Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Customer Service

I'm still protesting the photos. And I was at a loss at what to write until Monday, then I knew exactly what I should rant- I mean- blog about.


In a world where you must DIY, there comes a time when it is required to mingle with the rest of society. If you are anti-social like me, it’s difficult to come out of the hermit shell and remember how to talk in the right dialect but certain situations require desperate measures. Sometimes, we just need help no matter how hard it is to admit it. To someone else and to yourself.


I used to work in customer service, in retail to be exact. You really never get away from customer service. Everyday, in some small way, you are responsible for helping someone other than yourself. You give someone that extra little boost to get them going, to help them on their way, find what they are looking for and/or help them find the courage to keep on going. Customer service in writing is a lot like cheerleading. When you need help, you reach out to someone you know can give you exactly what you need at the moment. I know not everyone likes the dreaded cheerleader writer. They are usual the people pushing you to keep going, telling you everything will work out, and only think about the good things. I think it helps to have these writers. Maybe that’s because I’m a bit of a cheerleader and don’t like negative thoughts. You just have to take the customer service approach to writing and not let it get you down and find that person who helps get you through.


Customer service – much like its sister the dreaded critique and red mark edit- is very critical to the writer’s psyche.  It’s a system of checks and balances and when customer service is broken, the writer gets bound up and angry like a sidewinder being poked by a stick. I prefer when customer service is having an off day to walk away from the customer and shut the hell up. Everyone has an off day. It’s understandable. We all struggle some days (and come on, it was Monday. I do have a heart.) But nothing goads the angry bear of customer service hell worse than someone saying, “I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I know there is a law against child labor, I’m sixteen. You can’t pull your pants down here in the middle of the floor. You can’t bring that back. I don’t know what to tell you. No you can’t have your money back. I am the manager. I’m sorry did you just call me a F*$%ing twit?”


Usually when someone reaches out to customer service there is a damn good reason. And it is within your best interest to find out what that reason is for future notice and help out however you can for those future days when you’ll need help too. There are days it hurts to be helpful and all you want to do is destroy every bit of faith in mankind they might have, but that would come back to bite you in the butt eventually. So, you play nice and remember that your customer service is what keeps you in business during the dark days.


Do you function well on your own and reach out only when you desperately need it and when you do reach out, do you find it almost painful to admit it? Or do you rely on help the whole way through? For our readers, any crazy stories about searching for reading material and there was no help in sight? What did you do?



Kelly Krysten said...

I think I rely on help the whole way through. And the first time you ask for help and admit that maybe you're not so pefectly together as you could be, it can be a horror. But once you've reached out and the person doesn't judge you because maybe they need some help too, any initial discomfort seems well worth it.
Great blog, Sin!

Marnee Jo said...

Great blog Sin! :)

First off, you give wonderful customer service. :) I always appreciate the cheerleading and support you give when I reach out to you.

I think as far as my customer service needs, I generally reach out when I need people to work through ideas, sort of to bang ideas off another creative brain, to make sure I'm on the right track with a reader whose opinion I value. Most of the time it's in the beginning or if I run into an issue in the middle.

For the most part, I think I'm pretty self-sufficient. After I get going, I power through most of the time. I only get to write in the quiet moments and with a nearly 2 year old around, those are precious enough. I don't waste that time struggling too long with my emotional writing baggage.

Quantum said...

Customer service is vital in the modern world......you are one of life's angels Sin!

I wander in to one of the multi-floor supermarkets looking for a simple clamp to stop a loose bit of car exhaust vibrating noisily. I have the precise diameter required and explain my needs to a gormless looking assistant. She smiles sweetly and directs me to the top floor where apparently 'Bert' knows about this sort of thing. I traipse up three flights of stairs looking for Bert and find that no-one has seen him today. I ask for the senior manager and draw my six foot frame into an intimidating posture ready to 'sort out' this incompetent staff when a golden haired girl with the smile of an angel deflates me like a tyre with a burst valve. She sympathetically explains that she had a similar problem with her BMW sports and found that Mr Phelps at the corner shop by the traffic lights was very helpful. Off I went and found the chatty Mr Phelps who certainly knew a great deal about clamps explaining all the pro's and cons but when I told him the diameter he scratched his head saying "You might have a problem there.No demand for that size, you see its bigger than household plumbing and smaller than the underground pipelines...."

I ended up buying a new exhaust section but felt totally satisfied that customer service had done its best! :D

terrio said...

