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Sunday, September 25, 2011
Romancing the Countess with Ashley March
Ashley: Thank you! I’m thrilled to be back here, and so excited to be sharing information about RtC with you! I have to admit that the idea of the characters—a widow and widower drawn together after their cheating spouses died—just popped into my head. Not that ideas always pop into my head so easily (and I still had to rework this one quite a bit), but it sure is nice when it happens. =)
DRD: One thing I love about your books is your elegant, lyrical style of writing. It reminds me of the romances I loved when I first started reading this genre (way back in the 20th century!) Did it take you a while to discover your style and your voice? Are you inspired by any particular books or authors?
Ashley: Thanks so much. =) But I’ll have you know that I started reading romance way back in the 20th century, too. ;) It means a lot to hear my writing described in such a way. I’ve always loved words and books, but when I first tried writing romance I tried to mimic other author voices I really loved. As a result the writing wasn’t HORRIBLE, but it definitely didn’t feel like something I was supposed to write. I was never really satisfied with it; I always felt I could do better. SEDUCING THE DUCHESS, my debut that came out in October 2010, was the first book I wrote where I felt that I had finally found my voice. Authors who inspire me with their storytelling and voices in particular are: Sherry Thomas, Laura Lee Guhrke, Lisa Kleypas, and Anne Mallory.
DRD: It's hard to believe that your first book came out just a year ago. (Here's a link to Ashley's first interview with the pirates for SEDUCING THE DUCHESS.) What would you say has been the most unexpected part of being a published author? What has been the most challenging? The most fun (besides hanging out with the pirates, naturally!)
Ashley: I know! It hasn’t even been a year yet. It’s a little crazy to think about, honestly. =) The most unexpected part… I know authors always warn pre-published authors about how much work is involved, but I truly had no idea. Fortunately I enjoy pretty much all of it, but this is definitely one of those jobs where you feel like you never catch up. Or maybe that’s just me. =)
The most challenging? Trying to find the time to write. Honestly it should be a simple thing, but I’ve had to learn that all the promotion in the world means nothing if you can’t make writing time a priority. I’m still struggling with this, but I hope to continue getting more and more projects off my plate before 2013 arrives so I can become more focused on producing stories I love to write.
As far as the most fun—well, that’s easy. =) Definitely hanging out with the pirates (of course!), but also all of the other fabulous romance readers/reviewers/bloggers/aspiring writers/authors/and other industry professionals that make this such a great community to be a part of. Honestly, I love you guys. *sniffle*
DRD: *squishy hug* We love you too! You have an intriguing new project coming up. What can you tell us about that? More importantly, how long do we have to wait?
Ashley: Erhm…to which intriguing new project do you refer? Lol. Let’s go with what I currently think is the most intriguing. Right now on my website at www.ashleymarch.com/novella I’m hosting a reader-interactive online novella where each week I post a new chapter for readers to read, then vote on where they want the story to go for the next week. When this novella is finished, I will self-publish it with 25% of the proceeds going to a charity (something likely helping children).
All of this is a test-run and preface to a new project I plan on starting in 2012 called Romance with Heart, where three different authors from a romance sub-genre pitch in to write their own reader-interactive online novella, then choose a charity where 25% of their proceeds will go after it is published. I’ve always wanted to give to charities in a big way but have never had the money. This is a way I’m hoping that everyone—you, me, etc.—can help others while also reading and writing great romances.
DRD: You're definitely one of the hardest working women in the romance business--I need to know the name of the demon that gave you all those extra hours in a day so I can sign up for some too! Tell us what else—besides writing books—you've got going on, and how you get it all done.
I was the founder of the Denver Lady Jane’s Salon, but I handed that over to the fabulous Jenn LeBlanc a couple of months ago.
