Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ohmy! What a big telescope you have there!

Beware, the Capt’n, Jack and Bo’sun’ let me have Monday to blog this week and everyone knows letting me loose on a Monday is bad news. Weekends off the ship get me all worked up into a frenzy. And I know where you’re going- straight into the ship gutter.

Are you there yet?




Good ‘cause it means I’ve got you right where I want you. *wink*


All wench pirates know that in order to be a successful pirate you have to talk a good game. We can’t just saunter up to some black hearted pirate out to get our goods without seducing him out of his intentions with a little whisper in his ear. It’s an art form perfected from birth. From the first time you batted your eyelashes framed around those pretty little eyes to the first time you smiled coyly at a hot piece of pirate from across the tavern. Our subtleties are what separate us each as individuals. The art of pirate seduction is a finely tuned weapon in our arsenal that is sharpened to a point that the victim isn’t aware what hit them until we’re long gone.


Applying everything you know and have learned is the key ingredient to making or breaking your reputation as a pirate. Any pirate can sneak up and take a ship. Where’s the fun in that? Not every pirate can walk up to the Capt’n of the ship, take the wheel of the ship steer it in the course you want to go and leave the Capt’n standing beside you with a goofy smile on his face and nary a question from his lips. That takes finesse. Finesse that wench pirates perfect with each breath they take. It’s all about how fast I can wrap you around my finger and leave you wanting more.


Those trademarks and subtleties often translate into our heroines and heroes. Even if they are toned down or embellished (depends on where you are in the spectrum on the art of flirtation or seduction, whichever game you like to play), we still use a little bit of our own techniques when writing any scene with the slightest bit of heat in them. Mental role playing is fun in these situations. I often sit down and think about the scene I’m about to embark in. What about the scene have I experienced myself? Usually nothing except for the interaction between a male and female, but it’s all about the thrill and excitement of the chase. I’ve been playing the chase since I was a little girl. I learned to flirt before I learned how to talk. Flirting is all about signals and getting what you want. Every pirate needs to learn these things before taking over a ship and just as a writer these are employed into your characters through every interaction.


This doesn’t take a lot of thought. Yes, devising the ultimate plan of action against the blackheart does, but that can happen with just an instant. You have to have the right form of attack and we all know ultimately what the blackheart wants but he isn’t going to get it the way he wants it. You have to make him work for it and that’s the easy part.


How does real life experience with the opposite sex play into your scenes? How do you get what you want- play the seducer or the seduced? How about a new pirate pick-up line? Let’s have some fun today.


As a bonus, I came across some female pirate pick-up lines from Cap'n Slappy and Ol' Chumbucket at  


Surely we can think of some new ones.


10. What are YOU doing here?

9. Is that a belayin' pin in yer britches, or are ye ... (this one is never completed)

8. Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad!

7. So, tell me, why do they call ye, "Cap'n Feathersword?"

6. That's quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard!

5. Aye, I guarantee ye, I've had a twenty percent decrease in me "lice ratio!"

4. I've crushed seventeen men's skulls between me thighs!

3. C'mon, lad, shiver me timbers!


...and the number one Female Pirate Pick-up Line:

1. You. Pants Off. Now!


Quantum said...

Sin, you naughty thing!

I must say that no respecting English pirate, with social skills honed on the playing fields of Eaton, would ever use such opening lines. There is an art to English seduction. Let me try to illustrate:

1) Make a dramatic entrance.
"Ahoy there. Lay to me lovelies. I'm coming aboard."

