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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Moving Your Goals Forward One Step At A Time
For a little background on me, I’m in the process of writing my first draft of that first book. And it’s been hard. Really hard. Three years worth of hard so far and I’m getting so close to the end I can smell it. Um…well maybe I should shower more often…
Bo’Sun recently talked about setting big goals and Hellion followed up with a post about breaking that down into smaller 5% size goals. But what I want to talk about is how many goals do you have? I'm not just talking about just writing goals because although we pirates are writers one and all, our lives are filled with other areas we have dreams for.
I have career goals, relationship goals, health goals, etc and I realized that although it’s not bad to have set goals in each of the areas of your life, the key is to find a way to be moving toward your goals in tandem. I’d been treating each area of my life as a separate entity and that made it impossible for me to give any one of those things enough attention. Something always had to take a backseat and for me it was easy for that to be writing when I was doubting myself. Plus, writing really is a time hog!
My health goals, while also a major time suck, are really important to me so I’ve tried to test out ways to make my workout time do double duty. The power of technology allows me to read blog posts, tweet and read books while I’m on the treadmill. Which is great, but none of those things are writing. What to do?
A Treadmill Desk. Yep, you heard me right. After reading some blogs and hearing other writers rave about them, I decided I could make my own cheap (read: $12 total for supplies) treadmill desk that would allow me to write on my laptop while walking slowly on the treadmill.
Now this won’t replace my regular workouts completely, but I will be able to do long slow walks for cardio now and be writing the entire time! Check out the photos to see my lovely DIY skills. I have plans to do some upgrades as I use it more and see what I’d like to add. Attaching a notepad and velcro for a pen are on the list.
The best thing, and what I'm so excited about, is that I was able to take two separate goals and find a way to make them work together. I’m moving forward with both without feeling like I’m sacrificing one part of my life for the other.
What goals are highest on your priority list? How do you set those priorities? Does writing seem to be the one goal that always takes a back seat? Take a look at your life goals/dreams and see if you can come up with some creative ideas on how to merge your time to knock out two goals at the same time.
Goal Setting,
Writing for Rum
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Morning crew! I happen to be using my treadmill desk as I write this.
Let's hear ways you, or even ideas you might have for others, can tie goals together.
And if you have questions about my new desk I can give you all the details.
Have you thought about voice to text for writing as you walk? I have a colleague who swears by it, though his e-mails look slightly illiterate sometimes. Not sure if that's him or the software. LOL
You can probably record your voice as an mp3 as well as the text version and so have an audio book as a bonus. If you speed up the walking you could get a 'breathy effect' which might be perfect for the steamy sections (if any).
Didn't Barbara Cartland employ a secretary to jot down her words as she reclined on a settee and reeled off her novels ... hundreds of them. You could do the same while exercising. :)
I love this idea! I'd never heard of a writing treadmill but this is great! Especially because my mind seems to work the best when I'm moving around and have the rest of me occupied. LOL!!
Great post, Scape! And welcome aboard! We're happy to have you!
Highest goals. My writing is a big goal. The only other goal that's as important is keeping my family happy and healthy. I wish I could say that my health was a big one or that I had other stuff going on, but I don't.
I fit these two goals together by plotting my kids' days out and then trying to squish my writing in the cracks. Naps. After bed. While they're entertained destroying the playroom, er, doing crafts. Stuff like that. It's not big multitasking but it works for me.
I have a bunch of running around to do this morning and have to run, but I'll get back online as soon as I can. Welcome aboard (officially), Scape!!!
What a great idea, Scape! But if I tried it, I'd either injure myself or destroy my laptop. I'm not a multitasker. I've been known to drive fifteen miles past my exit when I'm driving and thinking out a scene at the same time. I never write when I'm responsible for one of the grands because I fear giving him/her permission to play in traffic because I'm too focused to hear the question. The best I can do is eat lunch and read a blog post at the same time--and even then I sometimes crush a strawberry against my cheek or have yogurt dripping off my chin. :)
Marn, I think I read that Nora Roberts wrote her first books while her sons were napping. Just look what she accomplished. LOL
Welcome, Scapegoat! I love the idea of combining two goals (adds rum to coffee -- that ought to do it!), and I've seen people talk on Twitter about the writing treadmills. I'm not sure I have the requisite skills to use it though. LOL I'm sure I'd tumble off the side or something.
