Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who Needs Yoga When Dishes Just Keep Getting Dirty?!


I finished writing my story in ten minute intervals.  With the kidlet nearby, that’s about all I get.   I would just read the last line I wrote and full speed ahead until I ran out of time.

Revisions are taking longer.  I have to sit, get my bearings, think about the direction I was going, and then the direction I want to go.  Only then am I able to put words to paper.

But, it sometimes takes me longer than ten minutes to get my bearings.  If I only have ten minutes and it takes me that long to get my bearings, well, as you can imagine, words have been slow going on paper these days.

This just means I spend a lot of my precious time in front of the computer just staring at my document, thinking. 

And the thinking isn’t just “thinking.”  It’s full of anticipation, of hope, and of nervousness for the words to come.  It’s pregnant thinking.

All that anxiety in my thinking, with very little activity, leaves me feeling antsy, fidgety.  And I’m a pretty antsy, fidgety person by nature, so all this additional antsiness and fidgetiness isn’t helping matters.

So what do I do to help alleviate antsiness and fidgetiness?

Well, usually I do the dishes.

Inspired, huh? 

Sorry if I let you down there.   No spa treatments or manicures.  In fact, all this dishwashing would make a manicurist gasp in distress, I’m sure.

This month alone I’ve scoured the bottom of my pots and pulled out the china from my wedding.  I have the family here for Thanksgiving; it needed to be done anyway.

Why dishwashing you ask?  Well, it seems to me that every time my mind is filled to the brim, I need to do something with my hands to expel all that energy.  I used to crochet, but my kidlet can hardly spare me for 10 minutes at a time.  I somehow doubt he’d be patient while I stitched my way through my thoughts.  (“Of course, mother, I’ll play here quietly while you compose your ideas.  You know I aim to be agreeable.”)

And well, there is no shortage of dishwashing to be done at my house.

Sometimes if I want a change of pace, I clean.  Scrubbing floors, the bathtub, the toilet.  Not so much vacuuming, just doesn’t feel as immediate.  When I scrub things with my hands, I see the dirt being removed and that action is cathartic for me.  When I vacuum, the vacuum gets the therapeutic experience and that hardly feels the same.

Earlier this week I wished that I exercised when I needed to get out the energy.  Instead I become Molly Maid.  My house should be spotless, but alas, no go.  Just short fits of manic cleaning and back to whatever else is pressing on my time.

But boy, those moments of clarity, with my hands moving, they are priceless. 

Now if I can just get some more facetime with the computer….  Or I just might take to scrubbing down the windows.

Do you do anything special to clear your mind?  Anyone else have to do something with their hands when their brain feels full?  Any great yoga mantras or relaxation techniques you can suggest?  Have the number of great masseuse?   Any ideas on how to deal with a small person jabbering nearby?


Quantum said...

Believe it or not, I know exactly how you feel Marnee.

I do have an office to escape to but when at home I'm sometimes left in charge of a hyperactive 5-year old.

In no time at all she manages to focus my entire brain on her play. I become the giant who needs feeding. I have to be protected from monsters. My hair needs messing up so that she can brush it. If its dark we have to go look at the stars, if its light we have to play football or blow bubbles. I try to inject creativity into the play but eventually she exhausts me and I have to rest.

The only way to rest is to switch on the Tele or video. She isn't old enough for my collection of Marylin Monro films but luckily she is fascinated by Popeye and for about 10 mins I can rest until she needs rescuing from Bluto.

Afraid I'm no help....I don't think even Einstein could crack this one!

If the kidlet likes rides in a buggy, then you could try walking through a park or over a common. Its the physical exercise that can relieve anxiety antsiness and fidgetiness. I believe there is speech recognition software that would allow you to speak into a small computer as you walk so that your thoughts and ideas could be recorded. Might need a lot of editing later though.

Oh the hazards that life places in the path of genius!

Maggie Robinson said...

Well, I hate to be an anti-environmentalist, but I use paper cups and plates as often as possible. *g* And my mind is pretty clear most of the time (as in vacant). But how do I decompress? I am not averse to just sitting in a chair and mulling. Sometimes I look at art. I weed my little garden in the summer. I sit in the sun if there is any. Hot baths. Reading. I'm really lucky, though---the hard work of raising kids is behind me so I can just be lazy and have more fun!

