Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blue-Eyed Bad Boys

Well, you've shown me yours.  So now it's time for me to show you mine:  the Hotties that keep my cabin warm throughout the year.  I'll warn you.  There are a lot of them, so it's good that I have FIVE opportunities this month to show some of them off.

First up is the gorgeous Matt Bomer.  I know he prefers a different team, but his eyes and smile manage to make me completely forget about that.

Next is Mark Valley.  Could you possibly resist those blue eyes?  While he's taking a bubble bath?  And inviting you to join him?  Me neither.

And how could I not include Christian Kane, another bad boy with piercing baby blues.  They can almost make you forget to look elsewhere.  Almost.

And another favorite is Marc Warren.  (I swear I hadn't planned on so many M names.)  If you're not familiar with his mischievous baby blues, well, once you've seen him as a con man in the BBC series Hustle, you'll realize that eyes really do sparkle with mischief.

For the finale. . .yes, it's my current crush, Richard Armitage.  Just look at those gorgeous blue eyes, promising so many delicious treats, and then look at his gorgeous. . .self.



Bosun said...

Matt plays for his own team? Really? Are you SERIOUS???

You have crushed me this day...

2nd Chance said...

I find myself wondering...what will Richard Armitage look like in...oh...twenty years. Those eyes, strong features... I bet he'll be yummy then, too!

Donna said...

Sorry, Terri -- I don't usually crush anybody this early in the day! I found out that fact a long time ago, and I'm usually the last to know. . .it doesn't spoil my enjoyment of him though. :)

Donna said...

Chance, I believe you are right -- Mr. A is going to be yummy for many years!

Bosun said...

Donna - I just broke the news too kiddo. She nearly knocked over her cereal bowl then declared "Can't someone make him switch back?!?!"

Do we have any volunteers?

Donna said...

Great, I'm scarring the youth of America. LOL (I love her answer though! I'd definitely volunteer!)

I thought I was the last one to hear that news. (I usually am. LOL)

2nd Chance said...

I remember breaking someone's heart that way reg. the actor who played in the BBC young British naval officer...oh, lord! I can't remember... He had a name that was pronounced Owen, but was spelled with Welsh so it was twelve letters long...???

My head hurts...

Donna said...

Chance, that makes me feel better! I don't want to be the only one dashing illusions around here.

Wow. My choice of Hotties sure scared everybody off. LOL I better go re-check my list of potentials for next week. . .

C'mon boys!

2nd Chance said...

Hey! He played Horatio Hornblower! At least I remembered something!

I remember Clare looking at me like I was insane, then putting up her hand... "Don't tell me that!"

I tried to make her feel better, "Maybe he swings both ways..."

She tried to throw up...

I don't know what's wrong with people! ;-)

Donna said...

LOL, Chance. You're a troublemaker too--even when you're not trying!

Mayhem is a good thing. :)