Sunday, January 10, 2010

I started this little writing journey back in December of 2006. Back then it was “I guess I could write something just for my own enjoyment.” By the summer of 2007 it turned into “I may try to get this published, but it’s no big deal if I don’t.” By the summer of 2008, it turned into “I *will* become a published author.”


Unfortunately, in all this time, production did not keep up with intention. So as 2010 starts, I still have no finished product to pitch. In fact, I don’t even have half a product. But that’s about to change.


I have completely and totally embraced plotting. I’m aware this is no surprise to everyone else. If one more person says, “Of course you’re a plotter, duh,” I’m going to throw the undead monkey at them.


It seems the last couple months were full of “AHA!” moments for me, not the least of which is the joy of storyboarding. I’ve been reading everything Jenny Crusie writes/wrote about the craft of writing and put that together with Hellie’s info on storyboarding. I now have a beginning, middle, and end with action that escalates all the way through. There are turning points, a clear mid-point where the story kicks up a notch, and two black moments. And we can’t forget the HEA.


I can add, move, or remove any post-it, and it’s a miracle for a visual person like me to see my entire book in one poster board sized picture. It’s like I can *see* the story. Now, this doesn’t mean getting the actual words on the page will be any easier. But, I have a clear direction and feel more confident about what I’m trying to do.


So, this is about “AHA!” moments. My favorite one from these last couple months was Hellie’s advice to write larger than life. One of my major weaknesses is that I rarely think outside the box. So now when I get stuck, I ask myself what could I put here that would be exaggerated? And it works! Nothing too big, but nothing run-of-the-mill either.


What was your latest “AHA!” moment and what is the best one you’ve experienced since starting this crazy writing rollercoaster? What tip or tips have you used more than anything else? And if you want to give credit to those who share the best advice, feel free to share here. I'm sure we'd all appreciate it.