Marnee Jo said...

Q - Your description of playing sounds a lot like my whole day! Except my son's too small to be that imaginative. Pretty much I just chase him around all day and he giggles or I play with matchbox cars (across the table to him, he pushes it back to me). We go outside a lot, he helps me fold laundry(in which helping looks more like hindering), etc.

I like to think of it as the test of my artistic ability. Something like, I get an idea, search frantically for a slip of paper to write it on, settle for whatever is handy, try to write without having to fight him off from the pen (because he can't have pens so he wants them).

I like the idea of the recorder. I have heard other people who have done that but I haven't tried (feels a lot like talking to myself, something I already do too much of). But maybe that's the ticket.

Maggie - LOL! Garden weeding was a good summertime activity for me too. I'm no master gardener but we had a little veggie garden this year. And I won't call the sierra club, ok? However, if you need dishwashing, I live in NJ; you now know where to find me.

terrio said...

My dream is to have a hammock tied between two old shade trees where I can lay for hours and nap or dream or just be. That, to me, would be the most heavenly way to decompress.

As I'm no where near achieving this dream, I have to settle for watching television. Even that doesn't do much for me anymore. So I either nap or do something around the house. Or just procrastinate what I need to be doing by thinking about all I'm not doing and feeling guilty about it. LOL! It's all a vicious cycle really.

Marnee Jo said...

Ter - A hammock sounds awesome. I haven't gotten into TV, mostly because my viewing times aren't consistent so I don't get into a schedule. I did watch the end of Pushing Daisies last night and it was really good.

terrio said...

Marn - I only watch three shows consistently. Bones is one of them and they took it off last night for the baseball game. Grrrrr.... LOL!

And you'd think after sleeping on our hammocks here on the ship we'd get enough of them. But no. ;)

Janga said...

Marnee, Agatha Christie supposedly said, "The best time for planning a book is while you're doing the dishes," so you are in good company. :)

Housework deadens my brain. I avoid it whenever possible.(grin) When our small ones jabber, I have to listen. They say such funny, surprising things. Of course, my time with them is limited. Eventually they go home, and I can get back to work.

If I get really stuck when I'm writing, I take a drive or take a nap. Both seem to awaken the creative powers. I have no idea why.

Jordan said...

@Janga—I think that driving and napping work because both can hypnotize you.

I'm not joking.

I learned self-hypnosis with my last pregnancy, and you can get yourself into that "almost falling asleep" state where a lot of people have their best ideas. It's the same state you're in when you get where you're going and don't remember the drive (which is usually a little scary).

I need to get out from in front of the TV. Last night I gave up on my latest round of revisions. But my best ideas for revisions usually don't come while I'm sitting at the computer.

Hellion said...

I don't do dishes to clear my mind. I'm rather like Maggie: my mind is already vacant. Clearing my mind is not the issue. *LOL*

I could use the hammock right now. And some rum.

I do love Massage Envy (and they probably have one near you), and are reasonably priced. You won't be thinking'll be, "GODDDDD...that feels gooooooooooddddddd." And the hour will zip by and that's all. *LOL* No book planning or anything.

ReneeLynnScott said...

Oh, a hammmock. I've always wanted one. What a dream, a hammock swinging in the breeze, a flask of whisky, and a good romance novel.

I've been reading this book, and the question, "Why do I get all my best ideas in the shower" was asked. And I was like, hey that's me! The author went on to say that things like showering, scrubbing, steering, etc...are repetitive activities that might cause our logic brain to give way to our artistic brain.

As far as jabbering tots, hmmm, can't be any worse than jabbering teens, and I have three and a fourth who wishes! Toddlers love blocks, and pots and pans, and if you're in to scrubbing you could always scrub afterward. My boy loved forts out of blankets and, well, pots and pans.

I do not suggest anything on Noggin or anything of the like, or you'll have some annoying little tune like "Swiper no swiper" embedded in your artistic brain that will keep your thoughts G rated.


Marnee Jo said...