2) Charm with flattery..bow deeply.
" My my cap'n, what a fine ship. All those lady pirates polishing the canon balls must improve the aerodynamics no end. I would hate to be the target of your aggression"

3) Never let eyes stray from the face. Peruse the treasures with peripheral vision while creating an opening.
"My dear lady, It so happens that I have an exquisite bottle of Chablis just waiting to delight you. It was kindly donated to my collection by the French admiral whatsisname. Would you do me the honour this evening? We could dine in comfort on the port deck while we discuss the politics of my capturing your ship"

4) In for the kill...on the port deck in romantic moonlight.
"My dear, you look wonderfully romantic tonight. Just ignore that noise, its the crew skinny dipping off the starboard bow"
*after a few glasses*
"Well my dear, if you fancy a dip you can trim your sails over there, just drape any surplus rigging over the cannon,thats it, right next to mine"

* XXXXXX...... Wickedly evil English pirate grin*

Maggie Robinson said...

Let's unbatten the hatches...

Marnee Jo said...

Sin - this is wonderful. "You. Pants off. Now." has never failed yet for me. :) LOL!!!

Q - good heavens, I think you've got the hang of this, lad.

Marnee Jo said...

Oh, and I forgot to answer the 'real' question. My real life and my characters. I think the dynamics of arguments have definitely helped me write dialogue. Not that I EVER get into arguments with my significant other *cough cough*.

terrio said...

Sin - it's like ye've infiltrated me life of late. Very, very scary. LOL! #1 will always be my favorite. And I think I might be needing to use it here soon. ;)

Real life vs. writing. Hmmmm.... There's some real life in my love scenes, some real life in my heartbreak scenes, and some real life in my sarcastic/bickering scenes. Unfortunately, no real life in my HEA scenes. :(

Q - I'm with Marn. You've certainly got the hang of this. You had me at "polishing cannon balls." *bats eye lashes innocently*

Sin said...

*wg* Q- you sly devil with your dashing ways. I bet you've seduced many a girl out of her ship.

Sin said...

Maggie, that was awesome!

Sin said...

I'm very surprised no one has mentioned booty this morning.

Very curious situation indeed. *Sherlock Holmes look*

Dare I say it?

"C'mere and gimme yer booty."

Sin said...

Marn- I very much agree. "You. Pants off. Now." hasn't failed me yet.

Sin said...

Marn- I very much agree. "You. Pants off. Now." hasn't failed me yet.

LOL. Uh-huh, sure. No arguements with the mister pirate. Yep, yep. I think those pent up feelings of frustration in an arguement is what helps me write a better arguement to begin with. Besides, not very many blackhearts are rational especially in arguements and usually it's a waste of breath.

Sin said...

Ter- you will get your HEA. The really good HEA just take longer to get and even though there is no real life truth in your HEA right now, maybe that just means your HEA will be even better than what you can imagine.

terrio said...

Sin - sometimes I think this is my HEA. It's not the traditional one, but I have a great kid, I like my job, and I have great friends. Plus, I'm enjoying diving into this writing world.

It's probably less hassle to spend my time writing HEA's just the way I want them than finding one in real life. LOL!

Tiffany said...

you ladies are too funny.

Hellion said...


Right. So here's my idea of finesse: I'm in Colonial Williamsburg, standing at the top of some stairs when someone at the bottom of them says, "Hello." I look down and there is this gorgeous man who looks like a cross between Captain Jack and Will Turner. Subtly, I fly down the stairs, sounding like a herd of elephants, tittering like a complete idiot as I bat my eyelashes at him and saunter into the gaming room where we were to view next in the Tavern.


At my 26th birthday, when I was depressed to be so old, my girlfriends convince some guy to dress as a Scotsman. I'm nine sheets to the wind (I was drinking TEQUILA) and smoking a cigarette out of pure spite, and I look up and there is this SCOTSMAN. I immediately know he's for me and I screech in the middle of this bar--I'm sure I could be heard far above the music--and I pounced him. Those pictures are rather damning too.


Hellion said...

Gotta agree. The "You. Pants off." even works for Deacon Daughters turned Pirate. I mean, usually I only get to the "You..." and the pants are off. Men are such great mind readers on occasion.

terrio said...


I can't believe the Captain just said "subtly". That is a sight I will never forget. But the look on said Jack/Will love child's face was almost better. As our sweet Captain floated through the door he looked at me and this convo followed...

