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Monday, May 31, 2010
Mission Accomplished!
Two miracles happened over this holiday weekend. One bigger than the other. Mine is the smaller of the two.
Not that I’m excited about that or anything. Okay, I might be a little excited. Since 2007, I’ve watched no less than fifteen friends finish manuscripts. Several finished four or five in that time (maybe more) and half a dozen have become published authors.
You can see why I feel a tad silly doing the snoopy dance for one rough draft. In my defense, while my friends were writing those books, I was accomplishing something. There is that degree after all. The one we partied for last fall.
I think it’s time for another party.
String up the lights, cover the decks in Hotties wearing nothing but strategically placed crepe paper, and pass me a stiff one. (Thanks, Scuttlebutt, for the idea.) Pull down the top shelf goodies and someone tell Santa to get the ovens going. We’re partying on The Revenge!
And to get us going, tell me about the first time you finished an MS. For the readers in the bunch, share you greatest accomplishments. My top is my kiddo, of course, but the degree and this MS are a very close second.
PS: The bigger miracle has something to do with Gunner Marnee. If you spend any time around here, I’m sure you can guess what it is.
PPS: I created this mock up cover for the book. They say picture what you want, right? Consider me thinking it into being. (And Emma actually wears some hot purple under pretties in the book, so this picture was too good to pass up. *g*)
Not that I’m excited about that or anything. Okay, I might be a little excited. Since 2007, I’ve watched no less than fifteen friends finish manuscripts. Several finished four or five in that time (maybe more) and half a dozen have become published authors.
You can see why I feel a tad silly doing the snoopy dance for one rough draft. In my defense, while my friends were writing those books, I was accomplishing something. There is that degree after all. The one we partied for last fall.
I think it’s time for another party.
String up the lights, cover the decks in Hotties wearing nothing but strategically placed crepe paper, and pass me a stiff one. (Thanks, Scuttlebutt, for the idea.) Pull down the top shelf goodies and someone tell Santa to get the ovens going. We’re partying on The Revenge!
And to get us going, tell me about the first time you finished an MS. For the readers in the bunch, share you greatest accomplishments. My top is my kiddo, of course, but the degree and this MS are a very close second.
PS: The bigger miracle has something to do with Gunner Marnee. If you spend any time around here, I’m sure you can guess what it is.
PPS: I created this mock up cover for the book. They say picture what you want, right? Consider me thinking it into being. (And Emma actually wears some hot purple under pretties in the book, so this picture was too good to pass up. *g*)
Writing for Rum
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Damn! I love playing at making covers! Whoop! and Whoopdidoo!!!
It's been a banner weekend...
What did I feel like when I finished the first book? Well, I didn't really know it was the first, so I kept on going. For what amounted to 12 books before done... But! When I finished that 12th book...I cried.
And cried. I did not want to say goodbye to my world, my characters... Four days later I started the 13th book. And kept going to book 30, where I've finally stalled but will finish it up one a' these days! ;-)
I'm working on a pitcher a' Stiff Ones! And I say let's dance! Party until the day is done and night is flowing dark and loverly!
Huge congrats. Doesn't it feel great? Are you ready to start the next? ready to revise? ready to submit?
Did Marn have her baby?????? SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done Bosun!
I knew you could do it!
Though to be honest, doubts were creeping in ... I'm such a doubting Thomas .... and I'm a good one to talk!
Has Marnee had a boy or a girl? Does the little pirate have a name yet? This is truly a MEGA-celebration. :D
No more time after commenting on Maggie's debut at EJ/JQ BB.
Hope to propose a toast later. :wink:
This is indeed an awesome day. There must be some sign in the sky. Galaxies colliding or something even more awesome.... An event horizon perhaps?
Julie will know! *grin*
Terri, this is such an awesome accomplishment, and I'm proud of you. It' a giddy feeling, finishing a book, one of the top three experiences known to woman. (Commence guessing game for the rest! LOL)
I need to finish one more major scene today in my revisions, and WHEN I do, I'm counting that as my biggest achievement! LOL
I'll be back later, pirate, for a six-pack and a Stiff One (just so you know, I don't drink beer! LOL)
YAY, this is AWESOME! Congraulations sweetie. And I love your mock cover. Finishing is the BEST part of writing (almost) :)
And WHOOOP!! Marnee. Congratulations to mom and baby. Let us know how she's doing.
