's the weakest of the 4 in my opinion. So, if you're using that book to decide whether you're going to read the others in the series - don't! I'm also kind of anal about reading things in order. It would have been like reading Lisa Kleypas' A Wallflower Christmas without reading any of the Wallflower books. It's a good read but you understand all the secondary character interactions so much more by reading the books that came before.

Sin, isn't that excerpt with Jack Travis enticing?! I can't wait!!!! I love a man with a baby. It's gonna be fun!

And I totally agree with Terri about Jemma and Elijah. EJ wouldn't mess with her fans that way. I'm pretty confident they'll end up together I just think she's gonna have them suffer a bit.

Sarah said...

I'm very late checking in today I suppose, but you guys have got to go check out the site I work at right now. The Juice Box, their pop culture satire web series, has a really great Twilight parody up right now.



island girl said...

*kisses marnee* on the cheek of course! LOL

Oh, good.

Kelly I haven't read plumb but I like the "third wheel" explanation that only Terri can do.

Sin said...

Kelly, it is a sin! Talking about sin to the sinner, yeesh. I mean, it's RANGER!

I can't believe how many people haven't read these books and they have a huge following. Not as big as Twilight or HP of course, but its a huge following of adult woman, who either pant after Morelli or sneak after Ranger.

Sin said...

Irish- apparently you've seen the pics from the support meetings. LOL. Someone is getting tased.

Sin said...

Sarah, thanks for stopping by!

I love a good parody. Even more hilarious that it's a parody of Twilight!

terrio said...

Irish - I considered reading a Wallflower Christmas without reading the others. I won't bother now. LOL!

IG - Awe, thanks. :) (That was a compliment,right?)

Look - I got them right this time!

island girl said...

Terri--don't even ask! It's always a compliment.

Only you can say "third wheel" and have me blowing a whistle out my butt for laughing so hard.

Did I just call the poor author Plumb instead of Plum?

Sin said...

It's the series that you called Plumb. The author's name is Janet Evanovich. :)

Sin said...

Irish- STS is going to be kick ass. I love LK's contemporaries and here I wouldn't read them in the beginning because I'm not a fan of contemporary romance (I know. I know. Don't hit me, Hellie and Ter).

Irisheyes said...

OMG, Sin! You have to try SEP too! I just love her. Although I understand your reluctance and LK is a nice fit for you - she really knows how to turn up the heat.

It took forever for me to jump into the contemp pool. My sister had me read Nora Robert's Three Sisters Island trilogy and I was a goner. I don't really read much NR anymore but she paved the way for me to try a lot of different authors - some that are my all time favorites (SEP for instance!)

2nd Chance said...

I weren't scart off...just outta range-r... Hee, hee. No, I like Ranger...I just think Stephanie belongs with Morelli...Ranger on the side. Is OK, Sin... Hope ta be more aboard come tomorr-a

Sin said...

I've heard all about SEP. I haven't dove in there yet. I prefer to stay with my RS books for now or my historicals. I haven't had much time for reading lately so I'm way behind on my new releases.

I've tried NR. I can't get into her. I'm like the lone pirate on the island holding my little umbrella and keg of rum and reading everything but her.

Lisa swears by SEP.

Sin said...

Night night kiddos. Y'all were a chatty kathy bunch today.

Sin said...

Chance, I knew you could handle it. See you tomorrow with Marn's blog!

Pamela Clare said...

I must be really out of it here. Twilight? Edward? Am I going to be forced to walk the plank? Before you toss me off the ship, can I just say that I'm often busy writing...

All-time favorite fictional hero... Hmm... Aragorn, son of Arathorn, also known as Strider. :slurp:

As for how he compares to my heroes: I like his humility. I like that he's at home in the wild. I like his ruggedness, his willing to sacrifice his own life to do what needs to be done. My heroes are sometimes arrogant, but in their love of the heroine, they're always willing to give their last breath. And they, too, are rugged and at home in the wild.