Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cat-O-Nine Tip of the Day

Still lurking on blogs, I see, instead of writing. This ship is getting way too lax. I say, does everyone need a reminder in the form of: Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves? *frowns*

All right, well, while you're here, shirking off, pay attention. The only thing you need to know about writing is this:

If the writer has a masterpiece within, he had better save it on paper. Otherwise, none of us will ever miss it.
~Steve Martini

Or I can spell it out for you: Sit down and WRITE IT. We can't buy your book if you don't take the time and effort to write it down.

Lord, I swear, some of the people on this ship need helmets.


terrio said...

*raising hand*

Can I have a pretty pink helmet?

MsHellion said...

What type of ship do you think this is? *hands her a battered gray helmet with questionable scuff marks on it* Here you go, happy writing.

Sin said...

Dude. I want a crocheted hot pink cover for my viking helmet.
I'm all about the hot pink.

And I can't get sit down long enough to write. I will do it this weekend. While I'm rollerskating.

Lissa said...

can I have a black helmet with red viking horns? It goes with what I've been writing this week...smut, smut and more smut...

Sin said...

Oooh I love when you write smut! You can have whatever you want as long as you share!