Sounds like today's going to be a good day :)
Woo hoo!!! Go, Terri Go! That's so awesome, and I love the cover! I'm so impressed -- you set a very ambitious goal,and not only did you keep up, but you finished right on schedule. Phenomenal job, Ter. And no, it's not silly at all to celebrate the finishing of a first draft. It's a rite of passage, and you deserve to float on a cloud as long as you can!
And congrats to Marn and baby!!! I talked to Marn briefly last night--she's sore from the c-section, but thrilled he's here and they're both doing perfectly.
Woohoo!! I love celebrations! Get out the rum, Chanceroo(and maybe hold the rum for Marn) and let's party!
I'm so happy for you Ter that you finished your manuscript this weekend! Love the mock cover. I love the look on her face.
Congrats Marn!
Good morning, Everyone!! Crazy day after holiday here at the office, but I'll get caught up right away.
Chance - Thank you for all the nagging. It was so needed. LOL! I love that you kept writing and ended up with an epic (or two!) before you came up for air.
Thanks, Tiff! Bet you never thought this day would come. LOL! And you wouldn't believe, (or maybe you would) it was like opening the flood gates to the next one. Was up until 1:30 this morning plotting and making notes for the next one. The characters WOULD NOT let me go. Now I can't wait to write this one and they're going to have to wait until I get this first one revised.
Marn had our newest L'il Pirate Sunday evening. The big buy (and I mean BIG) was nice enough not to make her wait the two more days. LOL!
Q - I was doubting right there with you. A Doubting Terri all the way. But the magical combination of humiliation and financial losses served me well. :)
And I wouldn't be surprised if a new black hole has opened up somewhere...
(Ah, man! First time commenting with the captcha code thingie, which I forgot to do, and I lost my comment. It was brilliant of course. LOL)
Congratulations, Terri! This is a huge accomplishment so don't feel silly at all! :) Love the mock cover!
I remember the joy of finishing my first and it meant so much because it had taken so long (years!). It had become this thing I'd never do and kind of snuck up on me to actually be done. It's like Hal says, a rite of passage. I think it does change you because it puts a big question in your mind that won't go away now; if I could finish this, what else might I do?
I think you and I have been on a similar path in some ways -- finishing the first novel and the degree -- although in reverse order. Do you think finishing your degree helped with motivating you to finish your novel? :)
Now I've kind of backtracked and am revising that first and adding some other ideas. However, to be clear, I am not taking back that I finished! LOL
A big congrats also to Marnee and baby! Hope your recovery is fast!
Donna - You absolutely crack me up. What's the scene? Must be a biggie if it's going to be your greatest accomplishment!
I'm hearing that old phrase, "I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count." ;)
JK - Thanks and it is a pretty awesome feeling. I'll be even more ecstatic in a couple months when she's polished to a shine.
Marn and babe are doing well from what I hear. He was a big buy (nearly 10lbs!!) but I'm pretty sure she's just happy to have him in her arms instead of her belly. LOL!
I'm requoting Hal, who said it best: Woo hoo!!! Go, Terri Go! That’s so awesome, and I love the cover! I’m so impressed — you set a very ambitious goal,and not only did you keep up, but you finished right on schedule. Phenomenal job, Ter. And no, it’s not silly at all to celebrate the finishing of a first draft. It’s a rite of passage, and you deserve to float on a cloud as long as you can!
I'm way impressed about your Herculean goal and the fact you not only did it, but you did it with time to spare. I mean, you had all of Monday off!
Totally an example of how to stop listening to everyone else's input and write the book you want. :)
First time I finished a manuscript was April 2001. I'd gotten a laptop for Christmas from a CP who wanted me to be able to write at home so she could read my chapters faster. (She assured me it was a used laptop and it wasn't a big deal, but it was a WAY BIG DEAL.)
Lord I write too slowly. There's another completed manuscript in there, but only just.
Hal - Thanks for keeping us up to date on Marn. And I'm glad everyone likes the cover. Kiddo helped me get it just right and I had fun playing with it. Must have searched through a couple hundred pics to find this one.
I don't envy Marn the c-section. *shivers*
Don't be silly, Sin. Marn can finally have a drink for the first time in nine months. LOL! Pour the woman a tall one!
Thanks for the congrats and isn't that a great picture? I can't tell if that chicks eyes are brown or not, but they aren't bright blue, so I went with it. :)
Melissa - It took YEARS to get to this point, but amazingly this particular story only took a little over 6 months. Four months putzing and then 9 weeks of writing my ass off. LOL!