Presently, this is a list of other things I’m working on besides my individual writing projects:
1) Colorado Romance Writers’ published author liaison
2) Colorado Romance Writers’ Tea Committee member
3) Coordinator for Sevens Song Press, where local Colorado writers are coming together to publish anthologies (my 11/2011 SWEET TALK ME and 1/2012 A DUKE OF MY OWN are both part of this)
4) Coordinator for a romance co-op group
5) Coordinator for another author co-op group, although we’re not very active at the moment since most members’ books come out in 2012
6) Coordinator for a Fast Draft group that was organized after RWA 2011. This is a touch-and-go thing as people need it.
7) Coordinator for the Romance Biggest Winner competition—outside of Romance with Heart, this is probably the other big project I’m most excited about in terms of bringing the romance community together (romancebiggestwinner.blogspot.com)
8) Coordinator for…oh, I can’t tell you that one yet. ;) Let’s just say it has to do with a group of self-publishing authors. Watch out for news about this mysterious group in June 2012.
9) I mentioned this above, but the Romance with Heart reader-interactive online romance charity adventure =) (starts in 2012)
10) Helping a few other romance authors coordinate their online book tours
11) Mentor for a pre-published writer through a Colorado Romance Writers’ auction. Mentorship includes (as needed) one weekly half-hour phone call, emails responded to within 24 hours, and one chapter critiqued each week
12) Critiquing of other fulls and partials of pre-published writers as donated through contests/auctions
13) Critique partner to two fabulous writers (Anna Randol and Kat Brauer) and editor of my husband’s YA
14) Regular contributing blogger to two blogs outside of my own
15) Coordinator and hostess of the Annual March Madness Blog Party
Hmm. I think that’s it. As you can see, I’m obviously a slacker. ;)
DRD: I'm exhausted just reading about all of it! Ashley, thanks again for stopping by today. Hopefully you'll have time to answer questions from the pirates today. Just ignore the guy in the front row wearing a tricorne hat and black eyeliner. . .
Ashley: I’m exhausted too, lol. Thanks again for having me, and I’ll be dropping in and out all day. You guys are the best!... and that pirate over there isn’t too bad, either (she says with a lusty pirate growl). ;)
Okay, so honestly I’d love to know what you guys think of my idea for Romance with Heart. Obviously most people probably think that giving a percentage of proceeds to a charity is an awesome thing, but what do you think specifically about getting to read a new chapter every week and vote on where the story is going to go next? Is this something that excites you as a reader? Any suggestions for ideas/improvement? (Note: Once the novella is finished online, only the first chapter will remain on the website as free.) You can see what I’ve done so far for my own novella at www.ashleymarch.com/novella.
One random commenter will be chosen to win a copy of my newest book, ROMANCING THE COUNTESS (open internationally)! Also, find out how to win the ROMANCING THE COUNTESS Book Tour Grand Prize of 50+ romance novels by visiting www.ashleymarch.com!
Ashley March,
DRD Dealings (Donna),
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I can't ... Well, I just can't imagine doing everything you're doing...and I feel stretched with what I do!
You know, you're gonna terrify everyone!
Now, as for this latest brainstorm...I find myself thinking of the few insane blog-long stories we've played with here on the Revenge. And one adventure Hellion went on involving aliens, a kraken in a bar, a gay groom and I think there was a secret baby in there...
I totally love the charity idea...just can't imagine where the story will go...you offering options I assume. So it wouldn't go totally off the rails the way things do here on the ship...
And I'm one of the RBW members...
Hi Ashley
I think your idea of an interactive novella is fantastic. It's great having a say in what happens. Helping charity as well is just the icing on the cake.
Ditto 2nd chance, I don't know where you get the energy or make time for everything you do. I was browsing your website and my mind just boggles at everything you've got going on. *g*
Hi Ashley, welcome back!
I added 'Seducing the Duchess' to my TBB after your last encounter with Jack. I guess perhaps he's indisposed today (ie drunk *grin*). Sadly I haven't found time to read it as yet.