You're so right about one goal taking precedence while others have to wait their turn. I fret about not getting everything done and then don't enjoy what I *am* doing. LOL
Like everyone else, I have to squeeze things in around other things. I try to brainstorm while I'm stuck in traffic, or while I'm unpacking boxes of stuff at work. I'm trying to tell myself I can also brainstorm my WIP while I'm doing housework, but I'm not sure I've convinced myself yet. LOL
Lots to think about though. Thanks for the inspiration!
Q - Ha! You're right that it might make those steamy scenes something hilarious. I haven't tried a text to speech app yet and I don't know why it just doesn't occur to me to try one. Will have to remedy that!
Thanks Marnee! I'd say keeping your family happy and healthy is an awesome goal.
I'll have to think on maybe some creative ideas on ways your kids could actually help in or participate in your writing... I know one is still an enfant, but what are their ages?
Maybe once they are old enough, you could have them help you create storyboards or clippings of characters from magazines. I'm thinking scraft projects that you could use in your writing.
Will have to keep thinking on it!
Janga - I'm crazy clumsy and so far so good. I seriously only walk 2.0-2.5 max. The idea is SLOW but long chunks of time when I would normally want to be sitting and writing for hours.
The moving helps me think like Marnee mentioned. Otherwise, I find myself getting up and down all the time when I'm writing. i'm antsy that way. :)
Great first blog, Scape! I'm not sure I'm coordinated enough to manage walking and writing at the same time. Sometimes, I have serious difficulty walking and thinking at the same time. But if it works for you, you go girl! Sounds like a great way to accomplish two goals at once.
When the kids were younger I was the queen of multi-tasking. I could do 3 or 4 things at once, but the older I get the more I like the idea of taking some much needed time out to just concentrate on one thing at a time. On the other hand, a lot of my goals these days seem to revolve around my health and that of my family and reading while on the treadmill I think I could manage and probably should! I have a Nook now so keeping the book open or turning the pages are no longer problems.
Hope I've given you more to think about Donna!
Now, housework and writing...how to combine...
I'm thinking Q had the right idea with text to speech maybe!
Also thinking audiobooks of writing craft books might be great to play while doing chores.
Irish - Getting my reader and after winning an iPad has totally changed how much reading I can get in. I did read on the treadmill before, but it was slow going. With my two devices that sit flat on the magazine rack and let me pump up the font size, I've doubled what I can read and do it while being productive too. Win-win!
Welcome aboard, Scape! And so glad they didn't make you swim through shark infested waters to reach the boat...ahem. Sin, you big fat liar!
Course, there are fewer sharks now that the Kraken is about...
Multitask...gods. I think I need to get through this wonderful hormonal hell I'm in right now before I try to mutlitask, or people are going to die. I'm having a hard enought time single-tasking lately!
But I like the idea of a writing treadmill...what I need is a way to clean house, declutter and write at the same time...
I'm off for a day of indulging mysel! Will check in later!
Great post, Scape!
Awesome blog. I have been considering a treadmill desk but I'd have to buy a treadmill.
I've been multi-tasking all morning. Got our teeth cleaned, dropped kiddo at school, renewed my license, got breakfast, picked up stocking stuffers, and now sitting at the dealership waiting for an oil change. Not even lunch time and I need a nap!
Great blog, Scape! This is exactly something I worry about. What's sad is if I exercise regularly, I usually have more energy to write, but I feel one is always sucking up time from the other. Makes me crazy!
I don't have a treadmill though. *LOL* But still there should be a way of getting it all in in a day and accomplishing what I need to accomplish. I mean, writers do it! *LOL*
I have to run too...I have a Dad appt today (a fun one!) and will check in later!
Just as a heads up. I updated the site so things might look a little different the next time you go to post a blog. Let me know if you can't find something.
