Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What was I going to do next…. Oh Yeah, Write a Blog.


Hellion is going to kill me.

So in my quest to think about something to blog about today (because let’s face it, not *only* am I a pirate wench, I’m a HUGE procrastinator as well. And also see my blog from last week, it’s harder than hell to blog after Hellion when she’s on a roll), I thought that we’d have a little fun along with learning a little something from ourselves. Not in those self-help ways. Really who buys a $500 program from an infomercial at 4am and uses it to become a huge success… Okay, maybe you but not me. I think it all circles back to the procrastination thing again.

See procrastinating. I’m procrastinating in my own blog. I need a self-help group.

Yikes. There’s that self-help crap again. I’m losing it here.

*reciting* Onward, Sin. Move onward.

Moving on.

I procrastinate like there is no tomorrow. I even think of ways I can procrastinate procrastinating. It’s not hard to do. You just talk yourself in circles until you give up trying to do what you originally set out to do in the first place.

Now you see why I’m a good procrastinator, right?

Procrastinating doesn’t serve me well as a writer. As a writer, I need to be focused and driven. I need to be able to sit down for hours at a time and bang out *insert snicker* about 20,000 words in a day. Except, when I’m writing and feeling the urge to procrastinate, I think up different characters in funny little circumstances. Like the porn star and the Amish bumpkin in yesterday’s comment section. I can totally see it written. But am I going to write it? NOPE. That goes against my inner and exterior procrastinator. Yup. I know what you’re thinking. How did she get TWO procrastinators?

I’m a writer. Deal with it. I can write whatever I want. And if I want two procrastinating wenches as my personality, then so be it.

But then I’d have to write. Hm, Houston we’ve got a problem.

So today’s exercise of the day, how to deal with the inner procrastinator stomping around in your head, burning all your wonderful mental notes and purposely causing ants in your pants so that you can’t sit still for longer than two seconds.

Take two deep breaths. Think of your two main characters. Concentrate on their personalities. Think of a conversation the two of them might have.

Got it? Good.

If not, I suggest you think about it for a minute.

And no I’m not procrastinating.


For today’s exercise in training the inner procrastinator, gimme a conversation piece. Just a quick one-two punch. Nothing that you’ve written before because that would be cheating. And even though I’m a pirate, and sometimes on occasion as a pirate that is acceptable. But. Not. This. Time.

Example: From the main characters in my WIP, Double Vision. Sadie, a booted out FBI agent and her undercover watchdog, Ash. If I were to make up a conversation between them, it would go something like this-


I watched him walk out of the shadows. He had that swagger that warned good girls he wasn’t in it to walk them down the aisle. He was trouble. Plain and simple. Something I didn’t need right now.
“I can’t work with you.” I said, matter-of-fact. “Call your superior. Tell him I changed my mind.”
“Sadie,” His voice was low, vibrating through me. “Afraid you can’t handle it?” His eyes caught mine, the moonlight shining brightly on his perfect white teeth. There was a spark in his eyes I recognized. This was the Ash I knew and once loved. And I was in deep shit.


Now, sit your butt down. Stop reading all those blogs (except for this one because you know how much you love your daily dose of pirate wenches). And prepare yourself to do some writing. Brace yourself for the conversation of a lifetime… Hey! I’m writing for you! You little procrastinator! Sit and write. Write a tiny little conversation. That is your job for the day. To think of a way to spur your writing onward and beat down that evil procrastinator inside of you.

Show me what you can do. Even if it’s a, “Hey, how yooou doin’?” “I’m good. I just got done doing an Amish bumpkin in the back of her wagon.” conversation.
(Courtesy of the Porn Star and the Amish girl tale.)


MsHellion said...

*LOL* Procrastination is a perfect writer's topic. God knows I've got a BA in it. Actually I have an honorary Masters in it. I could give seminars.

