Friday, January 2, 2009

Pirate Predictions for 2009 with Bo'nac the Magnificent

Invisible Voice Over Guy: Please welcome to the dingy decks of The Romance Writer's Revenge, the brilliant, the astounding, the Amazing Bo'nac.


*Bo'sun trips her way onto the decks wearing a ridiculously huge hat and cape*


Hello there, my lowly wenches.  Bo'nac is here to answer all those pressing, important questions you have about the year ahead.  What can you expect in your love life?  In your professional life?  In the stock market?  Okay, I'm not really going to answer any of those things.  BUT, I am here to predict what will be happening around this ship in the next year.


Prediction #1:

Six months from now there will be a party on this ship like nothing ever seen before.  Hotter Hotties, stronger spirits, Pirates and Ninjas dancing side by side.  The glitter will fall like confetti in a ticker tape parade.  Why do they call those things ticker tape parades anyway?  I mean, isn't the ticker tape that thing they used to track stocks or something? 


Anyway, where was I?  Oh yeah, Prediction #2:

By the middle of July, Captain will have blogged about Harry Potter 9,342 times.  And because we love her, we will all encourage her obsession and support each other in our efforts not to throw her overboard.


Prediction #3:

Sin and Bo'sun will actually finish their WIPs in time for entry into the Golden Heart which in turn will result in Hell freezing over.  As Hell freezing over is a sign of many other non-plausible events, don't be surprised if pigs fly and a politician tells the truth around the end of the year.


Prediction #4:

Gunner Marnee will finish her second MS and possibly a third.  This will result in her fellow pirates leaving her stranded on a deserted island.  We'd like to say we'll feel bad about this, but we'd be lying.


Prediction #5:

After the pirates and their favorite pirate peeps all meet up at Nationals in July, blogs will follow which include phrases like "THAT WAS THE BEST CONFERENCE EVER!", "I can't believe I threw up on Nora's shoes", and "If you don't destroy those pictures, I will kick your ass."


Now Bo'nac turns the crystal ball over to you.  What do you predict will happen in your life this year?  Is there a completed MS in your future?  How about some query letters?  Contests?  Publication? (Note: if any of these events occur, we do hope you'll let us know so we can throw you the appropriate celebration.)


Marnee Jo said...

It's a good thing my mantra is "Just Keep Swimming" or my ass would be left behind like Gilligan.

I may possibly enter a couple contests and I'd like to another conference. Maybe Valley Forge, as it's close by.

Marnee Jo said...

I'd like to attend another conference. Yikes, forgetting words.

terrio said...

Marn - I didn't even think of that mantra. LOL! Sorry this was late but my laptop went belly up last night. Won't even turn on. Did I back everything up? *sigh* No. But the good news is, my WIP is on my flash and not my laptop so I'm not freaking. Plus, my boss says they'll buy me a new one so I should be back up in no time.

Have I mentioned how much I love my boss?

Marnee Jo said...

That sucks about your laptop. :( But your boss sounds awesome.

I need to back all my stuff up too, I should do that today, just to be safe (and cause you freaked me out.)

terrio said...

I do recommend backing stuff up. But my comp was fine until I switched from Norton to McAfee. That's when the thing started acting funny. I'm pretty sure everything is still in there, I just can't get it to turn on. I killed the power button. LOL!

terrio said...

Exactly! And mine was free with my new internet provider too. I guess it's true, you get what you pay for. LOL! I'm getting back on Norton.

Marnee Jo said...

LOL! I have McAfee too and every time it runs it grinds my computer to halt. But it was free with Comcast's service so we took it.

Hellion said...

Say no to "McAfee"--good to know.


Captain will join rehab in February to kick her Nyquil addiction. It will work until July when she has to go to rehab for her sex addiction. (At which time she's get David Ducovany's phone number.)

Harry Potter 6 will kick Twilight's ass in ticket sales. The Captain will only mention this 54,394 times to Sin, who could really care less.