I love those magical serendipitous moments in life which lead to love and romance. A couple meeting after their spouses demise sounds delicious. Maybe I will jump the TBB que and go straight to 'Romancing the Duchess'. Is it a stand alone story?
I like your 'Romance with Heart' project.
Have you seen any of those interactive computer games where the players make choices (eg whether the hero travels the shortest and most dangerous route through the mountains) which determine the outcome?
I wonder if a romance with multiple plots could be written where the reader selects plot trajectories according to taste. Choice 1: Is the fair Elaina seduced by the villainous Earl?
OK that's a no-brainer LOL. But you get the idea.
You would probably need some partners to write the separate plots and the challenge would be to bring them all to the same HEA. The book could be a mystery or a thriller or a bodice ripper or...
A one stop book! 8)
Great interview! :D
Chance, I feel like such a slacker in comparison. I hope Ashley doesn't say she only listed a "few" things she's working on. LOL
Beebs, I like the idea of the interactive novella too. It'll be interesting to see where it goes, with so many imaginative minds at work. :)
Q, the stories are definitely standalone, so you can read them out of order. :) And that's intriguing about multiple plots the reader can choose--so that we can all have our favorite storylines and avoid the ones we don't like. Brilliant!
Hi Ashley,
You are an amazing woman...more like Superwoman...where's your cape? How do you keep up with your work, your projects and your young family?
I like the Romance with heart idea. I visited your website for the first week of the interactive novella....but dang me, I forgot about it since then...will pop over there right now to have a look see!
I'm awestruck by that list, Ashley, especially given how active you are online and your mommy responsibilities. Are you sure you don't have one of Hermione's time turners hidden away?
I'm fascinated by any kind of collaborative writing, and the interactive stories sound like a fabulous idea.
I'm torn between feeling like a slacker and wanting to drive to your house and shake some sense into you. LOL! That's crazy-talking up there. My three working brain cells were rebelling by the time I reached #3 on that list.
I used to do a lot more than I do now (hence down to 3 working brain cells) but I hit a breaking point. And I didn't have TWO little ones nor half the stuff you have on your plate. I think we should all pitch in and help you sweep some of that off.
I like this interractive idea. Many writer blogs tend to lean heavy on the writing side and I've seen readers say things like "I'm just a reader, but..." This project would appeal to writers (to watch how it's done) but really to the readers who I think will enjoy reading something they helped create. The money going to charity is an added bonus.
I like the idea of voting as a one time thing... but overall, I prefer reading a regular novel... but who can argue with the proceeds going to charity? and it's an interesting idea...
I think it's a very cool and modern idea to let others decide where the story is going to go. The book sounds great and I'd love to read it!
niteofblu at gmail dot com
Welcome back to the ship, Ashley! :)
I like the idea of an interactive novel too. And I love the idea of having three authors do a collaboration choose-your-own-adventure style for charity. And I like that it's a survey. So the author can make suggestions and see what everyone wants. Sort of like at a restaurant.
This book sounds great. It's going in my kindle right now. :)
Look at all our lovely new visitors! *waves* Welcome aboard!
Where is Ashley?
Don't tell me that rogue Jack has kidnapped her.
I knew that lusty growl was tempting fate! LOL
Whew! You make me tired just reading this post. You are a busy, busy person.
I like the idea of the interactive novella, but it probably wouldn't work for a reader like me. First, I have a hard time reading fiction on the computer. (I still don't have an ereader and the few ebooks I've downloaded remain on my computer, unread.) Second, my attention span is too fractured to read a chapter at a time. (Well, I do read webcomics this way, but there's only a page to read and there are pik-chures.)
But, one hopes, I'm in the minority. It does sound like a neat idea.