Ter, I haven't seen Bones, but boy is that guy yum.

Janga - Agatha Christie you say? How about that?! That is good company. Maybe I"m on to something. Driving is another place I get ideas. Though again, there's the no where to write them down problem. Writing while driving is probably a safety hazard.

Marnee Jo said...

Jordan - I do that! I drive and have no idea how I got somewhere. How does that happen? I swear, I'm a safe driver. I just get listening to the radio and then the next thing I know, poof! I'm where I was going. Nuts.

Oh, and you gave up on revisions? No no, my friend. That doesn't play with me. I hope you just mean you finished them.

Marnee Jo said...

Cap'n - I've only had one massage ever and it was a good experience. Massage Envy.... I just looked, there is one right down the street. WHo knew? All the strip malls in my part of NJ must have hidden it from my view. Perhaps I need to give this a shot.

Renee - Showering is another good place! though again... no paper.

Good grief, swiper no swiping.... Talk about annoying things to get stuck in your head. I think nothing is worse than the one time I watched the Doodlebops. That is THE most annoying theme song in the entire universe.

terrio said...

I still have Barney flashbacks. *shivers*

I get ideas in the car all the time. And right before I fall asleep. I've learned to always have a notebook and pen handy on a roadtrip. I can plot almost an entire story on one trip to Knoxville. Eighteen hours in the car will do that to you.

I don't get ideas in the shower usually. Not sure why but I'm guessing because I take my showers as soon as I wake up and my brain isn't fully functioning yet. LOL!

Marnee Jo said...

Eek, Barney. That's one I'm glad isn't super popular right now.

That sound is horrendous.

ReneeLynnScott said...

ANNOYING! Have you ever seen Foster Home for Imaginary Friends? Omgosh that was the worst!


Marnee Jo said...

Foster Home for Imaginary Friends? Wow, that sounds interesting. :(

Sin said...

Sorry I'm late hon!

I did do yoga last night with Hellion. Can't say it really relaxed me any. I love kickboxing. Now that relaxes me. I've missed it since it went away from the gym. It's good to knock off some serious weight too.

When I'm having issues with my creativity, I do housework. I hate dishes, but if I put my iPod on and get into the groove, I can start to hear the voices again. It's the same way with the treadmill. I always get great ideas on the treadmill when I'm running. Or in the shower early in the morning when all is calm.

Kelly Krysten said...

Well, I'm late too. But this is a great blog, Marn!:)

I used to try out housework but it never worked for me. I would get so engrossed with the task at hand(obliterating soap scum, etc.) that I wouldn't think of anything else. Weird.
Listening to music is always inspiring and it's super relaxing. Reading also stimualtes my creativity and relaxes me at the same time.

Hellion said...

We did yoga in the cramped room. You should come on Mondays. We get the LARGE room and we do inverted postures by the wall. It's fun! I did a headstand for about five seconds the other day!

ReneeLynnScott said...

I'm so jealous! I'd love to have someone to do yoga, or kickboxing with. I quit going to the gym because I didn't have a partner.


2nd Chance said...

Sorry I'm late, off window shopping with a friend. We're both not spending money, but we fondled and drooled a lot...

What do I do when a small person is jabbering nearby? Well...I move to another table. But that's me!

Clearing the brain...hmmmm. I stare out of windows a lot. Watch the birds at the birdfeeder, or if I'm at my normal writing table at Starbucks, I admire the dogs lounging with their parents at the outside table. And dream of having a dog again... But mainly? Stick to the keyboard and write...e-mails, letters, notes, journal. Get the fingers working and usually the current project breaks through.

I don't know, it's like a vein and eventually the words I want show up?

Marnee Jo said...

Sin - kickboxing sounds like the perfect clear your mind tool. I think I need to get into that.


Kelly - obliterating soap scum?! LOL! That sounds like something some superhero would do. Supermaid! Can obliterate soap scum with one swipe! LOL!!

Hellion - a headstand? I'm impressed.

Renee - I'm not much of a gym goer without a partner either. Just isn't as fun.

Jordan said...

@Marn—it means I got too tired to care about trying to make the changes I thought I needed to in the last couple chapters and thought "good enough."