The Captian's car will perform beautifully for another year with only minor stuff needed like, oil changes and the like. (I don't know if this is necessarily a prediction, but I hope it's true because I can't afford a new car.)

Tiffany said...

You gals are a riot!

Predictions. Well I am going to nationals... family in tow, my poor hubby doesn't believe me when I say he's not going to see me for the duration of the conference. But we are going down for a week, so I'll make up to him beforehand :)

And I'll write two books (one is a third done, so I'm cheating) And Lord Asbury--who made an appearance in Hidden Beauty--wants his story told. So he's next.

Happy new years pirates!

terrio said...

Captain - You're still sick?! All I have left is this damn runny nose. I'm thinking about attaching the box of tissues to my belt loop. I agree about the HP movie. I watched The Order of the Pheonix again this week. I hate the headmistress bitch more everytime I watch it. My new movie addiction is Transformers. I'm anxiously awaiting the second one.

Tiff - I can't wait to see the little ones at Nationals!! Think they'll remember me? LOL! I can't wait to squeeze the stuffing out of them. And you'll be wining and dining with your agent (and likely editor by then) so don't forget to have a drink with us lowly wenches at least once. :)

Sin said...

I've been trying to comment all morning. Yeesh. I hate the new new year.

I love that you've predicted us both to finish this year Ter. We're going to do it. I know we both can. We have to stick together.

I predict I'm going to have a mental breakdown before 6pm tonight.

Sin said...

I'm happy about Twilight success considering how crappy of a budget they had. I mean, it's made 240 mil so far. I don't want to hear it about HP. Their budget to make the movie is how much Twilight has made.

Tiffany said...

No one is lowly! Pfft... and yes the kids DO remember you. They ask every so often if you'll visit Remember Pugs has the memory of an elephant.

And I think half the people on the planet are sick. Seriously, I know so many with the flu right now, thank God I've only got a head cold.

terrio said...

Sin does have a point about the budget. Just think of how much better the next movie will look now. Have they decided for sure to replace Jacob? My BF's daughter is going to be so mad since he's her favorite.

I know we can do it, Sin. And since I just customized my new Dell laptop online, I have the inspiration to write so I can use it. LOL! It's so pretty!

Tiff - Awwww....I wuff those little ones. Kids do have amazing memories. My kiddo once remembered what someone was wearing when she'd met him a year before. Even the color of his shirt? Oh to have that memory still...LOL!

I only had a cold, thank goodness, but it was amazing how many people were all sick at the same time. These blasted drastic temp changes are what get me.

Hellion said...

I hope they replace Jacob. In the movie, okay; as a real life actor, Lord what a TWIT!

Sin said...

They only upped the budget by like 10 million. Cheapskates. All of them. And they have to film in Italy so I don't expect the next movie to be much better than the last one. :(

ReneeLynnScott said...

Are you saying I should dump McAfee. I thought I was the only one whose computer near shut down every time it ran it's little program.

Prediction #1 back up everything.

Who all is going to nationals? Anyone flying out of KCI?


terrio said...

And I ordered Norton for the new comp. Ditch the McAfee now, Renee!!!

terrio said...

Captain - I think I don't see the need to change the actor because I didn't read the books. People keep telling me this kid isn't big enough. Is that right? And I haven't seen him in any interviews so I didn't realize the twit part. LOL!

Sin - It has to be better. Surely it does.

Renee - I'll be there and I'm excited that I'll be driving. Though I'm considering taking the train. Save me from having to drive in DC and pay to park the car.

Sin said...

Renee, if I go to Nationals, I will probably fly out of STL since it's closer, but you never know. It might be cheaper for me to fly out of KCI.

Sin said...

I don't like Norton either. I run Spybot and Sweeper for my computer and both work like a charm. You can also use a free computer sweep online. But since my brain is confuzzled today, I can't remember the name of it. I have the link at home. I will try to look it up tonight.

terrio said...

Sin - Norton worked for me for almost 2 years and since I'm not paying for it, I'll use it again. But I'll likely hit you up for the free links in 15 months. :)

ReneeLynnScott said...