Jack/Will: Is she okay?
Me: She's wonderful now that she's seen you.
Jack/Will: *looking quite naughty* Well, alright then.

Priceless memories. LOL!

Sin said...

LMAO. I've heard that story so many times that I can literally see it playing out in front of me like I was there. There was nothing subtle about that exchange. He knew you wanted his booty.

terrio said...

And for the record, her feet never touched a step on the way down. She was graceful if obvious in that regard. LOL!

Hellion said...

I'm surprised I didn't ride the banister down, pounce him to the floor, and make the situation CLEAR...

Graceful. I've never been graceful. Well, maybe on that trip. There was that whole balancing on the tip of my ass bit too that was vastly amusing as well.

Hellion said...

I'm always using dialogue from real "conversation" and inserting it into stories. OR...I have inner dialogue with myself of how a conversation SHOULD have played out. Sometimes it goes really really well. I've played a scene back to one of my conversationalists and have them say, "Yeah, that does sound like something I'd say." *grins* So that's fun.

terrio said...

Sometimes taking things from real life can be better than anything I could make up. It's those moments where you think, "I couldn't make this shit up" that are the ones you need to write down right away. LOL!

For instance - My ex's family. Sister #1 (31) is married to 3rd husband (52). Sister #2 (26) is married to son (26) of sister #1's current husband. Sister #2 is currently pregnant. Which means sister #1 will be the grandmother/aunt of said child.

Like I said - I can't make this shit up. LOL!

Sin said...

My mother's best friend was in a situation like that. Her and her daughter married brothers. Mom had a little boy who was then the daughter's half brother/nephew. The daughter's father married a woman almost the same age as the daughter.

Families are crazy.

Sin said...

Whenever I read anything of Hellion's I can hear her saying it. That's what so great about her writing. No false pretenses.

Hellion said...

No false pretenses--which is the diplomatic way of saying, "No subtly." Which is basically the complaint that's lodged on all my work performances. "CANNOT PLAY POKER. NO POKER FACE." Doesn't pull punches; doesn't play the game. PIRATE. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's a flaw. It'll have to take a number.

terrio said...

Since I'd rather have the truth outright with no games, I'd say no pretenses is anything but a flaw.

Since Sin brought up the idea of using RL experiences in such things as writing love scenes, anyone ever worry about revealing a little *too much* in one of those scenes? Is there anyone in your past who could read one of your sex scenes and know exactly where you got it? ;)

Hellion said...

No, I have no concerns about my sex scenes being mistaken for exerpts from my real sex life. It couldn't happen; and I'm leaving the weepers out completely. As my sister said, "I hope you never have real sex. It would totally ruin the good thing you've got going. You're only going to be disappointed."

She said this when I was 17. Come to think of it, maybe she cursed me. That'd be something that wench would do, too.

Now, should I start getting good sex on a very regular basis...well...I don't know. It would depend if he's reading it or not. I don't usually have a problem with the men in my life reading my work, you know? If he did, he'd probably go, "YOU do not do that. WHY don't you do that? I see, your characters don't have the same hangups as you? Come know you want to...I can change your mind."

Hellion said...

Save yourself the concern, T, and just thank Sex God in your acknowledgments. "Thanks to -- for all the really great sex. This book couldn't have been written without you." That should cover it. *LOL*

terrio said...

Man. Guys would say that exact same thing to me. Hangups galore over here. *sigh* Though there is one guy from whom all my scenes get written. If it hadn't been for him, I'd have the worst love scenes ever. LOL!

And I think you need to get your sister to reverse that curse. LOL!

terrio said...

Who said I was concerned? LOL! Goodness, he'd get a total kick out of it. And then he'd call me just to laugh about it. And then probably suggest there are some scenes we didn't research yet and make arrangements for a plane ticket. LOL!

Hellion said...

Oh, sorry. You *seemed* concerned. My mistake. *LOL*

Sin said...

