Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hottie Crew Member of the Week – Is That a Gun In Your Pocket?

Everyone knows pirates are known for having some nifty weapons. Canons. Cutlasses. Chain Shot (which is a set of iron balls, I kid you not).  On this ship we also have ninja stars and poison dart eyelashes (long story).  But truly, you can never have too many weapons on a pirate ship. That’s why I’ve added some large caliber experts to the crew.








In case you’re wondering where the weapon is in this last one, it’s there. Trust me.


I am super excited to say Loucinda McGary (aka Aunty Cindy of the Romance Bandits) will be celebrating the release day of her newest novel, The Treasures of Venice, with us this Tuesday, September 1. This book took Loucinda to the Golden Heart and tells two connected stories, one set in the 1490s and the other set in modern day. Make plans to join the celebration and find out more about the journey this book has taken to finally land at a bookstore near you. (The book is already out so look for it now!)


2nd Chance said...

Vondabbar! Luv Michael, not all that hot on the blond Bond...and a naked guy in a bathtub always be a winner!

Hellie said...

The only one I recognize is Daniel Craig (not big on blondes, but he's a good exception, esp when he's shirtless.)

Who are the others, for those of us not married to our television sets?

Maggie Robinson/Margaret Rowe said...

terri, just want to let you know I come here for your copy as much as the pictures. Your wit is always on target. :)

Marnee Jo said...

I enjoy all the pistol packing eye candy. :)

And yay Aunty Cindy!

haleigh said...

Bang. Wow! Am I the only one in love with Daniel Craig as Bond? He's hot *g*

Hellie - The top one is the main character from Burn Notice (no idea what his real name is), and the bottom one is David Borneaz from Bones and Buffy/Angel.

terrio said...

Thanks for clearing that up, Hal. Even my own kiddo, who is addicted to Bones, didn't recognize David. LOL! The top guy's name is Jeffrey Donovan and I don't think his sex appeal comes through in still pictures.

Maggie - How sweet you are. You should see me sitting here around 11 on Saturday night trying to come up with this witty stuff. LOL! It's not pretty.

Sin said...

Hotness! I love the guy from Burn Notice. He's super fine. We'd make a good team. *g*

And I love David Borneneaz. I'd lick him with or without cookie smelling lotion rubbed all over that hot body of his.

PS. Hooray for Aunt Cindy!

2nd Chance said...

Yeah...Hellie...see what yer missin'? Donovan is understated sexy... Come ta the dark side, Hel... Television is good... (Well, can be good.)

Sin - I can see ya dancin' round the deck with 'im. Most definately.

Hellie said...

The Burn Notice guy is the cutest one to me. I'm not seeing the draw of the bathtub guy--so you ladies can have at him.

My favorite guys with weapons are: Bruce Willis, the guy who plays Elliot on SVU, and the Transporter guy.

Huh, maybe I need to find a guy with hair. I did like Johnny Depp with a gun in Once Upon a Time in Mexico...and Antonio Banderas wasn't bad either.

Janga said...

Daniel Craig is the only one I recognized too, and he's not my favorite Bond.

Yay for Aunty Cindy! I look forward to her visit and to the new book.

terrio said...

Burn Notice is on USA so Hellie can't watch it. But I do think she'd like it. From what I've seen, it's *smart* show.

I haven't seen either of the Craig Bond movies, but I've heard he's much closer to the way Bond is described in the books. And I like that they made him more serious and dark. That constant tongue in cheek, Pussy Galore stuff bothered me.

To think, I sat here last night fighting to keep my eyes open trying to think of other dudes with guns. I knew they were out there, but the brain was NOT working.

Quantum said...

I loved the humorous build up to that ultimate secret underwater weapon.
You certainly know how to build suspense Terri!

I wonder if a sonar is required. :lol:

2nd Chance said...

Janga - Truest Bond to the books so far? Timothy Dalton. IMHO!

Hel - I own the Burn Notice DVDs...want ta borrow 'em?