I'm with Janga: I'm flabbergasted and amazed by your list and am also convinced you have a HP time turner keeping you on task! :)
I think you're doing a wonderful thing with the interactive novella. I'm not sure--I'd have to participate to see, but it reminds me of the Avon Fan Lit sorta, and I didn't care for that as time went on. It was too much like a reality TV show, competing to see what would be next and stuff. Part of me is screaming, "This is a book written by a committee!" and I'm wary; however, there is a vast difference in having readers say, "I think he should kiss her next!" and then having the writer come up with that scene. Clearly the writer still has final say how that happens and it can be more "organic"--I'm all about the organic.
So...I imagine it'll work out a lot better than I think. :)
Q - Ashley is a couple time zones behind us east coasters. (Or other side of ponders, such as yourself.) I imagine she's wrangling up breakfast for two little kidlets, but she'll get by as soon as she can.
You mean...she's a left coaster?
Not quite. I think she's Mountain time.
I have been enjoying your interactive novella. Now every Tuesday afternoon I will go to your website to see what's going to happen next and vote.
Maybe she's off planet today???
I like the idea that proceeds are going to charity. I,however will leave the writing skills with the expert. I prefer to read a full novel instead of pieces and guessing what happens next. *shrug* that's because I have no writing skills. : (
I love following your interactive novella! Your story is amazing and I'm enjoying it so much. I think it is fun picking where things will go and kinda exciting that the readers have a part of it. Love that the procedes will go to charity!
What a great idea, Ashley. Readers have an opportunity to help decide on the story and give to charity. Authors have an opportunity to interact with readers and give to charity. Sounds like a win all around!
Hi Everyone! The kids are finally down! =) I neglected to mention that the crazy part about being a SAHM is that I don't really have any "me" time until after their bedtime. Which means that I'm soooo happy to finally be able to stop over and visit with you guys! Thanks so much for stopping by! =)
Hi 2nd chance! Woohoo for RBW! =) Lol, okay...I have to admit that that story sounds pretty awesome. But yes, the way Romance with Heart would work is that the reader is offered three choices at the end of the chapter, and they get to select a choice they want to see most for the next chapter.
I've working on my own novella on my website right now as a sort of test run, and I think this is one part of the process that I'm going to need to make better. I need better options.
Hi beebs! I'm so glad you like the idea! On the comment I just made to 2nd chance, I said that I'm going to have to come up with better questions. I'm thinking that maybe I'll have a few beta readers before each chapter goes up that can offer choices of what would go up next. Because it seems that to me, as the writer for my test novella, I know how *I* want it to go, so it's hard giving control over to the reader completely. =) So yes, definitely someone else needs to help come up with choices to make it more fun. Thanks!
Hi quantum! Oh, thank you for buying SD! I have tons of books on my TBR pile, so no worries about not having gotten to it. Whenever you do, though, I hope you enjoy it! And as for ROMANCING THE COUNTESS, yes, it is a standalone, so you can definitely read it before SD. =)
Actually, your comment about the interactive part made me think of stories that were around when I was a kid called "Choose Your Own Adventure". They were a lot of fun, and I think AmyBeth Inverness has set up something similar with different people's blogs in the romance world. So I wouldn't want to take her idea away, but I do think it's great, and sounds like a lot of fun! =)
Hi Donna! Thanks again for the great interview! And I *think* I listed everything. ;) Oh, I like what you said about the choose your own adventure style where you're able to choose the tropes you like and avoid the ones you don't. Now THAT'S interesting. =)
Hi Karen! Thanks so much, but honestly I know I need to get some things off my plate--as I get older (okay, really it's the kids getting older and driving me crazy, lol) I realize that I just can't keep up with everything anymore. So yes, what you see there is my overcommitment list which I'm trying to pare down. But the Romance with Heart is something I'm 100% devoted to, especially because of the charity aspect. Thanks so much for visiting and getting involved! =)
Hi Janga! *sheepish* Okay, now I feel like such an overachiever, lol. The story of my life. ;) Actually, one of the things I wish I had MORE time for is Twitter. I love it, I love the people, and it seems like I'm always dashing in and dashing out! And I'm so glad you like the novella idea--thank you for your feedback. =)
Hi bo'sun! Anytime you want to come over and shake me, feel free. =) The crazy thing is that I have so many other ideas, but I know I don't have the time to invest to make them great. And yes, I will be getting some of this off my plate soon--either by choice or by necessity because I can't keep up. =( Because I know if I don't, one day I'll end up with only three brain cells. ;)
Thanks so much for your feedback on the Romance with Heart idea! Yes, I'm one of those writers who can't seem to find anything to write about on my personal blog except writing. I thought this would be a great way to bring writers and readers together. =)
Thanks, Terri C.! I'm so glad you like the idea. =)
Hi May! Oh, I definitely agree. =) I think this is something as a fun little extra, but I would always want to read my novels. I'm also planning on alternating romance sub-genres every time so that one session will have historical, the next contemporary, the next 10 weeks romantic suspense, and so on...