I don't worry too much about revealing too much. If the DH ever read anything I wrote he probably won't find much familiar with what I wrote. And he already knows I have a vivid imagination.


A vivid imagination. Works wonders in times of crisis. Like the DH reading sex scenes that have never happened.


In regards to sex, it doesn't worry me too much about putting it all out there to read. I'm a pretty open person. Pretty blunt and straight forward. You can ask me almost anything and I'll just tell you. I mean, even my mother can attest to that.

Sin said...

Good sex happens when you're relaxed and comfortable with the person. Which is almost never the first time. LOL

terrio said...

Good point, Sin. But I'd throw in no distractions as well. Distractions are a total buzz kill in that regard.

I think where my concern comes in is when a stranger might read it and get the impression you *do* all the things you write. I mean, depending on what you write, that could get a little awkward.

Sin said...

LOL. Considering I don't think I've ever written anything I wouldn't consider doing or haven't done already, I'm not too worried about that aspect. But I can see where that leads. Some people look down or frown upon behaving badly. Of course, not me, I mean my name is Sin. LOL

Amen on the distractions as a buzzkill. If you're thinking about groceries it's hard to focus on the more important thing going on at the moment and therefore, not great for the good time.

terrio said...

Now that I think about it, it could be fun to let people assume what they want. Then if they ask, just smile and leave it at that. Leave 'em wondering. LOL!

Hellion said...

I agree that's when Good Sex happens. Or it happens when you want the Sex MORE than any of the other distractions that might be plaguing you. I can attest to this.

That and something about Trust in the other individual, which I don't usually have. (Pirate.)

Do I worry that I'll write a sex scene more explicit than me...and people will think I'm that way... Not really. Being I can't use words like "penis" or any of the "girl" words that are more explicit/blunt in my writing without hitting the delete stuff is very vanilla. Vanilla, vanilla, vanilla. And they always involve only two in the room, one of each nothing particularly overly erotic there, other than the fun vanilla stuff.

Anything other than a kiss on the hand would horrify my father and his church group, so that would be hard to explain if they ever read my I'll just publish under a different name and never tell them. Ever. If one of the members rave about it, I won't even offer to sign the book...I'll pretend I never heard of the author before. It'll be an oscarworthy moment.

So that's my plan: LYING. All the way, from non de plume whatever to the grave....

ReneeLynnScott said...

Hellion, that is so why I have a pen name. Although I don't think my real name is very secret.

I have this vision of someone finding out who I am, picking up my book, reading it and coming after me with tar and feathers and even worse. Good Lord, isn't church suppose to be healthy for a person? Instead it has put the living fear of God in me.

At least now I can drink my Cap n' and coke without the chant of 'sinner' reverberating in my head. Oh, and I guess I can actually enjoy sex with my dh now, instead thinking I'm spending eternity in hell for committing the act that created my children. Seriously, I thought I would burn in hell for enjoying sex. I'm so glad I'm past that, because I really like...well you get the picture.

I do use some things from real life, nothing erotic, well besides the grapes and scrunchies. *grins* That piece will never see the light of day, or I pray not.

One thing I can say, since I've started writing, I've begun to become more aware of everything involved. The lighting, the noises, the scents, the touches, the tastes. Before, it was just copulation. Now it's so much more, because I'm so much more aware of all the senses.

Great blog Sin!


Irisheyes said...

Fun blog, Sin! Sorry I missed it. Kids were home today - Flood Day!!! Sheesh - can you believe it?! We got so much water here the streets were flooded and the school buses couldn't get in to pick up the kids.

Anyway, this was a great way to end my day. Thanks! :)

Julie said...