The degree definitely made a difference. Finishing and getting that piece of paper just makes something click. Reworking certainly doesn't take the "finishing" part away. LOL! After all, this book is FAR from finished. But I'll take it for now!
Hellie - You dealt with my joy and my whining and never told me to shut the hell up. For that, you deserve extra Hoo in your Ha. LOL! Now, get back to work and finish this damn book. LMAO!!
See? Gently pushing....
Woohoo!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! Finishing a manuscript is the best feeling ever and each one stays with you for different reasons. But the first is groundbreaking because you finished a book and that is an amazing feat. So I hope you treat yourself to something awesome today! Also I am so thrilled that there's another contemporary writer in the group. Yay!
And woot to Marnee!!!! Squeeeeeeee to her and her newest arrival!
Okay, I'm all caught up. Whew! Now, I have to leave again. LOL! Kiddo is getting a shot this morning. She is not happy. I shall return, possibly without use of my left hand (from squeezing) and a few new scratched.
All good, cooperative shot taking vibes my way please.
Thanks, Ely! We contemp writers sure are in the minority, aren't we?
Kiddo made it through with nary a whine. In fact, she actually said, "That's it?" My child the drama queen.
Yeah for contemporary writers making a comeback. *LOL*
I love the mock up cover. I might have to do that. That's supposed to be a great motivational tool to finish manuscript.
Oh, here was an accomplishment that isn't WIP related. There was a class I took in college, an independent study, that if I didn't do the paper for, I'd get an F. It was about Robert Burns. WHY I thought it would be a good idea to take an independent study course when I'm as disciplined as a feather in the wind, I don't know.
I managed to scrape a B. The teacher was being generous.
I also passed a Math class in college which was another miracle. I should have been given an award for that too.
I highly recommend making the cover. I did it in Power Point, then saved it as a Jpeg and cropped it to cut out the white border left over.
And that reminds me, I passed the ONE Science class I was required to take for my degree. That is a complete miracle. I still remember wanting to answer "Who cares?" to nearly every question. LOL!
That's awesome Terri! Huge Congrats!
I'm still working on finishing my first one and hope to celebrate it before Nationals, but we'll see.
You should def. be living it up!
Congrats to Marnee and the newest little addition!
Terri, I wonder if your characters will do what mine do to torment me.
I sent off the revisions this morning, which I've been working on for 4 days straight. All of a sudden they start chattering, saying all kinds of funny stuff.
"NOW you have something to say?! What about 10 o'clock last night when I nearly fell down on the ground crying?"
They're merciless! LOL
Melissa -- my sympathies on losing the post! It's ALWAYS brilliant on the first one. ALWAYS. The best writing that's EVER been done. (Speaking from personal experience here. LOL) :)
Scapegoat! I'm living proof you can do it. I'm the consumate late comer. Ask any of the Hotties.
Okay, that was so wrong. Ignore that remark.
You can do it though. And you must let us know when you do so we can throw a party for you too!
Donna - Mine like to talk when I'm nodding off. Then I turn on the light and get the notebook and they hush as if they've been caught in the broom closet. Turn off the light, and we're off again. I was whining about it to Hellie this morning and bitching that these damn characters needed to check the clock!
I have complete faith your revisions were brilliant and funny and will be loved (and purchased) by all who read them.
I have complete faith your revisions were brilliant and funny and will be loved (and purchased) by all who read them.
I get first dibs on adopting Terri! LOL And I was dying about your characters needing to check the clock. Too funny.
Oh, and that late-comer thing -- I noticed the Hotties were a little extra tired lately. NOW I know why. *cancels extra-strength vitamin order*
Note to self...find Bo'sun one a' those pens with a light on the tip...
I totally agree wit' makin' a mock up a' yer cover. First off, it's fun. Second off, it might be better than the argument ya end up wit' 'bout the actual cover when they do somethin' silly wit' yer hero... And thirdly, ya make yer name as big as ya want ta!
I gots the Stiffies here... ;) (Quit pushing! They'll be time so ya all can congratulate her in correct hottie fashion!)
And the Event Horizon, Black Hole and good thing Donnaroo ain't wantin' beer, can't stand the stuff!
Donna - I come with a ready-made granddaughter. LOL! And she's going to be TALL! You two will fit perfectly. (At 10, she's already eye to eye with me. *sigh*)
I'm not the only one wearing out the Hotties. Don'tcha be acting all innocent.
