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Begetting: Or How Newton's First Law Will Make You a More Effective Writer
Every once in a while (sometimes twice a day), I like to take what I call “Poetic License” (where I take veritable truths, mix them with my veritable lies to achieve the Theory I want to present) and then I share it with you all. Occasionally it even comes out good.
This is especially dangerous when the veritable truth I pull from is scientific in nature. Namely, in this instance: Newton’s first law. You know, that one about something in motion stays in motion, and something not in motion remains not in motion—unless some outside force changes it up a bit.
I know this law must be an Absolute. You’d know it was true too if you’d ever seen me laying around on my couch on the weekends, eating cookies and reading books. Jack shit gets done all weekend under the Law of Inertia. Newton could use me as a proof.
I find the other place this Absolute really shines is at the gym. Believe you-me, after spending 9 hours at work and 1 ½ hours commuting, the prospect of spending more time exercising does not appeal. The thought of it makes me tired. However giving into that lazy feeling perpetuates the exhaustion because once I stop going to the gym, I’m only more tired, more cranky, more exhausted. Whereas if I go to the gym, I have more energy. Therefore: energy begets more energy.
Which to me sounds a lot like the Newton thing.
Now I find if I just go to the gym enough, I can keep up the energy thing to keep me from being a total vegetable—and a total cranky one at that—so that’s where the Law of Inertia comes in. It’s only when an outside force (i.e. laziness, sickness, family matters) interrupts that I stop going to the gym—and then all the fall out happens. I lose all the benefits I was getting from going to the gym. I gain weight; I lose muscle; I’m winded going up stairs. (Okay, I’m still winded going up stairs, but it’s worse, believe me.) I also find that the longer I allow outside forces to interrupt, the longer I'll let them interrupt. And the cycle only gets worse. Essentially: laziness begets laziness.
So if laziness begets more laziness, and energy begets more energy, then it only stands to reason that writing begets more writing. Again, a theory in which I could be pointed at as the proof. When I’m writing, I write every day, or at least during the scheduled times of the week I’ve carved out for myself and don’t interrupt on pain of death. And when I commit to writing, I write more. And more. But if I am out of practice, if all the outside forces have been allowed to supersede the benefits of writing, then my writing is painful. I don’t want to write because I’m not any good at it, I have no stamina, and I don’t see any results. But why would I have any of those things if I haven’t been committing to the routine and keeping myself in shape?
So if you care enough about your health to carve out some time to exercise a few times a week (and if you don’t, then you should), then the principle is the same for your writing. If you care about writing, you should carve out time for it and make yourself go. Only by writing will you write more. And better. And longer. Don't let the outside forces keep you out of the motion.
This blog was brought to you by my yoga instructor and my friend Pam who said: “God, I didn’t go to the gym at all last week and I felt like a slug even though I got more sleep. I’m not missing anymore gym time.” So what is your favorite exercise to do? And do you have a favorite yoga position? Our yoga instructor was showing us how to do inverted lotus—and it looked cool! What cool ways have you gotten back into writing (if you’ve been out of the habit)? What principles have you learned that makes you a more consistent writer?
I'm a newbie with yoga, but I find one of the warrior poses does it for me. Looking out along my arm into the distance...it's settling. Warrior II? I find the same place with Tai Chi, a new practice in my life.
And I'm with you about a schedule. Writing every day, after my morning caffeine fix. Get on line, check in with family, check in with friend, then bring up the current story/stories.
I like the idea of Newton's law...when you write, you write. You stop, it's hard to start.
But I like Whitman -
"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
And they want their stories told!
Hey! Staying up late to check the blog gets me first in line? Who knew?
Great blog, Hellion!
I think you're 100% correct about writing. When I'm writing everyday it's really easy to make myself sit in front of the computer screen- AND I feel good about it.
My exercise of choice is Pilates. It's harder than I expected but it's totally worth it. I went to a yoga class once and I really enjoyed it. There were some positions I couldn't even begin to hit. It was a little funny.*g*
I would never have believed that Newton's laws of motion had relevance to writing.
But then, the Skipper has changed my views on a lot of things! *g*
You say that you lose weight and also gain energy while at the gym. Well scientists have known for a long time that mass and energy are equivalent. E=MC^2, relativity and all that. We normally require a nuclear reactor to achieve the conversion, but you seem to manage without even a test tube to help. That's feminine power in action and if I may say so, a most delightful proof! *g*
I don't do yoga as my joints are getting a bit stiff now, but I am getting interested in 'fringe science' particularly paranormal phenomenon and dowsing. There is some quite impressive theory out there, largely developed in Russia, concerning the scientific vacuum and the Akashic field. It is well known that the vacuum is not empty but a seething mass of 'zero-point' fluctuations. The fringe science attempts to connect this zero-point energy to psychic phenomena like telepathy.
I get my exercise by walking in beautiful countryside, and when no-one is looking I might pull out my pendulum and dowse for Ley lines or other 'subtle energies'.