Well gosh its late & I just got a chance to read all of the comments, not that I’d have anything to add cuz I’m still Pure & All. But I do have a question… cuz you know how it is when you’re Naive about THINGS. You Wonder.
About STUFF.
So Sin
You said “I’m a pretty open person. Pretty blunt and straight forward. You can ask me almost anything and I’ll just tell you.”
And Then you said “Considering I don’t think I’ve ever written anything I wouldn’t consider doing or haven’t done already…”
I noticed that you wrote
“Marn- I very much agree. “You. Pants off. Now.” hasn’t failed me yet.” TWO times in a row then I’m assuming that you were talking to Two separate People and… and… Holy Cow. Talk about being Blunt & Straight forward. I guess you weren’t joking when you said it “doesn’t worry me too much about putting it all out there to read!” *g*

Julie said...

Well gosh its late & I just got a chance to read all of the comments, not that I’d have anything to add cuz I’m still Pure & All. But I do have a question… cuz you know how it is when you’re Naive about THINGS. You Wonder.
About STUFF.
So Sin
You said “I’m a pretty open person. Pretty blunt and straight forward. You can ask me almost anything and I’ll just tell you.”
And Then you said “Considering I don’t think I’ve ever written anything I wouldn’t consider doing or haven’t done already…”
I noticed that you wrote
“Marn- I very much agree. “You. Pants off. Now.” hasn’t failed me yet.” TWO times in a row then I’m assuming that you were talking to Two separate People and… and… Holy Cow. Talk about being Blunt & Straight forward. I guess you weren’t joking when you said it “doesn’t worry me too much about putting it all out there to read!” *g*

Julie said...

Well gosh its late & I just got a chance to read all of the comments, not that I’d have anything to add cuz I’m still Pure & All. But I do have a question… cuz you know how it is when you’re Naive about THINGS. You Wonder.
About STUFF.
So Sin
You said “I’m a pretty open person. Pretty blunt and straight forward. You can ask me almost anything and I’ll just tell you.”
And Then you said “Considering I don’t think I’ve ever written anything I wouldn’t consider doing or haven’t done already…”
I noticed that you wrote
“Marn- I very much agree. “You. Pants off. Now.” hasn’t failed me yet.” TWO times in a row then I’m assuming that you were talking to Two separate People and… and… Holy Cow. Talk about being Blunt & Straight forward. I guess you weren’t joking when you said it “doesn’t worry me too much about putting it all out there to read!”

Julie said...

Well gosh its late & I just got a chance to read all of the comments, not that I’d have anything to add cuz I’m still Pure & All. But I do have a question… cuz you know how it is when you’re Naive about THINGS. You Wonder.
About STUFF.
So Sin
You said “I’m a pretty open person. Pretty blunt and straight forward. You can ask me almost anything and I’ll just tell you.”
And Then you said “Considering I don’t think I’ve ever written anything I wouldn’t consider doing or haven’t done already…”
I noticed that you wrote
“Marn- I very much agree. “You. Pants off. Now.” hasn’t failed me yet.” TWO times in a row then I’m assuming that you were talking to Two separate People and… and… Holy Cow. Talk about being Blunt & Straight forward. I guess you weren’t joking when you said it “doesn’t worry me too much about putting it all out there to read!”

Julie said...

Well gosh its late & I just got a chance to read all of the comments, not that I’d have anything to add cuz I’m still Pure & All. But I do have a question… cuz you know how it is when you’re Naive about THINGS. You Wonder.
About STUFF.

Santa said...

Irisheyes, I hope everything is okay!

Sin, this is a great blog. Everyone's responses had me in stitches. You guys are hysterical!

I'd have to say my favorite pirate line is 'You. Pants off. Now.' It also happens to be my DH's favorite line. ;)

So, who influenced my sex scenes? I'll never tell. There are many folks out there who assume that if you write hot sex, that it's from personal experience. Like I have time to do that kind of research!

Julie said...

Oooooh myyyyyy Santa!
You’re making me blush.
You Wicked Creature you!

Julie said...

Oooooohhhhh myyyyyyy, Santa.
You're making Me blush.
You Wicked Creature you!

Julie said...

Jeez, can a computer get a stammer?

Julie said...

I AM sending you my Keyboard