Chance - I admit, the idea of being in total control of this particular cover is part of the draw. That will never happen in the real situation, so might as well play while I can.
That's a full bar! But my drink of choice for years was beer. Coors Light to be exact. Any silver bullets around here? ;)
It sounds like the characters only talk when the lights are out. Like girl scouts at a sleep over.
Either learn to sleep with the lights on, or invest in the pen 2nd is talking about.
Yay, Terri. Finishing that first draft is definitely a party-worthy accomplishment. And I'm even more impressed that you set your goal and worked toward it with persistence and diligence.
I finished my first ms two years ago. It's scary to type those words since I'm still revising the same ms today. But thanks to Terri's challenge, I have completed my synopsis and will have a query letter complete by the end of today. I hope a request will provide the necessary impetus to end the endless revisions. :)
Congrats to Marn and her Mr. and to the new big brother. And a special welcome to the world to the new little one!
Congratulations, Terri!!
I took an online class and I ended up not being able to write for two weeks. Ugh! But it's finally starting to flow again, and I'm still hoping to have the first draft done before Nationals.
Congrats, to Marnee on her new buddle of joy. Here's to him sleeping at least four hours a night.
Di - Did the muse go on strike or was the class just too time consuming? Good to hear the words are flowing again. And thanks for the congrats!
Janga - We've made so many deadlines for ourselves, it's good to see we're finally meeting them. LOL! Thanks for all your support from the very beginning. And if you find a couple extra days this summer, I'll be hitting you up for a read through. :)
You know, last summer Keira gave me a special Microsoft pen that actually has a light built into it. I didn't even think to try it. Tonight, the light up pen goes on the nightstand!
Don’tcha be acting all innocent.
LOL -- I don't think I remember HOW.
And I've always said I wanted to be a grandma, but not a mom -- so looks like this will work out fine. LOL
Chance, are you keeping track of how many Stiffies there are? :) I don't like beer, but I can definitely go for a nice six-pack. LOL
I think all the silver bullets got used on the werewolves, Terri. :)
Hellie, love the girl scouts at a sleepover. LOL
Sorry about the six-pack repeat -- I just couldn't help myself. LOL
That is NOT what these silver bullets are for, Donna. *cocks brow*
I could go for a six pack myself. *sigh*
The instructor told me avoidance is not a story goal. So, I tried to change her goal, but it changed who she was and suddenly, I didn't know her anymore (nor did Drake). I was quite simply stuck.
avoidance is not a story goal
Ack! Has the instructor heard of my Hierarchy of Avoidance?
I'm feeling faint. I need to lie down.
Di, sorry that you got stuck. Did you find a way to get going again?
*rips off a Hottie's shirt to make a pillow for Donna*
Here, hon, lie down on this six pack.
I hate when instructors throw around absolutes. Nothing is absolute! It's not her goal, but much of my heroine's motivations come from avoiding getting hurt. People (real and fictional) avoid things all the time. Emma (and I) absolutely does not want to get hurt again. That's quite valid.
*rips off a Hottie’s shirt to make a pillow for Donna*
Here, hon, lie down on this six pack.
Thanks -- I think that's just what I needed. Um, would you mind closing the door? (He's shy once his shirt is off.)
Sorry, not buying it. All Hotties are tested for shyness before being added to the crew.
Try again. :)
Oooh, it's so CHILLY in here! Look at all those goosebumps. . .on the exposed six-pack.
*fingers crossed*
No absolutes! Yeah! Remember that next time ya badger me about having no goals fer me heroine other than a list of 'nots'!
Not be caught.
Not be killed.
Not be hurt.
Not cause harm to others.
It's like revise list to positives...
Live free.
Live with joy.
Live to spread joy?
Eh. The negatives are stronger!
Tested for shyness... *snort
Hey, do we have any werewolves on this ship?
Hey, do we have any werewolves on this ship?
Not anymore. :) Those silver bullets did the trick.
I'm with you guys on the "nots" being stronger. It's a goal to not be hurt, not be killed, etc. Maybe it has to be more concrete though. My brain is not cooperating -- I'll try to figure out what I'm trying to say -- unless you guys can do it first! LOL
Off for a bit. . .keep the six-packs warm. LOL
Donna - Once again, nice try. But we're in the CARIBBEAN. Cold ain't gonna fly.