Who knows Hellion, perhaps you have been tapping energy from the vacuum while at the gym. I wouldn't put it past you! *g*
2nd Chance, If you move to England you could be first without staying up late. :wink:
My exercise of choice is walking--or constantly going back to find something the girls have left behind, forgotten, or the dog has carried away. No, seriously, good for you guys on the exercise thing. Blood actually circulating through your brain (blood is toxic to the brain but just go with me) has got to be a good thing.
I'm doing that "write without doing any edits" thing. I have no idea what I'll end up with, but I sure feel like I know my characters better.
Hellion - I think this is similar to my "just keep swimming" mantra! I firmly prescribe to the write every day, no breaks mentality.
Now I just wish I could do that with working out....
I think it all speaks to habits, ya know? Make it like brushing your teeth. If you don't do it, you feel icky.
*holds hands over ears*
2nd Chance: Yep, I believe that's Warrior 2. I think Warrior 1 is where your legs are in a similar position but your arms are raised and pointed above your head, instead of parallel to the ground. I prefer Warrior 2. It's more...meditative, in my opinion.
Me, I'm a fan of pigeon. I do this happy moan-groan thing every time we stretch into it. It's one of those "hurts so good" moves; plus it taps into that little fantasy that if I keep this up for 20 more years, I might be able to do the splits finally!
I'm spoiled though. I have the BEST yoga instructor ever. She bloody rocks.
Kelly: I haven't tried a Pilates class yet. It actually looks too hard. *LOL* All that core stuff. I totally need it, but I have some of the laziest ab muscles.... I wouldn't be able to do that Boat position for very long. But then again, 5 years ago, I couldn't even do Downward Facing Dog very well, and I could swear now my heels are almost touching the floor now...so clearly, it just takes persistence and showing up.
OMG, it's officially been 4 full days since I did any writing. Besides a proposal for my new book, which doesn't count. And I'm not planning on starting back up until after New Jersey, so I'll need some good ideas to get back into the groove.
Q, I've changed your views on stuff? Interesting! I wrote this one with you in mind, you know. I was really hoping I didn't screw up the law. *LOL*
You should try some yoga. The kind we do is Bikram Yoga (it has 26 positions). She's been changing up some of the positions of late, but we do 2 sets of each position. It's almost an "instant gratification"--well as close as you can get in yoga--where you can feel or see your improvement in the 2nd set almost always. All positions are gone into slowly. You don't rush into any movement. And by the end, you feel all warm and stretchy. And it's very good for your joints!
I'll have to take a little drowsing mechanism to the gym to see if I'm tapping into a vacuum. *LOL* (And I would love to walk around the countryside of England and take some exercise! *LOL*)
Gillian, anything where kids are involved is bound to be good exercise. *LOL* My nieces were always losing articles of clothing (mainly shoes) and could never find them. It was a lesson in futility to even ask. "Where are your shoes?" "I don't know." *finger in mouth, big eyes* "No, stop that look. You're 8. It doesn't work now. WHERE are your SHOES? Go look for them." *child glances around her* "I don't know. I can't find them." "YOU HAVEN'T LOOKED! What have you been doing? Maybe if we retrace your steps, we can..." "I don't remember."
I sometimes think children are toxic to the brain.
The "Vomit" Approach does seem to be working for several of the crew. Keep it up! You have to kill many, many trees to get one little book. JK Rowling said so...therefore it must be true. *LOL*
Terri: Yeah, I thought you'd appreciate this one. Hits you on BOTH counts. *LOL*
Marnee: Yeah, all the writing advice is alike, just said differently. *LOL* It all amounts to the same: shut up and write already. Only we're more diplomatic about it.
JK: I have no doubt you'll get back into the groove. I love writing conferences! It's like tapping a vein and putting caffeine directly into your arm: you're revved, pumped, and raring to go! You can't wait to WRITE. Just don't dawdle too much once you return...or you might lose the momentum. *LOL*
I'm not consistant about anything. Ever. :(
Like Pam, I've been to the gym once this week and forgot to bring my shoes. Last week, I was there once. Two weeks ago, three times. Going to the gym is an exercise in how to balance my calendar enough to get me there. I do better about going to the gym when I'm not spending all my time at the office. After spending 12 hours locked inside a box, I tend to just want to go home and let my brain melt. When really, those are the days I should go to the gym. It's just hard to drag yourself there at 7pm, knowing you'll run for an hour and not eat dinner until 9 and go to bed at 10.
I love Yoga. I really do. I hate how late I end up staying at the gym when I do it though. The Butterfly is one of my favorites. I like Eagle too.
Great blog Hellion. I need to get myself on a writing schedule. I try to write every day, but half the time it's midnight and my brain's fuzzy so I just stare at the screen for an hour and call it a night.
My favorite exercise is the elliptical machine - I can zone out on that and just keep going. But in Nov., I'm joining a pole-dancing exercise class with a friend, which I am SO excited about *g*
On the bright side, because you're not consistent, you won't get into a rut...maybe that works better for you.
I love butterfly too. Eagle, not overly fond of. *LOL* I do like Tree though. And Fallen Tree.
That is the problem with the gym. I eat at 9, bed at 10. It's a good thing I'm single and without kids. It wouldn't work otherwise.