Terri, I heard parking at the hotel was pricey. I wish I could drive. LOL. I've never flown airline before and I'm a bit intimidated. I'm afraid I'll end up in Alaska or worse.

Will my computer be ok if I dump McAfee without having something to replace it for a bit?

Sin said...

As long as you use a free scanner program I don't see any problem with dumping a virus program. I'd be careful about what you look at online and download, but usually I run without a mainstream virus program. :) I'll email you the link for the free scanner. Only problem is that if you have dial up internet service it takes hours for it to sweep through.

ReneeLynnScott said...

Thanks, Sin! I have cable.

terrio said...

It should only take a few hours to get to DC by train. I think that's likely the best way to go. I've never ridden the train so I think it would be fun. You'll be fine with flying. I've done it lots of times and I don't mind it. You take a book and some headphones and you'll be there before you know it.

Tiffany said...

don't tell me we have to pay parking at the hotel?

I just want o know if there is going to be a discount for the RWA attendees. Because right now, the rooms are around 289 a night! Ouch.

Tiffany said...

mind my spelling. Drugs haven't kicked into my foggy brain. Thank god I got today off.

My drug of choice is not nyquil but advil cold and sinus :)

Tiffany said...

see that was thank god....

I'm going to stop talking now.

terrio said...

It does say thank god. LOL! You need to go lie down, dearie. And yes, it will cost to park the car. Likely over $20 a day. They get you any way they can. Last year in San Fran it was like $150 just to park for the three or four days!

Tiffany said...

Sleep? Then all the snot wouldn't drain away from my head... lol... yeah, TMI. And son of a bitch on the parking. I really do hope we get a better rate... mind you the hotel says after the 17th the room rate goes down to 209 a night. but still... bastardos for collecting on parking too.

haleigh said...

My predictions - #1 Finish another MS; #2 send out at least a few queries each month; #3 go to Nationals. Since my in-laws right there in DC I probably won't be able to justify staying in the hotel. But I'm still super excited about it. Maybe I should go to a smaller conference first to get my feet wet. How do you even go about finding conferences?

terrio said...

Tiff - Can you sleep sitting up? I had to do that for a week because of the damn cough. Grrr...

Hal - Are you a member of RWA? They list all the conferences. Where are you? I'd highly recommend hitting a smaller one before the big one. I would have been totally overwhelmed this summer if I hadn't gone to the NJ one the fall before.

2nd Chance said...

Predictions... (hand on head, concentrating...concentrating... Nope, nothing.

No! I have one! I will get a dog this year and I won't name him Bolt. (As tempting as it might be.)

I wish DC were in my budget, pirates. I so look forward to meeting you all face to face and sharing a hefty bottle of rum. I love California, but until the airlines see fit to ease up on the fares, I am west coast stuck. RT is already in the budget, so that's the one I'll make this year.

Unless that lottery win comes in... :) Oh, yeah, gotta buy the tickets, right?

ReneeLynnScott said...

Oh, Tiff and Hellion you all sound miserable. I swear by hot toddies.

I wish they had smaller local conferences around here. Guess I'll have to go look. Does RWA have them listed on their site?


Marnee Jo said...

I would love to go to DC this summer. I wouldn't have to fly, it's only a few hour drive. I just need to see about the kidlet and the hubby for that long. I'm going to see if I can swing it.

terrio said...

My comment threw everything off so I deleted it. To find the local conferences, go to the site and click on conferences. Then click on chapter events at the bottom of the left hand column. That will give you contests and conferences and everything.

Chance - I really wish you could be there. Maybe the prices will drop by summer. I flew last summer east coast to west for just over $500. Fingers crossed! And you really need to name the dog Bolt. LOL!

Janga said...

My year is off to a blessed start. I asked for a two-week extension on three chapters, and I got two weeks on the first and two months on the other two. I may actually have time to get back to my revisions.

I predict I will finally finish these revisions and query for an agent. If my new disciplined lifestyle holds up, I may even finish the trilogy.