Hi Crew - sorry, back now. I had 3 meetings at work this morning so I've been away from my computer.
Chance - I'm so glad there are no sharks! Sharks are actually my "thing". You know, that one animal/thing that scares you most. I live in FLA and I DO NOT EVER go in the water. I go to the beach, I just don't go in the water.
Have you tried a text to speech device to try writing while you clean? Or even listening to audio books? Might be helpful.
Hellie - Thanks! I got my treadmill a few years ago, but you can usually find them pretty cheap on craigslist. Especially around April-ish when all the New Year's fitness plans have gone kaput.
Have fun with Dad!
I always forget to check Craig's List. I'm currently haunting it for a new dryer, but now I need to look up treadmills. Too bad they don't also sell "added room on your house" so I'd have someplace to put it.
Did all that this morning and still made it to the office by noon. HOW did I do that? Maybe my brain cells are starting to function again. Hmmm...
Realize I never answered your question. Right now, other than keeping Kiddo's grades up and keeping her out of the middle school drama, writing is my top priority. I have no real intention of publishing becoming my sole income, but I want it to be a supplemental income and that means getting my butt (and fingers) in gear. Which, again, is why my brain cells returning to functioning order would be helpful.
I always forget to check craigslist 1st, but I'm trying to get better about it.
Pondering if there is a way to include your daughter in editing as a way of maybe teaching her some grammer and English class subjects?
Does she have any desire to write? Maybe you can set up a girls time where the two of you go to Starbucks or someplace fun and write at the same time. She'll stay out of trouble, you'd be spending time together and maybe you'd even bond over the writing process?
Just an idea.
I'm trying to think of other goals that we might have and how we could combine them...
Great blog, Scape!
I can barely walk on the treadmill without watching the belt. I'm extremely clumsy and my stride is just about the length of the belt so if I'm not careful I end up biting the dust. But this desk idea of yours is ingenious!
I have a ton of goals which never get uttered aloud. I'm going to finish two drafts next year, restart my running routine and start doing yoga again. And I need to finish working on my "imagination" room at home where I write.
Sin, yoga has changed my stress levels and certain areas of my body. I can always tell if I've missed a class and highly recommend it to everyone.
An imagination room sounds awesome! What kind of things are you thinking of for it? We want pics too!
Is everyone ready for the Holidays and New Year's?
No details needed, but do you find yourself creating your writing goals this time of year?
I really need to try yoga. I'm not sure I'd "get" it, but I think it's worth a try. Anyone know of a REALLY beginner beginner DVD?
She loves to write, Scape. Does it all the time. She's not to the "help with editing" phase yet but she asks about it and we talk about the plotting and the stories. Her nose is so buried in YA books right now, she's ecstatic that I'm busy enough to leave her to read in peace. Don't know how often I hear "Why can't I read without being interrupted?!"
Welcome to life, kiddo. LOL!
I love the idea of an imagination room. My desk is in my bedroom. I could turn it into an imagination room. Since nothing fun ever happens in there...
I did beginner - beginner dvd's for years. I'll look tonight and see what I have left and if I have a good one I'll send it to you.
Thanks! Or even just give me the name of them and I'll hunt them down. Is there such a thing as yoga that's easy on the knees?
Yes there is. :) although I don't think too many moves put pressure on the knees.
Really, a great blog...I'm so sorry I mised most of the day. Been running around San Francisco again today, with a friend instead of husband.
And you know, I might have finally found my holiday spirit...friend took me this huge mall that was decorated so sweetly...and I opened my e-mail to two great bits of news. Including a very well known author agreeing to do a book quote for the print edition of The Chameleon Goggles! I'm so jazzed! And a possible trip to Hawaii come February!
As for multi-tasking, voice software while housework... I don't think I could do it. I might be able to brainstorm while cleaning house, but I can see me with a list and a bit of "...WTF did I buy this for and now where the hell am I going to put it?" as I unpack bags left dropped here and there...
No worries Chance! Glad you had such a lovely time. :)
Congrats on the quote and the possible trip! We need celebration drinks!!!!
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