Hi Marnee! So good to be back! =) Oh, a menu of options...I think I could make this a little better with the choices, actually. Hmm. I'll have to think about it. Thanks! =)
And I'm so glad it sounds interesting to you. Hope you enjoy it! =)
Hi Everyone--just wanted to apologize again for coming in late. I'm on MST and the girls usually go down between 7 and 8pm. I wish they would take naps TOGETHER--who am I kidding? I wish they would take naps, period. ;)
Anyone think Captain Jack would make a good babysitter? =)
Hi p.kirby! Thanks for your feedback! I can see what you mean about this not being for everyone because of the format. The good thing is that for those who do want to read the entire novella at once, they can do that after it's published. As for it being an e-book...I think it's possible that one day three novellas at a time could be bundled into an anthology and then become available as a POD (print-on-demand) book. However, if you have a smart phone, I would encourage you to try that. I don't like reading books on the computer, either, but I found that downloading e-books to my smart phone is my preferred way of reading now. Just thought I'd mention it, because it took me a while to figure that out. ;)
He'd definitely give them enough rum to make sure they took naps. Nice, long naps. LOL!
Hi Hellion! I have to admit that I heard about the Avon Fan Lit thing after the fact, so I never really was involved as a reader or voter. But I think the biggest difference is that one wouldn't be voting for a writer or story to beat out the others, just voting for where the current story should go next. I'm hoping it will be fun. =) And if you ever participate and have any suggestions on how to make it more fun, I hope you'll let me know!
Thanks so much for being involved, Ora! Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to make it better. (For example, if the question choices just aren't very much fun...)
Hi tina! No worries! =) Hopefully you'll enjoy the final published novellas after all the interactive process has been completed. =) Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Johanna! Oh, thank you so, so much. This is a new thing for me, too, and I have to admit I've been kind of nervous about putting something out there that is not always 100% edited/polished. But I'm so glad you're enjoying the process, and really thrilled that you're involved. Thank you! =)
Hi LSUReader! Yes, this is exactly why I think it will be fun--everyone working together to do what they already love to do, and people in need benefiting at the end. Thanks so much for your feedback. =)
Bo'sun--I think at this point I might need some of that for myself! ;)
Ashley, after the day and list...here, have a keg.
I just got home from work. I could use a keg or two. :)
Ashley, thanks again for the interview. I think the interactive novella is definitely a winner, judging from everyone's interest!
Romance With Heart sounds like a great idea! I like the idea that everyone can participate and decide where the story goes.
Definitely for the win! :-)
Hi Ashley!!! Good idea but personally, I just want everything handed to me already great!
Thanks, you guys! I really appreciate your feedback. =) Thanks so much again for having me!
I think I'd be on tenterhooks waiting for a new chapter every week. I prefer to read my books in 1 sitting but that's just my own preference. Otherwise I think it's quite intriguing & interesting way for interaction between your readers.
I think I would love to read chapter a week and guess what will happen next.
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