I won't be going to Nationals in 2009. The combo of health problems and a stack of medical bills the size of my TBR killed that plan. Maybe 2010.

terrio said...

Marn - I'm sure the guys can hold down the fort. It's going to be such a blast, you have to come.

Janga - We need to get you in that raffle drawing. The one that gives away $1500 toward conference. A woman in my local chapter won last year so I know you can do it. I'm going to look into that.

And congrats on the extensions. I know you were stressed last week so I'm glad you can relax and take a breath.

Marnee Jo said...

I would love to meet you and I'd love to see Miss Tiffany again. (And JK if she's going too, though I don't know if she said so or not).

haleigh said...

Thanks for the tip Terri - I'm actually super close to you (MD Eastern Shore) so anything in MD/VA/NJ/PA area is an easy drive for me. I'll look for a little conference to start with. You're right, starting with Nationals may be a bit like flying off the high-dive before I learn how to swim *g*

ReneeLynnScott said...

Way to go Janga!

Terri, is that the Valley Forge?

Tiffany said...

I know, it will be nice to have a sit down/chat/wine and dine again! I think we had a blast! And Nationals will be even better!

I'm not sure if JK will be making it out this year.

terrio said...

Renee - Yep, the Vally Forge raffle. Talk about a great thing to win!

Hal - How did I not know you were here? You should have come to my conference in November. It was in Williamsburg and we have another chapter member that lives on the Eastern Shore. You could have carpooled! You need to come down for a meeting some time. It's the first Saturday of the month at a local library, 10am. Let me know if you ever think you can make it and I'll give you the scoop.

I'd say you should do the NJ one first, but that one is after Nationals. I'm not sure what conferences are around here in the spring. But if you do have to do Nationals first, I'll be there to help you out. No worries!

2nd Chance said...

Sigh. I am looking at RWA in 2010. I like Nashville and have an old friend living to the north and my maid of honor now living in Nashville! And I have no difficulty imposing on old friends... Yes, one of those people! ;)

I was in San Francisco last year...where I picked up the postcard about this marvelous site. Good job, whoever left those scattered around!

I know, Bolt is actually a great name... Unless it casts with it a spell to actually 'bolt' away! I live where coyotes roam, racoons rule the night and skunks wander freely... And cars go way to fast...

terrio said...

Chance - I put those there! So glad something came out of them. (Captain designed them so kudos to her.) I used to live in Nashville and even worked at the Opryland Hotel. So I'm excited about finally being a guest there. LOL! I can't wait for that one. And then 2011 when it's in NYC (I think that's right). I've never been to the Big Apple and I definitely want to go early to see the sights.

Marnee Jo said...

Hal - I was thinking I might go to the Valley Forge one this spring. Maybe we could both go?

Elyssa said...

I love these predictions!

I predict that I'll finish three books this year (one is over halfway done, so I guess it's more 2.5 books).

I predict that I'll be squeeing when Tiff and Maggie announce when they've sold their books in the first quarter of the year.

I predict that I'll be in a state of shock when an agent calls me and says yes, I want to represent you. And I'll be more shocked when I actually sell. *g*

And finally, I predict that all of us will kick some serious ass in writing and having our dreams come true.

haleigh said...

Terri - that sounds great! The Maryland chapter meets about 2.5 hours away from me, which I don't mind, but if I could make the same drive and hang out with you, that'd be even better! 1st Saturday in Feb??

Marn - absolutely! And see, I can get my feet wet with both chapter meetings and conferences with a Pirate. This is shaping up to be an excellent new year!!

Marnee Jo said...

Awh, yay! It's only a day conference but it'll be a good start. I was thinking of joining the Valley Forge Chapter. The drive up to the NJ chapter was long and frustrating. I hate driving on the NJ turnpike up there.

ReneeLynnScott said...

Elyssa, I love your optimism. I hope that each one of your predictions comes true. I posted what I've been told is an inspiring blog at Romance Roundtable, honoring the life of Elizabeth Guest. I was hoping to fill people with optimism for the new year.