And I'd never kill you. My brother, perhaps. His friend called him at midnight--and since Eldon is half-deaf, I got to hear his conversation for about 20 minutes or so. Hard to sleep; thin walls. THEN they hung up; I sighed in relief! THEN my dad wanted to know about the entire conversation--and he's even more deaf, so at 1 am, Eldon started yelling out the details of the more boring conversation in history. I finally got up--and I had already shushed him about the phone 1/2 hour earlier--and he snapped, "FINE! I'll shut up!"

Bastard was snoring happily this morning when I left the house at 7:30. LATE because I overslept.

Dad accused me of not being home early enough to go to sleep. And I yelled at him--and slammed out of the house this morning. So no, Sin, nothing you could do could compel me to bludger you.

My brother cornered the market on that one.

Sin said...

I know a pond where you can dump all your evidence and no one would be the wiser. :)

Procrastination was not going to be my topic of the day, but my brain had other plans. LOL

terrio said...

Wow. My morning seems quite uneventful at this point.

This is such a great blog. Procrastination is hereditary in my family and though my mom is still the queen, I'm the princess. My problem is not that I can't sit still but once I sit still, I don't want to move. I've worked all day, the dinner is cooked, eaten and cleaned up, I want to sit and do nothing. Yes, that means not even move my fingers except to work the remote.

I'll come up with a a while. *g* I'll have to think about this one.

Sin said...

Procrastinator. Huhn. Alright, I'm holding you to that later.

irisheyes said...

Procrastination! My best friend. I can procrastinate like nobody's business. I like to put a positive slant on it, though, and say that I'm multi-tasking. That sounds so much more impressive, doesn't it? I never really finish anything but I'm doing a lot all the time. LOL It makes it easier for me to sleep at night and not feel guilty for the numerous things I've let slide during the day.

The dialogue is a rough one, but I have to spend a lot of time in the car today running errands (multi-tasking!) and that's usually when inspiration hits. So, we'll see.

MsHellion said...

Okay, I had to bitch about that.

Scene, scene.


I was going to have to break up with him.

But not before Christmas, a mere two days away. That would be too cruel. Plus he was really looking forward to holidays with my parents and siblings, since he was an only child.

"You're standing beneath the mistletoe!"

What? Ah, hell. Dane captured me about the waist and bussed my lips with a playful kiss. He loved Christmas. It was his favorite time of the year.

It wasn't mine.

He rocked me a bit, grinning. "Are you done packing? I want to get an early start to get ahead of the holiday travel. Your mom said she was expecting us around 6."

"You talked to my mother?" And she didn't talk to me? What the hell?

He tapped my nose. "She's making your favorites. Roast beef. Mashed potatoes. Texas toast."

No, those were Dane's favorite things. Mom *loved* Dane. He was like the son she never had...even though she had three sons. *I* loved, in case anyone cared, Shrimp Alfredo with Small Peas, which we never got to have because my father hated foods that require coordination in order to eat.

Sin said...

Hellion! I love it! "Making your favorite." LMAO. That would be my mother.

Sin said...

Irish- I do my best work in the car while I'm multi-tasking and running all over hell's creation. I even keep a pen and notebook in the car for when I'm stuck in traffic or lights.

terrio said...

Multi-tasking is my life! I do my best creative thinking while I'm trying to fall asleep (which is annoying as hell) but the second best place is when I'm driving. I've had to pull over and write stuff down so as not to forget it.

I can't to see what you come up with. LOL! I wonder if it will be a convo between an Irish bartender and a former HS flame. LOL!

uhm...I'm still thinking.

MsHellion said...

Porn Guy: Hold on a minute, baby. I need to find my parachute.

Amish Chick: *rising up slightly, concerned voice* Parachute? No one told me jumping out of planes was necessary to sex.

Porn Guy: *stops digging in wallet* What?

Amish Chick: I mean, what did they do before planes?

Porn Guy: Do what before planes?

Amish Chick: Have sex. You said we need a parachute. What did people do before parachutes? Come to think of it, I wonder what Zedekiah does for sex then. He has 11 kids you know--and no parachutes. We're simple and don't believe in parachutes.