Chance - Are you barking at me? I'm not the one who told you that couldn't be her goal. LOL! You tried to say that was her ONLY goal, that's where we got snarled up.
I haven't let any werewolves on. It's that Hellie posting that toothy child all the damn time...
Once again, nice try. But we’re in the CARIBBEAN. Cold ain’t gonna fly.
"This one's gotta work," she mutters.
Sooooo, the Hotties want to practice their "welcome back" dance moves for when Marn returns -- and it's a SURPRISE -- they don't want anyone else SEEING it.
Oh? And Donna is suddenly a choreographer?
I seem ta recall being badgered about concrete goals... ;)
But since me memory is poked full a' wholes, I'll apologize, since I could be rememberin' faultilee.
I put a werewolf on the ship in me Kraken story. Everyone knows but the main character... He's just a good guy, never even goes furry. In the first book... ;)
That works, Donna. I'll close the door. But if no one is supposed to see, you'll have to come out here with me. :)
You're a clever on, Chance. Always sneaking this stuff in where ya can.
I've totally lost track of the conversation, but can I just say, that cover really makes me want to play around with my own mock covers at work. That would be bad.
Nice peer pressure, Ter.
*now back your regularly scheduled programing*
I have Taylor the Toothy Werewolf in my cabin. All is well.
Hal, isn't she evil? I've made a mock up cover today! Bad, bad, bad!
Nah! Pure inspiration! Make a cover, not a waste of time...post it where you can see it! In fact, share it! I wannna see! I wanna see!
the bad part isn't making a cover --that would be super fun--it's doing it at work. My luck, someone would walk in about the time I'm scrolling for hot dark-haired cops for the cover :)
Moi? Peer Pressure? Never.
It was very fun. And I would help you troll for your dark, hot, cover hottie, but I too am at work and *this* close to catching up. I can't let myself get distracted again. LOL!
Hellie's was good, but I think her clinching couple should have less clothes on. The guy was wearing a shit. WTH is up with that?
Maybe we could do my fantasy cover one day??? I posted two the day we interviewed our writer selfs...
The guy was wearing a shit. WTH is up with that?
Yeah, really. WTH.
Just got back from a routine chore, and the skies decided to open up and POUR on me, which I didn't really mind. It was the fact I had on a white tank top, and the rain-pouring made it look as though I didn't have on ANY tank top. LOL I thought I'd rush home, but noooooooo, I need to get gas for the car. I tried to pretend I was one of those car models. LOL
Damn. Talk about a bad typo. Gah!
I bet you looked just like those girls in the rock videos back in the 80s. LOL!
*singing* Here I go again on my own.....
I can't get the picture to save in anything but publisher, and I can't get it to change into a JPEG. No can share.
Then there was a discussion of what my pen name SHOULD be.
Well, actually, I sneaked in while the Hotties were practicing their dance number. . .told them not to mind while I changed clothes. LOL
They really need more practice--on their dance moves. :)
As long as ya distracted them and they didn't pour from the cabin screaming, yer golden.
vison of self, standing in empty cabin, looking about with confusion... "Where'd they go?"
Is Chance insinuating Donna taking off her clothes would send the hotties running? LOL!
No, Chance is stating that would be the results of her taking off her clothes in a room full of hotties!
Oh! Missed that completely. LOL!
Oooooh Soooo sorry I’m late , Terri!
But. I do have A Huge CONGRADULATIONS for you.
And a keg-o-Coors! Actually , I brought the whole beer truck. Along with its big, brawny driver. Figured that you might find a use for him…
And honestly? Terri … I Never Doubted you. A while ago … quite a while ago … you posted a tidbit from one of your love scenes. It was earthy. Honest. And very well written,
That’s when I knew. You had it It.
AKA Talent. The kind of talent that had to be expressed.
So I Never doubted … not for a Moment Terri …. that the day would come when you could say “ I Finished my first draft!”
Marnee! A big ten pound Congratulations to you! Glad to hear that you and the not-so-little one are doing well. Hugs.
goals fer me heroine other than a list of ‘nots’!
Not be caught.
Not be killed.
Not be hurt.
Not cause harm to others.
It’s like revise list to positives…
Live free.
Live with joy.
Live to spread joy
Chanch? Gosh,I didn't Know that you were writing MY Life Story!
Oh yes ... my greatest accomplishment?
Grace Under Fire
And I don't mean the tv show.
Now I'm off ... to spread joy!
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