Great blog, Sin. I'm wishing I could have been there for the "f*&king twit" incident. That must have been entertaining if somewhat painful for you.

I worked for years in customer service. The first time was at Opryland Theme Park (now defunct) in Nashville. There were days when we answered more than 100 calls an hour. That will teach you how to deal with people. Later for a fundraising company and that's where I learned not all cheerleading coaches are good with money.

This experience has made me very sensitive to customer service. If I have to talk to five people before I get an answer, I get irritated. If I talk to one person and get a shrug and "I don't know" response, I get irritated. I bet you can guess that I spend a lot of time irritated.

In writing, I'm a loner to a point. For me, it feels silly to send out the first draft of anything when I know I'm not done with it. It's when I think I've done all I can that I seek other eyes. Because that's when I need them. And though I appreciate the cheerleader, I also appreciate the reality check and have gotten tough enough to hear when something isn't working.

Sin said...

Kelly- It's like pulling teeth for me to admit I need help. I dunno why. It's strange. I think that if I could learn to just get it over with (and this applies to all aspects of my life, not only writing) then things would flow easier on some days. Writing is probably my worst one. I get at a loss of words when I realize I need to talk it out and then my brain convinces myself that I don't need help and I really DO know what's going on.

I know. I'm weird.

Sin said...


I can't believe you called me an angel.

It's obvious you don't know me well. This could NOT be said if you ever met me in a store and asked me a question. Though, I have the tendency to direct people in stores even if I don't work there and never have. Must have something to do with control. I like control.

I love that there is still some people out there that give great customer service. I haven't encountered any of it lately (other than the writing partners). It seems like the customer service reps that are older and have been doing it for a while are the the best. They come from the old school way of things. The right way. Instead of that crappy teenager-stick your nose in the air and walk away- crap.

Sin said...

Marn- Bless your heart. I love helping you. We're like on the right wavelength and considering it's paranormal/UF, I can get into that sort of thing. The weirder the better for me.

I wish I had your dedication and tenacity when it came to writing. I waste my free time with trying to unwind and let my brain thaw out from the day instead of just pulling out the laptop and writing.

Marnee Jo said...

QC - I love that you love helping me. LOL! And somedays I feel more dedicated and tenacious than others. Last night I had two free hours and I should have written but Enchanted was on Starz so I watched that instead. *sigh* Patrick Dempsey *sigh*

Sin said...

Oh Ter, it was glorious. Nothing is painful for me. People underestimate how nasty I truly can be once you push me past the point of niceness. And once you got past me, it didn't get any better because I was the nicer of the managers. I'd bend over backwards to help out but certain people aren't happy. No matter what you do for them.

I'm the same way with my writing. For me, my first draft is just an outline. I have to go through and fill it out once I get through it. But I have the tendency to write a chapter and then fill it out. Write a chapter and fill it out.

Sin said...

I'm also sensitive to customer service. That's why it pisses me off when customer service reps are just happy with telling you "I'm sorry. We can't do that." With no explanation or a suggestion for something similar or where to go to find it.

The younger generation is lazy and they have no pride in their work. It's very sad.

Sin said...

I went to bed at 9. I should've used the time to write considering I wrote my blog Monday night so I'd have Tuesday night to write, but dedicated me went to bed. LOL

I still have not watched Enchanted. I probably should.

terrio said...

Oh, I LOVE Enchanted. *makes note to buy it for kiddo birthday present*

I'm so with you on Customer Service going down in flames. I was old school. You don't say uh huh or transfer the customer a million times. And the phone centers are the worst. I had to call Dell to get a part number for something here at work and it took me 40 minutes to get to a person who could help me. I think I was transferred six times before I found him. I wanted to throw the damn phone across the room!

Sin said...

Grrr, I spend hours on the phone with insurance companies every day and get transfered around like the office $l&t. I mean, seriously, learn your job. I hate how employers enable poor customer service over efficency and numbers. You should be able to do it all.

Hellion said...

I love this blog! Great one!

Well, as my first supervisor told me: I suck at customer service. I always have. I don't have a poker face. In email customer service, I have a fighting chance because I can edit--and you can't see my face--but then there is that distance between you and the customer and they don't always interpret what you say in the intent you meant it.

I'm more the Chicken Little of Philosophers. I can't help it that I'm a Pisces with a Virgo moon--and by the way, both of those signs: NEGATIVE. I'm cursed, I tell you. (Fire signs, like dear Sin, POSITIVE.) But I have a few Fire Sign friends. Maybe eventually it can be beaten into me. I can hope anyway.