Porn Guy: Yeah, that's the point. I don't want the 11 kids, so we're going to use a parachute.

Amish Chick: Oh. Would now be a good time to mention I'm scared of heights?

Marnee Jo said...

Great Blog, babe!

Hellion - your scenes are awesome, as expected. You have an amazing way with dialogue. :)

I also do plenty of multi-tasking. Though the most dangerous is definitely thinking and talking. I can't seem to master that one....

Ok, here goes my scene. I just wrote this part this morning, so it counts. This is after my hero, Will, almost knocks some dandy's block off after said dandy doesn't speak as respectfully towards our heroine as he should have. Jon is Will's best friend.

“So, does it feel good knowing you made young Haverford nearly wet his pants?” Jon’s sardonic tone censored without being censorious.

“Christ, Collard, it wasn’t that bad.”

“Oh, it was. He was so upset, his cravat was all akimbo.” Jon whistled softly through his teeth. “It’s a good thing you set him in his place. A dangerous one, that Haverford. Responsible for all sorts of debauchery.”

“Shut up, Jon.”

Jon chuckled. “You did sound like an ass, you know.”

Will sighed heavily. “I know.”

“All right then. Acknowledgement is half the battle, they say.”

“Who’s this ‘they’ everyone always references, anyway?” Will grumbled.

“Ah. Attempting to distract me from the issue at hand with witticisms. A fine tactic.”

“Halfwit.” Will remarked, but felt his mouth tilt up in a half grin.

They continue on to get to the point, but that parts a little heavier and requires backstory.

Sin said...

LMAO. That's the exact conversation I had thought of in my head for them. The parachute. LMAO. Though you write it better than I can. My comedy isn't right for those two. I'm way too vulgar. LOL

Marnee Jo said...

I love the parachute too. And I love the wide-eyed, innocent feel about her. Perfect. :)

Afraid of heights. LOL!!

terrio said...

OMG! I think I might pee my pants. I can't believe you put that in there. ROFL!!!

Great job, Marnee! It's nice to get a couple of Regency era rogues in here every now and then.

I'm post shortly, I promise...LOL!

Lissa said...

Procrastination is my middle name...I have perfected it, I've made a life out of it, and it drives most of the people in my life crazy.

Today I'm so busy I don't have time to procrastinate or write dialog. Sorry Sin, maybe next time.

Sin said...

Marnee! I like it! "Halfwit." LMAO

Lis, no prob babe. I know you've got good dialogue going in your head. That's good enough for me. But that doesn't get Terr out of writing hers. I think she's vying for the best procrastinator award which is to be given when I get around to it. LOL

terrio said...

Actually, I wrote something but then realized I couldn't post it. Too personal. I don't have half the guts our captain has.

Now I just got a call about some last minute trip for one of my guys so I have to work. Darn. LOL!

I'll get there...eventually. I'm multi-tasking!

Hvitveis said...

I too am a procastinator. that is, I was. I´ll stop tomorrow. really. new life. tomorrow.

my boyfriend is the Anti-procastinator. He gets all fidgety if he cannot do it Now. It is quite intresting to see how everything important is done right away. Interesting and inspiring but sometimes it drives me mad.

terrio said...

Hvitveis - I'm with you. We'll do it...tomorrow.

That must be comical at times with the BF antsy and you all stretched out and relaxed. I'd drive a guy like that nuts. And I'm not even as bad as I used to be.

MsHellion said...

*LOL* Hvitveis! Talk about opposites attracting. Does he also have to have a date for everything...and a time so he can plan around it? So he can multi-task events if necessary? Plan driving times...stuff like that?

Sin said...

Hvit- I need one of those. Someone who doesn't procrastinate in my life would almost be like having a personal assistant. LOL. Though I don't suppose it's good for the relationship other than balancing you two out. Besides, if he's that anti-procrastination you can teach him the benefits of procrastination and maybe he can get you doing tasks on time. Instead of finishing projects at the last minute. Buying groceries five minutes before the meal needs to be cooked. Getting to work 2 seconds before 7am... Yeah, just all of the things I do on a daily basis. LOL

Thanks for stopping by! Don't be shy!

terrio said...