I was going to say I liked Tree and Fallen Tree, but then I couldn't remember exactly which ones they were that I liked. I thought it was those two, but I couldn't remember.
And I like Eagle because it stretches me out. I can see where it would be difficult if you're not an amazon.
Hal! I'm so jealous! I totally want to try a pole-dancing class! Is it the S-Factor people or someone else you're taking the classes through? There are no pole-dancing classes around here...but if I can work my way to Chicago, there are a couple of cool options, I see.
I can zone out on the elliptical--if there is a TV in front of me. Total gerbil. I used to do really well if they were running reruns of That 70s Show. Now I work out in the Theater room and they play movies. Last night I spent almost an hour watching Leatherheads. Great stuff.
Sin, we all have our favorite yoga poses. *LOL* That Standing Straddle Stretch IS my favorite; and then Pigeon. But not everyone likes those poses. *LOL* I'm not an Eagle fan because I'm not used to balancing on one foot, knee bent with the other leg crossed over like I have to use the bathroom in the worst way, with my arms crammed up in a tangle in front my eyes, screwing with my vision so it makes the balancing that much more of a challenge. *LOL*
Still. Eagle is better than the Awkward Postures which pretty much everyone goes, "No...do we have to?" whenever they're brought up. *LOL*
Just what I need this morning--a double dose of guilt. Thanks, Hellion! :)
I totally lack discipline. I can go three weeks and walk six days a week, but then I have a week filled with interruptions and my dedication dissipates. I'm a little better with my writing, but I just don't know how to control all the interruptions. Lately I have been thinking that I need to go to the library to write.
Janga, I've been feeling the same way too. I feel like I need to leave the house in order to write. Of course, I haven't done it.. LOL
I hate the awkward postures. Most of all because I can't balance on toes that don't have good circulation. That and I hate standing stick posture and what's that other one where you step one foot back and put your arms out like an airplane? I call that superman, but I know it's not what it is.
I also love Pigeon. She didn't make us try to put our legs behind our head the other night. Maybe she was afraid of how we would comment again. LOL
Janga, I come from a long, distinguished line of Puritans--we love to share the guilt. :-)
I have the feast or famine approach to writing and exercising. This week I went 4 times to the gym. The week before, I went only once--and I always pay for that little mistake.
I do do some good writing at the library. Sometimes. Not always. It is quiet and focused, but sometimes, the words still don't come.
Standing Stick posture. You're supposed to pretend you have a 2x4 tied to you and move all in one piece. I stink at it.
The Standing Splits she's been doing lately and that one is even more hazardous. *LOL*
She almost got some commentary when she had us do "Happy Baby/Dead Bug" pose, because that one looks completely undignified and suggestive at the same time. That's the pose I'm waiting for Joe to open the door on and show some guest the yoga room. That's what every guest needs to see: 10 people with their heels in the air and their knees by their ears.
I still don't have anything to contribute to this, but I am following along. I think I pulled a muscle just reading about those split things...
I'm with you,terrio, reading about some of these positions make me cringe... The eagle? My goals aren't so lofty...I was able to do pigeon...
I'm giving up my gym membership to hoard my gold. But I live on the California coast, so walking isn't a burden. Trying the running thing, with the help of a coached program out my local athletic shoe store... *pant *pant (So when does this get to be fun?)
I do like exercise tv and workout DVDs... And my heroine does yoga...does that count? (Though she calls it a moving meditation ;)
Sorry, Quantum, I'd rather stay up late than move from California...too deeply rooted here! But thanks for the thought!
I've done pilates tapes in the past. And I should do them again. But there are so many things on my "should do" list, I've decided to stop looking at it. LOL!
"shoulds" Shudder...hate that word. The should list should be shredded daily. Blast! I used that word!
Sorry, I'm late to the ship. My computer is acting like a cantankerous old fart.
I love it. Writing begets writing.
Favorite exercise-sex. Cool ways to get back into writing-sex. Unfortunately, since we've opened our own business, there has been little time for either, and when there is we are both too damn exhausted to do anything.
Seriously though, I love walking my dog, but here lately that has been a drag, dd took her dog, my walking companion ( a small terrier), one of the Danes is in heat and too old to walk for miles, the other is too ferrel in attitude to go out in public, then the last time I tried to walk the baby mastiff, nicknamed 'the beast', he near ripped my arm off. No Joke! So, since I've stopped walking, I've stopped losing the pounds.
BTW, walking it great for plotting and brainstorming. I guess any exercise is.
Hey guys,
Just wanted to let you all know that Julie D., a frequent commenter here and my good friend, had a biopsy on Friday.
I just wanted to spread the word so we can send her good wishes for a benign result.
I've probably mastered the position of naturally blinking. Blinking does require energy right?! LOL!
I've been not heading to the gym faithfully. I guess it's become easier in repeating it over and over and over and over...you get what I'm saying. I'm pathetic.
I must try yoga. Or atleast watch it. It seems I could burn energy just watching it. I could blink while observing such strenuous and eye-popping-not-for-me poses.
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