When it comes to writing, and esp with other people's writing, I try not to be negative. Writing is subjective, not an absolute. And there is always something positive to say. Even if it's "you have a very vivid imagination." After all, considering some of the stuff that's published every year--and some of the great stuff I've read that's been rejected--well, I'm no longer surprised...so I'm not going to piss into someone's cheerios because their Alien Secret Sex Baby isn't my cup of tea.

Sin said...

This blog is because of Hobby Lobby. I spend tons of money in that place and they gave me HORRIBLE customer service on Monday. Literally, I left so pissed off that I almost went to Walmart, got a posterboard, wrote on it and went to stand outside Hobby Lobby in protest. This is not a good thing for them to do. I will tell everyone I know and I will say it in my outside voice.

I used to be negative all the time. Then I realized that when I was negative all the time, bad $h*t always seemed to happen to me. So I've reversed my way of thinking. I only think positive and remind everyone I'm around to think only good thoughts. Think good thoughts and good things will happen.

Customer service works for me because I'm as blunt as a hammerhead. But I was good at retail. I hate the politics that go on in a department store (and from about November 15- Janauary 01) but overall, I can't complain about working in retail. It suited me as a job. I enjoy people even if I am shy. I enjoy working on my own and not making conversation. I'm comfortable in silence because my brain is never silent.

I apply the same technique from my experience in customer service to reading other people's writing. As you said, writing is subjective but I'm still blunt and to the point. That's why it's hard for me to read other people's writing. I worry I will hurt someone's feelings and usually I do.

terrio said...

You know, other than my short stint in retail many years ago, I haven't done as much face to face CS. I too lack a poker face so that would be tough. I'm much better on the phone.

In writing, I have no idea where I fall. I'm thinking I probably focus too much on negatives and though there are lots of positives to mention, I likely don't just because my mind figures if I didn't mention it then it must be good. This mind set gets me in trouble in various aspects of life. LOL!

Hellion said...

Even if you think my hero's gay. *LOL*

Hellion said...

I don't think you're blunt, but you do have really good suggestions. Even if you are blunt, I can't deny you have a point. *LOL*

Sin said...

Lord almighty, I hope you don't mean I think your heroes are gay.

Sin said...

The trick to the poker face is looking the person in the eyes while they talk. You don't have to look them in the eyes but you have to pretend you are and don't interupt while they are speaking. Customer service is all about control.

haleigh said...

Great blog Sin - and personally, I would have loved to see you outside Hobby Lobby with a big sign and your outside voice *g*

I'm terrible at customer service. Terrible! My problem is that I really want to help people, but when I get yelled at, I cry. Every time. It's mortifying. And by the time people need customer service, they're usually yelling. Which means I start tearing up and blubbering and saying "I'm sorry" a zillion times.

When it comes to writing, I rely on a lot of help. Everything from brainstorming to having a CP read the first draft of a chapter (and then cringe waiting for the response because I know it's rough). I try to give good help back, but I'm also too blunt, and I've been told I've made people cry. Opps. So now I only offer help with writing when it's requested, and I've double checked that they're not a crier. Maybe I should work on that angle of customer service *g*

Hellion said...

Hal, I would have loved to have seen the Hobby Lobby tantrum as well. *LOL* And I live in town...I could have totally seen it. Actually I probably would have stopped and helped her picket because it would have been damned funny.

Hellion said...

I thought you thought Beta=gay. *LOL* You said Ben was a bit too Beta for you. Which made me laugh. (And he is CHATTY, I know, and not nearly "toss her up against the wall and grope her" as he could be.)

Yeah, when I do the control thing, I come off as a heinous bitch. Uber big time. I get blank faced and nod and speak in a soothing monotone, and then people start bursting into tears on me. It's damned aggravating. And that's just the men. Geez.

haleigh said...

A Hobby Lobby picket line :) I love it. We could have steered the ship that direction to lend support. Pirates like to picket, right? It'd make a good ruckus *g*

Hellion said...

Good ruckus lead to looting...so yeah, we're all for it!

Sin said...

I'm still mad at Hobby Lobby. I have emailed their corporate. They better email me back or I really will get posterboard.

Sin said...

Ben is not gay. Just because I said he was sorta beta doesn't translate into gay. He just talks too much. What did we decide the in-between was called? That's him. Nothing wrong with that.

Sin said...