Alright, I did it. Here you go...

“Life sucks.”

“You said it, girlfriend.” Josie shut the microwave, pushed two buttons and it started to hum. “I know why mine sucks, why does yours?”

“I have a sickness,” I said as I plopped onto the couch.

Josie covered her mouth. In a muffled voice she said, “Don’t be spreading it out here.”

I gave her my best droll look. “Not that kind of sickness, goober, a man sickness.”

Sporadic popping came from the microwave. “That’s even worse. Are you belching and scratching yourself all of a sudden? Or just grunting a lot and finding it hard to speak in complete sentences.”

I did my best not to smile but it was hard. Josie always made me smile. “Lugnuts showed up in my office today.”


“I didn’t exactly tell him to go fly a kite.”

“Gina, do I need to remind you how this went the last time? And how the hell long has it been since you’ve talked to him? Hasn’t it been like six months or something?”

“Ten. Ten months of nothing and then he walks in and acts like it’s been ten minutes.” I threw my body to the side and stretched out on the sofa. “Who does that?”

“Men,” we said in stereo.

“So, what are you going to do? You’re not going out with him are you.”

“How the hell should I know. He didn’t really ask but made some comment about there being a next time. The idiot.”

“I say there is no next time and you need to tell him that.” The popping stopped and Josie removed the bag from the microwave. “I’m telling you no sex is better than bad sex any day. We’ll buy a new shower head and you’ll be good as new.”

“Great. I’ll not only be the most pathetic chick in the office but the pruniest.”

MsHellion said...


Nice guts, Boatswain. I'm impressed.

terrio said...

*taking a bow*

Thank you. Thank you very much.


It doesn't top the Porn/Amish combination but I'm happy with it. See how I *showed* she was popping popcorn and didn't *tell*? LOL! I did that on purpose.

Lissa said...

Awesome dialogue Terrio you deserve to take a bow as well as all the rest of you that played today.

Hvitveis~My DH is a complete type A, do it yesterday type of guy. I drive him insane with my procrastination so I can relate:)

Thanks for dropping in.

Marnee Jo said...

Ter, that was great! And good showing not telling. :)

TiffinaC said...

Damn I missed some good fun this morning. No more internet during the day for me.... only on very rare occasions... er it's half dialogue, half other stuff. Dialogue is my new friend.


“Would you shut up with your sanctimonious bulls***? Fine you’ll get me screaming, but I promise you, there will be no howling. You don’t deserve it, and you know it. If I wasn’t in such a bad way this moon run, I would have balled you and taken the brothers home.”

She released her hold on his head, her fingers had treaded through his hair and their mouths came perilously close to meeting in her little diatribe. He liked this angry Evie, she was so… passionate.

“We needed time apart, and don’t glare at me. We’ll talk about this later. I’m taking you to the beach house after we’re finished here.”

She made a rude noise in the back of her throat, and said, “I don’t think so. I have to work tomorrow... so tough luck."

"Sorry, baby, you are not leaving me this moon heat until you agree to come back on a more permanent basis.”

“Fine, I agree to come back,” she mocked.

Well, he wasn't buying it.

Sin said...

Tiff! So glad you could join us! Even if it was tonight! I understand the internet limiting. I need to do more of that. I would accomplish more during the night. Is this from your second manuscript?

TiffinaC said...

This is for my short I'm trying to get into an anthology. My second is on hold, my third is on hold... but this one should be done in a couple weeks. :D

irisheyes said...

Well, this day got away from me. Sorry I couldn't play today guys. I thought I'd sit down right now and try to come up with something but my mind is a blank. No dialogue and I'm going to bed.

All the dialogue posted was great. I liked the parachute, Hellion! ROTFLMAO

Marnee Jo said...

Tiff, this is great! Thanks for sharing!

Irish - we totally understand. RL gets in the way of our internet time too sometimes.