I'm beginning to feel really landlocked here in Kansas. Or like I'm floating around in a little dingy with out even a bell, all by my lonesome. :)

terrio said...

Hal - Judi McCoy lives over there and I'm sure she'd love someone to ride with her. The first meeting of the year is really tomorrow, but the next one will be February 7. I'm so excited!

Where is the Valley Forge chapter? I'm thinking Valley Forge but what state is that? I'm too lazy to look it up. LOL!

terrio said...

Renee - Don't be silly, you're very close to Captain and Sin. They'll get you out of that dingy, I'm sure.

Ely - Great predictions!!! That's the attitude we need. I foresee lots of selling celebrations this year. And we already have release parties on the schedule. I can't believe how far everyone has come in such a short time. It's so fun to get to follow along and watch the action.

Marnee Jo said...

Right above Philly. sheesh, typing. It's cold in my house; my fingers are numb.

Marnee Jo said...

PA, right about Philly. Only about an hour from me.

ReneeLynnScott said...

You all are too addicting. I'm off to polish a few chapters on HH, then write on THO. If y'all see me here threaten to throw me overboard.


haleigh said...

Terri - Feb. 7th - It's on my calendar. This will be great. Do I need to join the chapter before coming? Or can I just come to a meeting?

Marn - one day in Valley Forge - that sounds perfect! Yay, i'm so excited!

terrio said...

Hal - You can come as my guest to see if you'd like to join. Our membership is pretty cheap and we give a three month grace period to join RWA National if you haven't already. Last year we had a rough one, but this year we have a new board and I'm excited about the changes being talked about.

Renee - My office is almost dead quiet since most everyone has left already. I'd try to head out too, but since I don't have internet at home, I might as well stay here.

I did customize my new Dell laptop today. Now, I just need my boss to sign my req and I should have it in no time. I hope. LOL!

terrio said...

Marn - I meant to tell you, I really was going to try to do the JaNaNo with you. But when the comp died last night it sort of shot that in the ass. Work is picking up, but I promise to make an effort to find time to write at least twice a week while here. Then when the new laptop arrives, I'll see what I can do by the end of the month.

I so need to get back to writing. Fingers crossed this new English class that starts on the 12th isn't too much of a pain.

haleigh said...

Ter- I am a member of RWA National, and being able to come as a guest the first time will be perfect - thanks so much! I was nervous about doing the MD chapter without knowing anyone, so this will be perfect

terrio said...

This group is like a little family. They'll welcome you with open arms. Many are e-pubbed and push that, but this year our goal is to get the focus back on craft. And some of us usually go out to eat after, but I think this year the room at the library will be ours the entire afternoon for anyone who wants to stick around and write. I doubt I'll have time for that, but I'm always up for a little lunch and girl talk.

MJ said...

What a clever fun post!

I won't make my predictions for fear of being left on the desert island with Marnee :)

Santa said...

Screeching in as my vacation starts. I hang up the deli diva tiara and pick up the quill during this week and an half.


One manuscript completed and queried. Pro status finally achieved in time for National which will ROCK this year. No National unless I get my work done.

I predict everyone will get their manuscripts out there and get agented by year's end. Why the hell not!

Many more Squee opportunities which I adore!

Terr, Tiff and Hell - sounds like a magician's act - I hope you (and Terr's computer)all feel better!

Janga - gotta get you to conference because I am DYING to meet you after all these years, darlin'.

and finally, a word from my DH the geek (even though he's fast asleep) - Norton RULES!

terrio said...

Santa - You go girl!!! And you have no idea how relieved I am to hear Mr. Santa recommends Norton. May we all be squeeing endlessly in the new year!

terrio said...

MJ - Thanks for stopping by. I'm going to assume your plan is to be productive. Can't fault you for that. Make it a point to come around and rub it in our faces. Maybe it will inspire us (or piss us off enough) to get our asses in gear. :)