A tantrum does NOT cover what I'd do.

Sin said...

Hal, you're such a cutie pie and you're just so soft spoken. Bless your heart. You shouldn't cry. You should get mad. And never say sorry. Unless you punch someone. And then only if you're sure they didn't deserve it. At least that's my rule.

Or if they cry. And in that case, I normally begrudgingly say "I'm sorry."

Julie said...

I like your honesty about how hard it is to ask for help, Sin. And I’d love to help you protest against Hobby Lobby. Can we stop by Bed Bath & Beyond to protest too? Not that they gave me bad service or they weren’t helpful. They were in fact being Too HELPFUL.

who thinks that she is too young to be getting emails advertising “innovate designs for independent living” products like elevated toilet seats and walkers!

Sin said...

One of these days I will open up an email from you and permanently never be right ever again.

Oh hush. I am in my right mind. Sometimes. On a special occasion.

We can protest BB&B too. We don't have one here but I will gladly get on the bandwagon of protesting them sending you "innovative designs for independent living" product emails. Even if I do find it hilarious.

Julie said...

Its hilarious to you Cuz they didn'r send one too you!
You know what I look like.

Hellion said...

I have to say: I'm laughing too. But sometimes I suffer from Lack of Empathy Disorder. *LOL*

Sin said...

I definitely suffer the lack of empathy disorder. LOL

Sin said...

Will you smack me if now I have a mental image of you bent over a walker with your pretty little cherub like face and smooth skin? Maybe a cape too. I mean, all 25 year old looking women need capes with their walkers.

Julie said...

You Wicked Children! Don’t you know that you’ve supposed to treat the Elderly with respect? See if I leave you anything in my will. And I Do Not look 25. Which would actually be pretty funny… as I have a 26 year old son! LOL

Julie said...

Talk about Bad Customer Service!
I don’t getz No Respect.
And I don’t getz No Empathy.
Just because I don’t quite look my age. Humpfff. Grandfather Dorian Gray warned me about people like you!

Sin said...

I love how you called us Wicked Children, like your our Wicked Stepmother. Watch out H- she's gonna hop of her Hover Round and chase us down.


I can't believe they sent you that email.

Sin said...

PS. Next week, I'm totally blogging about how you should never shop at Hobby Lobby again.


Do you hear that Internet blog readers?! NEVER EVER SHOP AT HOBBY LOBBY AGAIN!

Quantum said...

Sin, of course you're an angel!

The boundary between Heaven and Hell is a cusp and I sort of see you sitting on that cusp.
When I'm on the sunny side I see an angel and on my odd visits to the dark side,well.... *g*

In this country the large supermarkets are destroying the small shops. Supermarkets deal in bulk and have no interest in stocking the unusual low turn over items.

The odd remaining village shops are the place where you can get a truly personal service (and pick up on all the local gossip!).

Now thats what I call customer service at its very best!

Sin said...

Q-dearest, I must have you hoodwinked because even on the sunniest of days, I'm darker than the devil. Not to mention my halo has been skewed a bit. Not because of the dirty thoughts or anything.

I love small shops! It's a sad thing to see the large corporation killing off the small shops. I like personal service. I like people who know their craft and are hands on. Though, I don't like to be badgered while shopping, but those small places tend to ask you once if you need help and then they let you wander. Large corporations could care less what you do, they've got their high-tech camera eye on you, thumbing their nose at you while you wander around aimlessly for hours looking for one thing and never finding anyone to help you out.

Quantum said...

Nope, I don't buy it!

Sorry Sin but I like my Angels to have skewed halos. As you said somewhere, 'its all a matter of balance'. An angel needs her box of Ninja toys. *g*

I'm glad you still have small 'village' shops in the states. Over here I particularly like the small second hand book shops that include coffee making facilities, comfy arm chairs and objet d'art to peruse. One can often stumble on them in off the beaten track places.Sometimes they can be in half timbered period buildings. On a rainy English summer day they can be the perfect place to park until a storm passes over.

Sin said...

You sure know how to sweet talk a girl. Skewed halos and my box of toys... I like you. *fluttering eyelashes* I like you alot.

We have the downtown area which is smaller shops and stores and little off the wall places. I love love love second hand book stores. I love the smell when you walk in. It's euphoric. Where there are so many books you can barely walk down the aisles. Old books with yellowed pages and well worn from countless reads. If they offered coffee, they'd never get me to leave. They chase me out at closing with a rolled up newspaper.